The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Mmm ohhh..yesss" Robin moaned beneath him as he teased her. She would have been sad he pulled up causing her hands to fall back down to her side. She was not sad, his flicking was distracting her mind from being disappointed. She shook under him as he teased her he was so close. She was afraid he would slam into her entrance again, though he did not appear to be paying as much attention to her now. She gasped and her body lurched as he twisted in her to see the other girls.

"Fighting it is then." both girls said at once looking to each other with a small growl. They however did not get a chance to continue as there was a sudden loud knocking at the door. All the girls looked towards the door. "Are you expecting someone Teacher?" Katie asked. All the girls knew that no one else should be coming.

On the other side of the door Victoria stood in the usual tank top, jeans and jacket awaiting for the door to open.
Kenny grinned as Robin move dunder him. "No i dint forget my little A student." Kenny stated as eh leaned down ta and puleld otu slowly, Rammign inhard as the knockign came itneh door, the strength of the shove mroe form the surprise of the knock then anythign else as he slowly puleld out and sat on his bed lookign athe girls curiousy. "No...And you girls didn't call for any mroe 'help'?" Kenny asked curiously as eh walekd over to his pants, not even bothigeering boxers as he ppuleld them up, waitign fo rhe inevitbael no they didn't know as he walekd to eh doro and peake doute h peep hole, his face goign pale as ehturned and loked ahte fgirls his bakc flat ont eh door.. "Shit..." Was all he coudl say.
Robin nearly came to an orgasm he rammed so hard into her. She whimpered lightly as he pulled out too soon but understood why he had to get up. All four girls sat and watched him go to the door curiously. Hannah and Raven had unraveled from each other no longer concerned with the fight. "Who is it?" Katie asked curiously. All four girls could tell by his reaction that it was not someone he wanted to see. Whomever it was seemed to have scared him nearly half to death.
"Kenny dear, open the door. I know you are on the other side." Victoria's soothing voice coed from the other side of the door.
"Girlfriend" Hannah and Raven both said at once. "Should we hide then?" Robin asked. None of the girls were dressed to leave the room. In fact Raven and Hannah would have to borrow his clothes, since they had torn their own, which did not look good on his part. Katie and Robin began to put their clothing back on properly. All four girls just sat and watched him, waiting for instruction. They didn't really seem concerned about the woman on the other side of the door.
"A lil worse then girl friend... girlfriends overprotetive friend." Kenny said as he looekd toe h girls bfeor turnign his head to call out. "give me a moment." He said as eh walked quickly to eh foru girls, lokign aroudn hsi dorm. "There's no palce to hide.. pluss.. knwoign her i think there's no point." Kenny stated, keepign the little vampire thign a secret as eh walekd to eh doro adn cracked it open to peka his head out witha sheepish grin. "Hey... Victoria.. what brings you around for such a lvoely visit?" Kenny asked tryignt o put on a smooth tone.
The girls did not move, as he clearly stated it seemed pointless. So they sat and watched the situation play out. Victoria turned her head towards the crack in the door. "You have been on my thoughts all night so I decided to stop by." Victoria stated. "Anna will not stop talking about you." She cleared up the most rational reasoning why she was thinking about him. "You must be feeling just as lonly without her." She said looking as if she was concerned. She really wasn't. In fact she knew what was going on in that room and she was not pleased about it at all. However she remained to appear oblivious. Victoria raised her eye brows looking at him suspiciously. "Why are you hiding in the crack of the door? Aren't you going to be a gentleman and invite me in?" She asked him curious to how he was going to try to hide the girls from her.
Kenny's heart sank at the idea of Anna and her finding out about all of this, and Victorias vocie wasn't makign it any better as he turend thto teh girls a concerned andhur tlook on hsi face befeor lookig at Victoria again. "I.. I... well... You caught me at a bad time is al..." Kenny said, no wantign to ,lie to teh vampiress, hopign she would elave istead of havign to confront her about the girls, while the girls were aroudn. atleast with the girls cgone he woudl be abel to handle the vampiress' out bursts hopefuly.
"A bad time?" Victoria repeated calmly. "Are you in the middle of studying?" She asked him. "Or perhaps you have something behind that door you don't want me to see?" She stated as if trying to figure it out. Victoria took a step forwards placing her hand on the door putting a small amount of weight on it to try and open it. "Are you entertaining guests?" She asked curiously now trying to look past him in the crack to try seeing the other girls. "I do like parties." She said once again acting oblivious to the fact that it was more than just normal guests.
"I well.. slightlyu ya... I'm having a private party..." Kenny stated.. beeor perkign up."It..It'sd a secret club so uhm.. ya... coming back soem other tiem would be nice." Kenny stated though he had stepepd back slightly form ehr weigth ont he door, not that his body was weak but his midn was as he feare dbeing so close to ehr, ase if he feared she coudl smel his fear.
