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The Sunfield Trailer Park (LVA24 x MsBloom)

When the car came to a stop and he got out, Liam's first thoughts were of relief that the girls were there and not busy. He was prepared to talk to one of them individually, but seeing them all there would likely make things easier. The big man dropped the jacket from his work suit inside the car and made his way toward the girls, but as he got closer that was when he started noticing the injuries. Patty seemed fine, but the other two looked like they had been in a hell of a scarp. Busted noses and lips along with plenty of bruises and those were the ones he could see.

"What the hell happened to you two?" He said, his tone switching very very quickly from his normal one to the exact same one he uses with his daughter. Liam walked closer to the sitting girls and immediately dropped to one knee next to Billie, the closest. His hands cupped her face and he looked intently at her injuries, liked he would do with Olivia when she injured herself. The conversation he had planned took a back seat as he looked from Billie to Chloë. "Who did this?" He added, already starting to get angry. "We're going to the hospital right now, I'll pay for it if need be, but you need to get checked. Get in the car."
"Some asshole who got a bit too rough," Chloë said, rather coldly.
"What's it to you?" Billie added and dismissively pushed his hand off of her face.
"Hospitals ask questions." Patty said and looked from Chloë to Billie to Liam.
"And when we tell them how we got this way and who did it they call the cops ..."
"... or social services, y'know ... considering none of us are adults."
"Then everyone is all concerned, upset and uppallad that three girls like us have to do what we do."
"Making sure we understand that we are victims and that we're not to blame."
"Then it's all ... we can get you into foster care ..."
"... but you have to get clean ..."
"... and stop selling sex ..."
All three girls sighed almost simultaneously.
"And in the end nothing happens."
"Until someone else calls social services and it starts all over again."
"Like ... what's the point ... we're never getting out of here so ... why bother?"
"We might as we'll jus keep at it and either get beaten to death or OD before we become adults."

The truth however was that this dismissive attitude of hopelessness and dejection was perhaps how the girls truly felt but at the same time it was a cry for help, louder than when they had outright made their offer to him in the park a week ago. It was a cry from the bottom of an abyss of self-loathing, an abyss into which the three girls had once stared but now were what was staring back at the one staring into it.
He was worried, but to them this was probably just the same song and dance they had dealt with several times by now. The way they spoke about what would happen was like they could see the future, so sure of the exact outcome of it all. To them, there was no way out and going to the hospital only complicated things for a while until it all returned to the same shitty situation they had to deal with already. These girls were broken and while he knew that before already, he was now even more aware of it when seeing them hurt. Hearing about violence was always had less of an impact than witnessing it or the aftermath.

They needed help getting out of this, but they also needed someone to take charge in getting them what they needed.

Liam got up and turned his back on them as he walked back to the car. "I want the three of you to get your asses in the car, NOW!" He raised his voice, already opening the driver's seat. He could already sense the arguing that was coming, he had a teenage daughter, he knew how they could get. Liam slammed his fist on the hood of the car to call their attention. "Chloë, Billie, you two are going to shut the hell up and get in the goddamn car right now. I'm going to take you to a clinic to get you checked and make sure everything is alright. You two are my dumbass daughters and you got into a fight with each other." He glared at them, his gaze not wavering. "You too Patty, you're coming with because afterward I'm taking you three somewhere. You wanted a daddy? Wish granted, now start by listening to me."
All three girls sat up straight and turned their heads in almost perfect unison as he raised his voice at them. What the hell? They stared at him and then looked at each other. They were his dumbass daughters who'd gotten into a fist fight with each other? It was certainly a role they could play. And he said clinic, not hospital, and that also made a difference. Clinics were not as nosy as hospitals, and if you were lucky, or charming, they were generous with prescription drugs, at least the male doctor's were.
"You wanted a daddy? Wish granted, now start by listening to me."
The promise of him taking them somewhere else after they were done at the clinic was probably what tipped the scale in his favour.

Chloë was the first to rise from her lawn chair, suddenly very childlike, her eyes lowered at her feet. She bit her lip and noticed that the lace on her left sneaker was loose. She kneeled down to tie it, glancing at him to make sure he saw why she didn't obey his demand right away. She couldn't very well be expected to leave her sneakers untied, could she.

Billie was next and as she got up she lifted her hand to where he had touched her face, as if she was trying to convince herself it had really happened. She then blushed as if the memory of her rejection of his affection, of his care, suddenly embarrassed her.

