The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

"Mmm.." a shudder went through her spine as he teased her. "I know what you are therefore I know your weakness." She teased him. A smirk was on her lips as he looked her over. She in turn walked into the bedroom. "You may sleep nude if you would like." She told him as she walked towards the large black box ornatly decorated beside the wall a few feet from the bed itself. "However, vampires sleep in coffins." She reminded him. She was oddly pleased with the disappointment she brought up to him. Victoria went up the steps beside her coffin and slide inside to get herself comfortable under the thin sheets. "Sweet dreams my pet." She cooed to him.
Kenny pouted as she slipepd into her coffin, hoping his little cindy wouldnt need a coffin as well, he had been looking forward to sleepign with two girls at nigth every so often." Sweet dreams msitress" He whipsere dotu softly as he heade to her bed and pulel dhte covers over his body to drift to sleep, basiclay collapsign as he fit eh pillow, his body exhausted not use dto transfomign any more.
Victoria closed the lid of her coffin and soon the morning sun rose and fell. Nightfall came again. When Kenny awoken he would find that he was still lying in a bed but it was not the same bed and he was definitely no longer in Victoria's bed chamber. The sounds of moans, whimpers, orgasmic screams and muffled please, leather hitting flesh and constant low buzzing all meshed to gether to form music that filled the room. Kenny was lying in a bed placed in the center of the basement. The room was filled with girls bound down to contraptions of all sorts being torment with pleasure, some force to orgasm multiple time while others denied the pleasure. Soon Kenny would discover there were silver cuffs clamped around his wrists attached to silver chains which were fastened to the head board. His arms could settle onto his chest but that was the furthest down it was allowed.

The door to the basement soon opened and the cook locked the door behind her and walked down the stairs with a trey of food in her hand. "Good morning Sir." She smiled pleasantly as she sat on the bed beside him. "I have brought you breakfast" She said pleasantly as if this were a normal situation. She put the tray down on the bed and picked up some eggs with a spoon holding it up to his mouth so she could help him eat.
The sounds are what awoke him as he looekd around, at first horified til he waaw most girls were not in pain,as he was also awoken with a hard one down beow his belt, sighing he lookeed around as the cook came down to him, smirking he went to grab the wsppon form erh when eh hear dthe rattle of his chaisn, it was all good until he foudnhe was bound, sighing ina lwo growl he lifted his head to take the food swallowign it efeor speaking. "doe sthe mistres really think these chaisn will hold me?" HE aske dallowe dthoughit was mroe to himself, smirkign to eh cooky wita cocky grink as the muscles in his arms buldged, dertermind to break the bindigns with forc ebut sudenly therie was a burnign hot paint hat traveld though his arm,s the boy convolsed and landed his hea dhard otn eh bed agian. "Silver." HE hissse dout in stupidity , looking around before back to the cook. "Well.. it seems there's nothign i coan do is there?" he asked her befeor openign his mouth for more food.
The young cook sat and watched as he foolishly attempted to break free of the bindings. "No, I am afraid not." She said simpathetically as she fed him more food. She smirked giggleing "Lady Victoria said you would react that way." She mused as she gave him some milk."She wants you to be healthy and keep your strength so she has ordered me to come down here to feed you." She informed him simply as she went back to feeding him eggs. "I'll be comeing down here three times tonight." She informed him, hinting to him that he would be there all night. "She said..." She paused for a moment thinking of how to word it. "She said Anna was soft had given you too much freedom. 'The wild pup needs to learn restraint'" She quoted the mistress as she fed him.
"Mmm i gues that means your also ordered not to touch me?" He aske as he noticed how his chains wer cut just short enough so he coudltn touch himself, atlest now hwhen he was layign down a s he now proped himself up on his elbos to sit up, his hands stretchign otu to reach to the girl as well though the chains seemed to shrinka s he moved, it seemd theyw ere enchanted, no mater how he moved he was unable to touch himself which then restraiend him from touchign the girl.
