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The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Raven slide her head back and ran her tongue over the head while she breathed. Then slid him back into her mouth. A pleased smile was on her lips as he praised her by the reaction. There was a click and flash of a camera. The other three girls had come into the room now. Raven did not play any mind to them. She did not mind them. Katie, the friend who had the purse over her shoulders and wore the plaide skirt had a camera in her hand. "Say cheese." She mused as she walked over aiming the camera to take another picture of Kenny and Raven.
KEnnyw as startled byt eh first plash, neraly pullign out if the girl on his member hadnt stayed calm. sighign he turned to look at eh girl as she tookt he pictures. "Is there a reason you want those photos?" Kenny asked wiha smirk, "Or do you have soem sick voyuer fetish?" Added on,s ligthly pissed that they had surprised him liektaht, though he went back to Ravne as he cluthed her head to foce his cock down her through and release hsi first, easy load, letignthe cum splurt form his cock as he let ggo of her head and bagna pulling his memebr out of her throat and mouth.
"Katie likes to take photos." Robin said as she crawled on the bed behind him and rested her head on his left shoulder. Hannah did the same crawling from the right side of the bed. Raven gasped as he came and began to swallow trying to get down as much of the cum as she could. Katie took advantage of the moment and snapped a photo just as he shoved his cock down Raven's throat and came. "What's wrong? Is the horny boy camera shy?" Hannah teased whispering in his right ear. Raven pulled her head from his member and licked some of the cum from the side of her lips.
"No, far from shy, but I would perfer these nto shown aroudn school." Kenny stated befeor lookigna t eh four sternly. "Where were yu gals going? or comign hoem from any ways?" Kenny asked curiously, tryign to figure out howwell tehy ploted their story befeor layign back onte h bed with a sigh, his cockstill drippign cum and drool. "well i gues, the roudn is over.. you girls should be gettign to where you were going by now..." Kenny stated with a diapointed sigh, his mind now traveling on ideas to ge teh photos from Katie if possible, h was beging to trust eh girls less and less now.
"Don't worry. The photos are for our own personal usage." Katie reasured him. "We were going to a party." The girls explained. "Robin and I were going to meet Hannah and Katie there when our car broke down." Raven told him as she stood to sit on the bed and cross her legs. The girls paused when he told them the should leave. They crawled off the bed to huddle together on the other side of the room as if getting ready to leave. After a few whispers they turned around to face him. "We were going to a party, but its been going on for a while, by time we get there," Robin began to explain though her sister finished for her. "all the fun will probably be dying down." she explained. "If you don't mind we think it would be more fun if we stayed here instead." Katie said.
Kenny cocked a brow as eh proped him self on hsi elbows to wath teh girls whisper, takign a few moments as if ponderign the suggetiong the girls finaly gave befoer smiling. "Alrigth fine you can stay as long as you wish, but I don't know if we can play hide and go seek with this many people now, can we?" Kenny asked as if oblivious to any other option, he was tryignt o get information out of the girls as eh walked toward them, his memerb arready gettign hard again as he stpepd aroudn teh group, hsi hand looping aroudn katies waist as eh held a seductive grin. "what can a bunch of college students do late at night?"
The girls remained where they stood however they turned their head towards him, there eyes following his every step. All there eyes were on him, looking at him adoringly and seductively like he was the only cute boy at a party. Katie's fingers tighted around her camera as his hands slide around her waist. "Study?" She suggested skeptically. "Have sex" Hannah had gotten to the point rather bluntly. "They play around." Oddly enough Robin and Raven made the suggestion at once. However Robin had said it in a more excited tone while Raven's was more seductively playful.
Kenny grinend at teh girsl reactions, pulling KAties closer to let ehr hip feel his growign memebr as he looekd to he rest fo the girls. "well I think I will go with Hannah and hte twins... btu thsi lil cutei here." Kenny said as he slapped katie ot neh ass playfully. "She seems to need abit of leasons on hwo to have fun, wouldn't you girsl say?" Kenny asked now as teh same hand that spanekd teh school girl slowly groped her ass.
Katie shifted slightly as she felt his thick member press against her skirt. She was getting excited just by being held so close to him. Katie jumped slifthly then blushed from the little slap and tease. She seemed to be shy and yet like the attention at the same time. Of course she was experienced, all the girls were, but he did not know this it was all part of their charades. "This is going to be fun." Robin giggled. "What do you suggest we teach her first Mister Kenny?" Robin asked, emphasizing Mister Kenny as if he had become a teacher.
"Hmm that is a good question robin, and you can call me teacher.. or sensie.. no mister." Kenny said before looking to the girl wraped in his grasp , hsi fre hand moving over her tigth shirt to grope at her breasts. "she is well developed, maybe teacher her how to play wtierh her breats, but such a nice ass... I felt eh urge to tear it wide open, I say we learn safe sex today.. I don't want to have any Kenny Jrs runngina roudn now." Kenny added the last part wiht a smirk. "SO girsl have any suggestions fo what we can teach her?"