As Chloë was done with her shoe lace and rose to her feet Patty too stood up and for a while the three of the stood there looking more than ever like three lost girls. The tough attitude gone from their faces, their postures tense, nervous. Then Chloë nodded and slowly, hesitantly the three of them started to walk towards the car. Chloë got into the front passenger seat while Billie and Patty got into the back seat.

Neither of them knew what to expect but it seemed that chances were good that they had seen the last of the miserable trailer park where they had grown up faster than any child should ever have to. Anything would be better.
They looked so... small and young. For a moment when they got up, Liam could certainly see that child-like demeanor that they let go of for a few moments and they became radically different girls in his eyes. Not the young women he happily fucked before, but teens listening to a father figure for once. That's why he didn't tell Chloë to hurry up when she went to tie her shoe or for Patty to get up when she lagged behind the others. None of them complained or talked back to him. They merely obeyed and he was thankful they were. It also kind of felt good, but he ignored that side of himself for now.

Liam got into the driver's seat and took his seatbelt. "Seatbelts." He merely told them and drove off from the trailer park. He turned on the car GPS and searched for a clinic that was nearby, but not too close that it was likely they had seen the girls before. There was one just about ten minutes away by car that seemed to work. "Always remember to get your stories straight with each other. You both started fighting over a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever you want and I only found out now when I got home. If anyone asks, your last names are Crane. Patty, you're my niece who saw everything... three daughters the same age is already suspicious enough." Liam got into his fair share of trouble back in the day - nothing too serious, but lying and coming up with cover stories was something he found himself being decent at.

The clinic was fairly empty and once they got in, he went directly to the counter and told the story, playing the part of the pissed-off dad who came home from work and saw his daughters battered and bruised over something stupid. When asked to fill out the forms, he took them himself and started writing, using the excuse that they didn't have their IDs with them, but he used his as their parent and the young nurse didn't seem to want to cross him. He was a businessman, he could put on pressure when he wanted to. "You two go in, I'll fill it out. Patty, stay with me. No more trouble, you two. I swear to God..." He told them when the nurse called the girls.

Afterward, he sighed, handing in the papers and sat down in the waiting room next to Patty. He leaned back and rested the back of his head against the wall, closing his eyes. "I can already tell that you three are going to be more exhausting daughters than Olivia." He muttered, sounding annoyed, but also clearly calling them daughters.
Seat belts on the girls sat quietly all through the ride, each looking out the closest side window. Chloë had her arms crossed over her chest as if she was suddenly embarrassed over just how much skin she was showing, as if she had only just became aware that she had breasts and felt a need to hide them. It was like the calm before a storm inside the car and it was questionable whether or not the girls even listened to Liam.

If it was one thing the girls had learned early in their lives was to always make sure they had their stories together but not too together. They had also had years of practise in acting, routines to distract shop keepers while the other grabbed a six pack of beer or a bottle of bourbon, or food, improvised bits to help get them out of trouble and it would soon become quite obvious to Liam just how much experience they had with this kind of improvised acting.

All three girls walked in ahead of him. It was doubtful he would have trusted them to not bail on him had he gone in first. The moment she set foot inside the clinic Chloë pushed Billie.
"Yea ... at least I don't suck my sister's boyfriend's cock like a fucking slut," she yelled out.
"You fucking whore," she added.
Billie regained her balance and came back at Chloë.
"Whore? Me?"
Her eyes had gone dark and it looked like she was about to jump Chloë for real.
"Just because you wont give him what he needs, you fucking cock tease. You don't even like boys. You just hide behind them so no one will know you're a dyke."
Billie and Chloë were like a hurricane in the waiting room, pushing each other and calling each other all kinds of names until Patty rolled her eyes very convincingly as if she was so tired of having to step between the two sisters whenever they got into fights like the one they were acting out. She stepped between them, holding them apart.
"Stop it Belinda, you too Jane," she said and looked at Billie and Chloë in turn.

They continued their quarrel while the nurse treated their injuries, including the ones that weren't visible. Unlucky for the girls the nurse was a middle-aged woman who seemed entirely unreceptive to their charms and no doctor was called. That meant no prescription drugs, even despite Chloë complaining that she was in pain.
"Just a few bruises," the nurse said when she returned to the front desk with the girls in tow.
"Nothing broken, nothing that won't heal on its own given a couple of days."
She was addressing Liam and then informed him of the price for treating his daughters. Billie and Chloë both looked a bit calmer but still shot each other glances that could have killed, or at least injure.

