The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"aw do you want to fail my class? or shalli have to give soem encoruagement?" Kenny asked as his hands grapbed ehr sdies to try and yank her farther down whiel thrustign up ensurign he would get deeper by one or both of the actiosn. "COme on you know you lvoe it." Kenny teased otu in a heavy breath, tiltign his head to allow Raven to nible upon him. "Now now raven waht abotueh pictures? you're ister, seems like she is beggign for fun.. why doesn;t she crawl up behind my Catuie." Knny stated as he pated his chest whiel leangin farther back onto raven.
"Noo..sir" She shook her head lightly her cheeks were flushed from the thought of failing a lesson on sex. Her head leaned back and she cried out again, her fingers gripping tighter on his thighs as he pushed at least another inch inside her. Her walls were stretching to give him room and they clasped around his member. "Y-es..I love it." She admitted breathing out as she released her grip a little on him. Raven had almost forgotten about the camera in her hand. "Yes, thanks for reminding me Senseii." She said as she took the picture of Katie's back and Kenny then she snapped a shot of Hannah.

Robin heard Kenny talk about her and she tilted her head too look at him curiously. Then she jumped up and crawled onto the bed and quickly strattled Kenny. However she did so with her back facing him. Robin wrapped her arms round Katie's waist and began to shift her hips forwards and backwards lightly, rubbing her wet panties over his abs to tease herself.

Raven continued to take a few more photos then she stopped as she got on her knees and slide her arms down Kenny's chest to the bottom of his shirt. With a smirk that clearly said she was up to something she leaned her head over his and met her lips with his. "You are hiding beautiful abs under this." She said breaking from the kiss. With that she pulled his shirt up over his chest and head but left his arms trapped in the material. Then she backed up and pulled his arms back with her to force him onto his back with his arms trapped in the shirt above his head. Of course he probably could have tried to completely take the shirt off but she would not give him any time to try. Raven immediatly sat ontop his hands to let his fingers feel over her wet silk panties. "Say cheese Senseii." Raven mused as she aimed the camera down on his face to take another photo.

Hannah of course was starting to feel left out and decided she was going to join in on the fun. She crawled behind Robin and got on her knees strattleing their teacher as he faced him. Her hands slide up his chest feeling over his muscles as she leaned forward. With her chest hovering over his face she slide her fingers on his nipples, her hair was now hanging down sideways as she looked down at him. "Do you like to play rough?" With that she gave a quick hard twist of both his nipples at once to the last word. "Senseii." She asked him curiously as she released his nipples to slide her fingers back over his nipples.

Kenny almost frowned as the blonde girl had faced away form him, somethign he hadn't really expected ehr todo, btu hsi mind had litle tiem to mope as he was tugged back and trapepd by Robin's sister, a grn on his face as she snaped a photo. "How am I to teach if I'm all tied up?" Kenny aske din a poute to Raven, befeor his attention was snapped to Hannah as she sat atop the rest of his hehst, hsi face gettign full view of her breasts, hidden still udner her dress. "well.. of CORTUSE!!" He yelepd otuteh last word sa sash she twiste dhis nipple, makign him lurch up and thurust deeper into Caties anus, gasping fro tmeh aves ofo excstasy, first formthe masocistic felign of the nipple play then form his memerb beign clutched tigth by the girsl anus.
"Just tell us what to do." Raven answered Kenny's question. "We are good at following the teacher's instructions." Raven told him. Raven and Hannah both began to laugh at Kenny's reactions to their playing. "You are a dirty perverse teacher." Hannah mused as she leaned her head down to flick her tongue over one of his nipples. Raven nodded her head in agreement. "The photos don't make him flinch at all. In fact I think it makes him harder to have dirty photos taken of him." Raven mused as she took a photo of Hannah licking his nipples. The two girls clearly appeared to be the more dominate of the four and knew how to play.

