The vampire mansions new arival(mistress X killer)

Anna felt a little embarrassed with Kenny's laughter. "I knew that." she stated as if he hadn't told her anything new. Anna noticed Kenny's reaction to Cindy and smirked amusingly. "I don't think she will have any trouble finding fun tonight." Anna teased as she wrapped an arm around Kenny's waste. "Perhaps she will even find a distraction to give us some alone time." She hinted as she looked up at him with slightly seductive yet loving eyes. As usual Cindy followed close behind Kenny, not to get lost. Yet she seemed to be in her own little world, only half paying attention to their conversation. "Look there's some bats." She exclaimed excitedly as a few black spots flew over their heads as they passed by the city park.

The window instantly slide open seconds after the tapping. Victoria stepped out onto the balcany to greet her guest. Tonight she was wearing a slender scarlet gown made of the usual sheer material, nothing much different than she normally wears outside of adult attire. "Ferus. You have arrived just in time." Victoria greeted him. Her eyes fell onto his hump and a wicked smirk grew on her lips. "I see you have come prepared with your own toys. Excelent." She was clearly in a good mood. "I do hope my request isn't too much of a burden. The girl was sent in this morning. I do believe you will find her entertaining in the least."
Kenny glanced to Cindyt hen back at anna, givign his own sly grin as his hadn moved downt o rub her ass. "Now you've got me wantign to ditch ehr." HE said jokingly, though he ddint mind as long as he could smell cindy he felt secure in her safety, glancign up as Cidny spoke out. "huh, i wasn't aware there were any caves for them."he mused curiously. Teh walk ther was abotu forty five minutes skipping the lines as he walke dup to the bouncer. "HEY TONY!!! long time no see!!." HE exclaiemd , takign his arm off Anna to graps teh butlers forarm itf a firm hand shake. "Dude every one thought you were dead, where have you been man." THe boucner asked, almsot dumb founded. "I've been busy, as you can see" Kenny replied as he gestured tot eh girls. "I trust i'm allowe din with two guests." KEnny said as he nudged the bouncers who chuckeld and stepepd aside, lettign kenny take cindy and anna by the hand and push the door open to let the deafenign music throb in their ears.

The drow seemed to purr at the idea of playign witha new girl, sliping off the railign to land infront of Victoria with little less thent eh soudn of his fcloack rusttling. "I'm more disapoitned that you haven't called me in more often these few months." EH said as eh slipepd passe dher into teh mistress' room. "I even here you have a hunter locke dup, and i wasn't caleld in to interigate.. instea di hear you have a new male two... is he somethign i shoudl be worried about?" EH asked, hsi voice quiet almsot lieka breeze itne h vampries ear, though it never seeme dto diminish even as he walekd farther away form her.
"Hardly anything in this world is as it seems" Anna mused softly to Kenny as she looked up at the bats, hinting that they probably weren't real bats. Once they arrived at the warehouse Cindy was in awe at how many people were lined outside the building. She smiled brightly, feeling important now as Kenny walked up to the bouncer as if they owned the place. Once again she found Kenny more impressive. Anna laughed lightly when the bouncer mentioned Kenny being dead, there were so many times that could have come true. "It was nice meeting you Tony." Cindy spoke behind her to the big guy as Kenny lead them inside. The two girls giggled as they looked around. The place was already crowded but with all the dancing and crazy outfits and colors they could hot help but smile and get excited. "What do we do first Master? Should we dance, or get some drinks?" She asked as she grabbed hold of his arm in fear of being pulled into the crowd away from him. "Ohh can I have a glow stick?" She asked as she watched some techno dancers.

"I will keep that in mind when I get more girls in need of training." She smiled as she turned and followed him into the room. "News travels fast, though I was hoping no one had heard about the hunter." She stated as her smile faded just long enough for her to close the window. "I know it is unusual, but you have heard correctly. I have recently taken on a personal pet." Victoria admitted. "You have no need to worry I have him on a short leash." The mistress stated in a more amused tone. His voice was what she found most attractive about the elf, yet she hardly let it phase her as she moved on to the point of his visit. With her vampiric speed she was at the door ahead of him in less than a second, all he would feel was a slight breeze as she passed him. "This way." She said simply as she lead him out the room, down the stairs and stopped in front of another door. She paused for a moment as they heard a voice from within the room. "I will say it one last time. Let me go!" The voice was from a young female, clearly the captive. "Marine is a water nymph. Quite a rare find." She stated proudly before opening the door to the room. In the center stood stood a girl with long blue hair with her arms held back tightly by one of the maids, clearly a vampire who was much stronger than her. The moment the door opened the girl fell silent and looked up at the doorway.

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"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!" HE yeleld out ove rhte roar of the music, a chuckle los titneh beat as he began pushign througth eh crowd to find soem one selling or givign away trinkets, to hsi surprise he acutaly foudna stand selling hat they would need a few feet away form a shiping crate, wiht a wall cut off and a mackkeshift bar put in it. "I gues if you want drinks we can get them now as well." KEny said glad tosee the palce had upgrade dabit sens ehe last came, evne with TV's scatered around the place showign teh count down to eh new years.

