The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Your a busy little bee." She mused softly to his mention of more cleaning. She savored the kiss as he came up to join her on the counter. As he kissed her she welcomed the kiss kissing him back. "So I take it you like the outfit?" she said with a giggle as she watched him feel over her stocking. Meanwhile the other maid took as little time as possible to cook the meat and potatos. Soon she had filled a plat and walked over to the counter to place the dinner on the little space left behind them on the counter to. "Do let me know if you need anything else." She told him.
"well i definatly dont hate it." Kenny chuckled out as he began to lean heavy on his Anna pressign his lips to hers passionetly as hiss hand bagan venturign up her thight under her skirt, stoping though as the maid came oever and delivered hsi food, as if on que his stomach growled, mkign him cuckle as he puleld form th kiss, "I gues food coems before cxleanign, sorry." He said, almost disapoitned but with how hungery he was, food was as plleasurable as sex at the moemtn as he crawled over to his food, to give it a sniff befeor leaping off the counter and instead takign a stool to sit down, looking over to Anna witha smirk. "Im guesing it would be too much for dinner and a show?" He chuckeled out.
Anna spun on her bottom to face him. Her legs were purposefully open spread so he could get a good panty shot, though it looked incedental. "Hmm...well I guess all your hard work deserves a show." Anna said. She didn't have to say anything to the other maid. In seconds the girl was beside her and Kenny. She lept up to sit beside Anna on the counter. Her hand lifted up to caress Anna's cheeks, she leaned in brushing her lips over Anna's teasingly then backed her head away. Anna leaned in and they both went into a soft hiss at first, then it got a little more rough as the maids lips pulled on Anna's lower lip as she pulled out. Then they got further into the kiss as their tongues slide over each other's lips. "Is this the kind of entertainment you want?" Anna asked him giggling as the maid nibbled and sucked on her neck.
Kenny was actualy speechless at first, he had not been expecting the other maid to join in, he had expected Anna to masturbate for him, but this. This was much better to enjoy. "Y-yes this is perfect entertainment." He said , reluctantly pullign his eyes away to look at his plate, figurign he should eat, takign a spoonful he looked up to watch the girls as he guided his spoon to his mouth.
The young maids lips traveled up Anna's neck and back over her lips. One of her hands supported her weight on the table while the other took grasp of Anna's breast. A soft moan escaped Anna's lips as her tongue slide within the maid, her hands on the girl's hips. For a few minutes they frenched in front of Kenny, getting into it like soft passionate lover girls. Somehow Anna ended up on her back and they young maid was strattling over her on her knees. The girl felt over every inch of Anna's body slowly so that Kenny could follow her hands and enjoy the sight as well. Then one of her hands slide into Anna's panties while the other pressed against Anna's soft breasts. She kissed Anna to keep her small moans muffled and nearly silenced in the kisses and by time Kenny was done with his meal, the show ended with a bang as the touches in her panties forced Anna to cum, her cry of exstasy drowned out by the maid's toungue in her mouth.
Kennyhad struggled to keep himself from strokign hismelf as eh watched, it had gotten hard to even swallow near the end as his body shookl form wathcign her, and the girsl shrill cry of pleasure made his boxers wet as he orgasimed with her, hsi heart poiundign fast as eh got up with an empty plate. "thanks...miss....I think you can go clean tis now, I should get to bed." KEnny said in a shakey voice, stunned form wathcing what was esentialy just a live porn flick to him, unfold ifnront of his eyes.
The two girls slide off the counter. The maid took Kenny's dishes and had them cleaned in a minute, just as fast as she had before. Anna scurried quickly over to Kenny. She wrapped and arm around his waist in a small hug as she walked with him down the hallway to his room. She had a feeling he still wanted her sleeping with him. She was pleased to see he enjoyed the show they put on for him. It was clear by his reactions. She was quiet most of the way to the room, she was giving him time to process in his mind what had just happened and enjoyed it a little bit longer. "You still wish for me to sleep with you right?" She asked him sheepishly as she crawled onto the bed and under the covers.
Kenny was indeed playign everythgin over in his mind from hsi dinner with a grin on his face as an obvious give away to his joy, crawlign in with her he nuzzled her neck befoer respondign. "I will be venturign aroudnthe castle abit in the day time, so you don't have to stay with me tonight sense i'm plannign on wakign up." Kenny stated softly nipign the girl on her ear as he rubbed his body on her soft maid clothing. " you definatly have to wear stuff liek this more often." HE said with a yawn befeor tryign to get to sleep for a while, he wasn't as beat as he was the nigth befoer though so he kenw he would be waking up earlier, before dusk, so eh could explore without the fear of hungry fangs.
"Do get some rest." She replied to him, her cheeks blushing lightly as he nuzzled her. She curled up into the bed anyways enjoying the feeling of his body against hers. She would sleep with him for a little while, at least until he did go to sleep. After he did fall asleep she waited a little while before floating off in her ghost form, still wearing the maid's attire.
it was half way through the day befroe the boy began sturign again, stretchign with a yawn,he smiled to see Anna gone glad he wasn't tieign her down to much, a tinge of curiousity growign in his mind wodnerign how she entertaiend herself durign the day grew upon his mind befeor he shook it of, he had another adventure today as he pulled on a new pair of boxers,new patns and grabbed hsi vest bfeor headign up to the room he had entered the nigth before, knocking ont eh door before pushign it open to step into the aquarium room.