Katie's cry began to turn into a moan as he thrust deeper into her, her back arched against Robin's chest and her head ended up resting back on the girl's shoulder. "The teacher wants you to play with yourself." Robin spoke in Katies ear as she let out a soft moan while she slide her panties over his miscles. She took Katies hands off Kenny's thighs and brought them up to Katie's breasts. "Go one, play with yourself." Robin encouraged her. The girl was skeptical but jumped when she felt a love bite on her earlobe. "Do it now." Robin commanded playfully. Katie did as said and began to roll her breasts under her hand.

Hannah smirked thinking how Katie cried out in estasy when she twisted Kenny's nipples. "Katie sounds so horny. I bet she wants to feel her teacher's full length." She mused as she slide her tongue over his nipple then she bit down hoping it would cause him to thrust into the girl again.
"oF COURSE, I LVOE THESE PHOTOS, TO TEACH MY FUURE CLASSES." kENNY JOKED ABOUT, HSI FIGNERS CURLIGN AND WRIGGLGIN UNDER rAVNE BEFERO HE GOT A GRASP ON EHR PANTIES AND BEGAN PULIGN THEM AS BEST HE PULD TO TIGTHEN THE FAIC OVER EHR PUSSY((caps oops dam shooter games)) , it was hard for Kenny to see his darlign Katie and Robin btu Katie obviously was begign to anjoy it now, onc emore though the boy couldn't seem to be abel to ocus on oen girl for a logn time as he felt eh sharp pain aroudn his nipple, sudnely sendign adrenaline though his bodya nd producignt he pelasure Hannah was lookign for that made the boy archa nd thrust up harder and faster then eveyr befeor. "OH GOD.." He gasped out as he finaly scaught his breath,
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Raven's pussy twitched and shifted as his fingers rubbed against her pussy in results of him trying to grab the fabric. She welcomed and accepted the feeling. She gasped and paused as a shudder ran up her body when he pulled the fabric tight in her pussy. It took a moment for her to catch a breathe before she could snap another picture.

Katie cried out again arching her back against Robin as much as she could. Kenny had shoved the rest of his member deep within her. He body shuddered and shifted against his member. Her walls painfully stretched to fit to his form and began to try to adjust. Oddly she loved the feeling as she continued to foddle her breasts. Robin thrust her hips harder now against Kenny. She moaned lightly over Katie. "You love teacher's cock inside you don't you." She whispered in Katies ear. Her hand slide down Katie's stomanche and into her skirt. Her fingers then pinced Katie's clit hard. Katie cried out again, as her hips shifted wildly against Kenny's member. "N-no" She moaned. Robin released her clit before she began to roll and rubb the sensitive clit. "I-its tooo much..s-stop" she breathed out, her body shaking under Robin in pleasure.

"Is this too much teacher?" Hannah teased as she bit one nipple again and pinched the other one hard at the same time, tugging on them both breifly befor releasing them. Her tongue slide over the sensitive nipple then up his neck where she layed a kiss. "I thought you wanted to screw innscent little Katie's hole?" She whispered in his ear "You do want to teach her a lesson don't you?" She asked him seeing that the only time he was screwing the girl was from a reaction to Hannah's movements and she knew it.
Kenny lurched up fromt eh socnd bite, hsi back flattegin again as he tied to catch his breaht. "Not.. use dto so many girls." Kenny siad wiht a smirk, his legs bending as he got hsi fotoign to begign thrustign up into Caties pussy hard, but slowly as he also tried to concentrate on Raven as he mvoed the h fabric aside to shovwee his hand into her pussy, nto even waitign to teast he shoved al foru fingrs in and spread them.
Katie moaned with each thrust. She squirmed under Robin as the eager girl continued to play with her clit. "I can't stop are loving this too much." Robin told her. Robin's other hand slide under Katie's skirt and she sliped two fingers into her pussy hooking them at the top of her walls and tugging a little. Katie practically screamed in estasy from the tug, pull on her clit and a thrust from Kenny that all sent her mind in a rush of estasy. She shook with pleasure, her eye closed and she bit her lips as Katies fingers began to wiggle in her. "AhhhHHH!! T-teaCHer..R-robin.." She could barely get a word out from all the pleasure.