The drows poitned ears flew up at teh mention of a nymph, a escapign his bandages as he caught the captives voice. "you really know how to make up froa dry spell don't you/"" HE said happily as he stepe dintto eh room, throign of fhsi cloak to show off his slim muscled body riddled with scars from baldes, bits and claws. his white hair gleamign int eh dim ligth along with his near pure white eye, his pants were makeshift leather thaalognw ith his boots, with strigns holding them tight onhis body isntead of a belt. he stood up straight as he droppe dhis back g with a loud clank otn eh ground, a knife seemign to apear in a flash in his rigthahdn, flipping it lazily in his fingers ads he walekd clsoer to her. "what was she, hidign asa cop or somethign?" HE questioend curiously as he leaned forward the tip of his blade lifting up the the flap of clothe on her shoulders, as if inspecting an obect not a living creature.
The girls followed him through the crowd, Cindy continued to cling to Kenny more fearfully than before of losing him now that they were actually moving. "I'm not thirsty yet." Cindy stated as she looked over all the shiny light up items like a child. Once again she was oblivious to the fact that she would never be thirsty in that sense, Vampires never needed real food. "You look like you like lots of colors. Rainbow for you." The guy at the stand stated as he noticed Cindy. He was light up in so much of his own merchendise that he looked like a multicolored space man. "How did you know?!" Cindy nodded amazed at his guess as he placed a rainbow glowstick necklace around his neck. "You would look good in any color." He said slying causing Cindy to giggle like a school girl. "I would like a Daquery" Anna spoke over the music to Kenny as she tried on a few glowing necklaces. The merchant had paid little attention to her as he was placing a pair of light up 2010 glasses on Cindy who was soaking in his every complement.

Marine's scarlet eyes stared over at the drow, her sight was fixed on his scars for a few moments. Her eyes switched from one scar to the other trying to figure out what caused each one. Some she had figured to be claw marks or a sharp blade. Though she was hardly able to imagine the situation that caused them with the short time he removed his cloak. The thud of his booksack made her blink back into the present. Her eyes now falling upon the knife as he came closer. She had completely stopped struggleing by now, mainly in fear of what he may do with the knife. "I am not a police officer. This is an academy uniform." She corrected him. "Though I am sure the two of you have broken many laws both in the mortal and immortal world alike." She said looking over to Victoria who was now standing in front of the shut door. "Let me go now and I might choose not to notify the real cops about this." She began trying to negotiate as she looked upon the drows wrapped face. It was clear in her tone that she was angry or frustrated just from being held in the room for so long.
Kenny eyed the stand lazily before pickup up a neclace with an oragne glow stick hanging form hit, his eyes dartign tot eh vendor as Cidny giggled, a hint of jealous int hem as he gave a low growl, loas tint eh beat of the music befeor his attention was caught buy Anna. "Alright lets get you somethgin to drink." HE said witha grin befeor turnign to cidny as he slipep dhis arm out of hers. "Be good now, we will be over at the barr if you need us." HE said almost too fatherly as he bent down and pecked cindy ont eh lips while glaridng a the vendor befeor heading over tot eh bar with Anna, "CAN I GET A DAQUERY AND... A BOTTLE OF GENUISE!!" HE shoted out after catchign the bar tenders attention by flashign soem money. "I haven't had a beer in a while." HE said as he looke dback to eh ghost girl, wiht a grin, glad to be out of the mansion and in an enviorment he was used to.

The drow let out a dark laugh at the nymphs threat, his hand disapearign ign a glint of motion befeor the girls cap fell ot the groudn and his knife was shiethed on hsi belt. "She is a fiesty one, though she is right, are you sure you got her here safely?" HE asked as he looke dback to victoria. "we dont need any more law inforcment sticking their noses in thsi palce." HE adde d as he walekd tot he backpakc and puleld out a pair of hand cuffs, with a longer chain on them, the cuffs seemd to glow formt eh glyphs writen on them to sedate magic, turnign back to MArine as eh walke darodun her, cufifng one wrist and loopign it ot a pole near by befeor cuggint he other, nodding hsi hed tot eh maid to let her go , and as she did the chain seemd to shorte to pull marin tot eh pole. "So tell me Mistress, ar eyou goign to join me, or just watch?"
"Alright M-mmm" Cindy started out happy but quickly turned the last word into a slightly confused hum as she caught herself about to call him Master and was a little unsure if she could do such in public. A smile grew though as their lips met, even though it was only for a brief second. Her eyes were fixed on Kenny until the crowd of people distorted her view of him. Kenny's warning glare worked on the vender as when she turned her attention back to him it appeared he had taken at least one large step back. Which puzzled her a little bit. "It's on me." A young guy in a white muscle shirt and black and green Monster pajama pants stepped up beside her and flashed a few dollar bills out to the merchant. "That is if you're boyfriend doesn't mind?" He asked glancing over to the bar, clearly he had been watching Cindy long enough to notice the kiss. Cindy nodded her head. "It's alright... he's not really my boyfriend." She found it a little hard to explain the situation. "My horiscope was right, it is my lucky day." He gave a handsomly smooth smirk. Cindy tilted her head a little smiling with a blush. "If my luck continues then you will agree to dance with me?" He asked as he handed the money to the vender then held out his hand to Cindy. She glanced over to the bar a little skeptical to how much fun she was really allowed to have that night. Kenny was not looking and appeared preoccupied. It was enough to flash a green light that he was not paying attention to her therefore it was alright. She nodded her head. "I can't wait." Cindy took the boys hand as he lead her into the crowd of techno dancers before they found their own spot near the center to begin dancing.
"I haven't had any sort of beverage in a while." Anna mused as she lifted herself up onto an old wooden bar stool and crossed her legs. She looked over the crowd, her eyes lost for a moment in the constant motion of glowing lights bouncing to the beat of the music. "Thanks." She took her drink from the bartender and took a sip before looking over to Kenny. "You should stay on Victoria's good side. Then perhaps she will let us do this more often." Anna stated as she was clearly enjoying her night.

