The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

((I couldn't think of the male version, it was at the tip of my tongue >.<))

Her cheeks turned pink as he laughed at her. She was a Hunter, supposedly one of the best and yet she still had trouble getting all the mythical names and races right. Though she really shouldn't care what her captive thought it was still embarrassing. Her thighs twitched then closed around his hand as she felt him press against her clit. A small sound of surprise escaped her throat as his tongue ran over her cheek. It was a good thing she had closed her eyes at that moment because, without her knowledge he had finally removed the blindfold. Slowly she opened her eyes, squinting them for a few seconds as she adjusted to the light. She looked at him a little confused shaking her head to his question. "You look human." She stated moments before her eyes opened fully as she saw him grab the remote "Noahh-" Her chest heaved up and her body shook in the chair as she felt the electricity run through her chest again. She let out a loud yelp as he tugged the clamps from her chest and the blood painfully rushed back into her nipples. Ruby hunched forwards staring at the ground as she began to catch her breath. Her nipples and breasts felt sore now. She wanted to rub or caress them but her hands were still cuffed behind her back. Just before he began his next question she looked up to see his large erection. Ruby swallowed finding herself speechless. He really was big. It was the crack of the whip that made her shot up before answering his question. "Of course there are. You did not actually think I would come to a mansion full of vampires alone?" She replied. "They will be here any minute now... So you should put your pants back on. I don't think you want to fight like that." She suggested confidently, trying to scare him with a threat so he would be afraid to go further in his plans with her.
"and do you really think your comrads.. if you ahve any would be foolenough to try and rescue you from a mansion full of vampires at night?" Kenny chiuckled out ast teh stupidity as he grinend looking at a piercing kit, it would be good practice befeor he might want to try it on his girls, and the pain was sufficient enough for 'torture'. "so truefully how many others do you work with? and how di they find out about the mistress?" kenny aske dcuriosuly as he walekd back to hr, kneelign behind her as his chin rested on her shouldr , his left hand massagign her left breast while his right hand took a swab to dab cold antibacterial liquid onto her nipple, swirlign it aroudnt he nub befeor he picke dup a needle and pocked at the flesh teasingly , just a ligth poke not enough to break the flesh, while hsi left still massaged her breast.
"Yes I do." She said confidently. "Hunters don't fear a mansion full of vampires if they did they would not be hunters and the night time is the only time they work." She informed him. She turned her head behind her to watch him and when she saw the shelves inside the wall she was begining to wish she had not looked. She was better off not knowing about all the toys and devices he could use on her. "I can't tell you the exact amount." She said before gasping as his hand took hold of her breast and began massaging it. It was a bitter sweet feeling. He was craddling it just as she had wanted to touch it before but her breasts were sore from the whip, voltage and clamps to where she was tender to the touch. It was like he was touching a bruise that was a few days old. It hurt but after a few neads the pain became an arousing sensation. The cold swab on her nipple made her shudder and her nipple grow erect. Ruby bit her bottom lip as he played with her breasts, goosebumps formed on her exposed skin from the pleasure and the increasing fear that grew in her as she saw the needle come out.
"Ugh...There are at least two hunters per vampire in this mannor.." She now made up a number, not caring about telling the truth anymore just answering the question. Ruby had already decided he was going to have his way with her body whether she told the truth or not. If it was not going to help her she was not going to risk putting those she worked with in danger. "I ah... I don't know how they found out.' She spoke in a heavy breathe fear almost apparent in her voice as she eyed the needle. "I do what I am told...They have known about her for a long timeah..." She added as she sucked back in her lip, trying hard now not to let out a moan or sound of any sort as he teased her breasts. She began to lean her upper body to the side, pulling away from his head and the needle "Put that away. You are going to far now." She told him as she slowly crept to the side and stopped at a point to where if she leaned any further, and he did not have a good hold on her or the chair, then she would likely fall over to the floor.
"this isn't goign too far." Kenny growled out as he stuck her witheh needl slidign ti through her nipple as his left hand kept massaging her breast. "If i wanter to hear you speak nonsese i would have kept eh gag on, if you honestly don't know then tell me, its better to hav eno information then teh wrong oen." He explained to ehr as he tookt eh needle out , a little riinign was heard as he ook a small bell from the box. (tiss torture and i knwo how you hate the thought of a bell on your nipple hehehehehe) running it througthe hoel the needle made as he dabbed the bloowd away, flickignt h bell once it was in place befroe he picke dup a sodderign tool and melted teh latch ont eh bell so it would be impossibel to take of funles the fut he metal ot yanekd it off og her, the whoel timt eh boy was kiccing up and down the girls neck, enjoyign her pain. "now then tell me all i would need to or want to know about youa dnt he hunters." Kenny said as be began dabing the anitbiotic on her right nmipple while hsi rigtha hdn massaged the breat now.