The room was a little different when he walked in. The last time the lighting above the tank was dim making the room look dark, almost mimicing outside the mansion. This time when he entered the room was much brighter. The lighting above the tank was on and shining like the sun outside. The plants and water in the tank looked much prettier this time. As the door opened there was a swishing sound. The being in the tank had been out but too door must have spooked the poor creature as she raced for cover behind the castle as she did the night before.
Kenny nkenw now,t he sound and hte lightign proved to him, that somethign lived here, why else would the vampires go through such expensis as he climbed the tank , once he hti he ledge he begna stripign down as he walekd, until he was in his boxers and looking down at the castle, for any signs of movemtn as the water seemd to be clrear enough for him to pear that far.
At first he saw nothing. Then slowly something came from the side of the roof. Bright blue long hair flowed outwards in the water followed by two porcelon white hands onto the top of the roof. Big bright eyes then came out from behind the roof, peeking at him with awe and curiousity. He could only see the top half of her face but it was aparent the creature was abit timid and shy. Chances where it was much more afraid of him than he knew.
Kenny looked down at te odd shape int he water with the same look the eyes gave him, crouching down he pondered if he could get it to come to him, but with no sign of bait abotu him, he had to do somethign else, he had to go to eh creature. SLowly he tried to slip is foot in the water hoping not to disturb the calm tank too much, hopign not to scare teh creature again.
Her head tilted watching the boy. He dipped his foot into the water. He was going to come in again. What was she going to do? She remember what happened the night before. He jumped into the tank and nearly drowned. Was he really going to try to do so again? Skeptically she slide back down behind the roof and swam sideways. With her arms at her side the mergirl swam out from behind the castle, slowly, cautiously going towards him. Any sudden movements from him and she would probably race towards sanctuary in the castle.
Kenny pasued as he saw the blured figure siwim towards him,t he ripples int he water form his feet obscured her msotly but he was alreayd gettign an idea of what this creature was, hair, scales, moves like adolphine and white skin. Dide th vampires really own a mermaid? the question woudl be answered with eh creaute could speak but for now, he dipe dhis otehr foot i the water for comfortablility and st there patiently watchign the figure itneh water.
As she came closer her physical appearance was becoming clearer to him. Her figure was slim like a human teenager. From her wait up she looked almost human aside from the shell-like bra that covered over her b cuped chest. Along her her hips and arms were straings of colored pearls acsenting her body. There were gills on her neck and small blue scales that glistened over her eye lids as if she were wearing make up. From here waist down was a blue fish tail with thin fins. Soon she finally reached the top of the tank, the top half of her body surfacing out of the water. She tilted her head, her eyes scanning over the half nude boy to get a better look at the stranger. Her lips had yet to part as she kept a good couple of feet distance across from him in the water. Her eyes however fell on his face looking at him quisitively as if asking what he was doing there.
Kenny gazed over the girl, awstruck by her exotic look, she was just liek itn ehbooks yet different, he had expected real merfolk to look mroe fishlike, but here she was just like allt eh myths and legends spoke of."Well arent you just a beautiful site." He fianlly said as he leaned forward to take a closer lok, as well as beginignt o slip more of his legs into teh water, he was trying to go as slowly as posisble so he stopepd once he got hsi knees in, she seemd liek the timid type.
Her face turned a light shade of pink. She didn't have too much contact with other people, expecially from a male. His comment made her blush. She curled her blue hair around her pointer finger as she watched his every movement. His legs were sinking further into the tank. Slowly she began to creep backwards.
"aw you really are a shy one.' Kenny chuckle dotu as eh lifted his legs form the water, it seemd he wold have to wait for her to coem to him as he sat back on the ledge, leanig on his knees to stair at her. "WEll may i get a name if any thing?" HE asked curiously after a moemtn of silence.
Her finger curled over her lip curiously. She was debating in her mind on what she wanted to do. He did not seem too threatening and as his legs lifted out of the water she decided he wasn't a threat. She sucked her bottom lip in coming a little closer to him. My name is Marianna. he could hear her soft voice but her lips never moved. She was speaking to him telepathically. She was becomeing a bit more brave. What is your name? she asked him in return.
Kenny fgave a slight start when he heard her voice ring out in his head. "whoa... telechenetic... unexpected but good." Kenny said to himself bbefore lookign down to eh mermaid agian with a smile." Tey call me Kenny, so may I ask... why are you here?" Kenny asked curioiusly as he extened a hand to be shaked.
This is my home. She told him simply. Though she felt a little silly saying it. It was obvious that she lived in the massive tank. The lady of the house bought me from the black market and gave me a place here. She answered his question better. She was becoming more comfortable with him there and swam closer to about a foot from him now. Why are you here? She threw his question back at him as she never expected a human to venture in the room.
"Oh well that's good, that you got a kind owner to buy you.." Kenny said witha nod, leanign back to try and figure otu a short way of why he was here."I'm Anna's boy friend and the 'Lady' was kind enough to let me live.... though it means livign here." Kenny said openign his arsm wide gesturign to the whole mansion befoer getign his atention back ot the mermaid. "though if every room has fun surprises liek you... well then it defiantly wouldn't be too bad." Kenny mused as he kept looking voe rhte mermaid, both for her mystery and for her figure. "Before I came here i studied cryptozoology, the study of being liks you."
She nodded her head slightly agreeing with his comment and listening to his explaination. It was kind of her to show you mercy. She blushed lightly again, glancing down at the water modestly before looking back up again. That explains why you look at me like that, like a scientist seeing a rare species for the first time. Her soft voice spoke in his mind but there was not hint or intent of offense in it. I am sure there are many questions going through you're mind. She continued on. What do you want to know?
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