The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"drinks from them..." Kenny hadn't really remembered this place was run by vampires his mind was all still in disaray, so it tookt heb boy til teh girls lips were around his head to figure out how bad an idea it would be to have a vampire who has ben stuck in a place for 24 horus to wrap her mouth around a body prt filled with blood. The idea makign the boy topple off his chair, shovign his shoe to her pussy deep befoer it slipepd out and he hit eh ground hard. "Sorry...just... maybe blow job isn;t a good idea." HE groane dout as he sat up slowly.
She made a sqeeling sound and jumped up as his shoe was shoved into her so unexpectedly. Her reaction was more out of surprise than anything. Her thighs twitched as his foot feel out. A shudder ran up her spin as her mind registered what had just happened so suddeny. The maid looked over at Kenny on the ground in front of her and she began to laugh. "I thought you knew the Mistress was a vampire." she said almost appologitically that she might have ruined some sort of surprise for him.
"Oh no no, i knew its just... i kind of.. no offense but kind of wouldnt want to put my penis into the mouth of a vampire....." especialy one who has been tied up for a day." Kenny said sheepishly though he sttod up and walked to her, hsi ands cupign her clotehrs breasts as eh looekd over her body. "Though it wont stop me form doing mroe to you, if you allow.. though i don't thinkyou have much say.. beign tied up and all." Kenny said witha grin.
"No offense taken" The maid smiled shaking her head once. She looked down at his hands as they felt over her chest. From her point of view looking down small glint of metal sparkled from the light of the television. The key to the cuffs hand been placed with in her top as an extra method of mocking her. Freedom so close and yet she could never reach it. After a small glance down she looked up at him watching him look her over like a horny school boy. A smile was fixed on her lips "If I allow..." She repeated his word. "If I deny you the pleasure of my body...would you take it anyways?" She asked him curiously. They both knew that question was irrelivant. She was too far into it to deny him and she doubted he could resist her body. His will was too weak.
"Of course i would... If you hadn't heard from little Anna, i can be a dirty lil rapist." Kenny stated with a devious grin as he puleld down the grisl top to let her breasts pop out the force makignt he key fly away without teh boy noticing as hids headsd was already down to bite at oen hof ehr nipples hungerly.
The maid watched the key slide across the floor and hault as it hit against bottom of the television. She gasped as her bite her nipple drawing her attention back to him. A grin grew across her lips. His devious little grin and actions were getting her excited. "What are you going to do to me Mister Rapist?" She asked in a more hot arroused tone.
"I'm going to rip open your holes as wide as i can"Kenny chuckled out as he slid his body up, making sure his body was pressed to hers to rub their chests togetehre, hewas goign to penetrate the first whole his member touched, unlucky for her, itw as the anud, as it jabbed softly at ti befe rhe stopep dhis rise to he was face to face witheh girl,, leanign forward to whisper in her ear. "hole one." as he jammed up to ram his member hard at ehr anus, to see how easily it would stretch for his throbing member.
His words were music to her ears. He was really planning on giving her the satisfaction she needed after a full day of watching others being pleasured and sensually abused. "Be gentle, I have a small sensative body." She said in an almost mockingly innoscent tone. Her body shook slightly as he pressed his body against hers lightly teasing her back hole. She was now sandwiched in between him and the bed post. She closed her eyes to his words, calm for a brief second befor she opened her eyes and let out a small cry. Her body shifted up and she tried to arch her back but it was against the pole and his weight against her kept her body straight. She wanted to wrap her arms or legs around him. They were cuffed so the most she could do with them were wrap her fingers around the pole. She was trapped, a victim at his complete disposal to do whatever he pleased. She felt like one of the girls in the porno bound and used by the master. It was so hot she knew this would be her night.
"What kind of rapist would i be if i weren't getnle?" Kenny asked sarcasticly as he grasped her sides tto shove , or try to shvoe his dick har dinto her anus, but she was so tight that he only got a few inches in befeor his momentum was slowwed and he wrigled his memebr in her befoer puting mroe force.