"I am insulted you even have to ask" Victoria seemed appalled by his question. "There may be a hunter in my basement but I have not lost my touch. It will be nearly impossible for anyone to link her disappearance to this manor should anyone notice her absents at all." Victoria replied in a more proud tone. "We have absolutely nothing to worry about." The Mistress reassured him as she stood confident to her words. Her words scared Marine. If no one noticed she was gone it meant that there would be no one to rescue her. If she had any hope of being free again it would have to be from her own actions. She needed to be careful too as she looked down at her hat on the ground she realized these two were dangerous, she didn't even see his hand coming and the next thing she knew the knife was shiethed and he had turned away to retrieve something else. She felt a tug on her wrists and after a few seconds of trying to resist the pull, she walked quickly backwards to the pole.
"You may go." Victoria stated simply as the maid gave a small bow and left the room. "As inviting as that sounds I will not be joining you." Victoria shook her head to the drow. "Her training a little different than the others. That is the reason I summoned you." The Mistress explained. "She will learn to serve only one Master." VIctoria informed him. "I would like to stay and watch. It has been a while since I have seen you in action."
"That is why I am here. To be a sex slave?!" Marine interupted as their intentions were finally stated aloud. "You wasted your money." She told Victoria "And you are wasting you're time on me." She then adressed Ferus. "I will not follow anyone's will but my own." She hide her fear of her own fate with stubornness.
"Oh but its so great when i'm punished." Kenny pouted out before takigna sip of his bear, turnign to admire the scenerie as wella s he leane dbakc against the bar watchignt eh ligths flasha dn the people move as if it wer a huge orgy. "Though this is nice, its about once a month, i bet i can get her to agree to that" He added as he looked back to Anna. "you know, i havent seen you dance have I?" He asked curiously eyeing her with a smrik. "please don;t tell me your moves are as odl as the mansion." He joked witha chuckle,.

"believe me I alreayd have plans, A water nymph, lets see how she handles the heat." FErus said as he dug through his bag, pullign out a few long red candles and metal rods alogn with an asortment of metal rings that seemed tobe abelt o scrw ontot he rod. "tell em does the master want her marked?" Ferus asked as he showed Victoria the branding irons. "And would he enjoy soem jewelery?" He asked, grinning under his bandages as he pulled out his piercing kit along with a few chains, for other uses.
"I am sure it is" Anna laughed as she sipped through the straw on her daqueree. Her laughter faded a little though when he mentioned dancing. He was right. He had not seen her dancing yet. She laughed at his joke but she was a little nervous. She did fine in clubs, but she hardly went out of the mannor before she met him and her moves were a little dated. "I suppose you will just have to find out." She smirked as she slide off the bar stool. She had not been to a rave like this but maybe once before, it couldn't be too hard to jump around to the music. She left her drink on the bar as she took his hand. "Come on" She said as she pulled him towards the crowd, though they had stopped and began dancing a few steps in at the edge. She began dancing moving her shoulders and hips first, only a little lamer than those surrounding her.

Marine's body grew a bit stiffer as she listed to two talk. She really did not like the conversation. She swallowed as he began to pull out candles and strange looking rods. The talk of marking her was so intimidating that she decided against anymore threats or speaking at all for now. She tugged on the cuffs, knocked and scraped the metal against the bar twice to try breaking them but nothing she did seemed to phase the metal.
Victoria smirked was she watch the nymph stand trapped on the pole awaiting her fate. It was an amusing site to her. "The master gave no orders against them so you may do as you wish." Victoria stated simply as she looked back down upon Ferus and his bag.
Kenny chuckled as he was dragged ot eth dance floor, just barley gettign his bottle ontot eh bar befor ehe was yanked out of reach. grinnign as he watched Anna. "Now now you are still a lil stiff with your movments." Kenny finaly said as he began to moves wit her, hsi hands startign unvder her arms as he began to push and puleldher body slightly tryign to giduide her into a mroe fluid motion as his hands ran down to her hips. "see , the best way i can think of explainign it, just think of sex with clothes on." HE explained with a sly grin.

