The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny gasped loudly , though ti was muffled int eh girls breast as the dominant one finaly took her move and pinched off his way of release, the feelign as painful and pleasurable. He was almsot shamed abotu how much fo a masocist he was himself as he enjoye dthe tease,, movign his eye sto glance over to anna, knowign he woudl have to thankehr tonigth for lettign him play with such wonderful recruits as he bit down abti harder onthe girls breast befoer tuckgin again, he ws determind not to touch either of the girls pusys until they offere dhimt eh 'pie'.
Ashley shuddered from the vibrations his gasp sent through her chest. She tensed breifly to concentrate on the new sensation before her coes and moan started once again. Her knee had squirmed its way up his leg as he played with her and was now pressing against where his thigh and hips met. A gasped escaped her own lips as he bit down harder on her chest. She closed her eyes biting lightly down on her bottom lip.
Pleased by Kenny's response Amber continued to tease Kenny. "You know, I never cared for my cream to be too cold." She began with a seductive little smirk. "Perhaps I should help warm it up a little." She said as she leaned down and slide his closest sac fully into her mouth. Her lips closed in around his flesh while her warm tounge began to lick and slide around his sac as if she were trying to get a taste of every inch of it.
Kennys whole body seemd to convulse as he felt her lips aroudn hsi sack, takign in oen of his balls he shuddered with heavy breaths as he tried to keep usckign on the sisters breast, but it was begingint o get harder now that he was being teased below, he felt liek squirmign lieka worm formt he waves of plessure that shot through his body, the warmth of the girl atop himw asnt helping as the feelign of beign suroudned by hot young bodies only made him hornier as she even pressed at his inenr thigh nighw. his hands stil groped and twisted her free breast while he suckle dthe otehr tone, once mroe flickgin the nipple befeor he let the suction relead andhe barried hsi head bewtent eh girls breast to lick at he flesh of ehr cleavage.
Amber's eyes rolled up to watch his beautiful reactions. She was getting more excited and confident as she watched him convulse. Amber caught herself smiling. This was fun. "Mmmmm" She moaned with his balls in his sac while her fingers continued to pinch and restrain any flow. She was curious to how long he would enjoy this and how far she could push him since she somehow knew he was already close to cuming. Her tounge countinued to slide over his sack as she began to suck hungrily on his one ball. It appeared the more he reacted the more aroused she was becoming, and he would be able to feel it as her increasingly soaking panties pressed against his leg.
Ashley continued to moan and shudder under Kenny's movements. She was actually grateful to her sisters foreplay because it seemed to be affecting the way he played with her. She relaxed a little now taking the little time she had to catch her breathe while Kenny pulled his lips from her sensative nipples. However as she looked up for a moment she let out a soft sqweel, wanting to giggle from the tingly sensation she felt as he began to lick her clevage.
the boy had nearly forgoten about the restraints on his member, hsi body still shuddering, btu soon he felt the need to release onc emroe , he tried to relax his bod to let it otu but it dditn come, gaspign he felt her fingers on his membr and remembered as the pain came around his member. the pressure buildign as the boy gasped pinchignt eh girls nipples hard. "May i release now? i'm sure you would love to taste my cream soon." Kenny said with a poute befoer putign hsi head betweent he girsl breasts again niping at he sie fo behr breasts as he twisted her nipples again.
Amber felt his member grow a little and watched as he relaxed and tried to cum. Her sisters little cry of pleasure and his request to release only confirmed her suspiscions. With a smirk she moaned louder and harder against his ball sac before she pulled her mouth off of it. "No." She said simply as her tongue slide up between his sac and hard member. "I am not ready for any cream yet." She said with an amused smile as she remembered what her Mistress had told her. "It doesn't look like you have enough made." She added. "Let me help you." She said as she slide her lips back over his ball and flicked it with her tongue before she softly began to suckle the flesh.
