Kenny made it to eh tank in no time, not wanting to disturb the mergirl he crawled up to he top of the tank with hsi shoes off so his footseteps were quiet as he walekd to near the castle and put a letter he wrote to her a the edge fotf the tank, knowign how calm the room was he didn't expect it to fall in, after that he turne dto look a the mysterius walla nd door at the end of the room, takign slow steps he heade dover and, not wantign to wake the mergirl once mee he didn't knock but isntead slowly opene dhte door, surprise dit was unlocked, wodnerign if any door was locked in thsi mansion. Steppign in he nearly toppled over form teh surprisign feel of dirt and foliage under his feet, the air changin to a humid feel and bird calls were heard as he stepepd into washat seemdto be a mini rainforest the trees growign up befoer beign cut off by an artificial sky lit by a fake setign sun, it was a wonderous place, as eciting as the fish tank as he looekd over at eh water that now resembeld a small river that ran throught he room.