"Ohhaahh!" Now it was Raven's turn to cry out as Kenny shoved his hand into her pussy. She leaned forwards and her hands grasped onto his arms to control her lightly shaking body. Shivers of estasy ran through her body as he stretched her pussy with his hands and fingers. It was a surprising action that made her want more.

"Is that so Senseii" Hannah smiled. "It looks like tonight is your lucky night." she mused as she began to kiss and suck his neck leaving two more hickies before she came into a passionate kiss on his lips.
Kenny chuckled at all the grils sounds, especialy Raven's as the captor seemed to become the captive, two of his figners scrapign at ehr walls much as Robin was doing to Katie, whiel is pinky and poitner kept opening and closign to spread her walls, his thumb searchign blidnly outside befeor he felt the fleshly lump that was her clitorous and presse don it hard befelr flicking at it, makign sure it got caugth on his nail withe h flick., his hips trying to trun to thrust in different directions, btu with 32 girls o his chest he had little manuverability so he kept witht eh head on thrusts instead. Kenny was abotu to speak once mroe befeor Hannah pressed her lips to his, waitign for her to pull bakc befoer speaking. "You have lovely lips, but i think you and I would enjoy it much mroe if i got to kiss.. your other lips." He said as he flicke dhis eeys down to Hannahs hips.
Raven moaned alound, her fingers wrapped around his wrist. He was stretching and playing with inner walls. Each time his fingers separated a chill of estasy ran up her spine. Her hips twitched and she jumped. He had found her clit. "Oh..the teacher.. can RReallyy..ussee his hands" She moaned as he finger flicked at her sensative nub.
Katie's breathing was shallow and her body was glistened sweat. She squirmed and moaned as Kenny thrust with in. Robin's two fingers slid deeper and deeper into her pussy. "I-c'can't..t-tak-ke much m-more" Katie warned robin as one finger played with her clit. Her fingers were thrusting in and out of the girl more now. Her fingers came up from Katie's clit to inside her bra and pinch her hidden nipple.
Hannah smirked to Kenny's suggestion "You are a wise teacher." She said as she scooted her body forwards before she was strattling over his head so that he could see up her dress.
"I'm a good teacher , but teacher can't hodl out long." Kenny groaned out as he released a psurt of precum itno the girsl anus, hsihead lifign up to lick Hannah's [usys befrroe bitign at her clit teasignly, she did seem to be more of the dominant one so he figrued he coudl be rougher, much like hos he treated Raven with his fignerign, his breath heavy , warm air comign out form betwen hsi teeth as he kept hsi motuh aroudn the grisl little nob while he did his last thrusts into Katie befeor eh fianly released his load, makgin it the thrs timds he had liamxed now, bitign harder on her clit as hsi figners spaimed and clutched almsot itno a fist graign hard at Ravens walls, a shakey groan escapign hsi teeth as his body convulsed and went limp ont eh bed tryign to regain his energy, he could keep goign he just neede dto catch hsi breath.
Katie jumped a little as she felt the warm precum lub her tight little hole. Her body was starting to tense up all the pleasure was becomeing too much for her. Hannah was enjoying the new attention on her. Her hands were behind her and settled on Kenny's waist, just below his chest to help suport her. Her fingers briefly squeezed his flesh as he bit her clit, a small sound escaped her lips. Her body shuddered feeling his breathe on her nether regions, it excited her. The tease however quickly turned into a hard bit when he came. Hannah's hips lifted up against his lips and her back arch as she cried out. The prain on her sensative little nub sent a shock of estasy up her causing her body to shake slightly over him. Her hair lightly brushed over his chest between her and Robin.
Raven was lost in pleasure and spasms and fisting was the last thread for her. "Ohh..nnoo ahh" Her grip oh his wrists tightened and her head tilted back as she cried out. Her body became stiff and with a shake from trying to hold it in she finally came over his hand. With a sigh she relaxed a little releasing her hands from his wrist.
Katie could not last much longer. Her eyes squint shut as Robin continued to play with her. Katies fingers had stopped moving on her chest. She felt Kenny's last thrust and a rush of cum that shot up in her that finally set off her own orgasm. Robin noticed the girl was about to orgasm and she gave Katie's nipple a hard twist. "Ohh tTeacher!" Katie cried out as she arched her back agianst Robin and came. She relaxed breathing heavily. "That's a good girl." Robin giggled as her cum covered fingers slide up Katie's stomache and she pressed her finger's into the girls mouth for her to suck on them.
The boy seeemd to finaly give up, takign nearly a minute befoer his fist begna twisitng in Raven and his tongue was felt over Hannahs pussy. "So.. wat next?" He asked as he wigeld his member itneh girl before pullign otu to let his um pour out. "who still has enough energy for me? what abotu you Robin? I haven't heard your screams of ecstacy yet, and you r voice seems liek it woudl be a heavenly soudn to hear." He teased befeor nippign hannah softly.