"You're makign it too easy for me mistress." Teh drow mused a he pulled otu a syringe befoer turnign and walkign to Marine. "Time to rest for abit." He hisse dout as he crouched down to her, his hand flashign as he stuck the needle itno her neck , injecting only a portion of the fluids in. "See you in a few minutes." EH added as he watched her red eyes disapear under the lids, getting to work as he un chianed her, wispering a few spells to help him work as he hung chanins fromt eh cieling, unstraped marine befoer hoistign her body aroudn and chaingin her ankles together befero wrapignt eh cshain aroudnt eh pole so she dangeld her back agisn the pole upside down with ehr ankels ot eh other side of the pole, taking a metal rod behidn ehr knees and wrapgn them to it to kepe ehr knees spread, tankign hsi knife to ehr panties but leavign the rest of ehr clothes on, cuffign ehr hands but still letign them dnagle frede and putign a gag aroudn ehr neck to plac eon hin her mouth later on, for now he jsut put it there so he wouldnt have to fish it otu of hsi bag latter, for hte finishign touch he began pushign a large red candle intoehr pussy, a small almost birthday oen in her anus, for the hell fo it, but he paid mroe attention tot eh large red one and he woudl shove it deeper and twist waitign for her to wake up.
"Just like sex hmm?" Anna smirked as she rose her arms up over her head and swayed them down over his head. Her hands wrapped over his shoulder as she moved her body with the guidance of his hands. "Then I suppose that means we should be much closer then?" She reationalized innoscently as she danced closer toward him closing in on the space until they were just barely touching. She looked into his eyes as their lips grew close. "And kissing... you can't have sex without kissing." She smiled as she placed a peck on his lips.

VIctoria laughed at his comment. "Would you rather I create rules for you?" She teased while raising her eyebrows to him. "I can make this much more difficult if that is what you wish." VIctoria reminded him. She remained on the other side of the room standing with her hands in front of her as she watched him inject the nymph and begin placing her in a new pose. Even for someone as old as her, she was quite entertained just to stand and watch.
Marine's pelvis twitched with a shove and a twist. A disturbed moan escaped her lips as one would when their sleep was interupted in the morning. She blinked, feeling a little strange in a way off balanced. When her vision cleared she was seeing the Mistress across the room in front of her. Her eyes tilted downwards to see her long blue hair flowing down to the ground and onto the pool of fabric created by her cloak, which added to some of thee weight that held her down. As startling as it must be to black out and wake up hanging upside down, it was what she saw next that startled her the most. Her panties were lying on the ground in front of her. Her eyes instantly grew wide. She inhaled a deep breathe of air and her body twitched like a worm on a hook as she felt something rather large pushing into her pussy. She took another deep breathe then her lower body curled up as she reached her hands to grasp part of the candle to try pulling it out or at least keep him from pushing in any further. "Stop!" She stated abruptly as she tilted her head up towards her captor. Her legs were tense against the bar helping her hold herself up and her breathing was a bit more shallow and carefully placed. She could only hold this position for a short time before she would fall back to hang completely again. "What was that liquid you injected me with?" She asked waning to know everything he had done to her during the black out.
"MM yes, kissing.. is.. a necesity." HE said pullign form ehr lips to breaht out each word slowly befeor kising er again, his hands still hoverign aroudn ehr hip and ass, tryign ntot o touch so as to give her the freedom to move, tiltign hsi head tot eh side durignt he kiss to peek down and watch her as she swayed., soankign her ass a minute later as he populled formt eh kiss. "mm now twirl aroudna nd let me seee that booty shake." he chuckled out.

"Oh don't worry darling, it was just somethign to keep you out long enough to get you ready." He whispered to her as he smake dher hands away form teh candle, bendign down to lokher itne h eye as he whispered a few words and the chain on her fcfss seemed to fork of fitne h middle with anotehr chaind taht conected to the ground. "I was gonan keep those free, but it seems nymphs are more lflexable then i thought." HE said mroe to himself then any one else, his figners workign her breasts befeor both hands covnerged itn eh middle of her body, hooking on her shirt and tearign it so the buttons poppe dof fand her breasts popped and dangled,, standign up slolwy he put his finger to the wick of the candle making it burst to flame with oenword. "Mistress, make yourself of some use, come over here and releave me of my pants if you wouldnt mind, and also tell me the name of her new master, we should get her use dto saying it." He said, unafraid of the vampires wrath, he wasn't a servant of hers, he was jsut beign paid in a sense, an knowng the masters name woudl help him think of how to mark the nymph as eh watche dthe first drop of hot wax hit directlhy onto the new slaves clit.
Anna was practically blushing when she noticed him locking over her. This was going perfectly well. She giggled as she felt a swat against her bottom. "Am I doing this right?" She asked curiously as she began to sway her hops back and forth more fluently as she did a turn for him but the turn was ended with her back to him as she she backed her body up towards him. She put her back to his chest and her bottom ground to the music against his crotch area. Her hands came up behind his neck, her finger tips trickling over the skin to tease him.
Meahwhile Anna was still dancing with the same guy who seemed to get closer and closer with each new beat. Soon his arms were around her waist and sliding up over her belly button towards her chest are. Cindy had no trouble dancing to the music, she remembered it well from the college days but as his hands trailed up to her chest area she was starting to get uncomfortable, afraid she may do more than Kenny would allow.

