The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Kenny shuddered as she lickeed over hsi index, obviously imagingin it was his mbmebr as he was the one now movign hsi hip back and forth as eh rubbed the tip of hsi head agasitn her back while watgchignt eh girl play with his hand, gaspign as she suckled a figner and licke dit a the same time, he was now the one goign crazy wanting more as he looke dto her supple breasts squeezign aroudn hsi arm, hsi fre hand sliding up her body till ti came ot ehr breeast to massage ti and at he same time rub it agaisrt his arm.
Alyson waited for him to finish his breakfast. She liked watching him squirm as she had his arm. The sense of control felt good. When he finished eating she wrapped her hands around his wrist and slide her hands up and down to get the well lubbed. The maid then lifted herself up onto her knees and turned around to sit on his stomache, leaning her back against his chest. "After last night and all the fun you had this morning, this is long over due." She mused as she gripped her hands around his erection and began to pump her hands up and down, her fingers massaging into the flesh and sliding smoothly from the mixture of her cum and his precum.
Ken groaned softly as she beang pumpign hsi bakc arckign up agsint her lovign the attentionhsi memebr finaly got, nibbliogn the top of her ear as he caugth hsi breath and fnaly spoke. "so is this what you do when you're not cooking?" He asked teasignly as his hands ventured up and down ehr body startign from he top of ehr skirt, hsi thumbs venturing aroudn ehr belly to ehr belly button as hsi figners massaged her sides befoer he moved up to ehr breast to massage them for a minute and then once more continue back down her body
She smiled shrugging her shoulders as he nibbled on her ear. His groaning and hot breathe were encouraging. "Among other things." She laughed lightly to his teas. She kept a steady pace pressing her fingers gently into his length as his hands teased over her body. This time she was more come as his gentle hands traveled over her. After a few minutes of steady pumping she changed a little on him and rolled on of his sacs in the palm of her left hand. Her right hand gripped tighter at the base and she began to pump her hands up and down faster. She wiggled her hand back and forth like a joy stick then switched hands on him so her right hand rolled his other sac while the other hand pumped him at a rather fast pace.
Kennys body began to shudder more as she layed aroudn with hsi memebr, forceign otu a new load of precum half way through as he bit at her ear to cotnrol his body, his ahdns now rolling her breasts, not wantign to move as much as befoer, eh wante dto savor th build up he was feelign, it was heavenly after such a long day of not beign touched in this sex dungeon.
Allyson seemed to get excited when he let out the precum. She jumped slightly when he bit her ear, giggling as his hands settled on her breasts. "Mmm... you just need a little more encouragement." She mused as she stopped pumping to rub her thumb over the head of his member, spreading the cum over his sensative skin. Then her hands moved down to roll his sacs with the palm of her hands, gently intwards and then outwards at first. The pace was slow and teasing to extend how long she got to play with him. "This load is going to be huge." She stated as she playfully pinched at one of his sacs. Her other hand went back to massaging her fingers into his base and tugged upwards to jerk him off.
Kenny bit down harder , groanign ontot her flesh as she teased hisw balls, his fingers pincheign ehr nipples until she begna tto stroke him again, at whihc point hebegan t o twist them in abotu eh same way she had roleld hsi balls, first he twiste dhte nippels oen way and then the otehr , back and forth . Hidss teeth finaly let go over her ear as he gasped. "mmm it will be huge..a nd its... comign... soon.." He groane dotu as he begna to pull her breasts up ebfeor letting dgo to wathdc htem bounce back into palce and then pinch and pull again.
Alyson found herself moaning as he pinched her nipples and bit at her ear. Her actions on his erection were affection his own touches. It was all hot and arousing. His fingeres felt heavenly as he tweeked her nipples. She shuddered under his arms but payed more attention now to making him cum. "I can't wait." She replied back to his warning. Chills of excitement ran through her as he began to pincha and pull at her sensative nipples again. "Cum for me." She encouraged him as she rubbed her thumb over his cock's head in a circular motion. Her nails lightly grazed down his length, she gripped the bottom firmly and tugged. After a minute or two her hand slide up and down eagerly, each pump came up faster than the one before. She wanted to see his member erupt for her.
((mmm you give him too much credit, beign able to hold it minutes after his precum ;-) lol))
Kenny sudennly convulsed as his back arched, his teeth bitign down on her ear and yankign on it as he groaned out, hsi hadns pulling down on ehr breats as he finaly shot his load, nealry double what it usualy was due tot he build up formt eh alst twenty four hours makign it last nearly a minute,t eh white gooe splurtign as far up as the girls face, covering her breasts beelly and dirtyign ehr skirt before it fianly stopped leavign the boy to fall back onto th bed panting heavily.
