The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

The boy smirked at the silence befoer ht they spoke again, henodded obediently, his body shudderign at even mroe ideas befeor he spoek otu. "Mmmm i see two girls with me." He said pausign to build up the suspense. "two beautiful young girls so sexya dnd hot."" he groaned out teasingly. "sittign otneh toilet lettign them lick and stroke my member, whoiel the otehr sucks on my balls,mmm as i stroke their hair, so blonde... so red.. my mistress' are great to me." HE mused, addign the last part once more to shoot teirhopes down.
Once again the girls hung on his every word. They gradually grew excited the further he spoke and it showed in the teasing touches and their breathing as they became aroused by his description. However, when he mentioned the mistress' the girls slowed their hands to nearly a stop as they looked at each other but surprised, frustrated, and oddly impressed he was still holding his ground against them. They were silent for almost a minute before one of them finally spoke. "Oh my! I never realized it" "What is it?" "Master Kenny must be color blind!" The twin explained his mistake in their hair color in his fantasy. "Of course, he is a male and a wolf. With that combination he did not stand a chance." The girls seemed to be talking to each other while he was stuck in the middle. The mood suddenly dropped. "Poor thing." One said simpathetically. "It is sad really." "Really sad" The other agreed. "He has pictured us with red and blond hair this whole time." The two sudden let out a small giggle. "Silly boy he knew we are identical twins." "It only stands to reason our hair would be the same color."
Suddenly their attention went back to Kenny. "Master..." They leaned in close to his ears once again to whisper in his ear and gain his attention before pulling their head back. "We are flattered you think so high of us." "you really should not call us your mistress' though" they corrected him in a more matter of fact tone. "We are merely humble maidens" "The true mistress' of the manner might get upset if they heard us called such." "Though you knew that didn't you... naughty boy." They teased
"mmm naive littel maids, thinking that i would even fantasize abotu you two." HE said shakignhis head in dismay. "you girls know nothign about pelasing your master, what do i have to fantasize, you girls have only plesured me once and evne that was adiquit. now if you don't do somehtign soon, there will be punishment for yoru acts on my toy, aftre i pleasure myself with my toy, somethgin you girls have failed at rigth now." his voice stern, he was annoyed his littel trick ddint work, and for girls should be more asertaive , ti was two against oen, if they wante dhim they shoudl have taken him ny now.
Thier denial had come crashing on them rather quickly as he scorned them. Each negative thing he said was a crushing blow to their heart. They had gone out of their way to get his attention and yet he still saw nothing in them. No talent for where it mattered in the manor and their beauty obviously did not stand up to his mistress' or the other maids. They could not understand it. It would not register in their mind why he was not head over heels for them like they were for him or the way the boys were back when they were human. All emotion seemed to quickly drop from their face and for a long moment they were stunned in silence as they backed away from him. Their plan had somehow backfired on him and they needed to think of something fast. And although he had pretty much killed their sexual mood they had to do something and fast for they did not want to be punished. And they were still determined to keep him away from his toy.
The girls met at the door with a heavy sigh then glanced at each other and then to him. "We were are not finished with you." One said as she stepped forwards to slide her hands over his waisted and tug his pants and shorts down. "we are sorry if you are angry with us" The other began as he was pushed back to sit on the toilet seat. "We can't let you leave, not yet." She said as she unzipped her dress down the front and then crawled onto his waist so that he would lie back slightly as she sat just above his belly button. Her shoeless legs curled around his back and hugged his body firmly to hold her up on him. "The mistress never really let us spend time together" She stated blaming this all on Anna now as she leaned in to force him into a passionate kiss. "So we will make time for you to get to know us" She told him. Meanwhile the other twin unzipped the front of her dress as well and took it off before she got on her knees in front of him. Her hands gripped his thighs to push his legs apart and expose his member of which she gave a few teasing squeezes before she leaned forwards to lick his head.
Knnys smirk waivered as he saw the hurt look in their eyes, maybe he had goen to far, no, they were the ones that forced them upoin themselves, they had great potential to be fun, and he would have jumped at eh chance to play with them any other time, btu whenthey block him off of hsi toy then they deserved to be scolded, this was enough punishment for them, he though as he sat slouched ont eh toilet awkwardly, hsi body shudderign as the girl got atop him, his sight obstructed by her breasts befeor she kissed him, the boy leanign hsi hea dintot he kiss to give her hsi award, hsi memebr quickly gettign hard again as his body got what is had been wanting, his tongue slidign over the girls lips wishign enterance as his hands came up to feel over ambers back softly, gropign her ass teasingly.
