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The Sunfield Trailer Park (LVA24 x MsBloom)

"That good, huh? I'm not done yet, baby girl."
Had Patty not still been lost in her orgasm, savouring every shiver, every spasm the inflated confidence in his question and the following promise of more might have caused her to roll her eyes, at least inwardly. She would have been sure he suspected her of faking it, despite the timing being off. Men wanted you to cum when they did, when they filled up your cunt with their seed, wanted their orgasm to be the cause of your orgasm. Patty knew this just as much as Chloë and Billie did and she was good at faking her orgasms at exactly the right moment though none of her fake orgasms sounded like the primal cry she had just let out, a cry that would alert every neighbour in the building know what was going on in the previously abandoned apartment, if the noise from the bed hadn't already.

He then stopped making love to her and started to fuck her, hard deep and fast, building up towards his own orgasm quickly. The spasms of her cunt probably helped drive him towards and over the edge. She could feel it almost milking his cock without her having to do anything. And then there it was, that warm gush inside her that was usually the signal for her to roll her eyes back into her head, arch her back and moan loudly, maybe bite down on her bottom lip as if trying to be quiet, to fake an orgasm basically. There were of course certain things she couldn't fake that had just happened, the ongoing spasms in her cunt being the perhaps most obvious.
"Yes daddy. It was that good," she whispered just before he kissed her again.

"Y'think we made a baby," she then said playfully and innocently after her had pulled out of her and she lay there with her slender legs now crossed as if to prevent his seed to escape.
She giggled and rubbed her belly as if imagining it growing.
Her orgasm was... different. Liam caught that at least, the first one was a lot more primal and... real? Honestly, it was a lot more like Mary's orgasms than anything. Could it be that the first one was actually a real one? Did he make the teen girl cum? Was it because Patty was more sensitive than the others then? He never made the other two actually cum. Well, if she got pleasure from it, then all the better and that made him happy, but he wasn't about to try and pry to confirm it. He merely enjoyed the moment.

Until she spoke about having a baby.

Liam felt a chill up his spine and looked down at her. The girl bearing her chest and cunt for him still looked at him playfully and even though he knew it was a joke, he still rubbed his face. "Don't even joke about that, Patty. You're on the pill like the other two, right?" He asked, sitting on the bed, his cock still out, covered in their juices. "Last thing I need is one of you getting pregnant."
Patty's giggle turned into a soft cheerful laughter as he told her to not even joke about getting pregnant.
"Of course I am daddy," she said softly and sat up to stroke his back comfortingly.
"If I wasn't I'd have a 10% discount at the abortion clinic by now."
Her voice was still soft but much more serious.
"I was just playing around."

Had this been a situation in which she had taken money for letting him fuck her she would at this point have gotten out of bed, gotten dressed and either left or asked him to leave but this was not a situation like that so she stretched her body to get more comfortable and reached for the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand and lit one. She then turned on her side and rested her head in one hand while holding the cigarette in the other.
"I'd love to have kids one day though," she said dreamily.
"Like I mean, get married and have a real family and all that. Like you and your wife, and your other daughter."
She took a drag on the cigarette and blew the smoke away from him.
"I'd like to live in a big house with a big family, a husband with a good job that can support me and the kids. I think I want at least three, perhaps more."
He knew that she was playing around, but it still gave him heart palpitations. A baby... that would ruin him. Babies are extremely expensive to raise, more so than the girls, plus it would be harder to hide the fact that he was the dad. Even if he wasn't the father, Patty was sixteen years old, too young to be a mother even with his support. No... it was for the best that she was on the pill.

There was something sad about the way she mentioned the abortion clinic though. It was a solution to a problem, but he knew it was a traumatic one. Patty, unlike Billie and Chloe, seemed like she was the one with the least amount of trauma. It made him wonder if any of them had to go through such a thing before.