Her eyes got caught into his one single eye and during that moment when he said his magic that pulled her arms below her head and rendered them useless, she found herself unable to speak. She had even forgotten to breathe. Marine was unsure what it was she was feeling. I could have been fear, he was certainly a nightmare. It could have been astonishment. His use of magic was remarkably flawless, at least to anything she had seen in a long time, terrible but flawless. Or dare she not think it, an attractiveness towards his elvish features. Or it could have just be side effects of hanging upside down. Whatever it was she had forgotten to breathe until there was a ripping sound and her pale figure was revealed beneath the thick material. She gasped as her chest bounced in front of him, her cheeks burned a light pink and she quickly looked down to the floor to hide it in the shadows. He could see her every flawless curve of her pale yet soft skin. She felt violated as her silky smooth skin was now exposed for him to see. And for the first time she felt completely vulnerable and helpless. She could not move her limbs or even close her legs. Her body was at his full disposal and there was nothing she could do about it. She could feel her body growing warmer by this very thought. Her eyes followed him up. She could feel the heat in her body quickly rising when he light the candle. "Put it out!" She practically commanded though there was a hint of fear and panic in her voice. She absolutely hated fire and heat and now there was a flame light over her most precious area.
Victoria was standing behind Ferus in the blink of an eye. "I wanted to keep his identity a secret until the end of her training... as a surprise." Victoria with a disappointing sigh as she wrapped her arms round his waist to unfasten his pants from behind. "However you have a good point. So I will tell you." She said as she tugged his pants down. "His name is.." She her head forwards to breath over his ear "Master Ferus." She hissed lightly. "Happy Birthday." At that moment the drop of wax fell onto Marine's clit. "Ahhhh!" the nymph arched her back against the pole as a wave of heat traveled from her clit through her like an electric shock.
The boy shuddered unde rthe movemtns, but it was lost udner his own and the virbiratiosn of the beat of the stereos., his hands glindign from ehr hips to her breasts, one groped her softly ebfero venturign bakc down ot her legs, his own waist gridngin up agsint her ass, his breathign quickly gettign heavier from the heat of the room and from hsi own excitment as his otehr hand stayed at her breatst, slippiing under the small tube top and gropign at her bare nipple, movign his hadns slowly so as they danced they moved deper itnot eh crowd closer to the music and suroundign them in the strong scent of sex and extescy.

"WEll look at that, as pale as snow, and as smooth as ice, you really are akin to water." Ferus mused as he examined the girls body while Victoria unbuttoend and puleld his pants down, his ears flying up as she looked to victoria, pulling his bandaged down to expose his lips and pres them to victoiras. "Can't believ eyolu remembered after so many years." He said almost happy sounding voice , lokign back tot eh body as she jolted, then down at hsi hard member, only about 7 inches in length and only slightly thicker then normal, btu magic could easily fix that if he needed, an dhis penis was specail as hti was riddled in scars like his chest, thsi scars had turned itno ridges and bumps on his member, better to stimulate the female, though that wasnt the reason he had gotenteh scxars down there,that had all been on accident. "now now girl arent you lucky, being one of my pets." HE mused as he walekd bakc to her, the tip of his cock presign at th bottom of ehr chin. "If your good i miightblow the canlde out but for now we must begin the training, first off, you will cal me tamer, master or Ferus.. dowyou got hat?" he asked as eh tilted the candle to let more wax spill otu at the same time movign it within her pussy,
Anna closed her eyes. She loved the feeling of his hands groping and venturing over her body. And the fact that they were in public made it all taboo and hot, even if they were just dancing. "Mmmm" She moaned softly through cold lips as his fingers found her nipple. The sound was lost in the music as expected as they traveled deeper in the crowd. She was getting aroused by their dancing and the further they got mixed in the adrinaline of the music and crowd, the more she wanted to take him behind the bar and do more than dance. "I think this is my favorite type of dancing..." She said as her fingers slide through the back of his hair over the top while the other hand wondered down his side and brushed over his thigh. "Your a really good dancer." Anna added.
"Your a good luck charm" The boy spoke into Cindy's ear as he pulled her so close there were no space in between. She gave a weak squinty smile. She was uncomfortable but somewhat alright when his hands wandered over her chest. Everyone around them were groping and grinding and having a good time. However, when one of those hands began to venture north and poked her panties she was no longer okay with her. Sure she played with other humans but that was with Kenny's permission, actually he was there. This time was different, it didn't feel right. She pulled his hand away and tried to walk way but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back against him. "What's wrong?" He asked. Cindy shook her head "I don't want to." She said lightly
"Hmm, I can hardly hear you over the music" He said as his hand slide under her shirt.