Outside they completely dropped the act and started laughing about it, reviewing each others' performances as if it had been nothing more serious than a school play.
"Where to now daddy," Chloë asked with a giggle as she got into the car.
Seemed like he got himself a trio of amazing actresses, although it really was no surprise, considering what he had seen from some of them. Chloë had a clear penchant for acting when they had sex and Billie wasn't far behind - he was sure that Patty was the same. All in all though, he was happy that they didn't have any major injuries and that the clinic staff sent them home without asking too many questions. Everything seemed to be going alright and be in order, so he couldn't complain. However, seeing their bruised and hurt faces still caused him pain; whoever did this was a monster and should be put down.

"It's not that far from here. You'll see once you get there." He said, opening the back seat for Billie and Patty to get in and then walking around to the driver's seat.

The girls would see the neighborhoods change as they went from the more rundown and poorer side of town to one still not fancy, but rather presentable and safe looking. He didn't say much about where they were going, only that it was safe. Once they arrived though, he parked his car in front of an apartment building. Liam led them through the to the fifth floor of the six story tall building and stopped in front of a door. "Come in." He added, taking out the keys and opening the door.

The inside of the apartment was dark and it smelled really musky, as if the place had been locked away for a long time. It had furniture that had been covered in bed sheets or plastic and everything seemed from a few generations ago. Liam navigated through the home in darkness like he knew his way around and opened the windows, flooding part of the house in light. They would see that the apartment had a main entrance hallway that connected to a rather large living room and a small kitchen. Then there was another hallway with a bathroom and two bedrooms. Everything had a thick layer of dust on it.

"It's going to need a lot of cleaning and the furniture is old, good but it won't be a looker I guess. There's no electricity or running water yet, but I'm taking care of it, it should be fine by tomorrow night." He looked back at them and took Chloë's hand, placing a key-ring with two extra keys for the building access and the house on her palm - not the same keys Liam used. "Its your job to clean the place up." He looked at each of them in the eye. "I had to call in a few favors to rent this place from a former business partner at a decent price. Don't make me regret this."
The girls stepped into the apartment hand in hand as if to protect each other. Despite him having taken on a more assertive attitude and played the parent role to get them to go to the clinic with them, despite him having broken through their tough exteriors by taking on that role of a caring but demanding parent with them, something neither of them had ever really experienced, despite the fact that other than him taking out his frustrations with his wife's refusal to let him fuck her in the ass on Chloë he seemed to be a nice guy with a big heart, despite it all they were cautious. They knew that girls in situations similar to their own had been brought to apartments like this only to find themselves trapped in a brothel.

They stayed close to the door and looked around the apartment as he opened the drapes and windows. It might perhaps look like a relatively rundown apartment in serious need not only of a good scrub down but renovations as well but the the three girls from the trailer park it looked like heaven, with the late afternoon sun flooding the room, giving it a golden shimmer across the mist of dust being stirred as they walked further in and eventually let go of each others' hands.

Chloë simply nodded as he handed her the keys. Clean the place up and don't make him regret having gone to the trouble of renting this apartment for them. She blinked and a tear could be seen forming in her eye.
"Oh daddy," she said and threw herself in his arms.
"Thank you thank you thank you."
Patty and Billie soon joined the embrace.
"We promise," Chloë said.
"We'll be the best daughters you can imagine."
She then pushed herself up on her toes to give him a kiss on the lips.
"Anything you want from us, whenever you want it."

After he had left the three of them just stood there in the middle of the living room looking at each other.
"There must be like a broom or something around here, somewhere," Billie said and started opening doors almost at random. There were entire closets filled with linen, old yellowing and smelly linen but it still looked rather posh compared to what they were used to. There was a bathtub in the bathroom and that to the girls was nothing short of luxury.

They spent the rest of the evening exploring the apartment before tumbling into bed, real beds if perhaps a bit old and worn. The bed in the room Chloë and Billie chose as theirs creaked considerably just by one of them sitting down on it.
"If we fuck in this bed the neighbours all over the building will hear the creaking," Chloë said and giggled as she lay down on her back.
"Yea they will," Billie agreed and lay down next to her.
A few minutes later Patty joined them and even if it was a tight fit all three girls could lie comfortably on one bed. Luxurious in every way. They shared a cigarette before falling asleep and neither of them had slept that well for as long as they could remember.

In the morning they took the money he had left and actually went to a store to buy cleaning supplies. There was even a little money left which they decide to use for food since there was still no running water or electricity in the apartment when they got back. Now it was of course no easy task to clean an apartment that had been abandoned for years without running water but they swept it thoroughly, dusted the furniture and then around 6pm they heard a rattle from the pipes and brownish water began to gush out of every faucet. They had water and with that they checked the electricity and found it working.

