The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Her upper body shuddered and shook lightly as he pulled out slowly. It was a big tease as her walls hugged him. "Ohh.." She hissed with as her hips jumped in surprise as his thumbs helped in the penetration, stretching her further. It was so hot, her fingers had taken grip to his sides and were tugging down slightly to help him out a bit. The tips of her tail was now wagging back and forth.
"Still think i mitgh not be man enough?" KEnny whispered itno her ear befroe bitign on it hard as he shoved in the full length, just barely touchign her cervix's opening bfeoer he began pullign out, curlign his thumbs to spread it wider , pulign eveyr thign but hsi head otu bfoer relaxcign his thumbs and shovign in the full length in oen strike this time to hti he cervix harder bust still bouncign bakc, obviously not long enough to go that dep for long.
A loud hissing moan escaped her lips as he bit her ear and hit her cervix at once. Her back arched up in an instinctive response to his actions and a shudder of estasy ran up her spin. She had to admit he was fun for a human and he made her feel hot and horny, more so than most. Perhaps it was the excitement of a new partner. "Mmmm..." Her arms wrapped around his neck to keep his head close as he pulled out. "I still not" She breathed out hottly before her words were interupted by his actions. Her back arched and her chest pressed against him as he shoved his full length back into her. Another shock sent up her spine as he hit her cervix briefly. She shook lightly under him, her mind in a whirl of exstasy wanting to feel that strange ping of pleasure. "Im still not completely convinced you can handle all this." She breathed out with a smirk, the end of her tail flicked down his spine once teasingly to her words.
Kennty's body shiverd at eh exotic feelignof ehr scaled rubbing downhis back, she ws different,but it seemed she still had a weak spot, andhshe liekd it deep and hard.. his thumbs begna to twirl slowly in her to strethc and pull her walls as he spoke whill pulling otu slowly, hititng hsi member on her wals as he came otu rotating hsi hips. "maybe i just need to play harder." He whipsed as he kissed on ehr jaw bone under her ear otneh soft flseh of ehr neck befoer slammign in hard once mroe, this tim mot waitng as he pule dout and use dthe same force onc emore hitign ehr cervix.
Her fingers seemed to apply pressure in the muscles of his upper back as he pulled out stretching her with his thumbs and pulling out in angles. Her pussy twitched against his thumbs and members as she loved this feeling of pleasure. The w.ay he played with her body was different than most but she really liked it. A tingling feeling etched up her neck as he kissed her causing her cheeks to blush lightly. Her shuddering under him began to turn into to small squirm like shifts. She was feeling the pressure of a climax. "Yessss" She hissed out her back arching up to press heri full body against his flesh. Her grasp got tighter on him. She wanted it it fast and hard. She yearned to cum with a bang and her body was not going to be able to hold on much longer if he kept hitting her sensative cervix. "More, quickly more.." She urged him.
"Seems like i'm perfect for you." Kenny whisperd as he thrusted herder, though evey hit would slamm agaisnt his sensative member's head sendign pelasure through his body, makign him want it as much as the NAga girl, gaspign her bit softly on her neck before speakign. "I.. don't think i can ...It's goign to coem out.." Kenny said , finally soundign as if he were struggling, he bgan movign his thumbs less as he concentrate dotne h thrusting, instead he usde his ahdns to jsut sprea dher pussy as whide as he could as eh kept felgin theri sensative flesh hit each otehr, one slam leavign his pre-cum goo on her cervix before he hit oen last time , holding the head agisnt her sensative wall as he released his fluids, his bakc hunchign as his muscles convulsed , makign him gasp out loud.
Her body was tensing up. She was concentrating on holding as much as she could until he would cum. All she could do was nodd her head to his warning. She her moaning hisses got louder as he pounded harder against her sensative flesh. He was doing just as she wanted. As soon as his last thrust remained against her back wall, her body tensed and shook, her back arched up and she cried out as she came her large load over his member. The naga lied back against her own scales panting lightly to catch her breath now that the rush was over.
Kenny poulle dout slowly, lettign their cum spurt out as he kept his thumbs in there for a few moments until pullign them out as well, he then sat back with a sigh, looking ov ehr the naga, her just covere din his cum from earlier and now her pssy seeped otu a slow flow of both teheir fluids, it was just a turn on looking at her as he had alreayd gotten ahrd again. "are you done already my exotic pet?" KEnny asked as he sat there wondering if the poor thing was actualy too tired to go on.