The twin on top parted her lips to allow his tongue entrance as they kissed. Her tongue danced around his as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him a little closer. A soft sound of aproval came from her throat as his hand slide down her back to her bottom. She almost could not believe she was atop of him making out like that. And he seemed to be accepting them well. After a good long kiss she broke lips from him to catch some air and one of her arms fell free from his neck to unsnap the back of her bra before she slide her hands up his chest and onto his cheek, gently grasping his flesh as she pulled him into another kiss.
Meanwhile the young maid on the floor slide her lips over his head sucking gently to help him grow harder. Then she pulled her lips off him for a moment turning her head away to weaken his scent from her mind. Her fingers slide from his knees up his thighs where she stopped near the top to kneed and brush her thumbs over his inner thighs. Her head tilted and her tongue came out to like the side of his rodd, her excitment and arousal of making his girth grow showed in her fingers as they became a bit rougher against his skin.
"mmm see this is nice." HE mused, praisign the girls as amanda stopepd for a breaht, his tongue rolling aroudn hers a stheir lips met again, his ahdns slippign down as her smoved up, one finger pressign at her anal enterance, hsi other hadn still gropign at her ass. the boy pulled formthe kiss slowly, givign amandaa smile bfeor peckign her on the lips again."mmm i've already had a blow job my dear ashley, once it's hard enough why not please yourself as well, i'm sure your yernign for it after last night." He said, wanting a tight pussy, the whorle reason he came tot eh girls bathroom int eh first place.
Her hip rubbed up against his stomache when she felt his finger teasing her back hole. A shudder ran up her body from the mere touch of his warm finger. She savored every bit of the kiss, smiling as he pulled away to talk to her sister. It did not stop her though. All she wanted to do right now was kiss him so her head tilted and she began kissing the underside of his neck, slowly traveling to the side and up his chin towards his lips again.
"Of course Master Kenny, I would love to." She agreed with him. She seemed to cheer up abit though after he had suggested her to take him in herself. In fact she was so eager she worked her tongue a bit faster around his length, more concerned about using her spit as a sort of lube rather than whether he was hard enough. It did not take long befor she was satisfied and stood up to remove her panties. She then turned her back to the two and lifted her legs over his. Her fingers wrapped around his member and shifted her hips forwards, moaning lightly already as she teased her pussy with his head. Then once she was satisfied she slowly began pushing him in. The girl held her breathe shuddering as his head pushed slide into her pussy and forced her inner walls to stretch. She paused about an inch in to catch her breathe, then her fingers gripped around his thighs and she slowly pushed down and did not stop again until he was all the way inside her. "OhhhH" She moaned feeling her pussy full and stretching to fit him in.
"heh well aren't you a hungery lil' girl" Kenny said witha chuckle to Amanda's little kisses befeor her lips forced his lips to hers, groaning at the same time as he felt the girls wet lips wrap around hsi senstavie head, the grip on amandas ass tightenign as his body shuddeders formt eh pleasure, this whole night all he wanted was for his penis to be ina pussy and he fianlly got it, if he hadn;t gottent he easy one otu on cindy he swore he would have cum the moment she got his whole member into her. the boy pulled his hlips away for a minute to speak. "mmm ashley speak up, tell me how it feels, tell me what you want." He groaned outbefore amadna worked her way back to his lips.
She did not know what had come over her. Her body felt hot and arouse as she sat upon Kenny. She felt lustful towards him and since her sister was going first her next instinct was to make out with him. Her cheeks flushed lightly as he laughed at her kisses. Though it was only encouraging to her as he once more locked his lips with her own. Her hands slide down, massaging into his shoulders as he began to speak to her sister again. She could not believe how soft yet firm his muscles were. She tilted her head down kissing down his cheek this time and under the neck downwards before her lips traveled up his chin and by time he was done talking her lips once again met with his. The first two merely love pecks before she kissed him deeper.