She yelped as the needle stuck through her nipple then let out a soft whimper as he continued to massage her breasts. Her eyes grew glossy but she refused to cry. After the one uncontrolable outburst she forced herself to go quite. That did not last long though. His kisses and massages felt wonderful on her body even if she did not like the situation or the man doing it to her. "Uuhhh-" She winced as he flicked the bell though she was more upset that it was a bell. It was bad enough that he marked her. Now she would jingle even with her clothes . "Lets see.. I'm a Libra and I am single." She began through her heavy breathes as she squirmed in the chair. It was nearly impossible for her to sit still longer than a few seconds before a part of her body shifted. She felt hot between the legs and uncomfortably wet. And the mixture of pain and pleasure he constantly stimulated on her upper half was nearly impossible to ignore. "I am single." She stated, keeping her humor even now, playing around his questions helped her handle the situation better. "I don't dress like this, usually we wear a lot of black. And despite the fact that most of us are human we CAN be deadly to vampires-" She stated though her threat near the end almost sounded silly as her voice began to shake a little and lose it's volume. The cold swab around her nipple sent chills through her breast and up her spine.
"mmm all good things to know if i didnt already hav eyou bendign to my will.. give me qgood information." Kenny hised in her ear as he stabed the nedle itno her rigth breast thsi tim just looping a small godl paitned rin on it, it was torment enough with eh bell,he jsut wanted to watch her squirm more as he tugged ont eh ring before lookign a small chain onto it that dangled to teh ground, that was to be used later as he now stood up and walekd infrotn of her, lifitn up hers skirt and graspign her panties tugging ont hem oenc ebefeor tearignt hem off , his hadns goign to spread her legs now, hsi grip tight on ehr to hodl ehr in place as he leaned forwared forcign a kiss befroe whisepering in her ear, the movemtn it'sefl lettign hsi memebr bursh agsitn eehr clit. "i gues if your all doen givign ups information then i can go ona nd have soem fun." he mused happily
Though she was prepared for what was to come next Ruby still jumped in the chair with a loud whimper as he struck her nipple placing a second piercing on her. Her chest heaved with a groan towards him as he tugged on the newly attached ring. She eyed the chain fearfully as he placed in on her. The took the moment he walked around her to look down at her body. She really felt like a whore, halfway enjoying his touches. And the way she was dressed, bound and had the most provocative piercings possible, she felt down right dirty and horny at once. If she was not experiencing it she would have never believed it possible. "No." Her legs clenched together as ripped her panties off, he practically had to pry them open as he went in for a kiss. Her body shuddered as his hot breathe tickled his ear and gave a sudden jult against the chair as she felt his hard length press against her hungry clit. "I'll talk!" She raised her voice in a small panic. "I'll talk" She repeated a little calmer as she turned her head to look at him. "I will give some... useful" She swallowed as if it were hard to say "information" She told him. "If you get away from me.. leave me alone." She tried negotiating with him. "Stand on the other side of the table." She added as she tried to buy herself time.
Kenny paused for a moment looking to the window Victoria had been in hopign for soem sign of what todo, shouold he risk it otr just rape her.. then agin he had all nigth and all day to play with this bitch so he took a step back leanign down to tie her legs toteh elgs of the chair and clamp onf od the electic gclamps to her clit as he tookt he remote and headed over to the other side of the table. "Alrigth but a wrong more and the sex afterwards will be much more.. unpleasten fo you." HE warned as he looked at he toehr remote ont eh table pressign a new button to entertain himself as she spoke.