The maiden watched him try to adjust to the chain and the bed. "Good guess." She nodded her head with a smile. "I am simply here to make sure you eat." She told him as she fed him more eggs. "No one is allowed to touch you and you cannot touch them." She said as she moved on to his toast and drink once more. "Relax and enjoy the view." She suggested. "You should consider yourself lucky. It is not often a boy is allowed down here." She teased him, knowing by the end of the night he would be begging her to set him free.
"I'v alreayd considere dmy self lucky tostay int he mansion." HE said witha shrug as he decided to lay back downa n relax, his hands croosed behidn his head as he opened hsi mouth for antoehr bite, the noises were alrayd begignign to get to be a nusance to hsi body, every tiema girl woudl moan or scream his memebr woudl throb up hard no matter how hard he tried to think of soemtihign else and even being hand fed like this was erotic to him, the whoel thing kept hime horny. "So where si the msitress? youw ould think she would be here waiting for me to beg?"
"Mistress Victoria is busy right now." She told him as she finished feeding the bound boy the last bit of food. "I am not sure you will see her today." She told him as she used a napkin to dab any excess food from his lips. "Do not be fooled in thinking she cannot see you. She sees and hears everything that takes place in this basement." She told him as she took the trey and left. Kenny was left alone. He was left chained to the bed for hours. Maids came in the room to turn devices on or off, depending on the girl. Two hours in a maid was brought into the room and was forced to sit upon a sort of bench two rather large dildos. She squirmed in agony and pleasure as the vibrations of the toys were increased again and again until she finally was given release and eventually passed out. After she was awakened she thanked her mistress by making out with her then was escourted from the room. Two more hours passed and another maiden was brought down to the basement. She has green hair and her dress and knees were dirty as if she worked outside. She was strapped to a frame and her mistress used a whip to skillfully tear her clothing from her body. The sounds of whimpers, chains, and leather to flesh echoed in the room as her sensative areas became the new target of the whip. When the dominatrix maid was satisfied she used the handle of the whip to screw the girls soaked pussy and suck on her nipples. When the maid was done with her she was left hanging spread eagle on display, panting and covered in sweat and pink welts. Cum dripped down from her thighs onto her torn clothes. It was not until later, after Kenny was given time to admire the sight that she too was unchained and taken back upstairs. It was not until later, when the clock struck midnight that the cook returned to Kenny with another trey of food for his lunch.
((damn im tormented by reading it my self i would hate to be in kennys position >.<))
"m mm i didn't know the mistres waqs into the whole voyuer" He teased befeor biding the cook good bye. closign his eyes and trying to calm himself, that was until the maid was brought in and tortured, his hips squiriming as h roleld to his side trying not to pay attention but ehr sounds were so pleasing, and even if he couldnt transform his senses were already heightened as he sould smell the girls vaginal fluids as htey seeped form her body, makign him shudder wiht pleasure or the yearning of it. he role dover just in time to see her kissign with her mistress and he winced growling and grumbling to himself as he looked away agian, the next one was even harder to ignores asw the whips and screams drew him to look over, his cock throbing up wiht eveyr whip lash, sighing a breaht of relief as she was finaly taken away, his eyes finaly free fromt eh torment, when the cook came in this tim he tried to put on a strong face, but the bhead of his memebr had a drop of precum squeezed out, it was all he was able todo just from wathcign and hearing the girls he was that aroused, though he had an idea as the cook came over he smirk leasurly to her as he prope dhimself up on his elbows. "so whats for lunch my cute lil' cook?" he asked as he began to transform ins fairly unoticable way that didnt hurt him as much as actualy changin hsi body, instead he changed hs hormones, to be stronger, more alluring, he had learnt the trick when he was a senior in highschool, girls literly jumped upon him with his beastly musk in the air, it was strong enough to get a girl wet enough tha tone touch could brign a weak girl to an orgasim, he had yet to know what it would do to a vampire though.