Pushing those thoughts away, Liam moved up on the bed and sat down next to Patty. He saw her getting comfortable and couldn't help himself. Liam put his arm around Patty's shoulders even as she started smoking and caressed her arm while they sat there. It really wasn't like when he hired them for sex, it was more intimate and he didn't know how much he really needed it. "Three kids, that's something. I had to raise one and she was a handful at times." He chuckled. "I know you'll get that, the life of your dreams. I'll do my best to support you while I can, continue studying... smoke less... or just quit..." He glanced down at her, but didn't stop her from smoking. "And... please, find a good man who isn't a piece of shit like me. I'm not a good husband and you girls deserve good and loving partners." He leaned down, kissing the top of her head again.
Patty smoked the cigarette slowly and quite enjoyed the affectionate attention he was giving her. It was nothing she had ever experienced with a man before, or a boy for that matter. Sometimes she, Chloë and Billie cuddled like that, especially if they'd had a rough night and just needed the comfort of a gentle touch. She felt strangely at ease and placed her head in his lap. She for one could certainly get used to having him for a dad with benefits.
"I've had two, in case you were wondering," she said rather matter-of-factly and rolled onto her back so she could look up at him.
"Billie and Chloë have had a few too. It took us a while to convince a nurse at the clinic to put us on the pill."
She was just about to say something more when she heard the key turn and the door open.
"Ready or not we're back."
"And we brought KFC and baked potatoes."
They were so young... they were all around the same age and all of them had abortions already. The mere thought of it made his stomach churn. No wonder they were on the pill already, because he doubted that whoever made them pregnant this young didn't care about using a condoms and just expected them to have the abortions - if they even thought about that. Disgusting.

As he listened to her speak, Liam reached down, touching her flat stomach and caressed it lovingly. She was so much like a different girl in this moment, not the cool and cold hooker she portrayed herself to be during their first meeting. "I'll do my best to give you a better life from now on, Patty." He said. Such a hero he was... giving them a better life, a home, safety... but still fucking them in exchange. They wanted to do it, but that was just an excuse he made to make himself feel less shitty.

The others arrived and he didn't move. "We're done." He said loudly, but he didn't move. He was curious if Patty would, she seemed so comfortable.
Billie and Chloë headed straight for the couch and placed the bucket of deep fried chicken on the table. They didn't wait for Patty or Liam before starting to eat. It wasn't exactly an image of a family dinner.

Patty called back for them to at least save her a drum stick and then put out the cigarette on the half-filled tray on the night stand. She then reached up and gave him a kiss before sitting up and getting off the bed.
"I'm sure there's some for you as well. If you want some that is."
She then first went to the bathroom and pee'd before returning to the bedroom to get dressed and join her sisters in the living room.
"We got some beers as well," Billie said and handed Patty a large can.

When Liam would decide to make an appearance he would find them all on the couch chewing away and chatting amongst themselves as if everything that had happened that day was entirely normal. The first discernible words he would hear would be Chloë saying: "Now we might even have friends over for like a house warming party."
Liam couldn't help it, as Patty left the bed, he gave her a playful spank on her behind and chuckled. He waited for her to leave and then got out of the bed as well. The man got dressed and joined the others in the living room. He did tell Mary that he would be out with coworkers, so he wasn't strapped for time and didn't expect that she made him dinner. He liked being here too... it was a place where he felt wanted and needed, at least in his mind. Back home, Mary was still distant, more so now than before their date he felt. He would have liked to spend more time with Olivia, but she was a teenager and he didn't want to be too intrusive. Besides, it felt odd being around her sometimes, because his desires for young girls like these three... they might spill over and he feared that. Maybe it was all in his head... he didn't know.

