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The Circus ( LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

the two nodded their heads and it was easy to see with how careful they were that this was not something out of the realm of normal for Serena and her back would carry the scars of previous beatings as well.

Kyle chuckled and then waved before jumping down his scythe glowing with power
Kadyn was just looking at the maid for a moment in time before he was speaking, "Pack your belongings and leave."

Sielle was sitting in the library looking through the book at that point in time although it wasn't long before she was getting up.
The maid looked at him and then walked off not saying a word to him

Caleb soon walked in and look at her "Lucifer is able to see us if your ready to head out"
Sielle was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head; although seemed a bit unsure all at once. She had to wonder if she was dressed alright to be in the audience of a king... still wearing a rather tattered dress and not having any shoes.
Sielle was just following after him although she seemed a bit unsure about going through the portal when she saw it. No she had bad experiences with portals... given the Crimson Lord. That was sometimes how he would punish his slaves. He had various different torture camps... and sometimes he would just open a portal at random and shove one through. They didn't know where they would end up... all they knew was that they were going to get hurt.
Caleb walked through it with her and when they made it through they were in Lucifers office where Kiara was checking him over while he was looking over another document
Sielle was following after him although seemed a bit hesitant at first; passing through the portal and she had a look as though she was going to be sick or something. That was pretty normal for people if they weren't use to passing through portals at all.

Kiara was tending to Lucifer's wound again although she was looking over as a portal opened up and out came that of Caleb and the human that they had rescued. Oh the girl looked a whole lot better than what she had when they had first found her - at least somewhat. She still looked very malnourished though.
Caleb looked at Kiara "I swear I am feeding her but its taking time for her to adapt to eating more" Caleb then looked at her and rubbed her back lightly "reming me to take you to visit some other places via a portal so you can get use to it"
Sielle was just looking down at the ground for a brief moment in time and Caleb would almost feel her faintly trembling as though she is worried that he was mad at her for not eating more than what she had been. But she was glancing towards Lucifer for a moment before she was just looking at the ground, as though afraid to make eye contact with him. "Lord Lucifer....." she started in a soft voice, and then almost seemed to flinch away upon speaking without getting permission. "I.... I beg your forgiveness for s...speaking without p...permission...."
Lucifer looked at her and smiled lightly "no one here will punish you for speaking my dear and do not fear Caleb isn't mad at you he is more worried about Kiara's wrath"
Sielle was just keeping her eyes on the ground before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I...I just wanted to thank L...Lord Lucifer...." She was a bit startled however when Kiara seemed to come into her view, although Kiara was kneeling on the ground in front of her, making herself smaller than the frightened female to give Sielle the feeling of more superiority. "Calm yourself my child, there is no need to be afraid here at all. We are all friends here." Kiara was speaking in a gentle voice.
Kiara was just smiling gently before she was slowly getting to her feet, but making sure that Sielle could see her hands the entire time. Eventually Sielle was looking up from the ground as well so that she could follow Kiara's movements. "See. Nothing to be afraid of here." Kiara was speaking gently before she was gently leading Sielle over towards Lucifer. "Caleb had told us that you had a way to help Lucifer with all of his paperwork. Trust me... he would appreciate the help. It would be a godsend for him." Kiara was speaking, more boosting the female's confidence and in a way giving her a purpose - to help Lucifer at that point in time.
Lucifer chuckled "weren't you the one just now threatening to toss all these papers in to the fire place" it was easy to see that around then Lucifer was more relaxed and not rigid like a king would normally be as these were his friends and he liked to relax around them
There was definitely a playfulness between Lucifer and Kiara at that point in time; and this had Sielle giggling a bit towards the pair of them. Although she found herself putting her hand to her mouth though as though she had done something wrong. "Well that would take care of the paperwork now wouldn't it." Kiara spoke with a small giggle afterwards, to more or less show Sielle that it was fine for her to laugh as well, that she was safe to do it.
"Well its true and you know it." Kiara was commenting in a rather matter of fact voice, before she was waving a hand before tilting her head a bit. "Well while I would love to stay and chat... I have some drama to go and deal with at home." she was commenting before she was turning to head off but paused for a moment to look at Sielle before she was speaking, "If you ever need something, or just need another female to talk to... Feel free to reach out to me at anytime. I'll always be around to help." With that she was disappearing through a portal, leaving the two men with Sielle.

Sielle just watching for a brief moment in time although now she seemed even more unsure before the book seemed to warm in her arms, almost reminding her of why she had wanted to see Lucifer to begin with. "Oh... L...Lord Lucifer... I... I had a way to help you get your paperwork done..." she spoke in a soft voice, stammering a bit. Obviously she was a bit frightened at that point in time.
Sielle seemed a bit unsure before she was opening up the book to show him the spell. While he would be able to read the spell the only one who would be able to actually cast anything from the book was her.... otherwise they were just words if it was anybody else. "They are magical servants.... they listen to only the summoner... or whoever the summoner tells them to obey. T...they don't require anything... and don't die... unless the summoner dies.... or the summoner voluntarily unsummons them. T...they can help you...." Sielle was speaking in a soft voice.
Sielle was just flinching away a bit when he was touching her, although it was more unintentional at that point in time. "I.... I....I think so.... I...I don't know...." Sielle was speaking in a soft voice before she was just looking at the spell for a moment.
"then lets try it if it doesnt work then we know fo r the future if it does then it will be a great help" Lucifer smiled at her lgihty
Sielle was just nodding her head slowly before she was just looking at the spell for a brief moment in time before she was slowly reciting the spell. Magic, even if only a little, could be felt before three figures seemed to be forming from nowhere.
Lucifer watched her his eyes glowing. what she didn't know was that he was checking on her levels that would allow her to control magic better and make it stronger
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