The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Victoria laughed as she watched him pull out the holy water placing it around his neck. He was not keeping his guard down. "What's wrong, you don't trust me?" She asked retorically. "You won't need those." She told him. The vampiress placed her hand over his chest "You see Anna has your heart." She said simply. Then her hand slide up his collar bone up his neck to caress his cheek in her cold hand. "I want everything else." She told him in a more seductive tone.
"well.. you se.. i can't do that.." Kenny stated with a confident grin as his hand too hers to take it form his collar. "Unles you have a Really good reason then part of my boldy still belogns to my little Anna."Kenny said his tone grownign as seductive as hers. "But that can still be convinced out of me, if you are any good."
Victoria took her hand back, a little surprised he denied her. She shook her head. "You don't seem to understand." She informed him. "If you deny me you will never see your little Anna again." She told him cooly. "I have decided her punishment is indefinite." She smirked as if it were funny.
Kenny's face actualy began going plae now, the idea of not seeing Anna again... it was hard evnough goign the few eeks he had gone. Shaking his head slowly the boy began thinking, began ploting though at this point he didn't know what tod, he had puleld as many tricks as he could find, now well...."What do you want me todo?" He asked in a softer vocie, nearly defeated, it wasfor his Anna, he migth as well do it.... his bargainign and hisbluffing hadn't worked ont eh vampiress, he migth as well give in.
"Don't look so defeated." the red head told him. "Once you hear my...proposition you will see I am not always as cruel as I may appear." She reassure him. She stood up from the bed and turned her back to him. "What do I want you to do...I have thought about this for some time now." She spoke as she walked forwards. She was quiet for a few minutes to think of how to say it in words. She stoped on her heal and turned around to face him in one swift movement. "I want you..." She pointed to him "To belong to me." She said in the most straight forwards way she could think of. "Move into this mansion and forget about college. Leave the human world you know behind." She said as she walked forwards towards him stopping just before him. Her scarlett fingernails slide under his chin to lift his head up at her. "Give yourself the me and become my new servent and I'll eliminate Anna's punishment for good." She offered him. "That doesn't sound so bad now does it?"
Kenny gave her first a hopeful look at teh thought of staying int eh mansion, closer to Anna, with no mroe punishment. And at first he nearly jumped at teh idea, that was utnil he thought and puleld away, givign the Vampiress a quizical look. "Give up... my human life style... for.. anana..." He said in a soft monotone voice, thinking it over, by now he figured he knew what she ment by serving victoria.... But was he really willing to give up beign a human for young love. his mind wrackign before he cluthced hsi forhead in frustration trying to think tings through, trying but failing, all he could think of was Anna as he looke dup to teh Vampiress with a serious face and nodded. "Alright... It's a deal."
"Very good." Victoria smiled. "I knew you would make a wise decision." Looking over the door Victoria spoke out again. "Anna dear, bring Kenny some clothes from his new wardrob." The Vampiress called out. "Right away." Victoria's soft voice came from outside the bedroom door followed by the sound of her footsteps as she scurried away. "I have a room prepared for you downstairs separate but next to the other servant's sleeping chambers." She told him. "When you are not fulfilling your chores or serving me you can do as you like." She told him. "If you wish to leave mansion grounds you must ask me first, that way I knew where you are." She began telling him some of the rules while waiting for Anna to return.
It did not take long before the door opened and Anna came in with a pair of clothing in her arm. "Here it is." She said handing it over to Kenny. It was an open vest, a scarlet red bow tie and a pair of nice dress pants. It was basically the typical butler atire without a shirt or jacket. "Try it on to make sure it fits." Victoria told him.
Kenny watched the vampiress as she spoke, listenign intently, his mind still racked with the idea of leavign society for ever, but it was for Anna..and atleast this ment he could spend his nights with her when he was free, if he was iven any free time, Victoria seemed liek she had plans for him, plans he was unsure he liked. Standign up now as Anna walked in he looekdtoe h clothes and hten at Victoria , a quizical look onhsi face, turnign to look to Anna as he slipepd on the vest with a soft smile, glad to see her again, though he didn't speak, he felt almsot lost now after being defeated liek this he had lost his cockyness as he began sliping otneh pants and tieign the bow. "What do you think?" He finaly spoke out."
