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The Sunfield Trailer Park (LVA24 x MsBloom)

"Ok. So here are the rules then," Chloë said.
"We each guess which one is a lie, if someone guesses which one it is then you have to drink. If no one can guess it we all have to drink. Ok?"
She looked at Olivia who had probably not really expected those sort of rules but it was too late now.
"I pick the first," Patty said and rolled her eyes as if it was too obvious a lie.
"I pick the dog one," Billie said and poking Patty on her right breast explained that it certainly didn't have to be recently.
"I mean look at her she probably wore a bra in like second grade or something."
"Yea I get that," Dee Dee said.
"But like if she started developing those as early as all that then I doubt she'd forget to wear a bra. I'm going with failing math."
Jane nodded and agreed.
"I mean math is fucking impossible," she explained.
"I'm sorry Olivia but I have to agree with Billie," Chloë said and elaborated on why.
"I mean sure. Look at you, like you'd forget to wear a bra to school with breasts like those, yeah right? Billie does have a point though and also I can't really see you failing at anything in school. So I'm picking the last one. You failing math is the lie."
She didn't think they would be drinking as punishment in this game! Olivia did start to worry, but then she heard the choices they picked and she relaxed a little bit. Then she covered her chest with her arms. "Hey now, I wasn't always like this. Besides, I wish they were a bit smaller, my back hurts sometimes and they get in the way when running." She looked around at them and then shrugged with the biggest smirk on her face. "I've never had a dog... mom's allergic, but I love them. And I failed a Math exam once, I was super sick and the teacher was super mean and didn't let me retake it. The Bra one was the lie, fine! It would be a bit too awkward if I forgot one..."
Patty raised her arms in a celebratory gesture and also poked Billie back on her left breast.
"And since I was the only one who got it right you all have to drink," she said and stood up to add a little dance to her celebratory gesture.
Billie rolled her eyes and Chloë looked at Olivia wondering just how sick she would have to be to fail an exam but there it was. Patty had been right and so they all had to drink. As she took a sip from her beer Chloë glanced over at Olivia, partly to see how she would handle the punishment for having lost her round but also with a look that told her to go easy. If there was one thing neither she nor Patty or Billie could afford it was to send Olivia back to her dad drunk.
Olivia thought her lies were pretty good. Sure, Patty spotted it, but at least only one of them did and she was happy with it. She wasn't too thrilled to have to drink again, but when she picked up a new bottle and took a long sip of it... it really wasn't that bad. She looked at Chloë as she downed the drink and then shrugged, as if to tell her she was fine. She even took a big bite of the pizza. "Alright, Patty won, so I guess she's next?" She said, almost bringing the bottle up to wash the pizza down on reflex, but stopped once she noticed it and smiled to herself like it was her own little joke.
Chloë shrugged back. It wasn't like she could tell Olivia why it was important that she didn't get drunk off of her ass. She then nodded at Patty who even though she didn't have to according to the rules took a sip of her beer.
"Let's see now. I never learned to swim. I have three nipples and I'm actually pretty good at math."
Perhaps under the circumstances Billie and Chloë would have an unfair advantage since they had both know Patty their entire lives more or less. However Patty insisted on Olivia guessing first.
Olivia still had her mouth full when she heard the three statements and got to thinking.

"Hmm... I'm gonna say, the three nipples one is too obvious to not be true... and awesome. I don't see why you can't be good at math... So you never learned to swim!" She said, but already had the bottle at the ready.
After Olivia had guessed Patty looked at Jane and Dee Dee not wanting them to get any clues from what Billie and Chloë would say.
"Ummm ... Three nipples you say," Jane said and looked intensely at Patty.
"Nah I'm with the new girl on that one. Too obvious to not be true. I'm going with the math thing again. I mean who the fuck understand that stuff anyway."
This time she glanced over at Olivia.
"I'll go with never learning to swim as the lie too," Dee Dee said.
"I think I've actually seen you swimming when we went to the pool with school last year."