"I brought you a cheeseburger, french fries and some soda." The maid said as she placed the tray on the bed, beside Kenny. She had inhaled the hormones in the air already feeling some of its affects on her. He looked so hot nude and chained to the bed. Though, she was not picky to gender. Any being in the room would look attractive to her at the moment. Though she was aroused it was not enough to pounce on him. Though a vampire was affected by the hormones they did have immunity to it. They were weakly affected by it at first and gradually as they remained exposed to the musky air, thier arrousal would become stronger and stronger. The maid sat down on the bed tensing slightly and holding her breath for a moment before she relaxed. The Mistress of the house had been prepared for Kenny's tricks and had filled both the cooks holes in what looked like a locked chastity belt under her uniform. Even if she wanted to break the rules she couldn't fully. "I see you took my advice and have been enjoying yourself." The cook smiled in amusement as she glanced down at the few drops of cum on his erection. She picked up the cheeseburger and began to feed him just as she did for breakfast.
"mmm what can't you cook?" He asked as he swallowed a peice of the burger, smirking at ehr comment as he looekd down at his memebr as well. "It's hard not to." HJis eyes wandered over to the girl befoer takign a btie of the bruger again.. "You know you must get hungery as well, i mean its hte middle of th e night i bet you havent fed, come on, you know you want to take a taste." HE said gesturign down to his member, hoping to get soemthign out of her this time. "The mistress enjoye dmy taste last night i'm sure you would lvoe it as well."
"I thought american boys like their 'ambergurs" She teased with a small french accent, though she made it hard to tell if it was fake or not. The smile on her soft lips faded as he tried to tempt her into feeding on his private part. Her eyes gazed upon his member as if she was actually considering a taste. Then she shook her head looking up at his face. "I would not dare." She said simply as she took some fries and began to feed him. "We both know I should not even be thinking of it." She said as if the idea was obsered.
Kenny pouted , btu after a moemnt of thinking he sighed and took soem fries, seh wouldn't like to loose such a lovely cook,not knowing if he woudl punsish tthe cookc the same wayas him, or jsut kill her. "So tell me though, i just saw what looekd liek two mistress' come down here.. what relaly goes on inthis mansion?" he asked out of cruitousity befoer takigna sip form the drink, though he decided not to seuce her, he coudltn stop the musk, not after it had built up so much in his body, it would tke a few mintues bfoer he stopepd producing it.
The must was making her horny however, her will to keep herself from being the next vampire chained in this dungeon was stronger. She keep her breathing even and concentrated on feeding the human to keep control. It was almost a relief that he had changed the topic. A smile grew back on her lips as she fed him more of the hamburger. Not only had he changed the topic, he brought up and interesting new one. "You have lived here for a good while now..." She said with a playful smirk. Sure she knew alot about the mansion. What she did not know was how much he knew. "Think about everything you have seen and learned in the manor so far. What do you think really goes on here?" She asked him curious to what an outsider like him would come up with.
"No offense." He paused as th took antoerh bit eand swallowed. "But i say this place is a whore house" HE said once mroe takeing a bit eof the burger. "mm though i can't say it sa bad thing at all, but then is the msitrest, the actual msitrress of this mansion?" He asked curiously, the msitress did seem to be the msitress fo the mansion but it was somethign he wanted to know. "adn the mermaid, she doenst seem like soem sexual toy.. and what about my anne?"
She giggled to his first response looking around the room at the bound girls that surrounded them. "I can see where you make that conclusion. And in a way this mansion is just that." She agreed with him as she looked back at Kenny as she continued to do her one and only job of the night, making sure the human was well fed. "You see this is not a brothel. Very few of those who do not live in the manner are allowed inside. Of course there are guests and visitors." She told him the difference "But never clients." She said gesturing with a pointed finger as if it were a rule. There were exceptions to every rule but she let that go for it was rare. Then the young cook nodded her head to his second question. "I know it my sound unusual possibly unheard of for a female to head the household but she is." The cook said proudly. "You must not keep your head in the gutter all the time." She teased him with good advice and a smirk as she brought his drink back up to him. "Mistress is not always a sexual term." She reminded him. The way she said it seemed to be important to remember as well as pertain with her next choice of words. "Lady Victoria and Lady Anna were the first of the supernatural to live within these walls. Though none of us knows how two girls so different met. They never really tell anyone their story." She paused to take a breathe from her explanation and almost forgot about the last person he asked about. "As for the mermaid, this place is more than a whore house. To many of us it is a home."
