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Bad Habits (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"If you agree to becoming an item with me, there won't be any more imbeciles stumbling in or out. Just you." She said, "And if you said no, there would be imbeciles, just not here."
He made a noise. He wanted to say yes. He wanted to say yes, but. But.. was it really yes? Was it because he wanted to? Or because he wanted this to end? "Give me some time to think.." he said
He nodded and left the room. This was tough. Security was easy, not a lot of thinking involved. This? This was hell.
He went back to his room, and put some serious thought to it. Did he like her? He had no idea right now.
There had to be something. He had feelings for her, but was it because he genuinely liked the girl she was outside of sleeping around or was it because he had been around her so long?
He rubbed his temples and tried to clear his head. But all he had was her. Thoughts, images, sounds. All her.
He had her smile, her laugh, her silly little hip swivel when she danced, her beautiful blue eyes, her long red hair, her fair skin...her moans, her pleas, her whines. She was the one who greeted him when he moved to the states, the first friendly face off the plane.
She was the only one who understood him through his heavy accent, knew the gibberish no one else seemed to get. She vouched for him whenever Charles disagreed with something and took care of him when he was sick - he hated being down while on the job but Annella never liked him overworking himself. She always made him food from their native home, and was a pretty damn good chef for a college student. He trusted him to see her at her most vulnerable when her mother died and Charles shut himself away in his work. He hated seeing her so broken and dysfunctional for those long months.
God what was he doing? He moved and slugged back a shot, trying to calm himself down. This was hell.
He thought back to when they kissed, how nice it felt to have her against him. To feel her hips in his hands, hear her moan for him.
Time drug on slowly. It was more unbearable than before. He knew what he wanted to do, he thought.
She didn't bother him once in the time he took to give her an answer, merely waved to him when she left for school and waved when she came home. As she usually did. Or at least how she used to before she became a deviant.
He hated it but he thought he needed to see that deviant side more than anything. His body ached, his blood boiled. But god he just didn't know how to say it
He grit his teeth. What was wrong with him? He moved to her door and hesitated before he could knock. He just listened.
She was humming something that played quietly in the background, she was probably doing more school work.
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