So then it was Chloë and Billie's turn and they both agreed with Olivia and Dee Dee. Which made Patty crossed her arms over her chest and look at everyone in turn with a sour face.
"Ok. Yea I can swim, just not very good ok."
She then lifted the bottle to her lips and took a mouthful.
Olivia cheered. She was clearly more than a bit jolly already. She raised her bottle, causing some to splash out and hit her arm. "Oops! Hahahaha!" She laughed, a rather cute girlish laugh one would hear from a girl much younger than her. "This is fun! I like it." She said, taking a smaller sip of the beer even though she won. "And you know... this doesn't taste half bad after a bit." She added. Beer was... alright! Screw smoking though, she hated that.
Patty pointed at Jane who was the only one of the girls who had gotten it wrong and Jane drank. She then pointed at Dee Dee.
"You're next then," she said as it was the one who had made the last set of statements who got to choose who went next.
"Sure Pats. Mind if I take a piss first."
Dee Dee rose and Patty pointed in the direction of the bathroom.
"Might as well grab another one of these then," she said and got up too.
"Anyone else need a refill," she asked and looked around the table.
"Olivia? You good?"
Olivia looked at the bottle when prompted and pondered on it for a moment. "Sure, I'll take another one!" She said loudly and downed about half of the beer in her hand. Her head was swimming and she was feeling so very hot. Everyone was in a good mood and having fun, she figured that this was how parties usually went and she liked it. Everything was fun and she was getting giggly. She leaned onto Chloë, pressing her head to the other's shoulder while she kept the bottle to her lips, licking it slightly. "This is fun... thanks for inviting me." She whispered and giggled again.

Dee Dee returned with a few extra bottles and shrugged as if she was thinking about what to use for the truths. "Let's spice it up a bit. I've had a cock in each hole at the same time. I blew my PE teacher last year behind the school. And... I broke up with my current boyfriend five times." She chuckled as she sat down and put the bottles in the middle for anyone to grab.

Olivia looked at Dee Dee confused for a second. "What? No... two truths one lie... not three lies..." She said, shaking her head a bit too much.
"I'm glad you're here," Chloë whispered back and wrapped an arm around the suddenly affectionate Olivia, leaning her head against her head.
"Just don't pass out on me will you," she added and giggled along with her friend.

"Or maybe she's just a total slut," Jane said and chuckled as she gave Olivia a long look as if to say that not every girl is a sheltered innocent little goody two shoes.
"I think you've broken up with him more than that, you slut," she added and turned back to Dee Dee who had sat down and had chuckled along with Jane.
"So that's the lie."
Patty nodded but eventually she changed her guess to the first.
"I don't think you've been ass-fucked, at least not literally," she added as an explanation
"Yea, Billie said and added that even if Dee Dee had broken up with Bobby more than five times that actually meant she had broken up with him five times and more.
"Besides. I thought everyone knew that Mr Reading is gay, closeted for sure but so very gay."

When the turn came to Chloë she looked at Dee Dee without lifting her head from Olivia's"
"Well will you look at those two," Jane said as if she had only now noticed the affection showed between the two girls.
"Looks like you've got competition Billie, or are you gonna share her."
"Oh shut up Jane," Chloë said and shot her a look.
"We're friends ok."
"Alright alright little ms sensitive."
"Anyhow," Chloë said and sucked in air through her pursed lips.
"You sure Coach Reading is gay?"
Billie nodded.
"Has to be right. I mean have you see the way he doesn't stare at the girls track team for instance?"
It was true. He was usually around on the occasions when Chloë actually trained with the other but Billie was right. He did seem more interested in the boys.
"Ok. I'll go with that too then," she said and poked Olivia gently in the side.
"Your turn girl."
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There was a lot going on for Olivia's drunken yet innocent mind. So much talk about sexual stuff, taken so casually. They were all talking about breaking up with boyfriends multiple times - which she assumed it was something that should happen once - and anal and gay teachers... and then the comments about her being too close to Chloë... Olivia's head was spinning a bit.

However, she glanced at Billie and then down at the floor, before breaking away from Chloë slowly. Her face was a deep shade of pink and she held the bottle in her fingers nervously. Was she being too close to Chloë? Was Billie mad at her? She wasn't... as lesbian, at least she thought she wasn't. She just never had a friend she felt close to.

