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Fight to the End (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She laughed softly and moved to go put her blaster up. He could feel she was worried and just trying to push it down, even without the Force, she was awful at hiding things from him.
"Huh?" She looked back, stopping where she was, before giving a sad smile, "I know...I know!" She gave a wry laugh, "It's these damned spousal nerves of mine...comes with being a wife, I guess. You've always come back, neither the Force nor the Goddess has wronged you so far. I just don't like the faint what if's.."
"I know, love I know.." he said. He had found some ion grenades, not many, but enough to cause a threat. And, after some slight adjustments, the heavy blaster pistol was set to a very high stun, enough to disarm a battle droid. Anything heavier than that, and he would have to use the large blaster rifle he now slung over his back. "I promise I'll be back, okay?"
"Force be with you, love..." She muttered as she watched him walk down the ramp. It was a bit of a walk from the landing pads to where the governor's home was, not that he minded; gave him time to think.
How the hell was he going to do this? Just walk on in? He didn't have any better plan. The Hutt name was powerful, yes. But it wasn't going to stop blaster bolts.
And he had a feeling that would be the first thing in response to saying Jabba sent him. He had to be smart about this one, especially if there were droids.
He made a noise and sighed softly. It was easy to scare a lunatic, harder to effectively intimidate them.
When he stepped inside, not only were there reprogrammed B1's but there was also at least a handful of Super Heavy Battle Droids as well as a couple Droideka's curled up against the walls in standby.
His breath stilled. Shit, this is just what he needed. Okay, well, he always had mind tricks to fall back on, right?
"Do you have an appointment with the governor?" The female Pa'lowick asked from where she sat at a little desk. The droids watched him, still as statues.
She was quiet for a moment before nodding, "You do have an appointment. Please, just up the stairs and to your immediate left." She said flatly.
He nodded a thanks and headed up the stairs, exhaling softly when he was away from the droids.
He pushed open the door to the governor's room, a male Twi'lek looking up with a scowl as a couple more Super Heavies seemed to jerk in Ja'rin's direction.
"What is the meaning of this? Who are you?" He hissed.
He discreetly moved his fingers again. "Please, remain calm." He said. "You can tell your droids to stand down."
He exhaled slowly and quietly. "I am here, representing the Hutts. Jabba on Tatooine. You owe him a great deal of money for putting you in power. I am not here to harm you, only as a firm reminder that you have a debt to pay."
"I haven't forgotten about Jabba." He almost sneered, "He isn't the only one hounding me for money."
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