The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny peaked hsi head formt eh bush afer a few minuts, gettign fidgety he picke dup a pebble and tossed ittoe h window, before hidign back itne h bush, figurign Anna would either call him up or go down for him, not wantign to blo his cover, though teh stentch was growign unbearable and he hoped it wouldn't begin stickign to him.
Anna heard the pebble hit the window and knew what it must have meant. She quickly scurried over to the door, leaving it open while she rushed onto the balcony. She set her hands on the railings and leaned forwards looking down at the lawn. "Kenny!" She called out to him in a low tone. Her nose ruffled and she looked down at the bush it came from. "The cost is clear..for now." She said covering her nose from the stench that rose from the bush.
Kenny nodded and ws all to happy to leap form the bush and run up the steps, runnign to give her a hug befeor stoping and smellign his clothes. "I geus i was in there a lil' too long." Kenny stated with a lil gag as he begna puling off his shirt befor the stentch could transfer to hsi skin, and tossed ittoeh balcony , with that aside he ran to her with a tight hug, pressign hsi lips hard to hers.
Anna leaned her head back from the stinch as he hugged her. "Maybe a little." She said watching him take his shirt off. A smile fixed on her lips as she missed looking at his muscular abs. Her arms wrapped around him in the hug and she welcomed the kiss, kissing him back. Her hands felt over his back and traveled up over his shoulders and too his cheeks before she reluctantly pulled from the kiss. "You can't stay..." She said looking her eyes into his. "I don't want you to leave again." She said before leaning in to kiss him again. She was confused. She didn't know what to do about this. How could he stay safe if he was with her?
"THen why not coem with em?" Kenny asked curiously. "It's nto like you are tied to the mansion, you've gone out before, I don't know about he City but we can try." Kenny said hopefully before kissing ehr. "Or i can try and persuade your mistress some how, every oen has a weakness I just have to find hers." Kenny spoke confidnetly befeor pullign her into her room byt eh arm, sclosign the door witha shiver. "It was gettign cold." he chuckle out.
She smiled with a light laugh along with his chuckle. She came closer wrapping her arms around him. "Body heat is the best way to warm up." She said lightly. She placed her head on his chest pausing to think this through. Her eyes were fixed on the dresser. "I'm not sure if confronting her is a good idea." She said remembering Victorias hatred for humans. "I can leave with you of course, but I have to come back." She said softly. "This mansion is my home." She told him.
"But... what will happen to you when you come back?" Kenny asked softly befeor kising her softly on eht cheek ,tavelign down tot eh neck. "Ugh... I can't do it, I can't worry about such things right now." Kenny said as he shook hsi head. "I've waited a month for this, I'll worry abotu gettign caught int he morning, for now..." Kenny cut his own scentence off as he presse dhsi lips hard to her,s hsi hand otn eh bakc of ehr neck and aroudn ehr waist to press her close tohim
Anna closed her eyes with the first kiss and tilted her head to the side to give his lips more room. She savered each kiss, enjoying them more knowing that there was no way in knowing how long it would before she would feel his lips again. She opened her mouth to speak only to be pulled into a kiss. Her hands pressed on his smooth back slideing up towards his neck but stopped at his upper back. She was now pressing up against him. Her body leaned forwards and her left leg lifted slightly off the ground. She didn't want the kiss to end. She wished this moment would continue on forever, but she knew better. "You worry about getting hurt after you are already hurt." She poked fun at his logic before leaning in to press her lips against him for another kiss. Why was she doing this? Why was she letting him be so irrational when she knew it was unsafe? Perhaps it was the rush of the danger that made it more exciting and threw their minds into making illogical choices.
Kenny had missed this, had missed beign around her as he smile dbefoer leanign itn oehr kiss, presisgn hard and splitign hsi lisp open to go in passioently, this tongue hopign for enterance as eh hadns ran over her body (I kidna dont knwo what she is wearing lol))
((lol you could have made something up >.<))

Anna parted her lips to allow him entrance. She didn't dare break from the kiss again. She missed him too much. Her slinder body pressed further against him, the light blue night gown she wore that night was made of silk and flowed down to her feet. In fact she nearly stepped on it in the kiss. It's spagetti straps kept her cook against his warm body. The sound of a doorknob turning was heard from behind her and Anna's eyes grew wide in fear. Not yet...No, don't let it be her. Don't let it be her. the words repeated in her head. Anna quickly pulled her lips from Kenny, turning sideways towards the door but she did not pull her arms away from him. She did not let him go, not this time.