"Hmm? Oh... I guess... the one you picked Chloë." She said, clearly not having heard which one it was since her mind was so clouded and cluttered now.

Dee Dee looked around at the group and chuckled. "Damn right Mr Reading is gay... super gay. Not that I didn't try, mind you. But there it is." She said and drank from her beer. "Who's next?"
"You feeling alright?" Chloë asked as Olivia pushed away and sat up straight.
It was clear that Olivia was drunk even though she had only barely had one beer. Then again Chloë figured that drinking wasn't something the girl was used to. Perhaps it was even her first taste of alcohol ever.

There was then a cheer as Dee Dee revealed the lie and at the same time confirmed that Coach Reading was gay. Patty and Jane happily drank and Dee Dee then pointed the finger at Billie.
"You're up girl. Let's see if you can beat that one."

Billie tilted her head to the side and looked at Chloë and Olivia.
"Oh believe me I will but I think perhaps our new friend might need some fresh air and maybe a glass of water."
"C'mon," Chloë said and helped Olivia to her feet.
"There's a nice terrace on the roof we could perhaps go up there for Billie's round. Sound good?"
Olivia was actually about to raise the bottle to her lips again and drink more beer, when she realized that she and Chloë picked the right option after all. She didn't hear it at all and the girls were giggling, so maybe it was something funny. She tried to join in. However, Billie spoke about Olivia... about her and that made her worried. Was she telling her to catch some air so she would leave Chloë's side? Was she getting in the way? Did it seem like she was flirting with Chloë?

God, her head was too foggy... she was right, maybe some air would help. "Okay..." She said, more meek than the previously giggly self. She followed Chloë quietly, pressing her lips together. "Sorry..." She finally said as they reached the terrace.
Chloë had just grabbed her beer and the pack of cigarettes before taking Olivia by the hand and guiding her up to the roof while the others took a bit longer. It was a beautiful night and there was a full moon looking down on them. The air was perhaps a bit chilly but there was no wind. Chloë leaned up against the brick wall surrounding the terrace.
"Don't be sorry," she said and lit a cigarette.
"I know all of this must be new to you and Billie isn't angry at you. Forget what I said before. She is not the jealous type. If she thought there was anything between you and me she'd probably end up suggestion a threesome."
Chloë paused and took a drag on the cigarette.
"Which I think would give you a not so small panic attack or something."
She took another drag on the cigarette and carefully blew the smoke away from Olivia.
"It's all just teasing and a bit of fun but hey, if you're uncomfortable with it I can tell them to stop. You're my friend and if they can't respect that you're not like them then that's their problem. Ok?"
She held the cigarette away from them and gave Olivia a friendly hug.

"Ok. So here goes then," Billie said as she and the other girls came onto the terrace.
"I've never kissed a boy! I've never been arrested and I went down on Ms Larson so she wouldn't fail me in English. How's that huh?"
She elbowed Dee Dee and then looked at Olivia.
"Feeling well enough to go first?"
The cool air hit her skin, thankfully it was close to summer, so even at night it wasn't too cold, just nice for someone feeling as hot as she was. Olivia sat down and sighed, hugging her knees and resting her head on them while looking at Chloë. "I just don't want to ruin anything for anyone. I like you, but... not that way, I don't think. And I didn't want misunderstandings." She paused and smiled at Chloë when they hugged. "I want Billie to like me too, because she's important to you, is all."

However, the others arrived and the game resumed. With a nod toward them, she pondered on which option felt wrong. Billie was a lesbian as far as she knew, so no kissing boys seemed fair. Never being arrested was logical... that was big trouble in of itself. "The last one." She didn't even try to repeat it... all this talk about sex with teachers was embarrassing.
"And even if you did, that's alright," Chloë said.
"And don't worry about Billie. She likes you but you have to understand that your life is kind of alien to all of us. That's all. She'll come around and so will Patty."