"Friends? Party?" He asked, sitting on a chair by the table and munching on some fried chicken as well. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at them. "Remember that we don't want to attract too much attention to the place. Don't want the neighbors asking too many questions. I rented this place under the excuse that my daughter wanted a place to live and her friends joined her... if you start bringing a bunch of people around for a party... besides, won't they tell your families?"
"Like just a couple of girls from school, a few beers. It's not like we'll be having a free for all orgy or anything," Chloë said and shrugged as it was no big deal.
"Yea, and like no drugs or anything like that. Snacks and beer that's it, maybe a bucket or two of KFC," Billie added and all three of them looked up at him.
"Please daddy!"
"Pretty please!"
"Sugar on top!"
"We promise not to make a lot of noise or draw attention."
"And like wouldn't it make sense that your daughter and her friends had some of their friends over to warm up their new apartment."
"Yea, like I think we drew quite a bit of attention in there just now daddy," Patty said and nodded towards the bedroom where they had just had sex on a bed that sounded like it might collapse under them at any moment and she had had a screaming orgasm that anyone in the building might have heard and possibly might have questions about even if they might not actually ask them.
Liam rolled his eyes when the begging started. It was bad enough when Olivia did this, but now there were three of them doing it. Plus, Patty mentioning the sex was a weak point.

"Alright... fine..." He said with a loud groan. "Just a few girls, nothing too loud or crazy. And if a neighbor complains, you quiet down or end the party. Got it?" The man finished his chicken and looked at them. They are used to living in the trailer park, some rules were definitely different. "And I need to get you better beds, can't do anything about that screaming though, Patty." He added, trying to fire back with a little tease a a smirk at the girl.

The man quickly stood up and stretched his back. "I should go though... Mary might suspect something if I stay too long."
"Got it," the three girls agreed and rushed up to give him a hug.
"No loud music, no fucking, just a few beers and maybe a few games."
Once again he would find himself surrounded by three teen girls with their arms around him.

"Well there are things you could do to stop me screaming like that when I cum," Patty said and winked at him while Chloë and Billie almost broke down giggling.
"Uhuh. There sure is."
New beds did however sound like a great idea, not only because of the noise the current ones made if you o much as moved a muscle while lying in them.

As he announced that he was leaving they all kissed him and told him they'd miss him. It was of course to a large extent an act but one they felt necessary to keep him interested enough in them to keep paying for the apartment and other stuff.
Liam hopes they didn't go overboard and followed his instructions about the party. He allowed it still though because they still have to love their lives and be teens and have fun. Plus he knew that forbidding it was a great way to make then do it harder in secret. Teenagers...

He kissed each of them and gave Chloe a gentle caress on her head. "Hang out with Olivia sometime. I think she's been lonely." He said and took his things to leave the house. It had been quite the visit. He wa happy.

Liam smiled all the way home, but made sure to wipe that smirk off his face or Mary might ask questions. It was though keeping up the act, but necessary.
Ever since the surprise date with Liam Mary had been in a down mood. She loved her husband but his reaction when she had told him she didn't want to try anal, something he had brought up before, when they were young and more adventurous, with the same result she had begun to wonder. Was she driving him into the arms of another woman with her lack of physical affection. She had felt so young and rejuvenated that night. She had been truly horny for the first time in years. But it had not been enough for him, that she had not only given him a blowjob in their old spot but also that she had taken the lead when they had sex, like she had so often done before Olivia. Usually when they did have sex, or rather, whenever she allowed him to have sex with her, it was almost exclusively in the missionary position and over in no more than maybe five minutes. It always made her feel dirty and as if they weren't really having sex. It was more like he was just satisfying a need that he could just as easily have satisfied with his hands, or some toy.

She had always felt that despite it all he still loved her though but now she wasn't as sure anymore. She had woken up alone in that hotel bed and needed to use the bathroom. The thought that he was no more than a quarter of a mile away defiling the spot where he had proposed to her by fucking a teen whore in the ass didn't occur to her, of course it didn't but she had wondered if perhaps he had gone to a bar to pick up some dumb bimbo who was less particular about where he fucked her. She had been lying awake for a while trying not to think about it, trying not to think about him cheating on her. Eventually she had fallen asleep and in the morning he had been there next to her, sleeping. She had not asked him where he had been. Perhaps he had simply gone for a walk to clear his head after all.