Kenny nodded glad to knwo atlest later on in his stay he woudlnt be sodl out for sex, takignt he last bite of hsi fried befeorswallwoign he figuresd he shoudl ekeep his questiosn short now. "mmm well tis hard to think of anythign btu sex, especialy after seeign what my anne trains the maids here fior." He stated rememerbignthat fun night which brought up another question. "where is Cindy, has she been given a job int he mansion yet?" He asked, nto evne sure if the cook would knwo hsi new toy so he mvoed on to antoerh quesiton. "and how did you coem to live here? was it of the mistress' doing?"
"That way of thinking is exactly how you got stuck in this situation." The cook laughed in the expense of his bound rists. His nude, well sculted body bound to the bed and practically helpless. It was a sight any girl would want to take advantage of. Once again she herself had to pull the thought of sex from her mind as she put his empty glass on the tray. She ignored his question about Cindy as she took a napkin and gently wiped his face. "I was a gift to the mistress from my previous master." She informed him simply as the napkin came further down to wipe some crums from his chest. She picked up the tray and stood up. "Is there anything else you would like to know before I leave?" She asked him curiously.
"Oh no I'm fien for now though hurry back with dinner." HE siad wihta winkebfore rolling to hsi side to face awayform ehr and stretch witha yawn, the soudns arodun him were begginign tobe able to be blocked and he was goign to trya dn actualy get soem sleep, unless soem special guests came ina gian liek befoer,the solo girls were common to him now.
Maids came in and out to check on the women surrounding Kenny. None of them even glanced at the new boy lying on the bed. It was a while before a new guest was taken down the stairs to go through with her sentence. A young maid with bright orange hair wearing a rather skimpy two piece uniform and high heels were being guided down the stairs by another young maid who looked like she could be her twin. The only difference beween the two was that her wrists were cuffed to her elbows behind her back. She was brought to a place on the side of Kenny's bed where a bar was cuffed between her anckles and soon she was suspended upside down by her anckles. As the girl whipped before her, her clothing was soon methodically whipped off in layers, her uniform then her bra and finally her panties. Then the whip in her young mistress's hand was replaced with a crop and a rather thick and long vibrator. The vibrator was stabbed into her wet pussy like a stake and she groaned squirming in the bindings as if they would break. The vibrator had only made it about halfway. So with one shove the rest was forced in and the maid came. Her mistress took some time licking the cum from her pussy and thighs. Then she turned on the vibrator, put on a strapon and forced the plastic dick down the girl's throat. Kenny could now hear the rattles of the chains, buzzing of the vibrator, muffled moans and groans as the dildo was thrust between her lips, and the sound of leather hitting flesh as the crop was now used against her sensative clit. After two hours and multiple orgasms the dildoes were finally removed from her holes and she was finally able to catch her breathe as the maid was slowly brought down and her feet freed of the contraption. She fell to her knees and thanked her mistress by licking her pussy until she two orgasmed, then the two left back upstairs. Time slowly passed and soon enough the basement door opened and the cook returned to Kenny's bedside with his food. "Good evening." She greeted him cheerfully as she placed the trey of food on the matress. "The night is almost over. How are you holding up?" She asked him curiously as she sat on the bed.
