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Oh if i could only find the picture i cosplayed ((badly)) as the dog eared doctor in the dark gemma gemma gang.
kitsume said:
Oh if i could only find the picture i cosplayed ((badly)) as the dog eared doctor in the dark gemma gemma gang.
I have never heard of that.
kitsume said:
i looked stupid but i am hopeing my next cossplay will be better.
We all hope that we will do better. Once you cosplay its VERY addictive.
TheDarkerMe said:
Arggghhh having problems finding a Black Usagi Wig -sniffles- (Black Sailor Moon wig >.> )
I feel you pain. I lost my Link hat a while back and I am still trying to find it.
TheDarkerMe said:
Arggghhh having problems finding a Black Usagi Wig -sniffles- (Black Sailor Moon wig >.> )
Get a REALLY long black wig?
Then style it to Usagi's style?​
Anjeru said:
TheDarkerMe said:
Arggghhh having problems finding a Black Usagi Wig -sniffles- (Black Sailor Moon wig >.> )
Get a REALLY long black wig?
Then style it to Usagi's style?​

Easier said than done, I would think.
That's true.
Most places I know to look for wigs is cosplay sites.
Like cosworx...or something like that.​
Anjeru said:
That's true.
Most places I know to look for wigs is cosplay sites.
Like cosworx...or something like that.​
Lol figures you would know it.
Well. is usually where I find that stuff.

They talk about cosplay suppliers.
And stores.

Hence how I found:

Which was amazing!

I wanna save up lots of money for it.

I wanna get like this awesomely, deluxe,
infinitely superb costume.

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