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Blinding Lights (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

His teeth found her throat again, pressing his cock harder and harder into her, chirping almost drunkly.
He was insatiable, never stopping even after he finished four times. His cum dripped from her as he sloppily drilled into her, his breathing labored.
She was panting and shaking, her eyes rolling back in her skull as she drooled heavily beneath him. "F..Fuck..~~ Y-You have.. s-so much..~" she panted.
He shook his head, looking almost panicked, "Oh no...I want you to be awake...I want you to always enjoy it.."
He nodded, staying seated inside her as he picked her up and carefully laid so she was on top of him, holding her close and playing with her hair, "I love you, Caeda..." He whispered.
He continued to tutor her, trying to keep their studies professional, but how could he when every thing she did was so perfect?
She clouded his brain, made him daydream now more than ever. Now that he finally had her, he was hooked.
He really was insatiable; when they were about on campus, he would go somewhere private and fondle her, growl and vocalize as he felt her up or teased her through her clothes. It was so exciting for her.
She was losing her mind, men had wanted her before, but this was something else entirely. This was a need more than a desire.
He couldn't get enough of her, touching her intimately and not, wanting her to know that he really was obsessed with her. When other men came close to her, he would hold her against him protectively, but never become aggressive. Just protective.
She was overwhelmed, but so happy with all of it. She felt trapped, but not in any bad way. He was huge, so sometimes that feeling was just physical.
He wasn't abusive, he let her have friends and let her do what she wanted when they weren't together, but he just liked people knowing that she was his.
They were studying again, him happily munching on some jerky she had brought him, popping over every now and again when she looked confused or frustrated.
She had no idea what she did to him, how the little things drove him wild. He wanted her so bad, but he couldn't take her here in the Arcanaeum.
"How are you two doing over here?" The librarian had made her way over, Miss Kimia was always good to the students studying, "Need any more math books?"
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