Ashley had let out a loud moan as he pinched her nipples hard and dug her knee a bit deeper into his thigh as she leaned forwards against him. She once again to squel lightly as he nipped the sides of her breasts. The feeling was erotic and tingly and her nipples were so sensative as he continued to twist and play with them she could hardly stand it.
"B-but..." Kenny stopepd to wince as she began sucklign his balls, teh sensation was overwhelmign but painful now as more sperm surged itno hsimemebr as hsi balls roeld up and doown tryign to pump out eh sperm though it was a futile atampt. Gaspignt eh boy finishe dhsi scentence. "IF yo do this.. there will be , no cream for alter." HE groaned ou layign hsi haead on ashleys breasts now, the sensatiosn too much for him as he now tried to hodl ackk. "Pleas elet me cum." he gfinaly begged out.
"I don't believe that" Amber stated with a smirk as she pulled her lips back. "Do you Ashley?" She asked her sister as she watched him with an amused smile on her face. She slide a single finger up and down his length, teasing him as she spoke. It appeared Amber liked the power she had over him. Ashley's hands slide around his neck to support him slightly as she looked down to her sister. "No. Not really." She replied softly. Amber did however believe that he was ready to explode with cum and his begging was suffice enough for her. "Ashley, come kneel in front of the customer." She ordered. Her sister hesitated for a second to comply but she remember what happened earlier when she broke character. So Amber got off of Kenny and knelt down on the floor in front of him. "Alright you may cum now." Amber then stated as she released her fingers that were blocking him and grasped his length into her hand to guide where the cum would splurt, making sure to aim for her sister's chest.
Kenny was almost fearful as Ashley agreed with amber, lookign up to her to beg until amber but in, the boy grinning as ashley got on the knees infornt of him, his member throbign hard as he was now even more anxious to release"Oh god, thank you for hte release." Kenny gasped out as his member released the moment the thumb was gone, even some cum stickign to am bers finger as she let go, a stream comign out as she directed it to ashley before it blotched otu teh rest of his white, hot cream over the waitres, his toes curlign and body arking slightly with the release of hormones, giving out a soft sigh befofre he relaxed back down, as he was finished unloading nearly 2 loads worht of his cum.
Ashley squelled when the first bit of cum splurt at her. She had to slide her hands under her ankles to keep herself from instinctively trying to put her arms in the way. She blushed getting aroused by his release and the warm sticky cum that now slowly dripped from her chest felt funny. It was different but not bad. Her knees were spread open. Her pussy twitched as she stared at his big member. She wanted to touch herself so badly but was too shy to do so now with her sister an the other two in the room. Amber did not have that problem so much. As she was almost equilly arounsed her hips were randomly adjusting and shifting against his leg to ease such an urge. Amber released his member completely and stuck her cum covered finger into her mouth. She stuck her finger in and slowly pulled in out as she sucked on it. "Mmm..." She hummed leaving the tip of her finger over her bottom lip. "You're cream is delicious." She said hotly as she leaned forwards against him. "You were being modest." She teased.
Ashley bit her bottom lip lightly as she was horny and watching her sister taking his attention. "Sir.." Ashley looked up from her positioning at Kenny. "Would you like to have some pie now?" She asked as her hands began to creep over her thighs.
Kenny gazed athe girl alsmto hungerly as she knelt there infront of him now covere din his semen, blushign lightly as the 'manager' complimented his cream. "I told you it was the best." HE chuckled out befeor turnign bck to Ashley grinning as he hear dthe words he wante dot hear. "Mmmm of course, a milk shake doesnt fill emup and satisfy me as much as a pie would, but what pies are ont he menu?" Kenny asked curious as to who he would be abel to pick form if not just form asheley, which was fine but, he would liekt os e ehis options.