The first thing they all did was to find an outlet and plug in their phones to be charged and then looking at each other and the state they were in, dirty and covered in dust they decided that a bath might not be a bad idea. Somehow they managed to fit themselves into the bath tub all three of them. They then showered one by one and realising that they didn't really have any clean clothes to put on they decided to simply not get dressed but rather clean start scrubbing the floors and the bath room, the shelves in the kitchen and the furniture in the nude but not before Chloë had called Liam on the number he had left them, which she assumed was not to the phone he normally used but one he had bought for the purpose of them contacting him and he them.
"Hey," she said and sounded very much like a girl and not a jaded teenager.
"We've run into a bit of a problem."
She could almost hear him thinking: what the hell have they gotten themselves into now, but before he could ask she explained that they didn't have any other clothes than what they'd been wearing the night before when he took them to the clinic adding that those clothes were quite dirty after a day of cleaning.
"Would you mind swinging by with something clean? I'd say we're all roughly the same size as Olivia."
The girls probably had no idea how much lip-service and negotiations he had to deal with to get this. This apartment used to belong to the mother of a former business partner, an elderly woman who passed away six years back. The new owner, the son, left the apartment untouched for sentimental reasons at first and then it was just forgotten. This was a man who had no shortage of money after all and other more important business ventures to focus on. Liam knew about the place simply because of a conversation between them a few years back and he was glad it remained unused. Obviously, he couldn't tell the man he was renting it so he could leave three teenage prostitutes there, saying instead that his daughter, Olivia, was thinking of moving out soon and he needed a cheap apartment for it. The rent was cheap, but it was still something Liam had to worry about.

The rest of the night and next day were filled with worries. Handling the utilities and managing his money so that his wife wouldn't find out. He opened a bank account in his name just to deposit money for the girls. It was a headache and he didn't know how he was going to pay for everything... raising three teenage girls didn't come cheap.

His heart sank when Chloë called about an issue... so soon? But it seemed like it was nothing really. Just clothing wasn't going to be a problem. He told them he'd swing around later in the evening and gave Mary an excuse that he had plans with a few guys from work. He tried to lay down some groundwork, mentioning that he had gotten more social with his coworkers after the big deal was struck and the likes, so being out of the house wasn't as suspicious, but he wondered how long that would last.

The clothes Liam went to buy weren't expensive or anything special, he didn't have the money to go splurging on fancy things. He asked the store clerk to help him pick out a few things for his daughters and probably got a few side glances when he bought a few shirts and skirts and pants. In the end, he figured he'd just leave them some cash to buy stuff they liked later.

Liam finally reached the apartment as the sun was starting to set, with full bags in each hand. He used his own keys to open the door without ringing the bell, as if he lived here as well. "Girls! I got your the clothes." He said loudly while looking around. "The place is looking pretty good and clean. You've been putting in work." And he was... strangely proud.
It was perhaps for the best that they had decided to leave their clothes off, collected in a small pile in the bathroom. The continued cleaning had all three girls now all dirty and sweaty but the apartment was spotless, well as spotless as can be expected from three teenage girls with little to no experience with cleaning. The girls were slumped down on the floor underneath the largest window in the living room, backs against the wall smoking when he arrived. Chloë and Patty both had put their hair up in little buns on the top of their heads and Billie ha her hair in a pony tail. Neither of them wore make up and they all looked more their actual age than he would have seen them before.
"Hey daddy," they said almost in unison as he stepped into the living room.
"I think we could all use a bath," Chloë added and stood up to give him a hug, the way one might perhaps expect from a daughter, the way Olivia might welcome her daddy home, with the major exception that Olivia wouldn't do so naked.
The girls were very naked and that caught him by surprise. He knew that they only had the clothes on their backs, but figured that they would be wearing them still. Then again, if this was the kind of greeting he would be getting once he got here, he wasn't going to complain. It helped that Liam had a thing for such hairstyles as well, completing the look for him. Admittedly, he couldn't keep from glancing at their breasts when they got up, but his gaze didn't linger. He could have said something about their state of undress and to be careful, but he'd already seen two of them naked and honestly he knew they weren't the type to care anyway.

Admittedly, the sight did make him feel hot inside and his cock reacted, but he tried to calm himself.