Raven and Hannah both moaned as he gained his energy and gave them attention once more. Raven's body a gave a shudder feeling the twist against her walls. Hannah's shutter came as he began to hip at her pussy. A puddle of cum poured from Katie as he pulled out. She slide down to her knees on the floor bent forwards panting to catch her breathe. She smiled thinking that he was a good teacher. "Me really?" Robin blushed at Kenny's complement. "H-how do you want me Sensei?" She asked wondering if he wanted to change positions. She hoped he would answer soon though. His stomach was glistening from her pussy juice. She was soaked below from her own little teases on him and was horny and eager for her own orgasm.
"Well if you pull ou tin time, i migth allow soem real pleasure." Kenny stated as he stopepd licking the girl abvoe fro a moment, he would have moved otu if he still wasnt beigent pinend by raven. "Or there's teh top drawer.. condoms" Kenny stated thrusign hsi hea dto show the girl to eh drawers by his bed. "either way i'm stayign liek thsi unless your two little friends move." Kenny said befeor teasingly niping Hannah's clit.
"That's right. Sensei is pinned down." Hannah said as if it was a surprise and had not occured to them. "Should we get up and free him?" Raven asked Hannah. There was a small pause before they both spoke at once. "Nah" The two laughed.
"Condoms?" Robin looked over to the drawer quietly with her finger over her lips for a few minutes debating to whether she wanted to use protection or not. "Katie did not use them so I won't either." she finally rationalized, though really she was just eager to get started. Robin turned her little body around raising her legs up so that she strattled his body facing Kenny. Then she scouched back and put a leg over each of his to help support herself. Reaching down she took a soft grasp of his member and rubbed his head against her pussy. It felt so good. "Let's get started" She winked at him. Her hands took grasp of his sides as she slowly came down on his member allowing his head to enter further and further inside of her. She closed her eyes moaning softly, her body shaking over him in pleasure as she streched her walls to fit him.
Kenny frowned slightly as the girls ditn get up, he had been wantign to change positions, but aussy in his face,a dn now a stight pussy wrapign aroudn his memebr was godo enought for him as his dick throbed hard to bloat back to its normal size, goign up strigth and hard int toeh girl.""Such a lovely little whole, you would think your a virgin." kenny complimented as he nuzzled his nose into Hannahs pussy, his legs bendign to tryand get footing agait so he coudl thrust into the blondie
Robin blushed as he complemented her. "V-virgins a-are no fun" she studdered lightly, shuddering as she forced herself to go further down on him. She pushed down until she was fully down on him. She paused once she got his full length to catch a breathe before she began to slowly pull out. Halfway out though she pulled out a bit faster stopping about a third of the way down before she took in a breathe and came down fast and hard this time. "Ohh!" He fingers squeezed his hips and she arched her back loving the feeling of his hard member in her. Hannah moaned lightly in aproval as he nuzzled her.
"I hope you have enough energy next for me Sensei" Raven mused. "You?" Hannah looked up at Raven "I am going next." Hannah spoke up confidently. "I don't know what you are talking about clearly I am going next." Raven said shaking her head. "I am." Hannah shoved Raven's shoulders. Of course Raven was not one to just sit there. "Not a chance." She said shoving Hannah back. "I'll show you who's going next!" Hannah growled as she pouced forwards tackling Raven on the bed above Kenny, inconsciously freeing him from the pinned position. One moment Hannah was on all fours over Raven, the next moment they switched position and then another shift caused Raven to jump on her feet off the bed. "I can't see him going with you and this ugly dress."Hannah said as she reached out and tore the sleeve on Raven's dress causing the left side to hand down revealing her bra. Robin paid no mind to the little fued as if it happened before, or more of the case that it was part of the entertainment for Kenny. Katie sat on the floor watching them "Go Raven! You can take her!" She actually cheered out edging Raven on.
Kenny grinned evily as he was free, paying little heed to the fight that was goign on as he instead decided to roll hard ont he bed to pin Robin down his member still deep in her as his hands first pinne dher on ehr shoulders befoer lettign up and slowly sl;iddign ot her breasts while he began pulling out, findign her nipples and pinchign them as he thrusted down into her hard , slow to pull otu onc emroe as he looked ovr a the little fight. "I never knew i was jsuch a wanted man." Kenny stated wiht a chuckle.
Robin's eyes went wide and she gasped, taken by surprise as Kenny pinned her onto her back. She giggled as it was a good surprise. It actually made her more excited and eager. Her hands fell from his waist onto the bed. She lied her head back on the matress and moaned softly as he pulled out and pinched her hard sensative nipples. Her fingers gripped the bedsheets and her feet pressed flat against the foot board of the bed suddenly as he thrust hard into her. The girls back arched and she let out a pleasant cry. "Th-they always f-fight like th-hat teacher." She informed him in a shaky voice as he back straighted against the bed while he pulled out.