Ashley did not answer his question immediatly. She was so horny it was hard to think of names of pies when all she could think about was Kenny and what he might do with her next. "Well...we have a..." She paused liking her bottom lip nervously as her eyes traveled down his chest. "We have...some specials today." She said making this up completely off the top of her head. "My famous whiped cream pie..." She said as her hands slide down between her legs, they hovered over her pussy as if about to touch but after a second as if debating in her mind she pressed her hands flat against the floor. "And..." She bit her lower lip gently looking up and glancing towards her sister for some help. "Amber's peach cobler" She said the first pie that came to mind as she looked back up at Kenny.
Kenny watched the girls movemts carfuly, pleased wiht how she was showign restraint,it ment she ws learnign, btu h was also disapoitned he hadn't driven her far enough to need to pleasure herself. "Mmmmm well..." He paused to think as he leaned forward putign hsi elbow on is free knee while lookign to ashley and her stister, one hand rubbign the 'manaers thigth soflty befoer lookign voer to ASheley again as his hand cam upf rom hsi knee to wipe soem 'cream' form her breast and pressign it so er lip. "Give my cream a taste, tell me if you think it would do well with your pie." Kenny siad tauntingly.
Ashely's big lustful eyes watched him intently, it was like a kid waiting impatiently to see what was inside a present. As he leaned forwards on his elbow she leaned forwards putting her weight on her hands. Her eyes followed his hand as it wiped some cum from her rising chest. She did not hesistate to slide her tongue over his fingers the moment it touched her lip. "Mmm.." She sound hummed from her lips as she looked up at him. Her toes curled tightly as her pussy twitched craving attention. Her thumbs instinctively slide back to press against her wet panties as if it would help. "Amber was right." she said nodding her head as she looked up at him. "Yes..." She said getting to answer his question. "but...I think it would taste great on any pie." She said modestly not wanting to look too selfish with her sister and the mistress watching as well as complementing him at the same time.
"So does the customer have to work for his pie? or is it delivered?"Kenny asked, notreally ignoring her compliment but he was gettign as anxious as she was for sex now, thoughe he had planne don teasing her longerhe was as horny as probably allt he girls inteh room , and unliek them he ahd permistion todo as he pleased, as long as it wnet with the twins training.
Anna stood and watched the three interacting closely. She was surprised actually by Ashley's self restraint. Most new girls would have not held back and these two were not the easiest to train. She did not say anything though. She would wait and watch until Ashley would fully give into temptation and see how the other two would react before she would do anything. Her eyes then went to Amber as she spoke knowing the girl was doing alright so fare but wondered if the new vampire would improve or drop the act first.

Amber held her tongue enjoying his soft touch as her sister and Kenny interacted. Though she had already tasted a bit of power and similar to her sister she was growing slightly jealous for attention. "The milkshake was on the house." She told him. "Everything else you must work for." She spoke up. "After all this is a business." She reminded him as her hand slide around his shoulders to play with the hairs behind his neck. Her other hand settled on his cheek to turn his head to face her hoping to make him chose her over her sister. "Which pie is your manly appetite craving?" She asked as she teasingly rocked her hips against his leg.
Kenny didn't fight her hand as she mvoed hsi head to look at her, pleased with her additude, it ment he didn't have to choose as he leaned forward to peck her cheek. "mmm well why don't a try your special, it soudns tasty." Kenny said as he moved both his hadns now to go towards amanda., one to place on her thigh and rub the inner thigh rigth where her skirt ended, while the other unbuttoend her shirt only enough to slip his hand into her shirt and udner her bra to fondle her warm flesh.
Her legs spread a little wider in reaction to his touch. "Mm You won't regret it. It's the best in the house." She replied hotly as smile of success curling across her lips. Her eyes slide down to her sister and their eyes met as she none verbally announced she had won that little battle.
Ashley looked up at the two with a small pout forming across her lips. When their eyes met she wanted to stick her tongue out at her sister but that was too childish and would be admit of defeat. Both girls wanted him badly and as they were sisters they were starting to bicker over him, for now the signs of this fued were not completely apparent however. "That's not fair. I asked first." Ashley complained breaking character slightly as she tried to get her way. At this point her thumbs were sliding up and down her panties gently and her sister was quick to notice.
