The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny nodded his head, chucklign ocne as his stomach growled. "well I gues that's a smart idea, Though I think i'll be fien with cleanign the place, as long as I don't have to burry too many bodies." Kenny chuckled out again, though he was hopign he didn't have to deal with too many mutliated or just dried up meals, especialy if he had to dig a hole for all of them. Taking Anna' shand as he took her out to teh kitchen. "I know you don't have to but why not grab a bite with me, it will help for a while if i feel i have soem oen else." He said, stil feelign slightly alone as it was stil taking him a while to ge teh idea that he ha dno mroe school, no more friends, no dfdorm, no random girls comign over an more.
"Burry bodies.." Anna laughed along with him shaking her head. "You won't need to do any of the sort. Not starting off." She reassured him as she walked with him to the kitchen. Her fingers curled between his as they walked down the halls. "I usually don't but I believe I can make an exception with you." She smirked. Soon they arrived at the kitchen and turned the lean against the counter faceing him. Her hands came up to make a small tug on the openings of his vest. She could tell he was still a bit upset about his decision. "Listen...don't think about what you have lost." She told him. "Instead think of this as a once in a lifetime adventure. You get to live with the creatures you could once only read about in books." She said in a more excited tone for him to try cheering him up. "This is your chance to see your research come to life."
Kenny gave a soft smile befoer kising her upon hte lips, his hand ventrign behidn ehr to grab a pan. pullign away as eh spoke. "And I have you now foras long as I live." Kenny said happily as he put he pan on the stove befeor going to the fridge, surprised that it was actualy pretty well stocked with actual food. "So what do you feel like eating today?" Kenny aske das he pulle dout some eggs from a carten.
"Yes, that's rignt." Anna said nodding her head with a smile. He seemed to cheer up pretty quickly. She wondered if he was just putting up a front for her or if he really did feel better that fast. Anna stepped a few paces forwards to sit on the wooden bar stool that went to the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen. "Hmm...Eggs and toasts sounds nice." She said as she watched him pull the eggs out of the fridge. "You know you don't have to cook. One of the maids can cook and serve the breakfast for us." She said tilting her head towards the side entrance of the kitchen. A few feet from the fridge was standing a young brunette with her hair pulled up in a loose bun. She was wearing what looked like a black french maid outfits but with a few modifications. She had a small apron on with a crest embroaded in the top. The dress itself cut off at the chest revealing a small amount of clevage and had fluffy black sleeves. Around her neck was a bow tie similar to his only it was a pale blue color, the same blue as her knee highs that ran up just over her knee and had straps attached to them that ran under the dress and attached to her panties. To finish it off she walked around in black heels. The maid stood silently with her hands held in front of her watching the two. She looked as if she was waiting for Anna to give her the okay to do her job.
Kenny looked to the way Anna gestured, his face going pink as he looked over the girl, lookign away quicly though as he rememebred he was with Anna t the moment. Now wondering how well e wold be able to keep himself loyal to Anna if he had maids runnign aroudn in outfits liek that with him all night. "Oh well ya she can cook then if she wants.. but isn't she. you know... like Victoria?" Kenny asked curiously, wonderign why a vampire maid would even rememebr how to cook.
Anna nodded her head and the maid stepped into the room. "We would like some eggs and toast." Anna told her. "Yes madame" The maid nodded her head politely. She walked over to Kenny first "If you don't mind." She said taking the eggs before going over to the stove to begin cooking. Then Anna's attention went back to Kenny. "Yes, she is a vampiress as well." She answered his question. "Ironically she was a cook before she was turned. Victoria thought this would be a fitting job for her." Anna explained to him.
"Huh well, that brigns me to a question." He said as he turned to lean ont eh counted next to where Anna sat on her stool, his elbows proped on the side as his scientific mind took effect. "Are Vampires like you Anna? can they eat food ut it offers no sustinance?" Kenny asked curiously hoping not to be ofensive he added. "if you dont mind me asking.. ya know havign a maid that cooks here kind of seems pointless."