Ruby began to catch her breath and slowly exhaled to calm her body as he debated wether to trust her or not. She let out a sigh of relief as he stepped back and was alright as he tied her legs together. The chair screeched against the floor and her back arched when he put the clamp on her clit. "Foulplay!" She complained in a heavy breathe as she took a second to gather her composure as she looked across the room at him. She narrowed her eyes angrily on his threat. Yet there were still fear in them, fear he could press the button at any moment. She could not tell if he would actually go easy on her or not in the end, she doubted it but went along with him for now with a small glimpse of hope. She still didn't know what he was therefor she did not know if he really was being easy on her now or if this was his worst. As he pressed the button a small hole appeared in the ceiling and a chain with a hook cranked downwards. Ruby eyed the chain in fear he would use it next and quickly began to talk. "We are hunters but it is an old term we don't hunt the way we used to. Our methods are more modern, more humane and our weapons are more effective for what we need done." She told him. "More importantly we don't kill most... well I don't know how many we spare." She corrected herself "We only kill certain ones in a hunt. Usually the oldest and more deadly Vampires." She told him.
Kenny eye dhte hook and chain curiously, maybe a little too grusome looking fror him right npw as he pressed antoehr button whiel she wspoke. "ah so instea dyou let them kill themselves, without a leader many vampires would be hoples, starve, or start a war within the group of who will become more dominant.. VERY human." Kenny said sarcasticaly. "what do you do witht eh ones you don't kill then? i've done my research i dont sem uch of a cure."
As he pressed the button music began to fill the room. Ruby raised her eye brow curiously as she glanced around the room. Though the music was something that sounded like it came from a strip club she doubted he played it on purpose. "You do not know what that remote does do you?" She smirked. Then she sighed shaking her head lightly to continuing answering his questions. "I have never heard of a loose vampire starve to death." She sounded amused at the thought. "It is not our fault if the mon-.. they kill themselves." She told him. "The police handle the crimes of humans, even put them to death. We are very similar." She used an analogy going back to what he had said in the begining of their meeting. She took her time explaining hoping if she could stall until sundown he would give up on her. "The ones that are not killed or let go are taken to a base. Certain vampires are sent to different areas. We have had success in curing some, the fresh ones who had rescently been turned." She told him. "Others are taught how to live properly among the human and are later released." She told him the good parts they did, sugar coating their work. "It appears you don't know this but a vampire can survive without killing a human." She told him in a more matter of fact tone.
Kenny chuckled out as the music played, "Nah this is my first time, it's kind of interesting." HE mused as he pressed the buton again hoping to turn it off a he pressed a new one, his mood darkeneign again as she spoke. "you complaiun about them eating you and yet humans still slaugther and kill other animals to feed on, humans are gluttons and abuse your food, i have seen how the vampries in thsi mansion feed, atleast they give their prey the time of their lives before they duie.... i bet you indulge your self in a burger every oso often, do you se the cattle huntign you downa nd killign you.. or tryign to turn you vegan?" Kenny barked out angerly
The music faded and as he pressed another button the bottom part of a wall pannel slide into the floor and large tenticclal flailed out of the wall reaching for an imaginary victim. ((Tenticale monster! XP)) Ruby looked over to the pannel just before the tentacles came out she pretended to hide her intimidation and the amount of tension that ran through her body as she looked back over to Kenny. She just had to remind herself that he did not know that would happen either. "If animals were advanced enough or tried to hunt humans down for that purpose then I don't think I can blame them."She admitted. She pictured animals in her head wearing hunting gear and found the idea funny but tried not to let the humor show too much. He was made enough. "Not all vampires are as generous to their prey. Nor are they careful about their feeding and turning. If something isn't done humans can go extinct in return the vampires will soon fade after." She warned him, trying to make it sound as if they were helping both races.
"and the mistress keeps the feedign in checkitn eh mansion." Kenny said his eyes afixed to eh tentacles debatign to use them otneh girl or not, after a minute of silence he presse dthe buttosn to close it but remmebered the color, he had to bring cindy or Anna down here one nigth for that.. maybe one of the twins if they were lucky or unlucky ehnough, a devious grin on hsi face as he began plottitng , side tracked froa mometn befoer he rememebred where he was and snapep dback to reality. "plus there are muchmore dangerous, cryptids out there, if that is a better word to clal them then.. monsters.." Kennysaid. "there ware ones with an unending hunger, that cna hunt day or night beasts savages , and yet you go after the most civilized of the cryptids.. why is that is it because you only care abotu yor own little cuty, who cares about the peopel murdered out itne h forests or jungles, oh now a few strippers or hookers go missign down town its is now a bidg deal" Kenny said mockingly. "pluss you goign after victoria is like a cow tryign to kill the president.. how kindly would you take tot he cow if tihad dowe it on purpose." Kenny growled otu angerily goping back to their little analogy.