The Naga sat up to lean back against her elbows. The first thing she saw after hearing his comment was his hard erect length. A smirk grew across herlips. The tip of her tail slithered to his ancle and began to coil around his leg traveling slowly upwards. The taisl slide up his calf, then his knee, then he keeps the pace as it slithered around his thigh. She squeezed his though teasily. Then she slid her tail up more and allowed it to begin coiling around his member. "You're hard again already." She mused "That's impressive for a young human." she said as she hissed seductively. Her tounge flickered out towards him as she slide her arms over Envy's shoulder phone.
((im guesign envys shoulder phone is kennys shoulder bone?))
Kenny wathedd as her tail inche dup his body, by the time it was to his knee he alredy saw what was comign and grinned, eagerly, gaspign as she tightend aroudn hsi waist and came over his member, the feelign of ehr smooth snake scales felt alien to his member whihc was so use dto warm flesh, and yet it was arousign this new felign any thign exotic it seemed woudl arous this boy as his memebr began to throb. "If i weren't impressvive i dont think i would hve gotten the approval fo your mistress." Kenny gloated.
((Omgosh what on earth was I thinking when I typed that o_O But yeah, that's what I meant ))

The tip of her tail reached the head of his member then slowly uncoiled back and inch and then forwards again. Her tail moved at a slow steady rhythm over his warm skin. With her hands on his shoulder she slide down staring at his member for a moment befor her head slowly rose up. Her tongue flickered out again over his naval, then she began to trail her tonge upwards over his abs, the forked tips of her tounge barely touching the flesh as she rose higher. Her tongue circled over one of his nipples then she rose up the center of his chest, her tongue snaking out over and to the side of his neck. "The Mistress gets bored easssily." She hissed lightly into his ear. "You are just the first of many new toys." She said objectifying him as her fanged teeth grazed over his ear.
"mmm but will you get bored of me?" Kenny asked curiously , his body shivering every time he felt eh tongue lightly flick over his skin, a sligth jump with her teasign nip and he was in heaven, the girl nknew how to play especialy with her tail makign his ember throb as she would coila nd uincoil aroudn it, his hands comign up to first feel over the base of her scaley hip just before hs slid hsi hands up to fel her skin, one still venturign up the bakc to runa finger down he spine s the r wtoerh ventured on ehr side till it met her breast.
The coils of her tail squeezed tighter around his member as it continued its coiling and uncoiling motion. "Mmmm...Only time will tell." She teased. Her head rested on his shoulders while Kenny's warm hands felt over her scales and ventured to her chest. As she was calm for a moment, her tongue slithered in and out naturally, the forked tip tickling Kenny's neck lightly. Her tail loosened its grip as it continued to tease him, every minute or so her tail would randomly squeeze tighter arounds his length for a few seconds before losening up again. "Ssso tell me" She hissed out as her hands slide over his shoulder blades on his upper back and slide up the back of his neck to slide her fingers through his hair. "Do you like the feeling of my scale rubbing against your Hard...Thick..Rod?" She hissed seductively in his ear leaving a desire in her voice.
Kenny had begun relaxing now, it was takign longer for his memebr to fill up withcum and he didnt care, as the pelasure woudl slowly wash over him due tot eh teasign with her tail, his rigth hand still teasign and rubing her breast whiel the left ran up and down her spine, it was probably one fo the few times he took it slow. "its a stragngely enjoyable feeling." KEnny said witha grin. "youc an say i lov the exotic." He tease dotu as he pinched her nipple one before goign back to cradlign it in hsi hand, his memebr finaly lettign pre cum splurt out.
The naga shiddered as his hands ran up and down her spin. Her nipples became hard and erect as he began rubbing and teasing her chest. A small gasp escaped her lips as he pinched her nipples. "Well then it must be your lucky day." She said looking down at his member with a smirk on her lips as he let out some pre cum. She looked at his eyes for a moment then locked lips with him, kissing him passionately like before. Her tongue slide into his mouth as her tail began to coil and stroke him faster. After a long kiss her tail wrapped tight around the base of his member to prevent any more of his cum from splurting out. The tips of his tail however continued to rub against his length. The girl broke from the kiss, her lips traveled softly over his cheeks to his ear. "Are you ready to come again already?" She teased then blew gently in his ear waiting and watching his response now.