"Ms Larson huh?" Dee Dee said and like the others she had now lit a cigarette and was leaning up against the brick wall.
"I bet that was a treat."
She rolled her eyes and seemed to think for a while.
"Not impossible though I suppose. I'm going for the first one. I mean as gay as you may be I'm sure there's been some experimentation before you gave up on boys.."

Jane chuckled.
"That certified old spinster, yea she'd go for that, but I mean how desperate would you have to be to agree or worse offer it."
She took a sip of beer and shook her head.
"Nah. No way you did that."
Patty looked at Chloë before saying that she believed the second to be the lie which both she and Chloë knew very well. They'd been arrested at the same time.
Chloë just smiled at her girlfriend..
"Seriously Bill ... You really have to try harder. I'd say you've been arrested more than anyone else here.
"Well it's not fucking easy to come up with a lie that the two of you won't see through," Billie said and drank.
Olivia stared at Billie in awe. This meant that she wasn't just arrested several times, but that she actually did have sex with a teacher? That was illegal! Well, they were drinking and smoking and she was pretty sure it was all illegal. Olivia knew that Chloë used her body to get what she wanted sometimes, but that the others used it on teachers to that extent was a shocker.

What wasn't shocking was Chloë, Billie and Patty seeing through each other... it was cute actually. Olivia drank from her bottle, noting that she nearly finished that one. Not only that, the options presented now had turned wild... with sex and arrests and a bunch of illegal stuff. Olivia then glanced up at Jane when she cleared her throat.

"My turn. I was the one who broke Tammy Newgate's skull with a bat in middle school. I've never had sex in a car. I found an old man recently who promised to marry me once I'm 18." She said, grinning at the others. The third was a lie, but nobody knew who nearly killed Tammy years ago, so she assumed they would all go for that one.

Olivia paused... these were really weird ones. "Hmmm... the first one?"
There were so many stories going round school about how the leader of the cheer squad Tammy Newgate ended up in a wheelchair after having suffered severe head trauma that disconnected her spinal cord so that she now was paralysed from the neck down. There had been an investigation and all the girls, except Olivia, had been questioned but nothing had come of it. Tammy didn't remember anything from the attack, or before. The statement therefore had all of their attention. Since no one knew who had assaulted Tammy it was entirely plausible that it had been Jane. Hadn't Jane complained that the bitch had stolen her boyfriend? Still though the last option was more plausible to be true and both Billie and Patty fell into Jane's trap, as did Dee Dee.

When the turn came to her Chloë cleared her throat.
"Tammy "queen bitch" Newgate. I'm not saying she deserved to end up in a wheel chair like that but the bitch had it coming the way she strutted around and deliberately hit on everyone's boyfriends. Hell she even put the moves on both me and Billie to try to break us up. I certainly wouldn't blame you Jane if it really was you. Yea. I'll guess that's true and say that number three is a lie."
The reason for choosing the last of Jane's statements to be the lie was mostly because that was what they were all basically dreaming of and if it was true then that meant Jane had achieved something non of the others had.
Jane stared at everyone rather calmly and coolly. There was a big smirk on her face as the final girl picked her option and a sense of satisfaction that only one of them picked the right option. Jane was... clearly one of the girls here with the most violent tendencies. "Ding Ding Ding! Our beautiful Chloë got it right. Granted, I never meant to take it that far. I was swinging for her back, but the bitch turned around. She had it coming and I'll keep it at that. Ain't taking anyone's boyfriends now, is she?"

She looked at Olivia, who stared at Jane horrified and gave her a shrug as if asking "what?" but Olivia quickly looked away. The innocent girl didn't want to even look at Jane, scared that she might get annoyed, so she just turned to Chloë while drinking the last of her second bottle. "Your turn."
Chloë looked at Olivia and saw both the shock and the fear as Jane revealed that she had almost killed a girl and not that long ago either and gotten away with it. She smiled to try to comfort her friend who must be having a real roller coaster of an evening with all the stories the girls had so far shared, truths about themselves that Olivia probably would never have imagined could be true. Things you read about or saw in movies or on tv, nothing that happened in real life. The poor girl might need therapy after the party but Chloë wasn't going to hold back because of that. She would talk to Olivia afterwards instead. The fact that she hadn't up and run away from them was a sign that she still wanted to be friends and that it was important to her that the others liked her as much as Chloë did.