When Chloë walked over to him though, he had a very instinctual reaction. She greeted and hugged him and he kissed her head like he always did with Olivia. They looked so young and girlish, their happy voices greeting him, it was really the same as Olivia and he just reacted without thinking, but didn't pull back when he noticed until he did notice how dirty they were.

"Chloë, you're getting me all dirty." He turned, putting the bags on the living room table. "Go take your baths. I brought you some clothes to wear." They were more modest things than they usually wore, more similar to what Olivia wore normally. "I also bought you more groceries to stock up." He added, showing the plastic bag and bringing it to the kitchen. "How are you settling in?"
One by one the girls filed off to shower and wash their hair. Patty went first and while she cleaned herself up Chloë and Billie, still naked, showed him around the apartment to show him how they had cleaned it. It was quite obvious to anyone that they must have been at it all day. Perhaps it didn't exactly shine but that was only because of the wear not from lack of effort.

One by one they showered and got dressed in the simple but clean and comfortable clothes he had bought for them. Chloë in pale yellow t-shirt with black jeans that were rather snug across her ass and crotch but still allowed for unrestricted movement. Patty slipped into a light brown corduroy skirt with a white blouse and Billie in a pair of loose fitting blue jeans with a dark red sweatshirt. since neither of them went into their bedrooms to change but rather dressed right there in the living room in front of him he would have noticed that neither of them had put on underwear, mostly because he had forgotten to buy any. The girls did however look younger and more innocent in these regular clothes and without make up. Not unlike how Chloë had looked when Liam ran into her in Olivia's room.

"There are a few more things we might need," Chloë suggested and winked at her sisters.
"But no worries, we can fix it ourselves."
"Bed sheets however," Patty said.
"There's plenty of it but it smells funny and it's all yellowy."
"Uhuh," Billie interjected, and like towels and stuff."

There was a long list of things they would need to turn the formerly abandoned apartment into something that might resemble a home.
"Don't worry about the money daddy. Like we said we can still work, just a little to y'know, help out with some of that stuff and for food."
"Yea, now that we will get to keep all the money for ourselves we won't have to work nearly as much as before. Just a couple of clients a week each."
"And of course we'll pay rent to you in y'know ... benefits."
Liam sat on the old and... weirdly comfortable couch as the girls went off to shower and then returned to get dressed. Of course he forgot about underwear... but then again, a grown man buying clothes for girls alone was enough to garner unwanted attention. If he were buying underwear too then people might have noticed something was up for sure. They would have to make due without them until they went out and bought themselves some. That said, there was also a rather tantalizing thought of them being dressed and not wearing anything underneath that he found hot - it was different than seeing them naked for sure, but just as exiting. Especially now that they looked less like cheap whores and more like actual teenage girls.

It wasn't until they talked about "working" that Liam perked up and stared at them. This was a rough situation... he didn't want them to keep selling their bodies to strange men and risk being beaten again. However, he didn't have the means to provide for everything they needed without dipping more into his bank account and Mary finding out. He had to admit that them earning money on the side would certainly help out. In that he felt defeated though... for the time being, he couldn't give them the lives they really needed.

"I'm sorry, girls. I wish I could help you more so you didn't have to work anymore. If I spend more money than planned, then Mary will find out for sure." He said with a dejected sigh and rubbing his face. He didn't want them to think Mary was the bad guy here, but she was the reason he had to control his spending on them. "Rent?" That was the moment he processed what they had said. "Girls, I appreciate it, but I'm not a pimp. I'm not doing this because I demand you pay me any kind of rent." He said, wanting to make that clear. They were not in any obligation to sleep with him... even if he wanted to rather badly.
"You've already done more than anyone ever have before," Chloë said and sat on his lap.
"We'll be careful with our clients and not take on the worst of the worst. We just want to y'know, feel like we're contributing too. You've gone out of your way to set this up."
"Yea and like whoring is about all we really know how to do, for money that is," Patty added and leaned up against his arm.
"Not true," Billie protested. We're pretty good at stealing too, from like shops and stuff."
The girls quarrelled playfully for a few minutes about it all but then Chloë shifted her position in his lap so that she was straddling him. She could certainly feel the effect her young body had on him. He was hard and his cock was pressing up against her crotch.
"And that goes for paying rent as well. We don't want to feel like we're mooching off you. We want you to get something in return for putting us up here. I think it's only fair and since we can't pay you money we all agree that benefits is the best way for us to show our gratitude."
She paused and looked at Billie and Patty sitting on either side of him. They both nodded in agreement and Chloë continued.
"I mean we all know that you're not having your needs met at home. Right? Mary's not giving you the intimacy you need. This way you'll have three cute and experienced daughters to fuck you or blow you whenever you want or need it."
He felt like a lucky man in that moment. Liam found himself, somehow, with a girl on his lap and one on each arm and never in his life would he have thought this could happen. Obviously, never in his dreams would he have thought it would be hot teenage girls, but that just made it more exciting. It wasn't until Chloë changed her position and he felt her rubbing against his erection though that the man felt his body really start to heat up. He watched the girl, her perky nipples visible through the t-shirt and her crotch pressed against his hard cock and he did want her.