Her cheeks turned a brighter pink as his hands found her chest. She looked down towrst the ground timidly so they might not notice. "Why not both.." Hannah suggested. "teacher." She added remembering the title he prefered. "Sensei, we can give her lessons on how to play with herself." Raven suggested "And you can give her the big lesson on sex from behind" Katie remained quiet feeling too modest to suggest any type of lesson, all of their suggestions were getting her excited. "We can even use her camera as visual aide." Anna suggested.
"see now these are why you are my favorite students." Kenny said witha grin, as he unravled form the shy girl,takign ehr hand and leadign her to the couch befeor sittign down with hsi elgs whide."Now take of yoru cute lil panties and sit on teachers lap, and we can begin." Kennys tated. "Just make srue nto to sit on my penis, atleast not yet." EH chuckled out.
Katie followed Kenny over to the couch, the other three girls followed close behind. Raven took the bag from around Katie's shoulder. Hannah had the liberty of prying the camera from Katie's fingers, she did not seem to want to give it up. Katie stood facing Kenny "Alright." She said lightly as she slide her hands under her shirt and pushed a pair of red plaid panties that matched the skirt down her legs. She stepped out of the panties. Her body got a little excited as the cool air ran up her skirt. Stepping forwards she went over to him and sat her bare bottom on his right leg. Her eyes looked down at his member then up over to him. She crossed her ankles, one over the other, folding her hand in her lap. "What do I do now?" She asked lightly. It looked as if she was shy but really that was how she acted when she was turned on.
"well now i can't do anythgin ith you sitting like that, here.." Kenny stated as he grapbbed her bty the waist to pull her towards him so she was sititng facign awaiw form him, him slouchign down abit so when he picke dher up a few inches witha grutn and drioepd her down,s he landded just under hsi abbs, his memebr slippign rigth udner her pussy to runb its length agiasnt it befero she sat down, almsot makign ti look as if she was the oen withe h dick. "I can probably teach you somehtign esle first, If you want my member nice and lube dup for entry." Kenny stated, one hand slippign under her skirt to pinch her clit.
Katie gasped as he lifted her up, her body giving a small shudder as she came down over his member. She let out a small sound as his member teased her pussy. She had her arms now folded under her chest. She nodded her head. "Please Sensai..teach me." Her thighs twitched and she let out a small moan as he pinched her clit, the most sensitive part of her body. The other girls were getting wet watching the two. There was a flash of the camera and then a giggle. "Taking pictures is fun." Robin admitted to Katie.
"well there area few ways." Kenny stated as his fre hand went to herthe girls arm to unwravel ehr arms and take her hand in his, placign it on his member. "You can use yoru hands, your pussy, or your feet" Kenny stated, addign the last part once he rememrb Cindy a few nigths ago, though he almsot regreted sayign it, it ws somehtign specialy he liked Cindhyy todo, what woudl happen if Katie did it though it was pleasurable. "Well have fun takign pictures Robin, Unles you want to join in? Rememerb raven already has had her fun with me maybe she should takt eh photos."
Katie's fingers gently wrapped around he length. She squeezed lightly before rubbing his length. Raven came up behind Robin taking camera from her hands. "Go on, the teacher has called on you." Raven spoke softly in her ear though it was loud enough for the others to hear. Robin nodded her head and hurried over to Kenny. She got on her knees in front of Katie and stuck her tongue out playfully. She poked the hole of his member with her tongue then slide it over his head, liking it like it was candy. Raven had taken Robins place with the camera as she began to take pictures. Hannah however was not going to wait for the teacher to invite her over. She walked over the bed and crawled over the sheets to Kenny. "Kiss me Sensei." She said as she placed her hand on his cheek guiding his head over to face her. Hannah's head leaned in and she pressed her lips against his. One of her hands then took his free hand and guided it over to one of her breasts. Raven whom was not taking multiple could not get her mind off of how wet and horny she was getting watching the others. One of her hands left the camera and pulled her dress up and inch so she could reach down and rub below her panties.
"Such.. naughty.. students." Kenny breahted out with heavy breatsh as Robin joined catie to play with his member, his body floodign with exsacy as he let hsi head turn with Hannah's hand and press his lips to hers, slipign his tongue otu to forceoopevn her lips as his hand , cupped ehr breast to move ti ina circular motion slowly, enjoying to soft feel of her flesh even if it was coverd by her clothing.
Katie shifted forwards and froze for a moment as she realized the pleasure from rubbing her pussy over his length for both of them. With a smile. Katie shifted her hips forwards again and took in a breathe from the pleasure. Her fingers countinued to slide her hand up and down his member however now she began to tease her pussy on his member going along with the movements of her hand. Robin slide her lips over his head sucking breifly before pulling her lips off. She giggled with his comment then she tilted her head forwards to lick him again. Hannah's lips parted a little to allow his tongue passage. She leaned fowards pressing her lips deeper onto his, her tongue now swirled around his as she moaned lightly as he played with her breast. Raven began to moan aloud as she fingered herself. It was like watching porn live, the very begining of a hot porn video before anyone had taken their clothes off yet. She began walking closer to them to get better shots with the camera. She got a close up of Robin's action, then Katie. Then she reluctantly pulled her fingers off the crawl on the bed over to Hannah and Kenny's action. She leaned over Kenny pressing her chest against his back as she took a picture of the girls below. Her free arm slide over his shoulder and slithered into the neck hole of his shirt to feel over his chest and abbs. "You're such a dirty teacher playing with four students all at once." She whispered hottly in his ear. Her tongue slide over the rim of his ear then she bit his earlob enough to give him that surprising ting of pain.