Her fingers wrapped tightly around the pole and her thighs twitched as he tried shoving what felt like a massive sized cock up her anal hole. He seemed to be having a little more trouble than he anticipated. Her body shook beneath him and small moans and gasps escaped from her lips. Her little hole was slowly stretching, throbing around his member. Her body trembled as he painfully stretched her hole. The pain quickly turning to exstasy to her body. She leaned her head down on his shoulder. "Naughty little rapist. You really think you can fit that large package in a tiny hole." She tested him, her voice a little shakey as he wiggled in her. Her tongue slide over his ear in an eperienced fashion, rolling over every curve. It seemed anything sexually oriented she was an expert at. She lightly bit his ear with a moan as he began forcing his way into her even deeper.
Kenny couldnt help btu chshudder at her whisper, though he was tryign to keep a strong front, not moan or shiver as he was tring to stay a purely dominant role, strong enough to hide his pelasure though it was hard todo especialy as his member was being squeezed apon by her tight dry anus, the scraping of their skin hurt at first but soon turne dto pleasure, as eveyr thing did to him, one last lurhc and his whole memebr was up in her, makign him stand on his toes to keep it in her, droping ot flaten his feet fast to yank it out 3 inches to see her reaction.
Their flesh scraped against each other making it difficult for him o fit. However he was determined as most men were to fit. Her body shifted against him in one thrust and soon she felt his ballsac pressed against her bum. It was a sign to tell her he had fit his full length in. "AhhHH!" a sound escaped her lips once more as he quickly pulled out. Her fingers released from the pole flairing out in the air and her hips bucked up against him as their flesh ground toegether.
Kenny looke dup at her bound hands, curious as her fingers spread." you must rellay feel contstrained.." Kenny stated, rememrbign how his girls woudl awlasy grope and feel over his back during sex, the thoutgsh goign through his head as he shived back in, his hands grabign hers for ssome slight suport, also forcign hsi chest to press on ehrs so they rubebd their bodeis together as they moved.
Her fingers laced between his and she took a firm grip of his hands as he shoved the few inches of hi lenght back in her. Another moan escaped her lips as he pressed his body up against hers. "W-what would make you think that.." She breathed out smirking with slight sarcasm to his last statement.
"hehe, well i don't want to get too tired... I will releae you soon. He whispered in her ears as he begna thrugting in an out , three inches evey time just by goign on his toes and fallign back down, at a slow rythme, breathgin in hard every so often as they would ruba diffrent way, splurting out precum arleady, allowign him to manuever better.
A soft moan escaped her lips with each thrust. The slow rythme of his thrust and the angles teased her. The tight grip her walls had on him sent shudders up her body. "Talk dirty to me?" She breathed out by his ear. Her toes curled against the pole as he splurt a little warm lubrication in her. "Use that dirty tongue of yours." She urged him on ignoring that fact he planed on unchaining her until after she could climax.
Kenny grinned and tookt he challenge now as he whispre din her ear. "You dirty little slut, do you really like feeling soem ones throbing flesh up in your tight anal hole?" Kenny asked as eh ramemd hard. "are you really so dirty as to like hearing it all form your rapist? you must really be a horny little hoe." He dde don his hadns unlooping form hers to pinch her breats." DO you like it? do you like it as i play wiht your body like its my own little play thing??"
She closed her eyes briefly with a chill of arousal going through her body. His words were just what she wanted to hear. His words were so dirty but to her they were like soft whispers to a lover. "Ohh God YESS!" Her head tilted back against the bed post and she moaned out even louder as he rammed harder. It was hard to tell whether she was replying to his questions or his actions. Though she was stuck to the pole unable to move her wrist or ancles she was able to move a little. Her hips bucked up against his hips with each thrust he made in her. Everything he was saying about her was true. She loved hearing him talk to her like a slut, it turned her on so much more than porn being reality and she was so horny it was almost as if she had been druged or something. More moans escaped her lips as a new pleasure came from her chest. She felt like she was in a dirty flick and there was a camera somewheres filming them but there wasn't. Her body shook under him and yearned for more. "No, I am not that kind of girl." She shook her head once moaning the words out as softly as she could. She lied curious to how he would react, hoping that provoking him would convince him to prove her wrong by playing more with her body and continue to speak to her like the slut she realy was. Her body was betraying her lie. She would be reaching her peek soon which was why she was craving more.
"Oh really, you're not.. miss little moans alot." Kenny stated after rammign at an angle to put pressure on her vaginal walls as well, hopign to squeeze a loud moan form her ot prove his poitn , continueign at that angle as he spoke. "you know you're a dirty slut, the gfrist thing you wanted was me to pleasure you, hell you enjoy watchign your porn, i bet you even tied yourself up soem how, tie yourself up every nigth in hoeps this will happen, such a dirty little bitch." Kenny kept growlign otut he words in her ear, every period he ould nip or lick her earlobe just to add to it as he twisted her nipples one way then the other.