"I see." Victoria said as if she was not sure to believe him or not. "I appologize for the intrusion." She said taking a step back. "Perhaps next time I decide to stop by I should call first." She asid nodding her head to him. "Enjoy you're secret club meeting." She told him before turning from the door and she walked down the hallay to turn the corner.
"I'm sorry Victoria.. but yes you can't expect to..." He coudltn get an excuse out as she just wallked ff, sighign the boy clsoed the door and cslumepd down on it, his head bangin ot eh wood softly. "I am soooo dead now." Kenny groned out befoer lookign the the four girls, all nearly naked,d and soem dripign with cum,m. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask the four of you to leave for the night, I can't have her coming back with you gals aroudn." Kenny said weakly as he stood up adn slowly headed to his drawers to try adn get soem clothes forhe girls, teh boyu ashamed nwo as he didn't even look the girls itn eh eyes as he walekd bpast them.
The girls followed him over to his drawer. The girls with torn clothing borrowed a t-shirt to cover their tops. They cleaned themselves up before saying their good byes. There was no doubt that it was time for them to leave. "Don't worry so much. If she really likes you she'll forgive you." Katie told him kissing him on the cheek. Robin kissed him on the other cheek. "It was fun while it lasted." She smiled turning from him. Next came Hannah and Raven. Hannah kissed him on the lips and Raven came from behind. "Don't forget us." She coed kissing him on the neck. All four girls then left the room going next door to knock on Robert's door. "You were right. He could not resist." Robin grinned when the door opened. "We have beautiful shots." Hannah said handing over the camera.
"Oh.. i'm sure my girl friend will..." Kenny stated as he watche dhte girsl walk out. "I don't know how well her mistress will fare though." Kenny sigehd out as he walekd to his bed to flop down on it, growlign though as ethe sheets stuck to his body form teh sweat on bodily fluids, in frustraion he tossed the sheets to eh ground before rollign onto hsi bare bed, hoping every thign would be alrigth nwo.
Victoria did not return to the dorm after the girls had left. She decided it would be more fun to let Kenny sweat it out pondering if she knew what had happened in his 'secret club' and imagining the consequences that would come from it. Humans were fun to play with, even if they were predictable. Victoria returned to the mannor without telling Anna anything of that night. The girl was head over heals for Kenny. Victoria was not completely heartless. She was not going to tell Anna the boy she had risked everything for was unfaithful to her after one or two nights. No instead she returned to the mannor and decided she and Anna would not contact Kenny again, at least not for a while. She wanted him to just forget the mansion and move on, but part of her hoped he wouldn't.
Kenny's nightwas sleepless, and the boy was groggy as he walekd to his classes, bags under his eyes form teh new foudn worrya dn stress, what if victoria knew, what if she told Anna... what if she never.... Kenny shook his to get the thougth awya as he steped into hsi first class of the day.
Time had passed. It had been a week now since Kenny last spoke with Victoria. The vampiress spend her days asleep as predicted. Once a night however she found herself leaving the mansion, often checking up on Kenny without his knowledge. If there was any flaw of this young woman it was her curiousity and boredom. Despite what people may think not much really changed from generation to generation.
Kenny had trouble sleeping for a few nigths, with thoughts that Victoria would coem in for her revenge, though every nigth withotu fail he woulddrift into an exhausted slumber, every mornignin a cold sweat, or atlesat the first two nigths were like that. His mind calemd down finaly ont he third day though his time in class was spent worrying about Anna, finaly after five days fromt eh incident at midnight Kenny puleld on his jacket and headed to the library, to once more study on the mansion, on vampires, and fidn out who this Anna(or Cindy) really was.
Victoria sat on the ledge of the window watching Kenny curiously with a smirk. She found it odd that she had an unusual fascination for this human. She hated the species and yet here she was sitting on a window seal spying on one. She could tell by the titles of the books that he was trying to learn about vampires and the manor. It was humorous that he thought he could learn their history in a library. It was like looking for a needle in a hay stack, at least in this library. She had to hand it too him though. He was persistant, it was both an admirable and annoying quality of his.
the weeks passed As Kenny went evey night, some tiems ont he weekends as well to study up and find all he could, even goig so far as to search otehr library archives throughte h library's computer, with only Days till the dance the boy was gettign worried. He had expected Anna or Victoria to atleast have contacted him by now, especialy after Victoria's unexpected visit., growing more concirned now he begna lookign at blrue prints of the mansion, or making blue prints with informationhe ahd found, to try adn find ways in.