Ruby watched him cautiously as he eyed the tentacles. She could not say she was not relieved that he had pressed the button to send them away. Then he stood there in silence daydreaming for a long minute or two. She stayed quiet to take advantage of the time. "There are other organizations and groups that are well equiped and trained to deal with such creatures." She informed him that those dangerous creatures had nothing to do with this situation but they were begin handled as well. "We care about them but it is not our place to do anything about it unless we are directly influenced by it." She told him. Ruby did not like the way he belittled the lives of hookers. It did not help that she actually knew a few. "You were human once. The way they kill, who they kill. Can you honestly tell me you have always been accepting to it?" She questioned him.
She watched him for a moment as she shifted in the chair, every time he mentioned Victoria he seemed to angry. She tilted her head with a smile. "I see..." She began softly. "You love Victoria don't you?... You are in love with a vampire. That is why you are here and it explains why you are being so defensive and protective." She said as if she had figured it out.
"Victoria is my mistress and spared my life, she has let me stay with e women i love, and givne me anotehr to protect and care for... you are a direct threat to all three of these people, and if it were up to me i probably would have broken your neck the secodn you tried to attack e." THe boy gowled otu hsi eyes glowing for a seocnd befoer he blinekd it away alogn with teh growign rage. as a human i had profound respect for these creatures, that man fears, we hunt them for we thrive to be on the top of the fodo chain when in reality humans are only about itne h middle." Kenny stated factualy before looking at eh tome on hsi watch. "I'll giv eyou ten more minutes... then i will hav emy way with you." He said calmly as if it was the normal order of buisness.
Ruby caught his glowing eyes and seemed a bit more fascinated by it than what he had said. "No way..." She muttered aloud to herself as she figured it out. He had admitted he was once human but was not any more. And his eyes told the rest. He was a werewolf, all signs lead to it but she could not believe it. It baffled her and made no sense at all for a werewolf to be living in such a place. There was one thing she was grateful for, her fate in life and death obviously was not up to him. Ruby cleared her expression, frowning when he mentioned ten minutes. That was not enough. She had a sickening feeling in her gut the others would not come for her in time. She needed to find a way to stall or get out and she only had ten minutes to figure it out. "I am grateful to be alive, but why did Victoria spare me? I have learned enough about her before I came her to know it is not like her to hesitate on the kill." She asked curiously.
"Maybe she believd i diserved a new toy to play with for the night.. you know all thsi cold vamprie flesh, nto as apealing as warm, soft huamn skin." Kenny spoke out slowly the ereion growign agian as he throught abotu ravaging her, regretign now taht he ditn take teh chance todo si with the stripepr last night. "vampires prooduce hormoens and fluids but humans there scent is so much mroe.. pure.. apitizing." KEnny groaned otu happily tryignt o panic her witht he ideas he migth eb having, "maybe she is laying a trap for yoru rescuers, mayeb she really does want informationand at teh same tiem decided to plaese me.. she is sucha godo mistress after all."
Chills ran through Ruby as he spoke slowly, lustfully about her. She could only imagine what was going through is mind as her eyes caught another erection growing. She quickly looked up at him, trying to clear her mind from the many fearful theories on what he was going to do with her. She was even more afraid of him now that she knew what he was, or at least thought she did. Thinking about it only made her mores scared and she knew it was not wise to show fear in this type of situation.
If he looked closely at her or walked over to examine her body he would notice that the welts from the whip earlier were gone and her skin had healed itself around the metal piercings. It appeared that as they were talking her body was gradually healing where it needed to. And though she was nervous and her heart was beating faster in fear or anticipation on what he would do next, she was breathing easier as if she had gotten a second wind.
"You really should let me go now." She stated calmly as she tried to hide the fear from her voice and eyes. "If you do then I will leave and I promise I will never return for your Mistress." She told him sincerely. "However... If you don't the others will come. They will knock out and take up your girlfriend and the girl you claim to protect... They will tie them up tightly and take the girls away where you will never see or hear from them again." Ruby warned him as she used a possible threat towards the ones he loved to try scaring him into releasing her.
The boy chuckled as he lookeda thte watch. "If you haven't guesse dby now I am a better hunter then either you or victoria, if you did take either of them i would hunt you down withint he week, and slaughter your family before i came to you." HJe growled otu ina warnign as he began to step aroudnt eh table to stand onte h side clsoer to her, leanign back on the metal slab as he waited. "two mroe minutes, and then you will see why it isn't so bad to live with beasts." HE mused eagerly his hand slowly strokgin hsi ock unabel to ignroe it now.