Alyson jumped slightly as he finally came. She gasped as she yanked at her ear and his load of warm cum covered her front. She squint her eyes close and waited a few minutes for him to finish and collapse on the bed. "mmm.. What a load" She giggled as she sat up, her tongue licking the cum from her lips. The cook crawled off him, turning to face him as she kneeled beside the tray. "Look what you did." She scolded him putting her hands on her hips. "How can I play with others if Im all wet and sticky." She said as the cum dripped from her chest.
"mmm i can clean that al up for you, and fee dit back." HE said as eh got on his knees infront of ehr lickign ehr belly and scoopignt he cum into hsi mouth befeor risign to her mouth to kiss ehr and transfer his cum to her mouth befoer pullign a way, a strign of cum dangling form his lip to hers befoer it broke. "what do you say?" he asked takign advantage of ehr tease to him to now arouse her even mroe.
She shivered as his hot tongue ran up her flesh to gather some of his cum. Her tongue rolled around her mouth as he kissed her to taste his seed as it slide down her throat. "Mmm.." She savored the taste as he pulled his lips from hers. "I suppose its the least you could do." She teased though agreed with him "For making such a big mess." Her eyes broke from him to glance around the room. She really should have kept her big mouth shut, somehow she manage to keep speaking. "I really should leave soon... If we play all night you would not have time for any of the other girls." She reminded him. Although she really did not want to leave both he and the MIstress would be upset with her if she really did take his whole night. The last thing she wanted to do was end up in the basement for other reasons than feeding Kenny.
"mmm i know i know, and believe me, i've been ploting what todo witha few grisl here." HE said as he lowered his head to ehr chest running it over one breast and feeditn ehgirl the cum and then running it over th e other befeor he stepepd of the bed withe stretch. "Though i will be expecting more then jsut food from you from now on." HE said as he turned to look back at her witha wink befoer walking off to one corner of teh basement to examine the girls, he already knew which one he was goign to start off with but he still wante dto checkt he toehrs out as he lifted up the hea dof each girl he passed as if to examien them like a dog in a competition, spankign them ont he ass or bossom, which ever was in reach the way they were tied up, before moving on till he stopped at a black haired girl hwho was bound to what looke dlike a skinny table, ehr wrists and ankels bound down to teh legs of the tcontraptiona nd her breasts up int he air for all to see, the girl was blind foldeed, either waitign punishment or had already been given punishment, but kenny hadrecognized her already, he wasn't going to unblindfold her yet though as he moved aroudn the basment gathering an odd lookign dildo machine and rollign it over an d aimignit as the girls anus, grabign two belts, a crop,a large mechanical wiggling dildo and what looked like two clamssp for her titts connected toa controler, outign that on a cart and rolling it next to the girl he perceded to put one leg over her so he was stradlign her bellyhis member throbing in excitment as it pressed agisnt her c-cups, slidign itno her cleavage as he leaned forward to take of fher blind fold. "well who is it that i find itn eh dungeon tonight? he asked as if surprsed to see her as eh leane dbakc, his memebr popping otu of her cleavage to onve mroe jsut press at ehr breasts. "Ashley or Amber?" he asked as eh took a belt form teh cart to tie ti aroudn one breast loosely , doignt he same wiht the other breast.
Alyson moaned softly while Kenny's tongue cleaned off her breasts. She welcomed his lips, swallowing his cum like a treat and licking her lips of the excess. Once he pulled away from her she felt a little disappointed but knew better than to tempt him further. "I would not expect anything less." She smirked as she slide her breasts back into her top and then pulled the flap of her apron up fastening it behind her neck so she could look at least somewhat descent when leaving the dungeon. Once Kenny turned away she gathered her trey and left, satisfied that she had done her job. He was well fed and she had started him off with day two in the basement.

Each girl Kenny came up too seemed to react differently to his presence. Some excited to see him, some trembled in fear while others turned their heads from him stubbornly. As such his little swats gathered different reactions as well, some a yelp or groan, others whimpered and moaned. He even had one girl who actually orgasmed from his strong hand.

Then he came to Ashley. The first thing she heard was the sound of squeeking wheels traveling towards her, amplifying her fears for she knew she was in trouble. She seemed to grow nervous as she felt some weight on her stomache as someone strattled her. "Who's there?" She asked nervously as she craned her head up as if trying to see. Then the blindfold came of and she winced her eyes from the sudden light, her eyes opening slowly to adjust. It was his voice that she had recognized first. A smile suddenly appeared on her lips and she relaxed a little when she saw Kenny strattling her, with his dick between her chest. "Kenny" The words escaped her lips, clearly excited to see him like a teenage crush spotting her idol. She fell quiet for a moment as she watched him place the belts on her exposed breasts. "I am Ashley." She said lightly, though now she had quickly grown shy, disappointed he did not like her enough to know which twin she was.
