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Blood, Sweat and Tears (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He nodded. "Potions if magika and health mainly, a few for stamina just in case.." he said with a smile.
She nodded and began to leave the courtyard, walking over the bridge and into the hold where she summoned a skeletal horse and climbed onto its back, turning to offer him her hand.
"Glad to hear it." She said with a smile, "Perhaps you could also learn some Nord history." She teased.
The ride to Dawnstar didn't take too long on horse back, and he was surprised she could withstand the cold so well. She pulled them into the mountains and walked along the path before taking a dirt rode, "We're almost there."
She pat the firm bones of the horse affectionately, "He hasn't let me down yet." She said gently. When they arrived at the ruins, she dismounted and waited for him before untying their bags and watching the horse crumple to the ground before fading away.
"Come, everything is inside."
She pushed the old ruin doors open and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him once he came in.
"This is Ironbind Barrow, and it is the home of the tomb of Warlord Gathrik, a very powerful Nord in his time." She said.
"Stories as a child frightened me.." he said with a laugh. "Kind of unsettling to have to kill an ancestor."
"Hopefully not any of your actual ancestors." She said, "But I understand, in a way. We Argonians do not have honored dead. We merely return to the Hist from which we are born. I have read that draugr only roam their tombs because they refuse to believe they have died, and merely desire peace."
"That is correct, you know your Nord nonsense." He said with a smile. "Still, say someone from your sacred Hist decided they wanted to take a stroll about instead of laying down."
She chuckled as they moved into the tomb, setting down her bag in the antechamber, "I'm sure there has been an instance or two of that. We do not live forever, though I'm sure there are few who wished we did." She said, "I would hate to see a friend or family member walking around with their scales and meat melting from their bones."
He laughed a bit. "From what I hear it isn't that picturesque.. dried, almost like a skeleton.."
He was never in a Nordic ruin before, the history was amazing. There were some skeevers and spiders, the whole inside of the ruin frozen over from the deep cold, but it was still amazing to see.
"Alright," she turned toward him, "for your first conjuration practice, I want you to use soul trap on the corpse of that skeever."
She watched him quietly, arms folded under her breasts, listening to make sure he did the incantation right.
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