"It feels..." Ashley gasped shifting her hips slightly as she let him sit in her a little longer as she adjusted to his size. The painful strteching was like estasy to her just knowing he was inside her. "It feels so warm inside me." She moaned. "Ohhhahh...Your hotttt dick is warming me from the inside out." She breathed out pleasantly as the girl began to lift up slowly. She could feel every grove of him push against her inner walls. The feeling was so good her body costantly shook. Once he was almost all the way out she pushed her hips down thrusting him in. Her hips bucked a bit and she leaned back before comming back up. Her fingers gripped tighter on his thighs for leverage. "I wannnahhh-ah" She moaned as she came back down on him a bit faster then paused and pulled back up. "I wanna r-ride you so badly." She moaned out louder in almost a pleading tone.
"mmmm"the boy groaned into Amandas thraot a s her sister slamemd down upoong his memerb, thhsi ahnd gripping hard one rh ass as he began twistign hsi idnex figner itno her anus. The boy waited fro the pleadign toen ebfoer he removed his lips to speak. "mm thats a good girl, beg for it, i want to hear how much you love it and want it.
" he demanded lustfuly, kisign amanda with every pause between his words.
“Oh master” Ashley moaned as she lifted up, his lustful demands were music to her ears. “I love your big… hot cock..” she moan as she crammed back down on him, arching her back with a cry of estasy. “I-it feeel so good” She moaned in a more needing tone as she began to thrust harder and faster down upon him. She thrust faster and harder, riding him lustfully and moaning until they finally came. By time she was done, Amber had left scattered hickies upon his neck. Once Ashley had calmed down from her orgasm Amber climbed off Kenny eagerly because she knew it was her turn. Ashley turned to face Kenny, stratling his waist as she slowly traveled upwards. She was leaning forwards, her lips leaving soft kisses up his stomache as her pussy left a trail of their cum following behind. She sat up as she settled just below his chest. Meanwhile, Amber took her turn, removing her panties and slowly mounting herself onto his cock. Her shudders and moans could be heard as she slowly pushed him with her tight wet walls. “That was amazing.” Ashley complemented Kenny as she leaned in and kissed him. “Now all I want to do is kiss your gorgous lips” She said as she pushed him into another kiss. Her hands slide from his shoulders down his arms, pushing them away from her and forcing them back behind him as her hands reached the elbows. As her sister roded him and she destracted his attention, her tongue snaked into his mouth, dancing with his tongue. Her hands slide down to his wrists, now gently pushing them together behind him and the bars of the toilet. She moaned into his lips lustfully as one hand reached into her stockings to retrieve a ribbon from the top rime which she used to quickly bind his hands together behind the pipes so that he could not get up. Then her hands slowly slide back up his arms and up his neck to caress his cheeks as she pulled from the kiss to breathe.

The girls continued to kiss and ride him until Amber and Kenny came. Then they climbed off him and took little time to redress themselves. "Please don't be mad at us Master, but this is for your own good." They told him as they would leave him tied to the toilet until someone would come to help both Cindy and him. They knew there was a possibility of being punished for tying him down as well but they could not allow him to screw Cindy while she was stuck in the wall. They would rather leave him there and face consequences later.
the boy enjoyed his play time witht he twins, even more aroused whenthey had teh insentive to tie hi up, only thinking it was part of the arousal. that was until they were dressed and half way out the bathroom when he began to tug at the ties, growling under his breath. "you two are NEVER going to get on my good side liek thsi." HE caleld otu to them as e yanked harder at the bow but it wouldnt budge. "this is the last tiem i let them near me with any type ofr ibbins on them.. no matter whwo sexy, he growled under hie breath as he sat back, awkwardly twisting his hands to trya nd reach forhte not with no prevail, looking down ont he toilet he sat upon down at the water with the globs of cum floatign in it. "atleast they left me ona toilet." HE said jokignly, tryignt o lighten his mood, though every minute he was stuck was another hour he was plannign on makignt hem stay int eh dungeon, if they had let him go all would have been forgiven,he woudl have even forgiven them for the cindy thing but this jsut infureated him.
Time passed by slowly. By the time Cindy and Kenny were found it was close to sunrise. He could hear the sound of something hard hitting against the wall as the hole was made larger and two of the male servants helped Cindy out of the wall and brought her to her coffin to rest.

Moments later the stall door opened and Anna stepped into the doorway looking down at Kenny and his cum covered body. “Playing around again I see. Perhaps I should leave you here a bit longer.” She joked, making light of the situation before she went around him to untie the ribbon around his wrists. “Alyson and I were a little concerned when you never showed up for supper or came to see me.” She informed him as she stood up. “Are you alright?” She asked to sound concerned though she knew he was fine. Then she moved on to the main question. “Cindy said she heard two girls behind her but she never got a look at them. So who did this to you?” She asked him even though she already had her suspicions to who it was.