"At least my dress is not nearly as hideous as YOURS!" Raven retorted grabbing and wripping both of Hannah's sleeves causing the back and front to flap down at her waist. The only think the kept the dress from falling completely was the belt tied tight around her waist. "You did not just-" Hannah seemed shock. "Oh I did!" Raven replied back. "At least Im not wearing hooker heals" Hannah said shoving Raven to the wall and down on the ground. She paused looking over to Kenny as he spoke, blushing lightly hoping his statement was a good thing. Raven took the oprotunity that she was off guards and grabbed her anckle knocking her to the ground. Her hand reached up the girl's dress and pulled her panties down around her anckles to keep them down. Then she strattled the girl. "You little whore, your not good enough for him." She said grabbing Hannah's bra and wripping it off. Simultaniously Hannah reached up to grab the revealing cup or Raven's bra under the dress and pulled it down so her breast would hand out. "Go for the nipple! Go for the nipple!" Katie urged the girls. Hannah did just that. "YaoWWW!" Raven cried out as her nipple was twisted and pulled forwards at once. She reached for Hannah's chest now to get even.
Kenny had slowed his pace to watch teh girsl cat fight, grinign at thier performance as he would slowly grind into Robin, his thumbs just barely massagign her breasts now afrter pulling off her bra. This really was a once in a life time event for him now, when was the next time he would get so many girls in his dorm just fro him, and he was gonna take advantage of it. "Now now girls, It's a shame we down have a two-header, then I know how we could decide teh victor." Kenny said with a shigh as he looked back to Robin, wigglgin hsi hips to let hsi memebr spread out her vagianl walls at strange angles whiel eh puleld out. "I gues I could just stay with Robin here if you two don't settle down, she is a godo student, obediant and tight." Kenny teased the girls, going alogn with the fight not carign if they were playign or not as he ramemd hard itno Robin, going deep enoug to hit the entrance of the ovaries befoer he was forced back as the momentum made him bounce.
Robins legs left the foot board and wrapped themselves up around Kenny's waist. This caused her legs to spread more for him giving him better access and giving her a better grasp on him, should she need it. Robin closed her eyes, her back arching and her body squirming under him as he stretched random areas in her vaginal walls. It felt a little strange and yet it sent erotic chills up her spine. She loved him. Her moans were soft and shakey, fitting to her small body and personality. "Oh-ohhHH" she moaned out before it was interupted by a sensative ping that caused her body to jult against the bed. Her thighs twitched and her legs released grasp on him momentarily before clasping back around him. "S-senseii.." she breathed out recovering from him hitting her entrance. It was definitely something she didn't think he would do. She let it go thinking it was an accident. She was too surprised that he was long enough to do that as well as was thinking about his last statement to the other girls. "Y-you mmean itt?" She asked looking up at him with adoring eyes. Her cheeks blushed lightly from his complements.