Victoria watched him get dressed. She was a little surprised he was adjusting to the change slowly, she did not think he had liked his lifestyle as much as he was acting. She could not blame him thought. It was a big adjustment and a big thing to give up. "It fits you nicely." Victoria said nodding her head once. "You look adorable" Anna said giving him a peck on the cheek in hopes of making him feel a little better. She had known what he agreed to. Victoria had told her the plan the night before but made her swear to secrecy. Then she took a step back again to get a luck further back. "Now tell me, what are you good at? Besides sneaking into mansions." Victoria mused. "You need a suitable job here...Where do you think I should place you?" She asked him curiously.
Kenny grinend, goign slightly pink as Anna pecked him ont eh cheek, givgn her a quick peck bakc befeor lookign to Victoria. "Uh... well... I'm good at cooking I gues" Kenny said , scratchgint eh back of his head nervously, He hadn't thought of any services, any normal house hold labor, he could do. "well.. you know one thing i'm good at.. but i don't think that swoudl be a helpful service." Kenny chckled out lookign to anna and wrapign an arm aroudn her slowly.
Victoria laughed. She thought it was humorous the first thing that came to his head would be cooking when he knew she was a vampire. She shook her head. "The kitchen is rarely used and we have enough cooks." A smirk came across her lips to his second reference. "That talent will be used much more than you think." She told him but did not go any further to what she might mean by that. "I will start you off slow and let you adjust to our ways. I believe I will set you on keeping the second floor clean for now." She told him. "Tomorrow you can begin your duties." She said before she began to walk towards the door. "Anna, I'll let you show him to his room downstairs." Victoria said receiving a nodd from Anna before she turned and left the room.
Anna was smiling the whole time, glad all had gone according as planned. "So, shall I lead you to your room now?" She said taking his hand so she could lead him out the room.
Kenny went red at teh remark, finaly rememberign what his new mistress was again, his head down as she spoke about his second recomendation, though still havign a content smiel on his face, beign able to hold Anna was enough for him. his head shto up adn he was abotu to ask a question befeor the vampriess slipped away, allowing him to turn to Anna, kissign her hard o tneh lips befeor asking. "Tomorrow as in day or nigth? do Vampries use the same tyope of calender?" Kenny asked half jokignly as he began following behind his little ghost girl, wishign to have spent the nigth with her, but his new life probably ment he would be spendign the nigth and day tryign to figrue out this place.
Anna's face turned a flush pink as he kissed her. It felt a little different now that they weren't hiding it from anyone. "Night of course." She replied. "The mannor is pretty dead during the day." She said then paused realizing the irony of her words. "Think of it as the opposite of humans, sleep during the day and living at night." She told him while they began to walk down the hallways. Not once did she release his hand. She liked holding his hand, enjoying his touch and being close to him. "I am sure you know where most everything is." She said leading him down the stairs now. They passed the kitched down a hallway linned with doors. She stopped at the second to the left, if they had went all the way to the end it would lead to the basement, the last door at the end. "This will be your room." She said opening the door and turning on the light. "Normally you would be roomed with another staff member, but Lady Victoria did not want to room you with someone who might think of you as a midnight snack." She said lightly.
Kenny chuckeld softly at ehr remarks, more light hearted now that he was alone with Anna as they stopepd at his door, lookign abotu curiously on their way there he noticed the blue prints hadn't been as acurate as he hoped, many mroe rooms and hallways then he had expected, now glad he hadn't tried to escape for he surely woudl have failed. Glancign in hsi room as he came to a stop he found a bordere dup window with a bed tot eh side, ornate chest at eh end of it and... ((iunno lol))
"It's not much..." She said as she let him look around the room. "I don't think you will spend too much time in it anyways." She said trying to make up with how plain it must look compared with most of the house. She leaned against the side molding to the door. She pulled his hand to pull him closer to her. She looked at his beautiful chest and up to meet with his eyes. Her free hand slide up the edge of his vest to settle softly behind his neck. "I know you must have given up alot for me...Thank you." She said feeling bad she had put him through all this. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips to show her gratitude. Then she leaned her head back against the door frame with a sigh. " have had a long night and I am sure there is alot you want to think about. So I guess..I'll let you sleep now." She told him soflty, her voice a bit hesisitant. She didn't want to leave him. Not after she had just got him back. And she was a little afraid one of the servents was going to break the rules and give him a visit.