The boys stomach growled as his savior spoke of supper. "please tell me you saved the meal?" He asked in a fake groan actign as if he was weak. "I'll give you one gues as to who did this, and one clue, they are twins." He said ina peeved voice now as he stood up and stretched finaly int eh little froom they had to move itneh stall. "I asume they will be put inthe dungeon for a whole month?" He asked over exageratignt he punishment as a joke and also in his anger, lookign down to Anna as soft smile slippe dupon his face as he kisse dehr softly onthe lips. "Now can we get out of here so i can get washe dup?" He aske d as he slipepd out fo the stall to pick up his clothes. an d heading quickly of to his room to shower up and get a new set of clothes on befeor heading to teh kitchedn to see if, eitehr alyson was still there, or if she left a meal for him.
Anna accepted the kiss gratefully and while Kenny was off cleaning up she went to go find the troublesome twins whom had taken the night she was supposed to stay with Kenny away from her and in the process wronged both her boyfriend and his toy. Needless to say she was just as angry with the girls as he was. It did not take long for her to find the twins. Even if they had tried to hide they were in a mansion full of vampires who would easily rat them out or sense them out of hiding.
When Kenny arrived in the kitchen Alyson was not there however Anna arrived there a few minutes later. For a moment he only saw her walk in, then a few seconds later the twins crawled into the room behind her. They had been stripped of their uniforms now only allowed to wear the essentials, a pair of bra, underwear, and transparent thigh highs. Anna led them towards Kenny by leash and collar with a gag hanging from their necks. They crawled on their hands and knees and by the way they crawled and avoided eye contact with Kenny they clearly did not like the position they were forced down to and were even embarrassed on what little they were allowed to wear. "Assume the position." Anna said as they stopped about two feet in front of Kenny. The girls got on their knees with their legs spread open so that anyone could see their womanhoods under the mesh panties and their hands went up behind their heads so that their chest were perked up and on display as well. Anna went over to Kenny and gave him a welcoming kiss. "Alyson could not stay down here but she left you a meal." She said as she headed to the fridge and pulled out a glass plate with seran wrap over it. "I'll heat it up for you, it won't take long." She informed him as she unwrapped the meal and placed it in the microwave. As she waited for it to heat she turned to face Kenny again as she leaned against the counter. "Since they wronged you and your toy and you are clearly at a higher title now than the maids in this mannor.." She informed him. "You can sentence their punishment." She informed him of his new power, well it was not completely new but he had never really used it before. Both she and Victoria were slightly curious to how he would handle the situation. She paused a moment watching both how he reacted to the girls kneeling exposed in front of him and to the idea that he could do something instead of waiting for her or Victoria to make judgement. The microwave went off and she retrieved the heated food and brought it to the table before she spoke again. "You don't have to make your decision now. You can think about it first. Or if you like you can still allow me or Victoria to sentence their punishment." She reminded him to take a little stress off.
Kenny alreayd had something instore for the twins, the same punishment he was given by victoria seemed to fit in this situation, atleas the first day did. And even witht he twins in their erotic little posses he forced himself not to acknowledge it as he spent mroe time stairing at hsi girl friend as she heate duopt he meal. "Mmm well I can't very much punish them my self, well atleast not be there." Kenny said thinking otu loud, "I was jsut planning on having them down in the dugneon for a few days , no insertion vaginaly or analy, teased with no climax.. and well what ever you can think of my sweet anna." Kennyfelt unsure of his punishemtn after he said ti, it didn't feel severe enough but then thats why he asked for anna's input in teh end,waitign for her answer as he ate, rarely galncign a the girls as he did so.
Kenny did not seem to play much attention to the girls. Anna noticed he was paying much more attention to her which made her smile. It was flattering to get all the attention. The twins seemed to notice it as well. There eyes were downcast and their heads were bowed in shame. It was one thing to be on their knees willingly. It was another however when they knew they were in trouble. It was humiliating to be in such a position and to be seemingly completely ignored by Kenny. "A few..." One twin spoke hardly louder than a whisper "days?!" The other finished as they both swallowed at Kenny's suggestion. Their heads turned to him with pleading eyes. He may not have thought the sentence was severe enough but they believed it was too severe. "Please Master we know you are angry with us but isn't a day or two enough?" One began "We are sorry for what we did" They tried appologizing to reduce their sentence.
