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Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Her hand connected with his cheek open handed without another word, leaving an angry red mark in its wake.
She rubbed her palm gingerly before looking down, "I know you've been looking for a new job..." She muttered.
"Terrible time to play dumb.." She said, "But fine...just know that you aren't as careful with your devices as you think.." She moved to leave, not wanting to be near him any more.
He swallowed hard. Shit. His whole plan was in jeopardy now. What did he have to do? What could he do?
What was she going to do? Would she tell Charles? Was she using it as blackmail? The whole thing made his skin crawl.
He felt like he was going to vomit. The worst part was, she had him by the balls again. She would go back to her toys, and he would be on the streets.
But oddly enough, nothing came from it. No phone call from his boss, no threatening emails. Nothing. She would come home from university, alone, and go to her room.
She had to have something up her sleeves. Something. Was he just being paranoid? Maybe nothing would come of it.
He opened the door. "Just checking in. You haven't had anyone over in a bit. Plus, haven't heard anything about my job search from Charles so.." he said.
"That's cuz daddy doesn't know you're trying to find new work.." She replied, "And I have to study so I don't have the time to be a slut.." She turned toward him in her desk chair, wearing her reading glasses with a few text books open on her desk.
"It might.." She said before she turned back to her notes, "But what do you care if it does or doesn't...? You don't like me anyway. We kissed once."
"We made out once, and argued plenty about the company you keep. Fine enough. You don't want me, Annella, I'm an angry, bitter man. Besides you seem to be having fun enough as you are." He said.
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