VIctoria of course welcomed the kiss from her old friend. "It is not something one could just forget." VIctoria smirked, pleased that he appeared to like her gift . When his attention fell back upon the nymph she took a swift step back to the other side of the room. It was just starting to get good.
Marine took in slow deep breathes through her nostrals trying to calm down. More imporantly not only cool down but keep still to avoid any unnessary wax drops. As he approached her she looked away defiantly turning her gaze to the side wall. She would have spoke against him degrading her as his pet but he soon pressed his manhood to her chin and she thought it would be better to keep her lips tightly closed. However, his next action made it hard to disobey. Her body gave and uncontrolable shudder when he tilted the candle over. "Yesssss" She bit her bottom lip, the replay was a his of a breathe sucked in as the candle wax spilled over her sensative skin. The heat caused her to squirm in the chains for relief , her pussy and thighs twitching as the bar kept her legs open and the moved the object inside her. "You're name.. is Fehruss" She breathed out heavily, to prove she understood.
"mmmm...oh .. we're still dancing?" HE asked jokingly as he nipped at her ear, takign in a deep breaht through his nose as he did to take in the ghosts's scent. "we migth want to call the limo when we leave." He siad implying he wanted todo something other then walking on the way to their next destination. Hsi mood was hindered though as he paused, his ears picking up Cindys voice, and it didnt sound like her beloved giggle, slightly concerned he began movign their dance closer to where he thought she would be itn eh crowd, though not in too much of a hurry, she could have just been bumped or stepepd on, tothing big, and he didnt want to killt eh mood with Anna.

"ferus, thats a good girl, lets give you a present." He mused happily twisitng the candel deeper itnoher. "Now then, wil you accept your master into you freely?" HE asked as eh dropepd mroe wax onto ehr body hwile pressign his member harder at her mouth, "Mistress pick ourt your favorite marks and get an iron heate dup please." He caleld otu to victoria as he dworked his magic tryign to keep victoria feelign liek she was part fo the torment
Anna giggled and squinched her shoulder as he nipped her ear. It tickled. "That's a good idea." She nodded her head as she spun to dance facing him now she was practically grinding one of his legs like a female dog in heat. She leaned into him to whisper in his ear. "I m not sure we should wait that long." She coed in his ear. "All this dancing had gotten me excited." She said as one of her hand rubbed over his crotch. She was completely oblivious to any problems with Cindy.
"I-I said no" Cindy tried speaking louder but her voice actually became softer, more fearful. "Come on sweatheart. Don't lie to me like that." His hand slide under her bra now and Cindy gave a soft squeel that was once again lost in the booming techno music. "You have been giving me signals all night. You don't have to be shy around me. I will take care of you" Cindy had stopped dancing completely, her sight darted towards the bar but she didn't see Kenny there.

Her hips arched as he twisted the red object deeper into her pussy. Soft whimpers escaped the back of her throat. The candle was thick and her pussy was hugging tight against it. Her pussy however was wet which did help a little. Despite how hard she sucked in her lips she could not hold back a loud hissing moan as he poured the next bit of wax. The hot liquid poured over her clit and dripped into her pussy lips as he tipped it. Shudders ran through her spin as the bottom of the candle pushed against her inner walls and the heat ran through her causing her to throw her head back and tremble as the waves of heat brushed through her. She did not answer him for a good long minute as she concentrated on breathing and trying to stay cool. She did not like his question. She did not want to become the slave to a man who would put her through this. She did not want to be a slave at all. However, she despratly wanted the candles to go away. "I will..." She paused to take in a breathe and clear her words. "perform oral freely if you blow out the candles.." She tried negotiation to get around his request instead. Her eyes slide over to the upside down Mistress. "And choose not to brand me." She said, her body growing hot in fear of the iron.
Victoria snickered to herself at the girl's response as she started a fire in the corner of the room and began picking out an iron to heat up.
"MM oh god, You know.. i bet no one is paying attention to us rigth now." HE whispered back as his hand slipped into ehr shorts and a finger rubbed between ehr butt crack, sucklign on hr neck to leave the first hickey of what he planne dto make many, that was until he heard the squeel,almsot as if it were in his ear, looking over he could see cindy struglign though a few people, and a man behind her, somthgin movign uner her shrit is what set him off." GOd, I'm going to hate havign done this but..." KEnny said under his breath as he spun hsi body with anna's to move throught eh peopl blockign them from cindy, stopign hsi spin as his hand left annas ass to form a fist and slam into the boys cheek.