"mmmm that's the girl i wanted to have." He mused as he pinched her nipples withe wired clamps, tuggling at them to make sure they woudl stay on befoer puting the cotnrol for them on thec art, twisitn to look at he cart to turn ont eh wigglign dildo to make sure it worked bfeor turnig bakc to her and grapign the tial of each belt as he spoke. "don't get too excited though, you are int his dunegon to be punished." HE said as he pulel dht tails of each belt to tighten them hard around her breasts to squeeze them tight as he bent down to whisper in her ear. "so why ar eyou down here any ways?" he asked while tightenignt he belts even more
She yelped jumping as he placed the clamps on her nipples. Her wrists pulled at the bindings as she tried to lift, whimpering as she was held in place. "It hurts! it hurts!" She quickly complained as he tugged on the clamps. Her eyes followed the wires on the clamps over to the contol and she swallowed. Then her turned on the dildo and she oddly grew excited at the thought of being pleasured. Though his reminder of where she was and why she was there quickly decreased that excitement. She gasped, squinting her eyes shut for a moment as he tugged on the belts. At first it felt arousing but then it grew tighter as he kept pulling. Her thin body squirmed under him, her chest shifting from side to side trying to get comfortable or pull free. Her whimpering however suddenly became silent when he asked what she did. He didn't know? Didn't they tell him when they sent him down to punish her. "I-" She paused a moment. "I played a t-trick on Mistress Anna." She said hesitantly, her voice so low it was almost a whisper. She kept her response short, unsure if he was trying to get her to say it out loud or if he really didn't know. She did not go into specifics in case he really did not know. She knew he liked Anna enough that he might get upset with her himself.
"naughty naughty." HE said as eh gave one more quick tug on her belts befeor pulling away fo9rm her to lean back on ehr belly. "now what did you do to our lovely mistress?" Kenny asked as he picke dup the controlt o the clamps, his thumb on a button as he waited for ehr answwer. his memebr slowly slidign back and forth between ehr breasts for hsi own pleasure bferoe goign to pick up the remote for the dildo machine, stopign half way and picking up teh crop instead which he stroked hbetween ehr legs with blindly.(ya knwo cause it behidn hima nd all and ya its and awkwrd position XP)
She gasped as he tugged on the belts. Her breasts swelled up under the leather appearing now to be at least a size larger than they really were. She had calmed herself to the point where she was not squirming but her breathing had become a bit heavier. She was anxious and his question made her nervous. Looked up at Kenny thinking about the joke she had pulled. An unexpected giggle erupted though her as the image of her mistress during the prank appeared in her mind. It was priceless and hard for her not to laugh, even in this situation. But after a few seconds she saw the control and quickly tried to calm herself down. Once more she grew silent, breathing evenly as she eyed his thumb on the red button. "She did not tell you?" She asked looking up at him. "I umm.. I don't want to tell you." She said a bit nervously. "You might not think it is funny." She explained thinking that if she told him what she did to his girlfriend he would give her a harsher punishment. Her thighs twitched lightly as the leather teased over her skin, her woman hood was reacting to his every touch, good or bad.
KEnny shook his head slowly makign a little tsk tsk tsk sound to her as he waive dhis index figner at her. "wrogn answer" HE said rigth as the crp came down to blidnly slap at her skin, hopefuly histign her puussy. the boy leaned down closer to her, a devious grin on his face as he spoke agian. "now tell me... what.. did.. you.. do.. to...her?" HE asked, every pause was antoerh blind slap of leather to skin.
She bite her lips lightly tensing in anticipation as she thought he was going to press the button. "Oww!" Her hips jumped more out of startlement as the crop hit her pussy. His devious grin sent chills up her spin. He looked so hot and at the same time she knew it meant trouble. Perhaps it was more danger which made him turn into the hot badboy. Her legs twitched and she gasped each time the leather met her flesh. Her lower half squirmed slightly though it hardly helped. She even flinched julting against the wood as the crop hit her clit. "Alright!" She finally called out, giving in rather quickly. "i switched her.." She paused snickering between the sentence "I switched her lubricant...with glue." She confessed. "She had to go all night with a dildo stuck up her-" She couldn't complete the sentence for she was now laughing to hard. She should not be laughing. What she had done was bad. She could not help it, she was nervous on how he would react and the nerves made her laughter worse. She took in two large deep breathes to calm down. Then she pursed her lips in to hold back anymore laughter. Her face was now red from it as she looked up at him, watching his reaction as she tryed to be serious but ended up bursting out a five second snicker. She desprately wished right now that she could move her arms so that she could cup her hands over her big mouth.
