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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Ezra was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was swooping up her hood once again, hiding the look of grief that she had. It wasn't long before she was going after Kyle, yet as she was passing by the parents she was brushing her hands across their phones, causing them to all of a sudden die out of the blue. No shame at all from her; nor could she really get into trouble for interfering since nobody had been harmed.
Kyle looked at her and smiled "before we go I want to show you something" Kyle then headed to another room where a young boy and his mother were both were asleep but the boys mother was holding him close
Ezra was just looking for a moment in time before she was following after him to another room, and was just giving a faint smile at the sight in front of her. "I hope.... that this child is one that has a long life ahead of him...."
"he does I spoke to the fates about him both he and this little one are destined for each other as she is to be reborn in a year or so and the two of them will go one to make great strides in the medical field and in social services that will keep people like her old parents for keeping their kids"
Kyle walked through the portal and headed for the rebirth room so that he could settle her down and let her rest before being reborn
Ezra followed after him so that they could get out of there, and after entering the room she was just looking at a few of the other young spirts that seemed to surround them. Spirits that were meant to be reborn, and were ready for rebirth when the time was right. This had the woman kneeling down and one of the kids was asking if she could sing them a song again like last time she was there.
Kyle nodded his head so they would leave and he could get the little girl settled into her bed so she could heal before rebirth as she needed to be strong to be born
Ezra was just laughing softly before she was wandering after some of the children so that she could give into their request.
Kyle watched her go before he settled the little girl and looked her over making sure that her soul was only weak and not damaged in any way
Ezra entertained the children for a while although it wasn't long before she was giving them a faint smile before she was speaking, "I should get going." No it wasn't really that she wanted to go, it was more at that point in time she couldn't stay away from her realm for a super long period of time. Already it had been a few days since she had been gone, and she was beginning to feel the fatigue from it. It would be so much better when she was finally freed completely.
Kyle walked in to the room and sent the kids to their beds as it was getting late and everyone needed to get some rest. "Lucifer said he located your weapon and should have it for you in a day or two"
Ezra was just looking over before she was commenting, "That seemed easier than I thought it was going to be."
"your weapon was hidden in his domain so for him it was easy had it been in the human realm or in some of the old kingdoms that would be a different story" Kyle was actually glad it had been found so easily it meant that things wouldn't get complicated
Ezra was giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "Attempt to anyways." With that she was playfully giving him a peck on the cheek before she was fading through the portal.
Kyle blinked when she kissed his cheek as the simple contact with his skin should have killed her. this had her very confused as he didn't know why it hadnt and he wondered if she realized that as well
No Ezra had realized that before she was just looking back at him and just vanishing away. No that had never worked on her yet again perhaps it was because in a way she was already dead.... that or even if it had killed her, she would have just woken back up within the walls of Purgatory.
Kyle watched the portal close and then shook his head lightly before heading out to do more of his work claiming the souls of those who had passed. Kyle didn't normally carry them in his arms unless they were small children as it gave them a sense of comfort
Ezra was just returning to her realm and wasn't too shocked to find that the man had managed to get out of the labyrinth, and seemed to be fuming. So she was snapping her fingers and sending him back to the mortal realm where he had been, although was dropping him down into the middle of the Mariana Trench. Let him figure out a way out of there. Not that he would die that easily... sadly.
Kyle moved through the human world collecting souls but frown when he noticed several died before their time and others were missing altogether
Ezra was just leaning back in her throne rather annoyed and just listened to what people were saying to her. It seemed like while she had been gone some new souls had arrived.
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