Anna brougth a finger up to her lip quisitively. "I suppose they could, theoretically." She said a little stumped by the question. "I have never seen it though." she admitted to him. Anna then bit her lip and looked towards the store watching the eggs cook as if debating on what she should and shouldn't tell him. "Cooking is not the only thing she does, that really would be a trivial job for her." Anna began to explain. "However, in a case such as yourself a cook is quiet useful." She admitted with a bit more confidence. "Besides sometimes we have guests and... well not everyone in the mansion are vampires, just most." She told him now deciding to fess up that he is not the only one in the mansion that doesn't thrive on blood.
"So what dot eh maids do around here?" Kenny asked curiously as he watce dthe girl cook out of the corner of his eye. "How many workers are even around here, It seemed pretty empty last night."
Anna watched Kenny, answering his questions the best she could. He seemed quite curious about the mannor. "There are around..a dozen I believe." Anna said after pausing a few minutes to count in her head. "It is a large mansion but Victoria is picky about who lives in her home and as you can imagine they can work quickly with most jobs." Of course cooking was a little different for they could not control how fast something heats. Anna tilted her head towards him. "Are you looking up her skirt?" She changed the topic asking him suspiciously.
Kenny's face looked red as he quickly looekd down, he hadn't been lookign a the girls skirt but eh idea was just emberasing as he had ha dthe thought in his head jsut moments befeors. "Ui..I...No..." Kenny stumbled out hsi words befoer lookign to Anna witha sheepish grin, figurign he had been caught or it looked as if he was guilty. "Sorry..."
"You look cute when you are guilty." Anna giggled. The maid turned off the stove and approached the two, placing a plate of toast and eggs in front of each of them. "What would you like to drink?" The maid asked. "I would like some orange juice." Anna told her. "And you sir?" The maid asked turning her attention to Kenny now. Anna watched his reaction, trying hard to hold in another giggle.
THe boy took in a gulp as he looked toe h maid, thrown off gaurd mroe forom Anna's teasign then he had expected, s it took him a moment to responed. "I.. uhm..milk..." Kenny shook his head quickly, drawign his ees away frromt eh obvious area he had been starign at. "Orange juice please." HE finaly got out.
"Are you sure you do not want milk?" The maid asked him waiting a moment. However she could tell he was a little nervous so she nodded her head and walked away to get the glasses and juice. Anna looked at Kenny again as if shocked by what she saw. "You did it again!" She accused him. "You checked out the maid right in front of me." She said as if she couldn't believe what he was doing. On the inside she was bursting into laughter. He was so gullable and horny. A typical male. "You just can't resist temptation." She said is if he was weak. "Her is your juice." The maid now came back putting the glasses on the table and stepping back to stand by the stove.
Kenny couldnt beleive how flustred he was getitng as they both questioend him. "Oh.. jsut forget it and lets eat..." Kenny said quickly as he moved to eh table and sat down, lookign at his food then at Anna, figurign it rude to eat withotu her.
Anna followed him to the table, sitting beside him. She noticed he was trying to be somewhat of a gentleman since he did not eat right away. "Go on and eat. You are going to need your strength." She said as she took a bit of her eggs. "She's the modest one of the maids." Anna teased him with a wink, making light of the situation. And she liked watching her big bad Kenny blush. She found it cute he was still embarrassed about that sort of stuff.
Kenny neraly spat out his OJ ar her comment. "SHE is the modest one." Kenny asked stunned as he looked back toeh maid.. "waht ar the toerhs? nude?" Kenny asked jokignly befoer taking his eggs and putign them on his toast like a sandwhich.
She let out a small snicker at his reaction, it would be hard for anyone not to. "Shocking isn't it." Anna mused as she bit into her toast and drank her orange juice. "There is alot to the mansion you have yet to understand." She said simply. "Victoria had different edits made to the uniforms to tell their jobs apart. Some more...revealing than others." She told him. "There is only so much that can be cleaned with only two people and a bunch of servants." She informed him. "In fact, if you play your cards right, I don't think you will stay on cleaning duty for long." She told him.