Liam cleared his throat when she mentioned Mary though. Somehow her name coming out of Chloë's mouth felt wrong, like this was another life altogether and mentioning his wife melded the two. Plus, having the girls openly talk about his lack of intimacy made him embarrassed. Chloë made a good point though, they were clearly alright with having sex with him and apparently they welcomed it as it made them feel like they didn't owe him anything. A win-win he supposed.

"Alright. Dad with benefits I guess." He said, a slightly joking tone. "But I'll make it clear... I won't force you. I don't know what kind of life you had back in the trailer park, what your families forced you to do exactly..." He knew bits and pieces, it was more than enough to figure out how horrible it was. "... but right now, you three are family. If you tell me no, I won't even touch you." He paused and sighed, moving his hips slightly and looked at Billie and then Patty. "But I have to admit... it's been a week and I'm damn horny right now."
Dad with benefits sounded a whole lot better than the term they knew for what they had offered him, sugar daddy. They all nodded at his conditions though since they were mostly in their favour. It was also conditions they were not used to hearing. He wouldn't make them do anything if they said no. Up until that moment their experience was that their no was about as worthless as a sieve was for scooping up water. It would take them some time to get used to their new life.

When he admitted to not having had sex since he fucked Chloë's ass in the park Patty sat up straight and looked at the other two girls with raised eyebrows.
"I guess it's my turn then," she said and the looks she gave Chloë and Billie suggested she wasn't taking no for an answer.
She was after all the only one of them who had not yet serviced their new dad with benefits. Chloë and Billie nodded and Chloë slipped off of his lap.
"We'll go out and get us all something to eat then. There's still a little money left after we bought all the cleaning supplies."
With that the two of them put on their shoes and grabbing the keys off the kitchen counter left the apartment hand in hand, but not so much for protection as from affection.
Now that he thought about it, it was true that Patty was the only girl he hadn't had sex with so far. He fucked Chloë twice and Billie once, but the one time he was alone with Patty he didn't even touch her. The others seemed to agree that it was her turn and promptly left the house. He found it highly unlikely that they were bothered by him and Patty having sex in another room or maybe even in the same room, but figured that it was more for his sake than anything. So with that, they were alone. Patty's rather slim body was amazing though, turning him on even before he saw her naked. Hell, even when he had her in his car that one time, he was turned on by her. She could easily be a model.

"I gotta admit, I'm surprised you pushed to have your turn so hard." He said, standing up and taking the girl's hand as they walked to the bedroom with the bigger bed. "I know you didn't mean anything by it, but between you and me, it did boost my ego a bit." Was she feeling left out since the others fucked him and she didn't? Was it because he rejected her another time? Was she just curious to see if he was halfway decent in bed? There were many reasons, but he knew that her being genuinely interested in him wasn't it.

Once in the room, Liam undid his belt and opened his pants, letting them fall around his ankles and sitting down. His cock was indeed hard already, standing up straight and he wasn't hiding it as he looked up at the teen.
There were several reason why Patty had insisted it was her turn. One was that they had an agreement to share the work as much as possible and so far Billie and Chloë had already serviced their dad with benefits, Chloë even twice already. Of course that was before they had made the deal and he had taken them away from the trailer park but it still counted. She wanted to pull her weight just as the other two. Another reason was that he had rejected her when she offered him a deal just like the one he had now agreed to when she offered him sex for the ride and the burger. It had nothing to do with her having feelings for her or her being jealous of Billie and Chloë. It was more about pride? Insecurity? It wasn't that Patty was unaware of her looks and that she was perhaps the prettiest of the three even if Billie had bigger tits, better tits, but she was used to men judging her for little more than her body and also that her body and offers of what it could do with men, or rather what she was prepared to let men do with it, usually wasn't rejected. It was perhaps also about the expectations she had had when he drove her back to the trailer park. Perhaps it was because his rejection of her that night had not been what she expected. In the end it didn't really matter because neither reason was what he wanted to hear in answer to his underlying question.
"I mean. It's my turn right. They've already had you and I haven't," she said.