"Mum, did dad say when he'd be home?"
Olivia came down the stairs freshly showered in just a bath robe and her hair still damp. Mary shrugged and almost rolled her eyes at her daughter. She did love Olivia, of course she did, she loved her family but at the same time she couldn't help thinking that without Olivia things would have been so different between her and Liam. It was he who had wanted children, not her. She had agreed because she loved him and wanted him to be happy, wanted to give him the family he wanted.
"Not really, just that he and some colleagues were going out after work. It seems he's become more social with his colleagues since they closed this last deal."
Olivia nodded, and noticing the glass of wine on the table she knew that it was not a good time to talk to her mum.
"Ok, " she said and went into the kitchen to make herself som hot cocoa.
Liam had to take a moment to himself when he arrived home, to make sure that everything was in order at least. The girls didn't wear any lipstick tonight, so he didn't expect there to be anything like that and his clothes were in good condition, even if a bit dirty from when they hugged him. Everything was alright as far as he could tell, so he readied himself and went in. He didn't even reverse the stories in case Mary asked him about it... he knew she didn't care enough to do it in the first place. He walked in, taking off his tie and dumping the jacket on the coat hanger while announcing that he had arrived home.

A few steps into the house and it was painfully clear that Mary had been drinking more than he supposed should have drank with his "colleagues". His eyes caught sight of the glass of wine and the bottle that was far from full. Every evening was the same damn scene with her, always either drinking wine or already in bed - usually after drinking wine. He looked at his wife and gave her an acknowledging nod. "I'm gonna get something to drink. Are you heading to bed?" He asked, but turned around not waiting for an answer, he would hear her.

When he entered the kitchen though, the man smiled as he saw his daughter. "Hey, princess." He said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her head, before breaking away. God... when he did it with the girls, it was a reflex, but when he did it to Olivia, he couldn't help but think about them. The way she was dressed too... it brought up the fresh memories of the girls after their showers. Olivia herself had an amazing body and he caught himself staring at her a moment too long, before rushing to the fridge to get some cold water. "I know tomorrow's a weekend, but don't go to bed too late, sweetheart."
Mary looked at her husband with a look that seemed to say: Oh you're home, and then she nodded. She was heading for bed. She wanted to kiss him good night but he didn't even wait to hear her response to his question. Was this after work thing with his colleagues a cover story for him having an affair. She shrugged and went upstairs. If she wanted to save her marriage she had to do something. Before falling asleep she decided to see he gynaecologist and see if there was anything she could do to get her lust back, at least enough to satisfy her husbands needs. Maybe she should see a therapist, or maybe she should ... The thought was left unfinished as she fell asleep.

"Hey dad," Olivia said as she head him enter the kitchen and she put her hands on his when he hugged her from behind to kiss her head.
"I'm making cocoa, want some?" she asked and turned around to notice that he was looking at her in a way she'd never seen him look at her before, as if he was only now noticing that she was no longer a little girl, as if he only now had noticed that she had breasts and curves.
It made her blush and feel embarrassed, especially since all she wore was her bathrobe and panties.
"I won't dad," she said and poured the cocoa into a large mug and topped it with tiny marshmallows.
"About the weekend. I was going to ask mum but well, you saw her yourself so ..."
She hesitated a bit and scooped up a slightly melted marshmallow, ate it and sipped some of the cocoa.
"Remember my friend Chloë?" she asked and looked at her dad.
He seemed as flushed as she was about the look he had given her.
"Well it seems that she and two of her friends are having a party tomorrow. I know it's last minute and all but she asked if I wanted to come and I'd really like to go. It will just be girls and like it won't be late either. Just some pizza and maybe some games."

She took another sip from her cocoa and smiled rather awkwardly as she noticed him looking at her again.
"Please dad! I'll be home again by eleven. You can even come and pick me up if you want to."
Do I remember Chloë? God, there was so much that he wanted to respond to that. Yes, he remembered her, he just came from fucking her cousin, from seeing her naked and kissing him. He remembered how it felt to fuck her twice now. All things he couldn't exactly tell his teenage daughter either - or anyone. He tried to hide it with a simple nod of acknowledgement and then listened to the request without taking cocoa for himself and sticking to water instead.