"Empty threats." She stated. "The vampires already beat you to my family remember, its part of the reason I am a hunter." She stated bitterly towards the blood thirsty creatures. "If you go to one of the bases alone you will end up a prisoner." She added to how foolish it sounded. As he came around the table she shifted to back away from him but it was pointless, the way he tied her legs down she could not move them at all anymore. Two minutes, she looked down at the ground not wishing to see him jack off in front of her. She was starting to panic more and think of any way to prolong this. It was not working though, she was running out of ideas and he really wanted to take her. "What else do you want to know?" She asked him to buy what time she could.
"foolish liek enterign a vamprie mansion on your own?" THe werewofl asked curiously , watchgin her squirm itne h chair and look away, etiher she was a virgin or jsut too shy about sex for her own good, either way he knew this wa goign to be fun. "I don;t want to know anythgin else, but i promised you ten minutes so i'm, givign you ten mintes, though now its mroe like one minute.. if evenm taaht." Kenny said with a smirk, the boy lickign hsi lips eagerly pumping his cock harder int he growign anticipation befeor he noticed thae wall of toys, tkaing his hadn frm his memebr he waleked over to it pivkign up a fun crafted gag, made to hold the girls mouth open by placign a metal ring under/over her teeth to make shure she couldnt bite down, smirkign he walekd over to her, tieign ti loosly aroudn ehr neck as he whisper dinto her ear. "Any moemnt now."
"It was foolish to come here alone." She now admitted her own fault. She had been given the lone mission but she knew now that she was so eager and nieve that she should have known better to take it without her partner at least. "So this is purely for your enjoyment then." She concluded aloud as she realized it was not a real interegation. She should have been reielved to know that but she wasn't. Ruby looked down at the gag as he tied it around her neck. Her body grew tense as he whispered in her ear. She was out of ideas, it was really going to happen. She turned her head away from him, closing her lips together. She grew stubborn and refused to talk or even open her mouth in fear he would try placing the ring gag on her.
"Of course it was all for fun, as the mistress said.. your my chew toy." The boy growled out as he bit hard on her ear, his left hand goign to clamp ont he clamp on her clit to make her yelp or scream, if she did he woudl grasp her bottom jaw with hsi left hand to force tit to stay open as hsi rigth venture dback up to fit teh ring gag in place befeor tightenign it. "Seeign as how we don;t need you tot alk any more, i feel thsi will be very fitting." He mused in a hushed towe befeor he gracefuly twisted his body aroudn teh chair so he now stood infrotn of her, his legs spread over her las as hsi memebr was at her face, hsi rigth ahnd runnign through her hair only to get a logn enough lock to yank her head up while his lefgt hand positioend his throbign memebr to slide itno the metal ring rubbignt eh sensative head of the cock over to top of her mouth as hsi body shook. "There is nothign you can do, you better just enjoy this." HE groaend otu befeor his left hand left his cock to stroke ehr hair his rigth still griepd hard ona knst of it as he slowly inched inwards, btu just as he was geting tot eh back fo her thraot his left hand slammed agsitn eh beakc of her head to force her head forward as his hip thrust forward sockvign hsi cock hard agaisnt eh back of ehr throat befeo he leaned forward to allow it to penetrate down her throat. "mmm taste it, take it all in your slut." the mut groaned out as he began slidign hsi memebr out of her throat slowly, to jsut run his head back and forth otn eh top of her mouth wall again.
She clenched her teeth flinching as he bit her ear. She could not hold herself quiet though when he messed with the clamp. Her head fell back and her hips lurched up as she let out a loud yelp. A stroke of pain shot up her clit. She struggled trying to move her head and make it hard for him but it was futal he had the gag in place in no time. She growled lowly in her failure as he walked around to strattle over her with his big cock dangling in her face. She flinched as he grabed her hair to position himself in his mouth. Her eyes glaring up at him as he spoke. She jumped in the chair, gagging as he rammed himself against the back of her throat and then he slide his hole length down. She whimpered trying to fight against him at first, though the way she struggled was only arousing to him the way it made her body move under his control and her whimpers and groans only sent vibes of pleasure through his cock. Her cheeks flushed pink as he spoke and slide out. She sucked in a deep breathe of air while he was still in her mouth before he thrust back in again. She closed her eyes as she learned quickly how to swallow and suck to control her gag reflexes to make this easier on the both of them.
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