Amber however was keeping her character well and using it to an advantage against her sister. "Look at this. My waitress is being rude to the customer." She said placing a hand on his chest and swirling her finger over his chest seductively. "And showing inappriate behavior in public." She said as if she were appaled the girl was playing with herself. "I just can't let that type of behavior go unpunished in my restaraunt." She said looking at Kenny and getting into her part. Then she leaned in sliding her tongue over his earlobe. "If you really want at taste of my pie you'll take care of the problem for me won't you?" She spoke gently in his ear like she was the good guy. "Take care of those filthy hands of hers."
Kenny shuddred as she teasedhis ear, looking over to te pouting girl as her sister turned on her. "mmm but i can't do anythign with YOUR dirty little parts rubbign on my leg." He said shakign hsi head in disapoitnment. "customers don't liek hypocrits." Kenny said with a huf before smirking. "though i';m sure you can punish her some how." He stated as he slipped hsi ahnd from out of ehr shirt and untied his tie to give it to her. "if you really think your workers are beign so diobedient."
Amber blushed a notch of courage dropping as Kenny told her off. She was almost ashamed of parts of what she had said purely because she thought it had made her look bad in front of him. However, she was not going to act as if she thought she was wrong. She slide from Kenny’s lap and came over behind her sister. She placed her hands on her sisters shoulders sliding them down her arms to grasp her wrists tightly and pull them away from her cunt. “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Ashley protested as she struggled to get her wrists free. She had gotten one hand free but Amber practically jumped on her back, pressing her chest against her flesh as she pinned her sister down against the floor and quickly pulled both her wrists back to wrap and tie the tie around them. “You are disrespecting your boss in front of the customers.” Amber replied as she pulled her sister back up with a tug on her knees. The ‘restaurant owner’ then took Ashey’s apron off and tied her wrists to her ankles to force her to remain kneeling with her legs spread for all to see her soaked panties. “Now you are going to watch while I have fun with the hot customer.” She whispered teasingly in her sister’s ear who once again was tugging at her bindings. “What do you think?” Amber asked as she looked up at Kenny.
"Mmm you know. i love a girl who can take charge." He stated as he licke dhis lips teasignly. "Now coem bakc here, i'm starving for soem pussy."
((meh sry short.))
Amber stood up walking around her sister standing in front of him. She took his hands into hers and led them under her blouse and onto her thin waist. She slide his hands down guiding them over her curves to allow one of his hands to stop at the zipper of the skirt. “If you’re so hungry then perhaps you can help me remove the covering.” She offered making him still work for it. “My pie is smothering under its cover.” She said hotly as she leaned in to kiss him.
"mmm all wrapep dup, must be nice and toasty." Kenny teased as he fiddled wit the zipper befor slwoly unzippign it, his other hand following on the other side to feel the fabric of her skir then down her thighs to her stockigns, shiverign eagerly as his ahdn came back up to tiug onher skirt lightly .
"I hope it's not too hot for you." She tease as her hands traveled up his arms and onto his shoulders while he slowly felt over her. The skirt was so thin that it barely took a tug once it was unzipped before the fabric simply fell off.

After a few minutes of struggling Ashley growled in annoyance that she could not free herself from the binding. She relaxed slightly and glanced up at the two before dropping her head down like a sad puppy admitting defeat. She stared down at the floor refusing to look up at her sister as they had fun without her.
"mmm but i like them hot and wet." Kenny spoek otu as he snaped her panties form both sides to tease her befeor hokignt hem with hsi fignrs again and slowly begingin to slide them down using his thumbs to pule hte panties whiel his fingers slowly felt over her skin and stockigns, shuddeirng ocne more in excistmetne as his memebr buldged, gettign readdy for more fun. Looking over to the waitress he almsot felt badm but didn't know what todo, she would probably y have to deal with this later on as ell so he figrued she should get used to it now, especialy after he saw how much these two actualy wanted him, this would be good trainign for her.
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