"I thought I smelt something foul." The red headed vampiress said as she stepped into the room. Her heels made soft clicking sounds against the wood flooring. Her eyes narrowed on Kenny giving a look that could kill, however she appeared to be calm. "Anna you are needed downstairs."
Anna shook her head. "NOW!" Victoria ordered in an angered tone that clearly said it wasn't time to test her. "I-I won't leave him." Anna stuttered out trying to be brave for her lover, her eyes were glossy as she tried to hide back her fear. All victoria had to do was give a loud growl and Anna quickly released Kenny and scurried towards the door. "P-please spare him." She whispered lightly to Victoria before leaving the room. Victoria closed the door behind her. "I suppose I was not clear before but I do believe I told you never to step foot in this mansion again. Did I not?" Victoria said calmly as she brought her attention fully on Kenny. She walked forwards, her scarlet gown flowing with each step. Tonight she was wearing a strapless scarlet red gown that flowed to her feet and trailed behind her. The bust was pressed againt her form and decorated with fine beads. The evening gown looked to be victorian, some would say it was expensive ventage.
Kenny was able to hide most of his fear behidn a smirk as he was so reluctant to let go of his little anna, but knew not to anger the Mistress any more, wiatign for anna to leave before steppign to Victoria slowly as she stepped towards him, a cocky grin on his face , shi ahdns in his pockets clutchign the viles of holy water. "You also said you wouldn't coem visit me .. and yet there you were that one night.. and don't think I haven't noticed those rare occasions of you spyign one me." Kenny said his grin still playign on hsi face.
"If I recall you invited me over at any time." She said coming closer to him. "You missed out that night. I was coming over with an opprotunity to see Anna, but you blew it." She said recalling the humans in the room that night. She was insulted that she had to make a deal with him for him to even touch her and yet he screwed all those hookers for nothing. She stoped in front of him, looking him in the eye. She spoke calmly but her eyes told it all. "You lied to me and were disloyal to Anna. Give me one good reason why I should not kill you right at this moment." She said getting to the point.
Kenny's smirk broke and looked down in shame as she stated the last part. "I know, i betrayed her... I'm weak like that... I'm a nympho, But.. i love Anna for more then just her sexual rpowess....I.." Kenny stopepd unabel to say any more as he shook his head, backign up to sit on the bed. He was silent for nearly five mintues befeoroe he looekd up with a dark face. "well then.. why haven;t you kileld me? I don't think I gave godo enough reasons.. " he said, still weighign death and havign anna knwo the truth, loosign anna....
((Isn't nympho's female? o_O))

Victoria knew how to bring him down, and unexpectedly it really worked on him. She did not know what she was expecting to happen but sulking and asking for death wasn't it. When he finally spoke again Victoria raised an eyebrow to him. "You want me to kill you?" She asked him. She walked closer stopping maybe a foot in front of him. "You may not realize it but your reasoning is better than you think." She told him. Sex was definitely not absent in that house. She was starting to think he fit in more and more. "Tell me, do you think Anna has really been abstinant this past month you have been gone?" She asked him with an amused smirk.
((usualy but i do not know the male term so shoosh lol Kenny goign through a tough time.))

"No.. i expect her to have moved on, .. Though it woudl be nice to knwo she was abstinant." Kenny said witha shrug, a slight boost from her compliment on hsi reasoning. "but still it's shamefull.. I couldn't even go a week without her, and ontop ogf that it wsn't just one girl." He growled lut.
((lol I don't know the male term either))

