The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

The mergirl swam around in her tank and returned into her castle as the sun began to drop. When Kenny woke that night Anna would be lying in the bed beside him still wearing the maid outfit. "Good eveing..did you have a good rest?" She asked him cheerfully as he woke up.
Kenny grinned as he saw his own little maid. , kisisng her ont he lips befoer respondign. "eys but I would like otto speak to the mistress before i head out, do you know if she is here still?" Kenny asked curiously, his arms wraped soflty arooudn her as he nippe dnad suckle don her nekc, hsi ahdns travleing down her bakc, one stopign togrope her ass whielt he other felt over her leg.
Anna giggled loving his soft touch on her body. "Well..." Anna began as he played with her neck. He was making it a little difficult for her to tell want him as he played with her. "The Mistress should be leaving her bed chambers soon. You should meet her outside her bedroom and talk to her." Anna suggested.
"Alrigth.. want to come my little maid?" Kenny asked soflty in her ear,s as his hands slipepd to tease her anus and pusys befoer he roleld over her and of the bed to get dresse din his uniforma dnd hea dout. "I have to fulfill a promise for a freind, i'm sorry i would play more other wise."
Anna nodded her head to him. Of course wanted to go. She wanted to be where ever he went. She gasped enjoying his hands as they breifly teased her. "I understand" Anna said nodding her head as she followed him out the door and led him upstairs to the Mistresse's room. It was his luck that she was coming out the room at that time.
"Mistres wit.." Keny caleld out walkign up to her with a small smirk. "I was hoping to talk to you about your merfolk resident, Marianna." Kenny then pause dto see if she would ahve the time to speak with him.
Victoria paused outside her bedroom door as Kenny caught her attention. She glanced at Anna before bringing and leaving her attention on Kenny. "I see you have been wondering around the mannor during the day." Victoria smiled nodding her head. "I have time to talk. What is it you want to tell me?" She asked him curiously.
"If you could.. get her atelast soem animals for her home, maybe an eel, definatly sea ananamees, clown fish, cleaner shrimp would be nice and sea stars... " Kenny stated, tryign to sound as respecftul as possible, it wasnt tiem for his mockign behavior. "If you can't then I can go in the day and buy it.. if you would allow that is." he asked hopefully.
Victoria seemed to be in a good mood that day. She smiled nodding her head. "I will place some orders tonight and see what I can get. " She replied agreeing that the young girl in the tank needed more company in a manner of words.
Kenny griend and wraped his arms aroudn teh vampiress/ "Thanks mistress, if you want me to repay you soem how.. you know where to find me." Kenny said witha cuckle befoer turnign to Anna, wrapign hsi arms arodun ehr waist and kissing her on the nose carignly. "so shall you follow me in my rounds or does my ghost girl hafvve somethign more important todo?"

((is she gonna be aroudn for ht snake thing o.0))
Victoria smiled pating him on the back lightly from the hug. "Yes, well you should go about your nightly duties now." She told him before she walked down the hallway, returning to what she was planning for the day before he had stopped her. Anna blushed lightly as he kissed her on the nose.
"I was planning on hanging out with some of the maids." She began "But I can follow you around if you like." She admitted to him.

((I wasn't planning on it, but she can.))
"well it's up to you, I don't want to keep you, I'm just goign to leave a not on mrianna's tank for her.." kenny said as he began headign downt eh stairs to the secodn floor . "just don't do too much 'cleanign' with those maids. une;lss you tape it." Kenny said with achucklle.