Kenny at up on her now as she finaly told her wrong doing, lookign at ehr with a slightly peaved face, though his grin came back quickly as he shook his head."you really shouldn't have done that to your mistress." HE said as his thumb pressed down on the button, sendign i vibrating shock to her breasts, much like the trick hand buzzers peopel use, holdign down the button for a whole mintue befoer lettign go to let the girl catch her breath as he leaned down to speak, and this is for doing that to my girl friend." He hissed into her ear as he presse ddown on the button again,the voltage slightly higher now as he leaned back, his ahdn dropignt he crop int eh cart befeor takignt eh dildo, twisitng aroudn to shove the dildo roughly in ehr pussy while still shockign her,goign in at an unclean angle so it woudl scrape at ehr walls as he pushed it till it hit hr cervix at which pint he took a wire and small control form it to put ont eh cart and then turnign abck ot look a the girl int eh face as he let go of the buton to let her breth. "
now what do you say?"
She gasped closing her eyes as the first vibrations began on her nipples. At first she moaned softly finding it arousing. The vibrations sent arousing vibrations through her nipples. However, as he kept the button pushed the pleasure did not stop. And she could not catch her breath for a minute as he body quivered against the bench. Her teeth clenched together and she moaned and whimpered though the first minute of the shock. Ashley opened her eyes and allowed her head to fall back as he turned it off. She took the small opprotunity he gave her to catch her breath while her chest rose up and down with her breathing. Then he hissed into her ears confirming that he was taken. Her eyes went wide knowing what he was going to do "NoOOO!" She maoned lifting her head up as the vibrations began again, more intense than before. Once again she close her eyes, clenching her teeth together. Her body shook lightly under him and her pussy leaked from the stimuation in her chest. "Ahh!" Her back arched and her limbs tugged at her bindings as the dildo was shoved into her. Her body ached in pleasure as the plastic scraped against her walls sending painfully erotic shocks through her. Her mouth gasped open for air and her head tilted back when the plastic object hit against her most sensative opening. She groaned while a shudder ran up her spin like a shock. Seconds later the vibrations once again turned off and her back fell the inch it could back onto the support beam. Her chest heaved up and down and looked up at him as she once again took a moment to breathe. "Huh..huh... I knew you would not find it funny." She said with a weak smile. Then she continued. " sorry." She said what she thought he wanted to hear and appologized.
Kenny shook his head as if disapointed. "I don't believe you." HE said as he pressed downt he button again, i was more for hsi pelasrue now as the rirl moved and convulsed ehr breasts rubbed and higged agsitn his member sednigng pleasure throughout hsi body, his breathgin was becmoign slightly unreagular now as he toos a wire tieign ti aroudn one nipple befeor pullign on it to tie ti aroudn her ohte nipple, the wire was short and puleld the nipples together, sandwitchign his member in ehr flesh even moreas he begamoving his hips bakc and forth to stimualte himself even more his hand goign for hte crip as he finaly let go of the button. "now lets hear it again, with mroe feeling, and you better get the wordign right." HE said though he woudltn give her a chance to finish as he woudl slap the crp agaisn t her breasts half way through her scentence. "WRONG!!" and anotehr mintue of vibrating, this time actual little shocks pullsed form the contraption on ehr tits now.
Her fists clenched and her toes curled as he once again pressed the read button. She once again titled her head and chest up, but she could barely lift off the bench with the bindings holding her down. The restraints themselves added to the torment for she so depreately wanted to pull the clamps off, push him off, rubb her chest, do anything but lye there and take it. She felt helpless as she watched him wrap wire around her nipples. The intense vibrations in her chest suddenly seemed to highten. She whimpered as he screwed her tits. The stimulation was nice but too intense for her sensative nipples. Then it stopped again and her body fell limp, relaxing her muscles as she panted lightly for air. "I-I am sorry-" She gasped as the crop lashed against her red breasts. She whimpered as he pressed the buttons again. The stimulation in her tits were a little more intense now sending wave after wave through her chest. She was sweating and her chest tingled as her boobs bobbed up and down over his member. The one minute felt like it ten minutes as the shocks continuously coursed through her body causing pressure to build up. Ashley bit her lip as she felt herself coming close to her first small climax. Her thighs clenched as she began holding it in as much as possible, legging out a breath of relief when he turned the clamps off again. "Huhh..huhh...Please forgive me." She now pleaded Kenny. "I won't do it again." She told him with big pleading eyes. "I promise." She tried making it sound more genuine this time for she despritely did not want to climax from his punishment.
"You didn't say master." HE hised otu witha chuckle as he turned it on again,t eh shocks happenign every ten seconds as eh begna thrustign harder in her breasts going for logner then a minute now, enjoyignthe girls screams and movemnt form ehr torment, his crop lashign at her boobs, then back near her pussy then boos againand blidnly at her pussy it was nearly three minutes till warm precum seeped form his memebr lubricating her breasts and he let go of the button, panting happily. "now.. llets try this aagain."
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