Anna had grown restless. She spent most of her nights in her room our standing out on the balcony looking up at the or out in the lawn. Every night she waited, hoping Kenny would suddenly show up from the bushes. Each night was a disappointment. She knew Victoria did not like Kenny and that he was forbidden to go anywheres near the mannor. However she knew he was not one for listening to rules. In fact that was how they had met, his lack of listening to rules. As weeks went by she began to think that maybe he did not care for her as much as she was lead to believing. Slowly she stopped going to the balcony and waited in her room losing hope that he would come. In fact she even convinced herself it was better that he never came back.
It was durign the day that Kennyplotted how to get inot eh mansion, packing up some viles of diluted holy water for vampire repelent and headign off the night before his promised dance. Parkign his car a block from teh mansion before slinking intot eh bushes as the sun began to set, trying to stay hidden even whiel the sunwas still up as he jumped the fence and scaned around, looking up to the balcony he had first seen Anna, now though he used binoculars to get a better look, to see if she or any one else was near the window befoer he scrried to eh stairs, takign off hsi shoes and manueverign up the stairs, still rememebrign which ones didnt squeek, once otneh balcony thogh Kenny couldn't help but chuckle, he had actualy expected teh room to be gaurded, "I've been watchign too many spy films." He whispered to himself as he looked intothe balconys window/door to see if the room was occupied.
Anna had just entered her bedroom when she heard something outside the room. She froze in place. Her head turned towards the balcony and her heart skipped a beat, well if she had one it would. She knew who it was, he was the only one who came up the balcony from the outside. The ghost raced towards the balcony door and straight through it tackling Kenny into a hug. Well she tried to. Instead she stopped in front of him, her arms going through his body and back out from the excitement. The sun had not completely set yet which meant she was still in ghost form. "I almost lost hope. I thought you might have moved one." She admitted shyly looking down at his feet. "But you did not. You remember me." She said becomeing more confident as she looked up at bright eyed. "I missed you Kenny." She felt a little weird saying it to a human like this but it was true.
Kenny's body relaxed as he saw this girl friend, still alive.. or well.. still exisiting, adn even still carign abtou him. A chill runnign through hsi body as she tried to hug him,' maybe victoria didn't know, or jsut didn''t tell anna.. btuu i wonder why?' he thought as he listened to ehr extatic chatter. "well your mistres was persistent when it came to not seeing you so i didn't want to ... well i didn't knwo if she could harm you and i din't want ehr to.... but... well I couldn't wait much longer, so... is the door unlocked." Kenny said as he looke dot eh doornob through Anna, questionign if he would have to wait till the sunw as down to come in. "and believe me, I would never forget you Anna."
Anna smiled cherishing his words that he would never forget her. She had ignored parts of what he had said like being harmed. She had spent a night in the basement in consequence to their sneaking around, but she didn't tell him that. Instead she nodded her head and stepped back through the door so that he could enter. "You were right about staying away. Victoria doesn't seem to like you very much." She admitted lightly. She glanced at the window and her eyes went wide in fear. The excitement of him being there had brushed an important problem from her mind, Victoria. "Speaking of which. She will be awakening any minute! You are crazy for sneaking in at this time, you have to leave!" She urged him, her voice in more of a hush now not wanting anyone else to hear them.
"well isn't it obvious." Kenny said witha chuckle as he looked around his arms spread out wide. "I can get closer to the mansion durign the day , I don't have to worry abotu sneakign ove the fence, all i have todo is hide, just keep the doro unlocked." Kenny said wiht a wink as he sat upon the balcony railing, befoer falling backwards , his arms till onthe railign as he spun to fall ot eh ground, lanidng with a thud and rollign away, breaking a vile he had goten from hsi science teacher that heald the stench of rotting flessh which he circled aroudna bush before hiding in it hoping the rotitgn smell would mask his blood.
Anna was skeptical, she thought he had snapped when he laughed however she went along with it. She walked over to the door and watched him disappear off the balcany, hoping he had landed safely on the ground. She looked over to the sun waiting a few seconds before the transformation began. In a manner of seconds she had gone to her human form. She closed the balcony door but kept it unlocked as instructed, then she returned to her bed. Looking in the mirror, Anna caught a wide smile on her face. She was thinking of Kenny. It took a deep breathe and a shake of the head to knock off the smile. She was supposed to be missing him. A cheerful Anna would be too suspicious. The manor was awakening now and it took a few minutes before a knock came to her door and it creeked open. One of the maids came it. "Lady Victoria wish's to know if you will be accompanying her today?" She vampiress dressed in a custom made, maid uniform spoke out. "No, I am going to spend the night in here." Anna replied. "We do wish you would spend your nights outside these four walls." The maid said in a concerned look. "Lady Anna..if I may be frank..he is not coming back." The maid told her. Anna sighed. "Yes, I know. I have gotten over him." She lied. "I still wish to spend my night here. I'll was thinking about catching up with my reading." The maid smiled and nodded her head. "If that is what you wish Miss." She said before turning and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.
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