Katie who was watching the whole thing had not realized till a little later that the camera was being neglected. There was all of this great footage going on and no one taking pictures. She forced herself to pry her eyes away from the fighting girls to crawl over to the bed side and pick up the camera that was lying sideways on the ground. Then silently she took a photo of Kenny and Robin before she turned the camera on Raven and Hannah where she quickly got out of their way and fiercly began taking picture after picture.

Hannah used her free hand to knock Raven's arms out the way before they could properly grop her. He lefted her legs up to wrap around Raven's waist and pull her back to the ground. Then Hannah sat up using her thighs to keep the other girl down. Her feet pushed up pressing Raven's breasts up between the opening between the heel and flats of her shoes. "Not so tough now are you." She said lifting Raven's dress and taking a grasp of her underwear to tug it up her pussy. " bitch" Raven moaned out lifting her body up only enough to incline on her elbows. The girls froze with the sounds of Kenny's little threat. "You would not deny me pleasure of your hard rod would you Teacher?" She asked innoscently playing the teacher's pet while she attempted to crawl with her arms towards him to break free from Hannah's grasp, though she was barely getting anywheres. "Senseii you know you have been wanting to take my tight little pussy all night Teacher. I am much tighter than the other girls" of course she was lying but he would not know that unless he screwed her.
"Of course you are little Robin." Kenny said softly, plyaign favorites only to stem mroe jealousy as he leaned down to nip her neck as he thrusted herd itno ehr, not hard enough to go as deep as he had gone befeor though, it was even surprising to him that he went that deep, and was cautious, he didnt know what would happen if he hit he there again., her body tangeld aroudn him added to hsi joy though helping his mind slip from the thought of how deep he could actualy go as his lips left her neck, a dark hikkie on her flesh now as he spoke to the two fightign fgirls. "Well I don't want to play with girls that are all bange dup and bruised, so atleast play nicely,... " Kenny stated after watchign the girsl he had almsot missed their fightign, but he had to calm them slightly just incase they hadsn't been playign around, it was gettign hard to read these girls.
Robin smiled brightly, her face was flushed bright pink now and there seemed to be a little more pep in her from the complement. She wrapped her arms around his back as he leaned in closer to her. Her neck tilted to the back and side giving him more room as he nipped her little neck. She breathed out a sigh which turned into a loud moan as his hard rod slammed back into her. Her arms and legs pulled him closer to her. "Teacher..that f-feels so good. D-don't stop I want more." she praised him practically pleading him to have his way with her body.

Both girls paused looking at him as if confused. They thought they were playing nicely. They knew he was enjoying thier little fight. All boys did, it was hormones. So, what did he mean. "How will we chose then?" Hannah asked skeptically as if she did not want to ask the question. The two were still in their awkward posing as if someone had pushed the pause button in the middle of the fight. "Which one of us do you want next?" Raven asked him.
Kenny paused to look ahte girsl curiously, his hand restign softly on Robignns breats as eh strightend his back to 'sit up', forcing his memebr deep itneh girl teasging at her enterance as he thought, flickign her nipples the whole time. "Well...i really .. don't know..."Kenny chuckled out, teh movmetn makgin hsimemebr press clsoer to tthe girsl openign and even twisitngslightly as he turned hsi waist to look athe two girls otn e ground. "well, I gues you could go back to fightign.. or have a contect of soem sorts.. i really don't know.."
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