Anna gave them a deep glare as she walked over to Kenny from behind to wrap her arms lovingly around his chest and kissed him on the cheek. "Perhaps we should add a day or two of physical punishment as well. Some leather against their delicate flesh should make them think twice about pulling another prank on their Master." She suggested aloud to instill fear in the girls.
Kenny considered hAnna's words, takign his sweat time to let teh girls understand the severnes of their situationa s he tooka few bites of hsi food and a few gulps of hsi drink, waitign till half his fodo was goen befoer he even glanced toe h girls as he spoke. "two days being punished with pleasure and a day of physical torture, that should get the message across." HE said sternly befoer lookign down at his fodo again to go back to ignoreign the girls as he finishe dup his food and sat back to lean agasint his girl.
The anticipation while he ate was torture as the twins watched him eat knowing he would seal their punishment at any moment. Once he did they merely nodded their head once, looking down at the floor in disappointment. Sure three days was less than a few but it was still alot. Just being away from him for that long was punishment enough in their minds. Anna rubbed her hands over his chest as he ate. Once he was done she spoke again. "I will get these two settled in the dungeons. I will meet you in bed in time for the sun to set." She told him softly as she kissed Kenny on his forehead then she tugged on the leashs. The girls dropped on their hands again, grateful to be free of the possition for their arms were begining to ache, however, they were reluctant and slow at following Anna out the room. All three girls left Kenny's sight. Anna brought the twins straight to the dungeon and not long after she went to Kenny's room to wish him sweet dreams.
"Yout wo should be happy, i could make it four days, i Didt't even get any time with Anna tonight." He said as his partign words to eh wtwisn befoer he headed to his room, and headed to hsi bed to wait for hi girl which eh eagerly wrapped his arms aroudna nd kissed shwhens he came in, pullign the sheets over them as eh layed onot the bed, his amrs slightly soar form beign tide up the whole night though it didtn stop from feelign Anna ove as he snuggeled into ehr to sleep.
Anna folded her arms in front of her and gently closed her eyes. Her body pressed up against his warm body and for a moment she concentrated on his hands gliding over her skin. "Pleasant dreams my love." She whispered softly. Soon enough he feel asleep and his arms dropped through her body as she turned to her true ghostly form.
The sun rose and fell and the next night soon came. When Kenny finally awoke Anna was sitting over the covers, strattling his chest. Her blond hair was pulled back in a big red satin bow and she was wearing a strapless green dress that flaired from the waist to the knees with a red ribbon around the waist and white stockings. "Good morning." She exclaimed in an exceptionally cheerful mood.
Kenny gave a light groan as he rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out of them, blinking slightly as his vision cleared forma green blur to a strangly perky girlfriend, the boy gave a soft grin, unsure what to make of this fro a moemtn as he spoke. "So what's the special occasion?" He asked curiously. "I mean i'm not complainign." HE added with a bigger grina s eh looekd over her."you look lovely, but.. have you thought of a new game or somethign?"
She tilted her head curiously at first thinking he was joking with her. "You don't remember what today is?" She asked before laughing as she shook her head to his questions. "I suppose the last few days have been pretty busy for you to keep up." She concluded. "It's christmas silly." She told him. Then she leaned forwards to give him a quick kiss on the lips. And before he knew it she crawled off of him and was kneeling on the bed waiting for him to get up and move. "Get dressed quickly sleepy head. Everyone is already up and celebrating." She said urgently. She was like a child trying to push their parents out of bed on christmas morning.
"Christmass?" HE asked groggily as he sat up once she got off of him, iyt took him a minute to register it as she nudged him out of bed. lrigth alrigth i'm up sheesh." HE chuckled out as he pulle don his blakc pants and vest, still chucklign at he girls entusiasm. "I'm surprise dthe mansion celebrates christmass, if i had known i would have asked to goen shoping." HE said half jokingly, he hadn't lookecd at he calender sens ehe came here and had totaly lost track fo days, though he figured hit had been a week sense the winter ball, the dance he had planned to take Anna, so it made sens eit was x-mass now, his family hadn't always celebrated the holiday though, them all being scientists and traveleres they would ahve fun stickign to teh traditions of each coutnry they were in so it had always been hard to keep track of holidsays. "There happy i'm dressed." HE said as eh finished with a red tie, figurign it was the most festiv e thign hsi atire allowed as he headed towards the bedroom door.
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