Kenny smirked before turnign on an innocent face as he spoke. "what else is there otehr then cleaning?" Kenny asked, tryiogn to be oblivious, though by now he had put the pieces together, thogh he had been reluctnat to acceptign the idea he now understood. "and what does my outfit say abotu my job?" Kenny asked as he turned to show of what her wore befoer takign a bite out of hsi 'sandwhich'
"If you don't know, you will find out soon enough." Anna replied to his answer. Now that she thought about it it was a little difficult describing the way the manor ran. She continued to eat looking over his uniform. "Lets see...the bowtie means you are a servant here." She began pointing to the parts of his new uniform. "The black means you are assigned to the second floor." She continued. "And no shirt..." She said now looking over his upperbody under the vest like a teenage girl looking at an older swinsuit model. Now that she thought about it he would likely be like a playboy bunny in the mannor. "Means you have a beautifully sculpted six pack." She said adoringly as her fingers slide over his ab muscles. She nearly melted in the chair. "I do love a man in uniform." Anna paused, her cheeks quickly flushed a pink tint when she realized what she had said. She didn't mean for the last sentence to come out loud. She was only supposed to think it. Anna quickly took a sip of her orange juice to play it off as if she didn't say the last part.
Kenny smirked at teh girsl complement. "ya well I think there's more to it then my abs..." Kenny chuckled out befoer stopign to hold in a laugh at teh next comment and reaction, waitign for he girl to finish her juice befoer leanign over and whisperign in her ear. "and i lvoe a girl in one too.." HE said slipign his hand between her legs to tease ehr through her panties. "so you better watch out if there are mroe maids liek her." Kenny teased bfoer pullign away to keep eating.
Anna's face turned bright red as his hot breathe whispered into her ear and his hand ventured under the table to tease her. Her toes curled under the chair. How embarrassing, how arrousing. She felt like a shy school girl being hit on by her high school crush. Nothing made him more attractive to her than how he was right now, both his physical appearance and his actions. His teasing was almost unbearable when she knew it would not lead to anything more than a tease. She was so hot for him right now the only thing that kept her from leaping out the chair and pouncing on him was the maid still standing in the kitchen, a small bit of dignity, and the thought that making love with him would probably take more time than they had before he was to go upstairs and begin cleaning. "Perhaps I should think about a wardrob change for myself." She mused as she finished the rest of her meal. "Eliminate any competition." She stated trying to keep her cool and get her face back to its original color.
"Lingerie and night gowns only go so far."
Kenny teased afer swallowign th last of his meal, takign down the rest fo the juice before standing upa n pushign in his chair, to take both their empty plates. "You might want to go look inot that change...because i think i hav eto get to work if Miss..." Kenny looked to eh maid, hopign for a name now. "would kindly show me what rooms i ned to clean." his mind was swirlign withe fun he could have now, especialy after the impact he had just had on his Anna, he was expectign soemthign fun later on tonight.
"Alyson." The maid told him her name as she took the plates from him and walked over to the sink. It took a minute, if that for her to clean all the dishes by hand then she placed them back in their proper plates into the cabinet. Anna stood from her chair kissing him on a cheek. "Good luck" she whispered in his ear. Then she turned and walked to the door of the kitchen. "Don't have too much fun without me." She told him before she walked out the room. "Sir, would you mind following me." The young maid said as she walked out the kitchen and up the set of stairs leading to the second floor. "Lady Victoria said to allow you to clean on your own today. So you can, in a sense, explore and get a feel for the floor." She told him as the stopped at the top of the steps. Then she pointed to a large set of double doors that stood two doors down. The doors were wooden and had some old ornate decoration carved into the wood. "That is Lady Victoria's room. You would be wise to skip over it in you're cleaning. No one is to enter without her permission." She warned him. "If you have any problems or questions you may come find me or any other maids." She then told him before standing quiet to wait and see if he needed anything else before she dared leave.
Kenny follwoed close behidnt eh maid, enjoying his veiw form behidn and form above as he stood next to ehr and glanced down witha smirk, befoer lookign o where se ppinted" big ominous doors.. do not open... got it." He chuckled out before lookign toeh maid for one last question. "what am i cleanign? cacuming, dusting, moping, what? Oh and where do i find the suplie?" Kenny asked fianly.
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