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Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He drug his hand down his face and groaned. "Pain in the ass, I swear.. I even come to give you the attention you want and you still won't have it."
She set her pencil down and turned toward him, "A check in is not the attention I seek. Asking me why I haven't had any sex is not the attention I seek. Asking why my father hasn't canned you is not the attention I seek. But fine," she laced her fingers together, "I'll bite."
"Then what do you want?" He asked. "What in god's name do you want from me?" He was getting a little less patient.
It set him on edge. "Your father? My boss? Hoe can I focus on protecting the house and you, if we're both too busy with eachother?"
"Well, I told you what I want from you, what you do with it is your choice." She said before turning back to her notes.
"Take your time deciding what you want to do with this information. Though, I will leave you with a gentle threat," she took a sip of her drink and hummed, "I'll have any two week notices thrown out."
"That is correct." She replied, "Whether you like it or not, you're a rather capable guard. I'd hate to lose you."
"So I either stay and get laid or stay and live a tormented life?" He asked. He laughed. "If only it were so easy..."
"Tormented is such an ugly word. I would never go out of my way to make you miserable. Never have." She replied.
"I will not have any sexual encounters here while you toy with the idea, or even if you decide not to." She told him. Though, as petty as she was, she would love nothing more for having her heart ripped out.
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