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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head before she was doing that, although it was very obvious that she was afraid at that point in time.
Monty set his cup downa nd then moved to the couch covering her up before going to the end where her head was "people have told me they get cold when i use my magic so I always cover someone up, now what I am going to do is enter your mind you'll feel a small amount of pressure at first but then it will let up. I'll target every memory where you were hurt or being told that you were a slave was enforced, Ill cause those memories to fade they wont be gone to take them from you would change who you are but once that is done ill target the memories where you're reassured that your safe and free and strengthen those so that you believe it"
Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head although it was clear that she was still a bit frightened at that point in time. "O....Okay...."
"all will be well little one" Monty smiled and then lightly touch either side of her head before focusing his powers and entering her mind. Monty shuddered at the memories he was targetting but he didn't let them get to him as he needed to focus and do as he had promised
Sielle was just giving a low whimper and Monty would almost feel that there was a small amount of resistance from her when he entered her mind. Yet this would only bring about a few memories of the Black King, which only gave definite proof that he was working with the Crimson Lord, and trying to use his mind control magic on people. Sielle had been one of those that had been under the effects often Monty would learn, but the more it was used on her the more resistance that she seemed to gain. Yet that could be from the natural magic bloodline that coursed through her kicking in.
MOnty spoke softly "shhh little one I am not here to harm your mind" Monty didn't force but coaked her lightly so that he could work with ease
Eventually the resistance seemed to let up some and it was almost as though she hadn't even been intentionally doing it at all.
Monty worked as fast as he could but it still took him over two hours to do the work and when he withdrew he did so slowly so that he didn't hurt her head more then it had to be
Sielle's head was definitely aching but somehow she was able to ignore it... somehow. Perhaps because she was so use to pain, that this pain wasn't anything that she couldn't handle.
Sielle was giving a small nod of her head before she was sipping at some tea again, although slowly. No the head pain was real but she was pushing it aside for the time; and the tea did seem to help.
Monty nodded his head lightly and then went to look through his own books before finding several that would suit her once she had rested. Monty carried them back over to her and held them out "these are beginner and moderate level spell books for witches I assume Lucifer will have someone teach you and these will be a good a safe place to start as the book you currently carry is for masters which given your power level you will get to quickly"
Sielle was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I don't understand...."
Monty chuckled "You come from a long line of witches as typically as the generations increase so do the powers strength that each witch carries your strong stronger than the master who wrote that book but you are inexperienced and while you have the magical strength to use your not use to casting spells and from what I was told you don't have the same physical strength needed either but both can be fixed with a little work"
Sielle was just shaking her head some before she was speaking, "I am a slave.... My parents died when I was very young...."
Sielle was just giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I guess...." She found herself looking at the book that she had taken from Lucifer's palace before she was holding it out and questioning, "Is my having magic the reason I can understand this? I....I was never t...taught to read but... I understand this book...."
Monty nodded his head" it is now I would recommend learning to read and there are plenty who are willing to teach you but your magic will make sure that you can read the books needed to use it"
Sielle just seemed a bit nervous and had a look like she wanted to question something... wanted to ask permission on if learning to read was allowed.... but she didn't want to upset them. So she was just remaining quiet at that point in time.
Monty touched her hand "you are allowed to learn to read my dear it is not something that is forbidden. in fact lucifer encourages people to learn and get and education"
Sielle was just nodding quickly but seemed to be looking away for a moment. Yet as she was looking away there seemed to be something in the room that caught her attention. More like a glass case that had a weapon behind it. Well a replica of a weapon anyways. This had her actually getting up and walking towards it before she spoke in a soft voice, "This sword.... I've seen it before.... Master had it...." A sword of destruction, a dangerous thing in his hands... although it would be even worse if the dragon lord actually managed to get free. And many had been wondering where that sword had vanished too, and it seems like the question was answered.
Monty stood up and walked to her side "did he keep is locked away or is it always by his side" Monty's voice was soft and he didn't want to worry or scare her so he was walking carefully
Sielle was just looking over for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "The master kept it locked away.... The only time that it was taken out was during executions usually. He didn't want others to know that he had it yet.... I... I do know where he keeps it hidden...."
"good when you return let Lucifer know so that it can be retreived I will come for it once it has been as it is safe here in my realm" Monty also knew it oculdn't influence him as he wasn't a violent person by nature but he would warn Lucifer to be careful as well
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