The party... dammit Chloë he did tell her to get in contact with Olivia again because they were friends, but he didn't really think she would invite his little girl to a party at the new place. This was the riskiest move from Chloë, what was she thinking? And did he want to let his daughter be in a party with the girls? Olivia wasn't used to the same things as them. This would be like taking a lost little lamb into a den of wolves. Alright, maybe that was an exaggeration. The girls did promise no boys and no partying too hard, so it wasn't like they would be too dangerous for her innocence. Still, he was worried.

In the end, it was risky taking Olivia to the very same home where her father would be occasionally visiting and fucking her friends. It felt dangerous...

"I'm sorry, princess... but no." He said, shaking his head. "I dunno, I'm all for you spending time with Chloë, but jumping right into a party at her place is a bit soon and you've never been the partying at night type. Maybe next time, alright sweetheart?"
"I'm sixteen dad, not a little girl anymore. It's just pizza and stuff because she and her friends moved into a new place."
There was a clear tone of annoyance in Olivia's voice.
"What's so bad about that? Is it that you don't think Chloë is good enough for your little princess, just because she's from the poor part of town?"
She gave him a challenging look the way she sometimes did when he said no to something she wanted to do. It usually worked.
Liam narrowed his eyes as she started to argue back and stood up straight rather than lean against the counter. "Careful with your tone, young lady. I'm still your father." He said, taking a sip of his water, but never breaking eye contact with her. "Olivia, its not that I don't think Chloe isn't good enough for you... she's a lovely girl and I like her. I just don't think this is a good time."

He wished he could tell her the true reasons, but that would defeat the purpose of refusing the idea in the first place. So he leaned back on the counter again and sighed. "Look, I know you're a young woman now, that can't be denied, but you're still too innocent, sweetheart. Take it easy for now."
"And when will be a good time then? When I'm off at college? Is that a good time to start partying?"
She knew her father well enough to know that he wasn't telling her the full reason for not letting her go to Chloë's party but she also knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't tell her no matter how much she argued her case. Instead she chose the typical teenager strategy and stormed off without another word. She stomped upstairs and into her room, slammed the door enough for it to be heard downstairs in the kitchen.

My stupid dad says I'm too innocent for your party; she texted Chloë followed by a row of sad and angry smileys.
So convince him you're not then; the reply came from Chloë with a winking smiley at the end.
Olivia read the text from Chloë a few times before it sank in what her friend meant. But surely she couldn't ... could she ... he was her dad after all ...
He was ready for her to argue and storm off. He raised Olivia, he knew what she was like and how spoiled she could get. Then again, he was the one who spoiled her the whole time while Mary was more of the hands-off kind of parent. So in the end, he believed it was his fault that she turned out this way. That said, he knew that the best thing to do was to let her stew for a little bit and soon enough she'd accept his decision. He wasn't going to be going after her so that she could blow up and argue even more pointlessly.

Liam rolled his eyes and waited for her door to slam. Then he went to the bathroom and got himself a shower. After what he did with Patty, he definitely should get one before getting into bed with his wife. After getting himself nice and clean though, Liam didn't go to his bedroom. It was a Friday night, he could stand to watch some TV and relax after the day he had. There was no difference between going to be now or later, Mary would just be sleeping off the wine anyway. So he sat down in the living room and slowly started to fall asleep while watching the news.
You mean ... like ... seduce him? Olivia asked back even if she already knew Chloë's answer. They had talked enough for Olivia to know that Chloë often used her body to get what she wanted, just not to what extent. She just figured that Chloë showed some cleavage or bent over seductively to get boys, men, to do stuff for her. She had no idea just what her friend had been through, had been putting herself through. Chloë responded with a simple smiley with the tongue sticking out.

But surely Olivia couldn't do that. Then again she did remember the way he had looked at her in the kitchen before and she certainly remembered the last time she had sat on his lap when he quizzed her on her history test. If nothing else it might prove to him that she wasn't as innocent as he thought she was, even if she actually was that innocent, not that she'd ever admit it.