His attempt worked. An even louder moan then before escaped the girls lips as he rammed into her at such an exotic angle. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Her body began to tense up underneath him. Her mind was going crazy. So much was happening to her body between her chest, bottom area, and her ears. She just couldn't take much more. "I..I.." Sh e opened her mouth trying to speak out but his nips and words were making it difficult. Soon as he kept playing with her she finally lost it. "ImgonNA AHHH!" She tensed up completely then arched her back as much as she could releasing a large load. Her thighs twitched for a few seconds before her body went lip in the bindings as she breathed heavily finally relaxing. A large smile on her face from finally being satisfied. " see why..Lady Victoria kept you." She told him.
"Oh we aren't done yet my little whore." Kenny said darkly, pullign form her anus, he ahd cummed as well as he let his white fluids seep form her anus whielt he area above his member glistend form the girls orgasmic fluids, he stepepd forward to unlock the bindings after grabign the key to let the gril to the floor befoer talking over her hsi memebr at her face." WE are far from finished." He added
-bout an hour later.- The boy gave a haavy breath as he puleld his throbign memebr form betwent he maids breasts, a trail of his cum followign him befeor eh stood over the girl, turning around nearlya full cirlc eoto fidn his pants. "I think i'm done for ht enigth, pluss, Anna is probably wodnerign where I am." Kenny stated as he puleld onteh pants, walkign out eh door to ehad tot eh kitchen to grab a bite before he would find anna, if she wasn't int eh lkitchen.
When Kenny entered the kitchen he saw two young girls. One was young kitchen maid of which had cooked his breakfast that morning. "Good Evening sir. What would you like me to cook you tonight?" She asked him politely as she stood by the sink and awaited what he wished to eat before she would go about her cooking.
The second girl he would see was his little Anna. She was lying on her back over the island in the center of the kitchen looking up at the roof. When she heard Kenny come in however she crossed one leg over the other flat on the counter top and sat up to lean back against her arms. This time she was wearing one of the maid's black dresses with scarlette red stockings and a matching bow tie. "How was you're first night?" She asked Kenny. "I hope it was not too bad?" She asked him curiously, ignoring the fact that she was wearing the clothing of the help.
"uh, mashed potatos, and iunno, maybe chicken fried steak if you can actually make it." Kenny asked curiously, the boys eyes gazing over at the other maid witha grin, that was until he noticed it was Anna, givign him a slight shock of surprise as she prope dup to look at him, a grin apearign ocne more as eh walked over to lean over the side and lean on his arm that was acros her , prope dont eh coutneer next to her, so his face was less thena foto form hers, givign him enough room to gaze at her breasts and cotsume whiel still beign intimate with her. "It wsa slightly exhausting, especialy after i ran into antoehr maid.. for... 'help'" kenny stated with a sigh, acing as if he was beat as he drooped is head. "what abotu you lil missy, what's with your litle outfit... is my anna afraid of the competition?" KEnny asked with a grin, befoer leanign in to her ear. "and what does your outfit say you specailise in?" HE asked, rememerbign their conversation from 'thismorning; or more earlier that night.
The cook nodded her head and went straight to cooking his food. She was working faster than the average person, however it still took some time for even Vampires could not increase how fast meat needed to cook.
"I hope she didn't work you too hard." Anna said innoscently. While his face was close she slide her fingers through his hair from behind his head. Her lips curled into a shy smile as he noticed her outfit. "You said you wanted to see more in something different so I thought I should give it a try." She admitted trying to pretend the competition had not crossed her mind. One foot slide up and down the other leg as he spoke into her ear. "This outfit says I can do this." She said leaning forwards and kissing him softly on the lips. "As much as it pleases you." She had pulled her lips away from him long enough to say the line before she caught his lips into a more passionate kiss.
"I might have time for some mroe 'cleaning' after dinner, wiht you." Kenny said softly upon her lips as he puleld form the kiss, hoisitng himself up ont oeh coutner now to lean over her, unable to actualy prop himself over her yet due to her knee, he pressed his lips to her while running one amr over her stockign legs, teh otehr he used to lean on to keep hsi head at her height while he lay on hsi side next to her.
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