As he sat down on the bed, clearly ready by the looks of his cock, Patty took a step or two back from him and started to slowly unbutton her blouse while moving her hips seductively from side to side. She let it fall open but left it on, her perfect tits on display for him. She then dropped down to her knees and crawled towards him, rubbed her face against his cock as if cuddling with it before eventually taking it in her mouth. She sucked him slowly, using her tongue more than her lips to stimulate him. She let out a few moans as her head moved up and down and pulling up her skirt let one hand find her newly shaved cunt. Guys liked it when girls rubbed themselves while giving blow jobs. At least that was her experience.
Liam bit his lip as she seemed to flip her switch and was ready to get down to business. The sway of her hips was alluring and despite having seen her naked very recently, he found that he really had a thing for the girls when they still had some clothes on them. He was excited though, because there was something about this time that felt different. It wasn't just that it would be the first time with Patty, but because of the situation they were in in general. It didn't feel like he was hiring a hooker to fuck and leave, but it also wasn't a loving relationship between two people dating. Hell, it wasn't even just pure sex, because he clearly cared for the girls at this point and he liked to think there was at least a smidgeon of care for him as well. He couldn't exactly place it...

It didn't matter, because having this ridiculously hot teen rub her face against his cock and then start to suck it was bringing in a rush of pleasure that he could hardly handle. The man leaned back, his hands on the bed for support, as he admired the girl go to work. "Fuck... that's it, Patty." He moaned. He didn't feel as restrained now, just enjoying the pleasure. There was also another thing. Without make-up or the usual slutty clothing, Patty looked her age... she looked so much like a normal young teen that this felt even more forbidden and he loved it. "Patty, can you deepthroat it?" He asked as he watched it.
As Patty started getting into the blowjob something felt different from all the countless other blowjobs she had given in her life. The main difference was perhaps that she wasn't getting paid for it, at least not in cash, or forced to do it. There was also something about the situation itself. Normally when she serviced clients she went into a role, acted, detached herself from what she was doing. This time, after a whole night and a whole day without having to suck and fuck men for money, the lack of preparation for being a whore, perfect but slightly exaggerated make up, slutty clothes, it felt different, so very different. There was no pretense between her and the man whose cock she was sucking.

She sensed, and he had shown, that he cared for her as well as for Billie and Chloë, perhaps not as much as he cared for his daughter of course and in a very different way. She felt something similar. She was grateful for what he had done for them. She wouldn't call it affection but it meant that this was about more than just sex, about more than just an emotionally detached suck and fuck. This was something she wanted to do even if she might nor have any romantic feelings towards him or even be physically attracted to him.

When he asked if she could deep throat she pulled off his cock and straightened her back, sitting back on her heels, and smiled at him, nodded and then leaned in again, wrapping her lips around his cock and slowly pushed down on it. She took his full length with relative ease and as she closed her lips around the root of his cock she held up her hand and one by one folded the fingers back against the palm and then back out again thus counting to ten before she, just as slowly, started to pull up. She left a trail of thick saliva on his shaft and when she pulled her lips off of his cock some of it stuck to her bottom lip, still connecting it to the tip of his cock.
"Like that you mean?" she asked and winked at him.
Patty was something else. He knew he asked her, but the proficient manner which she stuffed his cock down her throat in its entirety was amazing, both to behold and to experience. She wasn't just good at it, she was showing off, counting down as he could feel her throat closing around the head of his cock and the low groans escaped him. This was simply amazing, the young girl managed to turn him on beyond belief and she barely started.

"Yes, perfect. You're perfect, baby girl." He said, cupping her cheek with his hand and then the hand moved to her head while she continued to suck. He did stop her when he was getting closer to cumming though as he wanted more. When that time came, told her. "Patty, lay down on the bed for me." He stood up and quickly worked on taking off his shirt, tossing it on a chair. Liam climbed on the bed after her, hearing the loud creaking that it made, but ignoring it in his lustful drive.

Missionary had always been a position he liked, but he was a big man and so he propped himself up at all times. Even so, he leaned down, kissing Patty's lips before he could let her stop him and he just enjoyed her, making his tongue meets hers while his cock rubbed against her pussy.
Patty actually felt proud when he complimented her deep throat skills. She had practised it on anything from dildos to bananas and had basically trained her gag reflex to not reject objects going down her throat the wrong way. She now looked up at him again with a thick foam of saliva around her lips and dripping down her chin. She nodded and got onto the bed but rather than spreading her legs wide like she would normally have done she kept them partially closed. It just felt wrong to spread wide before he parted her legs, ready to penetrate her.