She loosened the bathrobe a bit to allow it to open up and show a bit more of her breasts, perhaps even, in the right pose, a glimpse of her panties. She then went downstairs to find her dad in the living room, in front of the tv.
"Hey," she said and leaned up against the wall next to the tv.
The bathrobe was hanging loosely on her and anyone looking at her would get a good view of her breasts, might perhaps notice that they were bigger than they looked when confined in a sportsbra and covered with clothes. She tilted her head and looked at him before walking over to sit next to him at first but then crawled into his lap.
"I'm sorry about before," she said and rested her head against his shoulder.
The bathrobe had now opened below the waist as well and if one looked closely one would see her pink unicorn panties.
"I just really want to go. I mean ... if I don't get to go to parties I'll always be ... too innocent, right daddy?"
She played with a finger across his chest.
The man was about to fall asleep when he heard his daughter and snapped awake, for the most part. Liam wondered if she was coming down to argue with him a bit more or if she was going to apologize. Olivia was a teenager which came with loud outbursts and as she was a spoiled brat, those could come out of nowhere, but she often cooled down soon enough and apologized - even if she didn't think she was in the wrong, he reckoned.

While he was still sleepy, seeing the young woman in such a revealing state woke him right up. At first he thought that she just didn't fix her robe properly by mistake, but the way she was acting told him otherwise. Liam's eyes widened when he noticed that she was swaying her hips more and each step showed more of her body for a second. Was she doing this on purpose? It was like she was trying to mimic the trailer park girls, but didn't quite know how to do it properly yet.

That said... when did she grow so much? When she crawled onto his lap, he could see plenty of her breasts and Olivia took after her mother, that was for sure. Daughter or not, he admitted that she had a fantastic rack on her and he was staring.

"You're my daughter... I want you innocent as long as possible." He said, although his voice was trailing off, not a lot of conviction in it. Even the way she called him Daddy felt different. "I dunno, baby... it just doesn't sound like a good idea." Liam adjusted himself, placing a hand on her leg as he glanced over her. He was clearly cracking and she might feel his cock slightly harder under her, but he was trying to hide it.
Olivia did feel the effects of what she could only assume was a combination of her showing off her breasts and the way she sat on his lap. She felt him getting hard and this time, on top of blushing, she rubbed her ass against it. This made him harder and she would soon feel a full erection pressing against her ass.
"But I can't be your innocent little girl forever daddy," she said and bit her bottom lip in a way that was less a nervous tick than it was seductive.

Olivia was of course entirely unsure of exactly what to do but she was not unaware of how things worked. She adjusted herself again to be able to better rub body against her daddy. Not only did she keep rubbing against his erection but she pressed her rather sizeable breasts against his chest and even touched her lips against his neck, as if by accident.
"Please daddy. I 'll do double chores on Sunday."
What was this girl doing to him? He could feel her rubbing her ass against his cock and there was absolutely no way that she didn't notice and wasn't doing this on purpose. She couldn't be doing this unconsciously... so where did his innocent little girl learn to do something like this. It got even worse when she pressed her breasts to him and started to kiss his neck. This was something he expected Chloe or Patty to do, not his Olivia. Yet, it was making it so much harder to think.

Had he not had sex with Patty earlier, if this had been after a week or two of nothing, he might have creamed his pants right then and there, with his daughter's ass so intently rubbing his cock. However, he held on in that department, but he couldn't hold on to his stance on the party. "F-Fine..." He said, his hand caressing her leg, but then releasing her. "Alright, but I'm dropping you off and picking you up at 11pm sharp. And you're doing all the shores Sunday." He said with a sigh.
Olivia let out a cry of joy as her dad finally agreed and she had no issues with his conditions of taking her there as well as picking him up at eleven sharp. She gave him a daughterly kiss on the cheek and slipped off his lap. She tightened the robe around herself again and gave him another kiss good night.

She then hurried upstairs a bit more flustered than she might have appeared. The way she had rubbed against his erection and the feeling of said erection against her crotch had cause an arousal in her that she was quite embarrassed by but which she knew she would have to take care of before she could sleep.

Back in her room she threw the robe on the floor, slipped on the t-shirt she slept in, got under the covers and hesitantly began to touch herself, through her panties at first but soon her hand slipped inside and before she let out a moan she grabbed the pillow and pressed it against her face as a muffler.
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