"You know I cna jsut force it into you." Ferus growle dout though his voice still seemd to be as calm as the breeze as he twisted the candle hard itno her leting the wax splash in every direction evne otno ehr soft inner thigh. "I was jsut hoping i wouldn't have to break youtoo much before you would obey." HE added as he presse dhsi memebr so hard to ehr head it would force the back of her head to bang hard against the pole behind her. "and the mistress is the one who decides what markings my new pet will have, and there is no bargenign witht eh mistress." EH adde dshovign hsi body at ehr againt o slamm her whole body agaisnt he pole amkign more wax splassh.
Shivers of excitement rand through Anna as his hand went down her shorts, and she made a pleased moan through her throat as he suckled on her neck. "You are bad, but I love it." She teased, not realizing how true the phrase would be in a few minutes from now. The next thing she knew everything was spinning then Kenny had punched some guy out. It only took one hit for the guy who was hitting on Cindy to fall back on the ground out cold. "Master!" Cindy was so happy Kenny had come to her rescue she had forgotten formalities and ran over to him giving him a great hug. Everyone near them had paused when they saw the punch or the after affects and soon enough the floor around Kenny and the unconscious boy was empty and they were surrounded by curious eyes to what had happened.
"Oh my gosh. Kenny? Is that really you?" A girl with the same hair color and similar facial features as Kenny stepped out of the crowd. She was in a green mini skirt, a black corset top and was wearing a top hat and glow sticks. She had glitter covering her cheeks and eyes but it was quite apparent she and Kenny were related. "It is you." She said as she came closer and hugged him. Though when she pulled back from the hug her feeling changed a bit. As she punched him hard on the shoulder. "Where the Hell have you been?"

"GahhAHH!!!" He had pushed it too deep that time. She felt the candle's bottom hit against her cervix causing her to grow stiff as a board for a brief second before she cried out from the hot wax splashing on her skin. He did not yell but there was no doubt i her mind she probably pushed too far. She flinched as the back of her head hit the pole, the second time most of her body took the hit as he slammed into her. "YaooOOWW!" She could not hold back a cry of agony as the wax slashed in multiple areas on her thighs and cunt. Her hips thrashed causing more wax to fall and she clenched her teeth together urging her body to become stiff so that it would not happen again. "Alright...Stoppah...Please" Was all she could breathe out before she closed her eyes. Hoping he would giver her a chance to catch her breathe before he would lash out or drip more was on her. Her chest was heaving up and down and her body glistened with sweat. Her head ached and her pussy had so much wax it felt like it was on fire. It was almost as if she was in heat or painfully aroused. And his hard erection was pressed against her face. Without her magic she was helpless. Fighting against them was not working. So she had no choice but to try submitting, at least for now. "I.. will.." She opened her eyes to look up at him. "I will ... obey."
"IT's alright Cindy." EKnny said comfortign, givign Anna a little worried look as if to say he was sorry for ruining the moment, he was about to go over and hug Anna when soem random girl ran up and hugge dhim, his eyes wide with bewilderment for a second as she pucnhed him, that was until her scent hit his nostrils and her image registered in his mind." SIS!!, BIG SIS!!" HE said astonished as she looked her over. "What are you... shti.. what ar eyou doing here Claire?" HE asked now slightly afraid of havign to explain everythign to her.
Anna was a little annoyed Kenny interupted their fun to be Cindy's hero. She was a vampire so Cindy could not have possibly been in any real danger with a human. If anything she was just a little spooked. In fact she thought it would have probably been better if Kenny didn't interfere, then Cindy would have had to learn to fight for herself. She could not be mad at him for long though. His worried look was adorable and she couldn't think any less of him trying to protect one of his girls. So she gave a faint smile nodding her head to him as if he was forgiven.
"What do you mean what am I doing here? I am celebrating the new years just like you." She said as she took a step back. She was a slim girl, a few inches shorter than Kenny, however with the silver stillettoes she was wearing she was standing even hight, eye to eye with him. She placed her hands on her hips, looking him over. Her eyes paused on his collar and he could see a faint smirk on her lips as if she wanted to laugh and insert a witty comment. However, she held her tongue and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him behind her to follow him out of the crowd. There were too many people watching and the music was starting to get louder again. The unconscious boy was pulled to the side by some friends and everyone was getting back to the party as if nothing had happened. "When I came back into town your friends said you disappeared. You even quite school. For a while I was worried! Thought you might have gotten hurt or killed or something." She told him in a more disappointing, almost scornful tone. She lead him to a back hallway near the restrooms where the music was slightly muffled off. Cindy was still half clinging to Kenny's side, Anna following close behind at his other. Both girls were silent as they looked over the girl curiously and listened closely. This is Kenny's sister, they didn't even know he had one. Then Claire stopped and faced him with a hand on her hips. "I could not believe lil Kenny would drop out of school like that." She continued. Then she leaned forwards, her c busts halfway hanging out of her corset as she curled her shiny pink lips. "Until your friends told me you had disappeared after meeting a girl." She said in a more teasing voice. "You ran off and got hitched didn't you?" She asked suspiciously.
"I...I.. but..."Kenny couldnt get a word in form ehr talking and it seemed every time a scentence ended the music woudl get louder until they were alone in private, his face turnign red at the last comment. "Me..MARRIED!!" EH said baffled, though as he thougth about it thats basicaly what had happend to him with Anna seeign as if he ever left ehr he would probably be killed."Woah woah woah, I'm not married." He said trying to clear it up his face as red as a beat still before his eyes went dwide as he glanced to Anna, givign a sheepish grin. "Atlest not yet... darling." He said witha sheepish chuckle, "Don't worry Claire, I will.. expalin every thign jsut.. maybe its best we explain ont eh way to dinner." HE said looking back to Anna. "Why don;t you cll the ride, we cna come back after food."
CIndy giggled at the thought that Kenny would ever get married. She did not think it would ever happen with the amount of girls he slept with in the mansion. She cupped her hand over her mouth a few seconds later though thinking Kenny might get upset with her laughing at him. Then something else began to occupy her thoughts. Could a ghost marry a werewolf?
Anna found his red face and conversation with his sister equally interesting. And it brought up something that baffled her. Marrage. Surprisingly she had not even thought about it until now. When Kenny addressed her saying it may actually happen she gave a light blush. "Alright, the ride should come in a few minutes." She told Kenny before takeing a few steps to the side to make the call. She kept just enough distance both to talk on the phone and still her Claire and Kenny talk.
Claire laughed as she watched Kenny blush, clearly she was embarrassing him in front of his friends. It was something that never got old to her. She raised an eye brow to him "You are hiding something from me, I can tell." She added suspiciously. She leaned back to straighten her posture. "Alright." Claire nodded her head in contempt. "As long as you are paying." She mused.
"So, if she is my future sister in law" Claire said pointing towards Anna, "Then who is the cute girl clinging to your side?" She asked pointing to Cindy.
"Don't worry I got money." kenny said reasuringly as he looke dto Anna a sshe calle dfor a ride, still disapointed the mood had been kille d, but it ws nice to see family again, even though it was goign to be a pain explaining himself now, and that explaining seemed ;liek it wouodlld ahve to start now as he blushed agian, lookign down to cindy as he put his arm aroudn her wasist, givign a sweet smile befeor replying. "SHe..w ell.. is.. what woudl you call youself Cindy?" Kenny asked hoping Cindy might explain it in a better way, oratlest hoping hearing the explenation from cidny would help the cause.