Kenny put his hand u[ont he door , blockign the doroaway to keep Anna from leavignas he bent forward to give her antoehr kis, his free hand wrapigna roudne hr waist and pullign her close. "Stay with me for hte rest of hte night, I would.. I need soem one aroudn for a while." Kenny said softly, nuzzlign her neck, he needed soem one around, fearign he would freak out if he was left here alone, he had made the deal for her, he atleast wanted her aroudn as he slept.
Anna was almost happy he blocked her way out, she was however happy he kissed her again. A soft smile grew across her lips as he pulled her closer, her hand settled on his chest in instinct. "Alright." She agreed, giggling a little as he nuzzled her neck, his nose tickled. "I'll stay as long as you need me." She said leaning her head down to leave a soft kiss on his neck, the first place her lips could reach.
"THank you.." He stated softly as he guided ehr to the bed, layign down firs tbefoer tugin on her hand slightly to ask her to join befeor eh woudl wrap his arms around her.
Anna made sure the door was closed before she slide under the covers and crawled over to him. She layed down facing him, with half her body lying on top of him. Her legs curled between his as she settled down. She leaned her head in to kiss his forehead gingerly. "Go to sleep now, I'll be here when you wake up." She told him softly. "Good night Kenny." she said to him. It felt a little wierd going to bed and saying good night like this. She almost felt human again. It was a wonderful feeling she had forgotten until now that she missed.
Kenny let out a soft sigh, his body tanglign with hers as their legs werapepd to gether, his arms aroudn ehr waist, one hand on her shoulder the otehr on her hips as he kissed upon her collar bone befeor nuzzlign in, his breathign relaxed as he enjoyed the girsl body warmth, horny as hell from beign so clsoe to ehr, her scent was even drivign him crazy, but he needed comfort now, not sex, one of the few times he would chose somethign over sex s he almost felt alone wihtotu Anna now, atleast he could live out the rest of hsi years with her, he hoped.
Anna smiled, holding in a giggle as he nuzzled into her. She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep both for him and herself. Sometimes she liked to pretend she was alive again and with him caressing her so lovingly as he fell asleep it was as close t o real as she was going to get. A single tear rolled down her cheek as good as this moment felt it also made her sad that she was truly dead.

The day had continued on and the sun rose and later set once more. Anna never left Kenny's sight. As her body was given her physical form again she lied on the bed beside Kenny wide awake and watching him sleep, wondering when he would wake up.
((shouldnt a ghost be able to sleep if it wants??))

Kenny woke a few minutes after sundown, stretchign his body like a cat as eh roleld onto his backwith a yawn. Lookign aroudn lazily befoer notcign how dark it was, it took a mometn before his memeory came bakc and hte boy shot up itneh bed. "Anna..Anna.. are you...' His scentence stopeped as his hands felt over warm flesh and witha sigh of releifteh boy leaned over itn at direction to blindly hug the ghost girl. "You stayed..' HE whispered happily.
((Probably, but its kinda pointless. They don't really need it))

A smile grew on her lips as he woke with a start searching for her. "Of course I stayed." She said sliding her fingers though his hair as he hugged her. "I said I would be here when you wake up didn't I?" She reassured him while her arms wrapped around him returning the hug. She slide from the hug and clapped her hands. The lights automatically turned one. "Did you have a good rest?"
Kenny ept a warm smile as henodded hsi ehad to her question, his eyes squinted to get use dto eh light. "so.. do I haveto get to work rigth away???" Kenny asked curiosuly befoer kisign the ghost otn eh cheek.
Anna smiled from the kiss, shaking her head to his question. "No, not right away." She told him as she turned and slide herself off the bed. "You should go into the kitchen and have some breakfast first." She told him remembering he was human and probably hungry. She turned ot face him and pressed her finger to her chin questionably. "I guess you can call it breakfast?..." She said skeptically debating for a few minutes if you can call something that is normally eaten in the morning at sundown breakfast. "Anyways...this is a large mansion and I doubt anyone will go easy on you. You will need alot of energy." She reminded him now.
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