He was a big man, tall, at least a full head taller than she was, and his body was toned with only a few minor hints of a dad bod. As he leaned down over her to kiss her she wrapped her arms around him and not only accepted the kiss, something she would never have done with a paying client, but also kissed him back, poking her tongue at his. She had parted her legs for him as he pushed his legs between them and she could now feel his fully erect cock rubbing against her cunt, pussy she corrected herself, cunt was such a harsh word while pussy was more in line with what a teen girl would use.
"Please," she moaned and pushed her crotch up towards his.
"Please fu ... make love to me, daddy."
Patty felt different - at least different than before in his car and different than when he had sex with the other two. His ego wasn't inflated enough to lead the man to think that she was actually into him, but he did feel like she was more vulnerable. Maybe that wasn't actually the case and he was imagining things, maybe he just wanted her to be since the situation was different, but that is what he felt like. He liked this feeling, somewhat like Patty was his in that moment, not just a whore whose body he bought for a quick fuck.

He couldn't wait any longer once she begged him. Liam reached down for his cock, grabbing it and rubbing the head against her pussy. "Patty..." He moaned softly as he grabbed the yellowish sheets under her and pressed his hips toward the girl. The middle-aged man entered the teen smoothly, releasing his member once the head was in and instead pawing at her supple breast. "You're so tight, baby girl." He groaned, his hips already moving on their own.
Even when he pushed inside her it felt different from what she was used to. She was even wet, not only from having rubbed her clit while blowing him, but from actual arousal. Perhaps it was because she hadn't asked him to fuck her but to make love to her, not that she had fully realised the difference between the two, make love sounded gentler than to fuck but as he entered her, his full length inside her it was clear right from the start that he wasn't going to just fuck her. He started playing with her small, perky breasts and he nipples were hard like frozen peas but warm and sensitive. She moaned naturally as he moved slowly inside her. She pulled herself up to kiss him, something she had never done with a man before. The only experiences with kissing she had were with Billie and Chloë, and that one boy from school who had then expected her to blow him just because he kissed her. She was sure that didn't really count, especially since that was after the rumours had started around school that she was selling her body.

Despite the countless number of cocks that had been inside her she actually felt as if she was tighter than she usually was when he pushed inside her. She had felt it with clients as well from time to time but only if the cock was really girthy and even though he was above average he wasn't big so it had to be something else. More importantly though she didn't feel used or abused with him. She didn't zoom out or detach herself from her body but rather allowed herself to ride the waves of pleasure from the friction his cock created inside her. She wrapped her legs around his thighs as if to help him thrust into her.

And then ...

To her surprise ...

She felt something she had only felt with Billie's face between her legs before. She had an orgasm and when it hit her she cried out as if in excruciating pain or unbearable pleasure.
The bed was making a ton of noise. Whatever neighbors the girls had would likely be more than aware that someone was fucking there, because every thrust he made came with the crying of wood and the old mattress springs. He really needed to buy them new beds and mattresses eventually, because the noise complaints would be coming soon and keeping a low profile was for the best. That said, there was something about somewhat comical implication of the noise that he enjoyed.

In that moment though, he was solely focused on Patty. Her voice was sweet and cute as she moaned and when she kissed him, he felt a rush of heat from it. She seemed to be a great actress as well though, like Chloë and Billie when he fucked them, because her voice really made it sound like she was getting rather into it and he was surprised when she sounded like she came. Unusual, the others waited until he came to fake their orgasm, but Patty was really going for it. It sounded so natural and it really turned him on.

"That good, huh? I'm not done yet, baby girl." He leaned into it, the fantasy was great anyway. Liam moved his hands, grabbing Patty's own and interlocking their fingers. He pushed her hands up further on the bed, holding them tightly and keeping them in place so she couldn't move and his thrusts sped up, harsher and stronger than before. His groans were louder as well, the feeling he was getting was tremendous and he was working for it as well.

"I'm gonna cum, baby. I'm--" He grit his teeth as a powerful orgasm washed over him. He pushed his cock deep into the girl's young pussy, hilting completely as he came. His rod pulsed as thick shots of his seed emptied into her and this was simply a spectacular experience. He kissed her again as the last bits of cum came out, sighing happily.
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