"WEll now you gave in" HEmmused as he crouched down his lips touchign hers as he force dhis tongue into ehr mouth, groanign as he tasted the fresh meat, hsi hand comign to her head to force her itno it, enjoyignt he taste for a whoel minute befoer pullign away and sstandign up, one hand at teh bottom of her head whiel the other held the base of hsi cock waitig for her to take it in, "Now remember, the longer you take, themore the candel will melt." HE pureed otu a warning nodeciding not to blow out until he was blown out. (yes i had to say it XD)
CIndy sort of snuggled into Kenny more as his warm arm wrapped around her. She looked up at him returning a smile as she replied immediately. "I am Master Kenny's p-" She paused looking at him now with a puzzled look on her face as if looking for an answer in his eyes on whether this was the right reply. He was Kenny's sister so she automatically assumed the girl was a werewolf as well. He was turning brighter red, maybe it wasn't a good idea to say she was his pet. "I am his personal ser.." No, that sounded dirty. Her big mouth closed again and she made a funny face as if she just could not get the words right. "I am his maid." She said more confident with a nodd of her head. "I am Master Kenny's personal maid." Cindy said confidently with a nodd of her head. The third time was a charm.
"His personal maid?" Claire said witn a now impressed look upon her face. "So you have a girlfriend who is clearly out of your league, a personal maid and a driver to come pick you up within a moment's notice?" She said pulling everything he said together. "No wonder you quite school." She laughed lightly. Anna closed her phone and soon stepped into the conversation. "We should go outside now. The driver should be there in a few minutes." She warned everyone politely. Claire swung her arm around Kenny's shoulder pulling on his neck towards her as they walked towards the front. "So how did it happen? How did you get so much money? And why in the world are you holding out on your favorite sister?" She asked him.

Once again, as their lips met, she seemed to close her eyes. She welcomed his tongue in and returned the kiss willingly. She slide her tongue losely over his. It wasn't passionate on her side. In fact she hardly gave any effort at all. However, the kiss did seem to affect her in a more positive manner. By the end of the minute her breathing had become even and calmer. Despite her positioning she appeared more relaxed. She let out soft airy breathes as he broke from the kiss and stood. She opened her eyes when he began to speak and looked up at the only thing really in her sight, his long thick cock. She suddenly felt intimidated. Marine did not speak. She used her actions instead to show she understood. Her mouth opened wide and she leaned her head forwards to slide his head in. Instantly her tongue worked slowly over the sensative flesh, sliding in circles over the tip and flesh. She pushed her head forwards, taking him in a little at a time. She skipped the foreplay as she began suckling while her tongue slide over his thick member like an eel. She paid special attention to his scars, lining each one with the tip of her tongue. She was no fool, she knew how men reacted to a nymph's body, to her body. It made her cheeks turn cherry red to think of how hard he had to have gotten with all he had done to her so far. This she thought would be an advantage, it meant she would not have long to work him before he would blow. At least that was what she was aiming for. A quick blow job and the candle would be gone.
She had about a third of him in her mouth when pool of wax under the wick began to overflow off the sides and a stream of wax slide down the candle onto the crevis of her pussy lips like a seal. Her pussy and thighs twitched and her body tensed up as she tried to keep her hips still. He could see her body shudder as the heat sent chills traveling through her pussy and down her spin like waves. She groaned over his length. He could tell how she curled her lips in how desprately she wanted to chomp down on him but restrained herself.

((mm witty >.<))
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