Kenny groaned in annouance as he saw the mistress and maid comming down the stairs, knwoing he would have another great show , another agonizing show was put on for him, that even as he close dhis eyes the sounds, the smells even the taste itne h air made the boy even mroe horny as he squirme din his bed stretcvhign as pleasure ran through his body forcign his muscles to want to mov, his body just wantign to fuck anythign right now as he sat their wiht a heavy breath as the cook came down to him, takign in a breaht and gulping before he spoke.. "Good, i don't think i could have taken 6 more hours of this." He said wiht a sigh as he prope dhimself up now slowly his body began to go back to normal though his member stayed up, his poor old penis sore from stayign up all night. "so what do you have me for dinner? and im guesing you dont want to feed on me still?" He asked with a playful grin
She shook her head with a smile "That won't happen tonight." She confirmed his suspictions. "Tonight we have boneless chicken, corn and mash potatoes with soda." She informed him as she began to cut the chicken into pieces to make it easier to feed him. "You have been doing well considering your situation." She told him. "Lady Victoria was so pleased that she arranged for you to have dinner and a show tonight." She said as if it was a delightful surprise for him. She stuck a fork into a piece of chicken and blew on it to cool the food down then began to feed him as she had twice before. They could hear the lock to the basement unlatched and the cook perked up. "Here they are now." She said cheerfully. While his eyes went to the door her own stayed on him for she did not want to miss his reaction.

The door opened and Cindy and Anna stepped inside. Anna was wearing the same red dominatrix suit he had seen her in before. Cindy was wearing a white gown that flowed down to her knees and were slightly transparent. Like the maid who had come in before her, her arms were bound behind her back with leather straps around her wrists cuffed to her elbows. This caused her chest to heave out in front of her. Cindy was walking down the stairs with bare feet and wearing a white blindfold. Her blonde curls hung flawlessly around her face, each curl in its perfect place. Her features were flawless as if she had just been pampered before entering. She also looked a bit hesitant and scared as she followed blindly behind Anna. Anna tugged on the leash that attached to a pink collar around Cindy’s neck. “Good evening” Anna winked to Kenny before bringing her attention back to her trainee as she led her down the stairs.
"mmm soem how this doesn't sound as good as you make it." He said speakign of the dinner show as he glanced over tot eh door, nearly paling as he saw who it was, gulping a she looekd ot eh cook befoer back at his two girls, he alreayd knew this was goign to be torture seeing how his girlfriend wasdressed, and he had seen the bindign on his new gift, and he already had enough ideas goign in hsi head that he began to squirm abit as hsi memebr throbbed, "Oh anna, you know your goign to pay for this." He said , witha playfuly angery face as eh looke dto ehr, siting up stright on the be now as he looked betweent eh three girls, hsi emotions goign from eagerness to a tormented look knowign he wasnt goign to get pleasure
Both Anna and the cook giggled after hearing and seeing Kenny's reaction. Though neither really returned a reply. Cindy was quite as she nervously listened to the usual basement noise of girls moaning and screaming in thier torments. "Open wide." The cook said playfully as she continued her job feeding him. Meanwhile Anna and Cindy stopped in front of Kenny’s bed. Cindy was standing over a new device while Anna wripped her gown right down the middle. The girl shivered from the cold air and anticipation. Then she knelt down strattling a syban as her knees were latched into place. Anna pressed a button on the remote control she now had in her hand and the counter top rose up so that Kenny would be able to see Cindy’s full body. Next Anna walked away returning with a squeaky cart of toys at her side as she stood behind Cindy. Her blindfold was then removed and Cindy looked around nervously as she now knew where she was. Then her eyes fell on Kenny and they light up with joy. “Kenny!” She called out to him in excitement. Anna smirked as the girl's bra was tugged down and she placed a clamp onto Cindy’s little nipple for her outburst. The girl jumped with a yelp as she looked down at her nipple. “You will address him properly.” Anna reminded her. “Yes Mistress.” She replied back obediently. “Forgive me Master.” She now addressed Kenny.
“Good now speak to your master the way we practiced.” Anna coed proudly.
“But-“ Cindy gasped as another clamp, one chained to the original, bite onto her other nipple. “Please Mistress, it hurts.” She whimpered while shaking her chest as if trying to get them off. “Take in a breathe and say it.” Anna persisted, ignoring the girl’s plea.
Cindy took in a deep breathe and chewed on her bottom lip nervously before looking up at Kenny. “Master.” She began in a soft calm voice “I am your flawless sex doll. Please do what you wish with my body.” She told Kenny as if she truly meant every word she said. “Very good “ Anna praised her as she turned the syban on at a low vibration.
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