His body was in a sensory overload as he tried to keep form loosign his mind in the pleasure, he heald in his own moans and gasps as he kissed Hannah, his tonguue twistign with hers but as robin sucked upon his head he ha to let out a gasp, nearly pullign form teh kiss as he pinched at Hannah's breast, his now free hand venturign to fondle one of Caties breasts, under her shirt, a smirk apearign int he kiss as he felt the4 girl was braless. finaly though the boy puleld form teh kiss to gasp as he was bitten on the ear. "yes, teachers a bad boy, what wil you do about it?" Kenny asked with a litle smirk, still feelign up both the red heads breasts.
Hannah and Katie were moaning practically at the same time. Katie shifted her hips on him allowing herself to put a little more weight down on him as she did so. Her fingers massaged into his member. She was soaked by now and her cheeks flushed with estasy as his cold fingers foddled her bare breast. As he pulled from the kiss Hannah crawled closer and began to kiss his shoulder, up to his neck where she began to suck on his flesh to give him a hicky. "What are we going to do about it?" Raven repeated the question as her finger circled his nipple. She breathed on his ear with a smirk. "We are going to give you a taste of your own medicine." She said on the top of his ear. "We are going to drain our big...bad...teacher dry." She told him as she aimed and snapped apicture down towards Robin and Katie whom now seemed more eager to make him cum.
"Oh really, shall i help with that?" Kenny asked as he gasped out, letign otu a load of cum, he had been holdign it in for a few second already but sens e the girls were all determind to make him cum as much as he could, he figured he wouldn't hold in his ecstacy as his back arched into robin, givign her a smirk befeor bitign her softly on her neck, his hands graspign onto the red ehads breasts hard befeor the wave diapated and his member stoped spirtign out cum, now tthen use the cum as lubricant and lets get started Catie." Kenny stated as eh sat up straigth agin, hsi hands movign from the two girls breasts to softly rub up adn down the schoolgirls sies wiatign for her to prep his member.
Raven gasped as he bit her neck, a chill running from the bite. Katie paused her movements as he came. Robin's head pulled back in surprise from the splirt causing the cum to shot on her face an chest. Then she quickly opened her mouth to catch what she could. She licked the cum from her lips then began to lick it from his head. Meanwhile Katie nodded her head to what Kenny told her. "Alright." She said as she ran her hands over the cum to spread it over his member.
"See now that's a good girl, let the real lesson begin." Kenny stated after Catie had coated his member enough, his hands graspign ehr sides to lift her up wiht a grunt and mocvign her forward, letign the head of his memebr run through her vaginal lips to tease it befeor he stoped at her anus. "Just so you know, this hoel rigth here." Kenny stated as ffi givign an actual lecture, thrustign his hip sligthly to his memebr poked hard at her hole. "Is the anus, always tight, and always safe from pregnancy, now how clean it is depends otn eh girl, but... doesn't matter." At taht he puleld her down to slam an inc of his memebr hard itno her small hole, gaspign and lettign go of her le lean back and breath, hopign the girl was smart enouogh to hold herself up now, unless she really wanted togo that fast, in which case his whole length would be shoved itno ehr as she fell atop it.
"Thank you teacher." Katie smiled pleased she had done what he asked correctly. Her hands settled ontop of his as he grabbed hold of her waist and her pussy twitched with excitement when he teased her hole with his member. The girl gasped moving her hips forwards as she felt his thick head poke at her back hole. "A-anus." She repeated the word to show she was paying attnention to his lecture. Her words were cut off as he proved just how tight the anus was when she shoved part of his member inside her tight hole. Her hands fell behind her onto his thighs and she gripped it tightly arching her back slighty as she cried out "AhhhhHH!" She caught herself with her feet a little past an inch inside her. "Maybe..its a little too...tight." He body shock lightly over him as her little hole was forced to stretch. She was skeptical about her words. As painful as it was it turned her on and she was not completly sure she wanted him to pull out nor did she want to go against the teacher's lessons. Robin was now kneeling on the ground directly in front of Kenny and Katie. Her legs were spread and since she was the first to lose her dress the wet spots on her panties were starting to show through. Her hands were flat on the ground in front of her and she looked up at the two innoscently like an innoscent playful puppy watching her master contently. She watched enjoying the show and in her head both wishing and imagining she was Katie falling on his member. When leaned back he was half way lying on Raven who who was still behind him. She tilted her head to lean forwards and nibble at his neck a few time before kissing the flesh softly.
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