Kennygasped in her lips, surprised and yet even more aroused byt he grip which had forced s drop of cum out befeor closing up the passage way, it hurt at first but as she begna rubbing the pleasue came back. "I.. well, i didn't think you wantd me to hold it. " Kenny said witha lght blush to her statement., hsi hand rubbing her breast slowly while the other one move form he spinne to start playignw ith her neglected breast now as well.
She needed her head as if she understood his reply. "You know you look good in pink." She complemented him. Her left hand was playing with his 'bangs' fluffing and teasing his top hairs. Her other hand however slide over his shoulders, down his chest, and crattled his member in her hand while her tail continued to rub him. "Be a good little butler.." She said playfully as her thumb began to rub over the head of his member. "and tell me when you wisssh to cum." She told him sliding her hand from his head down to craddle his cheek. "Okay?.." She said rather retorically as she leaned in and suckled on his neck to leave a hickey. Of course she was playing with him, she had been playing with him the whole time.
her comment only mad ehim redder, smirking as he finally realized it now as she lay atop him teasignhis member, whisperign in his ear. "you have been in control this whole tiem... even when iw as on top. He said , almost surprised, but her trickery only severed to make her seem hotter, eent he mistress didnt seem to have this much conrol when he had sex with her, and now he was actualy beginign to wonder if he had now become the Naga's pet instead of the toerh way around as he played with ehr hardened nipples.
The naga smiled raising her eyebrows slightly as he finally caught on. "He's a smart butler too." She teased with a pleased smirk. "Humans.." She paused breifly to enjoy his fingers playing with her nipples. "a gullable, especailly little butlers." She mused. "You allow them to believe they have control and it turns around on them." She said pleased with herself. Her thumb began to prod at his little hole before massaging the head of his rod a but more roughly. She leaned in to kiss him again then broke from the kiss tilting her head slightly "I hope your not mad." she said in an almost mocking town but before he could answer she intruded on his speech with another kiss.
"Ma-" Kenny was cut off by her kiss, eager actualy to accept it as he slippe dhis tongue in her mouth greedily groping at her breasts, the boy was more then just excited now, he hadn;t been controled liek this sense probably teh orgy he had had witht eh four girls, and evne then he was tellign them what todo at times, he was enjoying thsi feelign of submissive ness as eh roughly stroekd hsi cock and eagerly awaite dher next move.
Her hand slide down his chest feeling over his smooth muscle while they continued to kiss. Her other hand and tail continued their rough tease on his member. Her fingers losely slide over his skin leaving ghost like touches before she reached down below. Her fingers then suddenly grasped his left sack squeezing it a little. The Naga watched his reaction as she broke from the kiss and brought her lips to his ear "Now, I want to hear you beg." She whispered hotly in his ear. Then her lips brushed over the side of his face just past his ear. Then she brought her lips down to kiss gently at his flesh before she nipped at it with teeth playfully.
Kenny's whole body jumped as eh gasped formt eh pleasurable pain, it was a numbign feeling her squeezing his sack which was fyull and trying to burst out it's load. a grin apearign for a seocnd on hsi face as he head her words, befoer turinign intoa poute, trying to get in character. "Please.." he ground out. "please my naga goddess!!" THe last word was almsot slured by his gasp as he bit his ear. "I'm your pet.. please let me release."
The naga smirked pleased with his reply. " pet." She tested the tiltle briefly. "I like the sound of that." The naga coed as she squeezed the sac a bit tighter. Then as if she had counted for the chance she suddenly incoiled the base around his member and pushed his sac with the palm of her hand against his skin. "Releasss my pet" She hissed now.
"Mmm OH GOD.."Kenny gasped out as she finaly released his memer lettign it surge and buldge out sendign a pain otu as almot too much cum spurt out of his member at once until a near steady flow followed,the boy breathign hard as his orgasm began dieign down and he lay back down it eh dirt, panting as he release dher breasts.. "Thank you my naga goddess." he whipsered out as he lay there.
Laughter escaped her lips as he came. His rather large begining had showered on her already sticky chest. The Naga straightened her back as she took a slither back away from him. She looked down and slide her pointer finger inbetween her chest. Then she licked up the undersiding of the finger and slide the rest into her mouth to suck the rest of the cum off her finger. Her finger slide out her mouth with a soft pop. "Mmm...Perhaps next time you will have better luck aquiring the exotic pet you desire." She teased to leave an impression an a desire for more so that he would return another night. The naga was done with him for tonight so with a wink she turned and slithered away into the brush of the jungle.
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