((iunno its up toyou sne you control them both))
Anna knew what else lied in that room and decided against going with him. She didn't like snakes, even if they were half human. She didn't tell him that. Instead she crossed her fingers over her chest. "I promise" she laughed as she turned to go off in a different direction as him.
Kenny made it to eh tank in no time, not wanting to disturb the mergirl he crawled up to he top of the tank with hsi shoes off so his footseteps were quiet as he walekd to near the castle and put a letter he wrote to her a the edge fotf the tank, knowign how calm the room was he didn't expect it to fall in, after that he turne dto look a the mysterius walla nd door at the end of the room, takign slow steps he heade dover and, not wantign to wake the mergirl once mee he didn't knock but isntead slowly opene dhte door, surprise dit was unlocked, wodnerign if any door was locked in thsi mansion. Steppign in he nearly toppled over form teh surprisign feel of dirt and foliage under his feet, the air changin to a humid feel and bird calls were heard as he stepepd into washat seemdto be a mini rainforest the trees growign up befoer beign cut off by an artificial sky lit by a fake setign sun, it was a wonderous place, as eciting as the fish tank as he looekd over at eh water that now resembeld a small river that ran throught he room.
The inhabitant of the new habitat was well aware that there was an intruder in her new home. A cute one at that. She slide across the trees ahead of him, watching curiously on what the intruder might do. "Over here" The being hissed through the dark covers of the trees calling for him.
KEnny stopepd and turned to what he thought was soem oen speaking. "Hello?" Kenny called out. "I'm a new butler.... can i do any cleanign in here?" He caleld out wonderign if it was another maid or not a he stepepd towards the voice, though he was unsure if it wasn't just a strange bird call, or a large predator, either way he figured he could handle it.
A laughter echoed through the trees. "You can sweep the dirt up if you like" The voice spoke through the trees again moking him. The girl slithered from the ground up into a tree as she continued to watch him. "Are you curious Mr. Butler?" She then asked.
Kenny chuckeld at his own stupidity as he lept over a log, nearly slipign otn e dirt. "Ok sao you got me there, i gue sI can't really cleanthsi palce." He calel dout still as he walked, now positive there was some one around in thiis jungle. "and yes i'm curious as to who,a nd maybe what you are, fi you so obviously aren't one of the adorable little mades... and I don't think Mariana would coem out here." Kenny stated out the last parts more to himself then to the mysterious voice as eh looke dup tot eh ceiling, wodnering what animals hid up ther alogn with what aniamls hid up ahead.
"I am no maid." She said smoothely. It was clear in her tone the she was enjoying the conversation with him, almost as if she thought something was funny. "You may think of me as an exotic pet." She said as she slithered down the branch. "Why don't you guess what I am Mr. Butler? If you guess correctly I may show myself." She encouraged him. "What being is neither human nor animal. I can live on land and by see and my kind is often found in tropical forest such as the one you are standing in." She stated as if telling a riddle. "What am I?"
Kenny was actualy enjoying this, this creature had abit of tease about her, an opposite tot eh girl inte h room before who was so sh. "Oh well, I have maybe two ideas.... do you have scales?" Kenny asked as eh stopepd in hsi tracks to look arodn him, trying to gaze past teh bushes to fidn this 'exotic pet' "I would love to see a Naga around here... though it's sad to think a creature so exotic would think its slf a pet."
She smirked "Exotic to a mere human. However in the supernatural world we know our place." She told him. "We have a winner!" She then exclaimed out cheerfully. "I am impressed. You have guessed correctly on the first try." Lucky for her he had stopped right below her. The girl leaned backwards on the branch, her upper body lowered upside down in front of him so that she could look upon him face to face. Her upper body remained coiled around the branch.

This particular naga had emerald green hair and matching scales. She wore a bra and little skirt below her belly button made of fine blue material and the chains holding them to her body appeared to be made out of gold. She wore a jewled bracelet at the top of her arm and jewled chain around her him and around her neck was a Black collar to mark ownership. "A smart cute butler" She smirked looking him from chest up. "Do you have a name?" She asked him. Her tongue rattled out of her mouth making a hising noise like a snake and just missed touching his lips before the forked tongue slide back into her lips.
KEnny grinned as hte Naga dropped half her body down into view, she was defiantly more well endowed then the meregirl and there sense of style was similiar yet still different, especialy with teh chains and the collar. "you can call Me Kenny... now what about you My exotic little pet? if i am able to clal you my pet.." Kennysaid as he looked her up, quite literaly now, he couldn't help but wonder what fun she migth have planned for him, but that was just his fantasy filled mind that went into action when ever he saw a girl, be it human or other wise, witha nice figure, and this one, well she as beautiful and god dam sexy in his mind, maybe it was just her exotic sounds and movemnt but wha ever it was he was mesmerized.
"You may call me Nell." She told him. "When the mistress is not here I am willing to be claimed." She smirked "However whether you are capable of claiming me is another story entirely." She said playfully pointing her finger to his nose. Then she began to lower down, her hips settled on the earth and she slithered around him. Her tail following behind her. She pressed her upper body against his legs then began to smootly coil her body around him. Her chest pressing against his skin as she traveled upwards as their flesh brush against each other until her chest was against his upper back. She squeezed his body lightly like a snake would with prey. Her fingers slide from behind him over his chest. "Are you man enough to claim me as your exotic pet?" She hissed lightly in his ear. Her tongue slithered out her mouth hissing within his ear teasingly. "Mr. Butler."
KEnny gulped as teh girl wrapepd around him, his mind went tot eh idea that he was her next meal but her words, and the warmth of her flesh split his mind back itno his fantasy's that seemed to be comign true as her tongue tickeld his ear, sendign shivers of pelasure throughout hsi body as he flet her soft breasts press agaisnt his back. "I was man enough for our mistress, I'm sure I'm more man then a little snake girl liek youc an handle." EKnny teased back, obviously up for her challenge.
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