"She wasn't" Victoria said it straight. Anna wasn't abstinant while he was away, little did Kenny know but that would be a near impossible feat to accomplish in this particular manner. Victoria shrugged her shoulders. "You're right. It is shameful, after all you are human and temptation is so easy to overcome." She said agreeing with him. In a swift movement she was on the bed behind him with her hands settled on his upper arms. "Should I eat you then?" She spoke in a more wicked tone with her lips near his neck. It was hard to tell but she was playing with him at that time curious to his reaction.
"well it's good to know she wasn't lonely." Kenny stated with a sigh of relief, mroe of his shame slipign away as hhsi mind began melowing though Victoria agreeign with him wasn't helpign at all as he glared up to ehr the second bfeore she disapeared bheind him, shiverign to feel ehr speak on his neck, shame washign him agian as he got aroused. "Well now, I'm curious, such a vicious mistress a few seconds ago is now givign me an option .... I though i would have been bone dry by now.. what happend tote h wrath of a vampiress?" Kenny asked curiously growign cocky once mroe.
"Questioning a good thing once again are you?" She smirked. "Well... If you must know..." She leaned closer in. "I like playing with my food." She said with a light his. Her tone so wicked that any mortal would be in panic. She once again was joking, on the most part. She never actually planned on eating him. Then she became less fierce with a shrug of her shoulders. "Fortunatly for you it has been a dull year." She told him. "Now I have a question for you. I would like to believe you were smart enough to have a plan before you snuck into my mannor tonight. What had you actually planned to do when you got caught?" She asked him curiosly.
"you should know by now that i love questions." Kenny chuckled out, once mroe tryign to mask his fear, He was gradualy clearign hsi thougths and as he did the fear of a painful death krept into him. Though as she spoke now he smirked, give n the chance to gloat now. "Front pockets, diluted holy water to atleast sting you vampires, back pockets two flash grenddes." He sated confidently. "I also have mapped out al the exits of the mansion that i could and meorized hallways, though i do not knwo how accurate the blue prints are."
"So you have done your research." She if she was impressed "So you have gotten yourself out of the mansion safely..." She found it interesting that he had not planned on harming any of the vampires permanently. She was almost grateful for it, it separated him from the vampire hunters. "However, we know where you live. There is no wheres to hide after such a bold move." She slide her arms down his taking his hands in her own and wrapping them around his body in a hug so that there was no possible way for him to reach any of his weapons of viles. "The golden question is... think carefully for I will only ask once...How do you get yourself out of this mess without useless violence?" She asked sliding her nose over his neck teasing him as if she could bite him at any moment. She sniffed in his sent, it was so fresh and young.
"Oh well I was always thinkign as a last rsort, do what i had todo to shorten Anna's puishment." Kenny said witha gasp, shiverign form ehr sligth tease even though soem would consider beign so close to hsi nekc a threat his mind never ventured to that instead ashe began growing horny.
Victoria noticed his reaction to her actions an she smirked humorously. "Danger turns you on...or is it death?" She asked. To think about it he was dating a ghosts and had already played around with one of the living dead, a vampire and still returned to the mannor possibly for more. "That worked once before..." Victoria stated. "However the crime was more severe this time...I want more."
Kenny actualy paused to take itn eh concept, why was he getting so turned on when his life was on the line. Was he really that twisted, or did he not just fear death?"I..I think I just like adventure" He finally concluded out loud, frownignat her next topic befeor turnign to her with a grin. "Well what isit you need me todo now??"
"Adventure is it?" She smirked she almost didn't believe that. He liked the thrill of the danger she could tell. Her hands slide from his wristed and slowly slide down his arms. "Well..." She began as she leaned in towards him. She had come so close to him their lips almost touched then she stopped with a smile. "First I need you to lose the pants." She said as her hands unsnapped and unzipped his pants for him. He probably thought she wanted this for easy access however his pants were loaded with weapons he could use against her or most being in her home. She wanted them out of his grasp for good. Then in one swift movement her arms were gone from around him and she was sitting on the bed beside him, waiting to watch him take off his pants.
"Yes adventure..." Kenny said softly, his courage goign down slightly befeor her suggestion, grinnign he put his hand in his pocket to pull out three neclaces with viels ont hem, putign them on as eh totodo up to slip off his patns and let them drop toe h groudn befeor turnigna roudnw itha grin, he wasn't stpid, atleast not yet, he kept protection with him as he sat back down next to her. "so now what?"
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