Chloë was given ample time to consider her round since the other four talked about Tammy, all of them surprised at the revelation.
"I've had sex for money! I've fucked a friend's dad! I once stole a pink fluffy unicorn to use as a sex toy!"
She knew it was bold especially since it would reveal things she had so far kept secret from Olivia and also something that might get Olivia wondering just which friend's dad she had fucked. The can of worms was however wide open and spilling over.
Olivia's eyes snapped to Chloë when she started speaking and her eyes were wide. Sure, the girl's body was swaying a little bit even sitting down and she was drunk at this point, but hearing Chloë's statements nearly sobered her up momentarily. Sex for money... sleeping with a friend's dad... the third one was the most harmless in comparison.

She didn't know how to react. Did she sleep with any of these girls' father? The thought that it might have been her father didn't even cross her mind, her daddy barely knew Chloë! And sex for money... she used her body to get stuff, but this was on another level. Was she doing it because she wanted to? Prostitutes in movies did it because they were poor or forced to, but Chloë didn't seemed the type to be forced.

Her mind was a storm of thoughts and assumptions and she found herself being the last one to say her choice without even hearing what the others picked. "Oh... I don't know... hmm... I... the first one?" And she hoped she was right, otherwise... poor Chloë...
As the case had been with Billie's and Patty's round the two of them of course had unfair advantage and both of them guessed the last statement as they knew the first two to be true. Jane and Dee Dee, even though they knew Chloë and the other two didn't really know whether the first was true or not they did however both go for the second.

Before revealing which one had been the lie Chloë sat down in front of Olivia and lifted her head up so they could look into each others' eyes.
"I'm sorry. Life just isn't fair and sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do to survive."
It would of course not be news to Olivia that Chloë was poor but perhaps she just hadn't realised just how poor.

She looked up at Jane and Dee Dee with a shrug and told them both to drink. She then turned back to Olivia.
"You too I'm afraid."
Olivia was a bit stunned. Life wasn't fair... that was the truth, but she didn't know just how true it was until now. It wasn't fair that Chloë had to sell herself off to men just to get by though. Also... it was true that she slept with someone's father... was it a client? Who then? Was it anyone here? Olivia was just as curious as she was shocked. She took Chloë's own beer and took a sip from it since she finished hers and then paused.

It seemed like she was mauling over something in that drunken mind of hers and in that moment, she got a message from her father. "Olivia, I hope you're having fun. I'll pick you up soon." She read it, but didn't reply and instead grabbed Chloë and pulled her aside a moment.

"Chloë... I didn't know you had money problems like that. Listen... I could talk to my daddy... dad." She blushed a bit harder, catching herself. "And see if he can maybe help out?"
"Are we still friends?" Chloë asked Olivia when the girl didn't say anything for a while.
She did drink though as the rules stipulated even though Chloë would have been willing to let it slip because of the state Olivia was in, drunk and shocked. She had probably learned more about life outside the suburbs in the last few hours than she had up to that point. She heard the phone and she saw the message as Olivia read it. She had half expected her to just get up without a word and leave but instead Chloë found herself being dragged away from the others.

I could talk to my daddy... dad ... And see if he can maybe help out?

Oh if only Olivia knew. Chloë knew that it would have broken Olivia's heart beyond repair and almost certainly ruined their friendship if Chloë had told her the truth that it was in fact her dad who was paying for the apartment and that she was the friend whose dad Chloë had fucked. No she had been through more than enough for one night. Hell she'd been enough to last her a life time.
"Hey," she said and wiped away a tear that had started to fall down Olivia's cheek.
"You think he would. I mean sure you've got money but it's not like your rich like that. I mean there's three of us. Patty and Billie do it too. But now that we live here and the rent is paid up until we can get real jobs and all that we won't have to do it as much as before."

Since Olivia hadn't replied to the first message another one came through not long after. This one saying that he was just a few blocks away.
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