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The Art Thief's Taunt. (LunarWolf & Guardian Angel)

Kailee was just mumbling that she had seen somebody and they had looked familiar. She was leaning back in the wheelchair and just taking in a couple of deep breaths.
"ok can you discribe them and tell me where they seemed familiar from?" if it was one of the guys who had helped the man escape he was taking her out of there that moment
Kailee was just stating that he was one of the medical students that had just come in, dark hair brown eyes. Yet just thinking about it had her head hurting and she was just stating that it hurt.
"ok don't push it then" Mac looked at the nurse "can you take her down to the vending machines please" Mac handed her some cash so that he could go and find this person and check her room to make sure it was still safe
This had the nurse giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Of course I can." After that she was pushing the wheelchair towards the elevators so that they could go down a level to where the vending machines were. The dark haired male that had spooked Kailee was standing near a few of the other nurses just speaking to them and asking questions. It wasn't anybody that Mac would recognize, but Kailee knew the man for sure. It was Corbin although he had changed up his features and dyed his hair.
Mac watched the male and while keeping an eye on him he spoke with the head doctor about taking her out of the hospital "there is one other involved in this mess and her home was blown up this morning I don't want your other pacients at risk if need be I can set up a time for daily video calls with her " Mac was getting a bad feeling form the medical student and he really wanted to get the hell out of there
The head doctor was looking over for a brief moment in time before he was speaking, "I shall get her paperwork drawn up then. I actually just got off of the phone with her brother, and he was wanting me to do the same thing." With that he was actually asking Mac for his information, wanting it to match up with the information that he had been given. Aaron had given his badge number to him; which was to be used as a way to verify that this was the person that Kailee was to be released to.
Mac gave him the information and then looked at him "If I may I have a friend who was shot in the shouldre just over six months ago could you look at her imaging I think the doctors who trewted her didn't do everythign they should have as it has been causing her problems including locking up and not even a muscle relaxer is helping her" Mac was worried that they had fucked up or missed somethign when treating her
This had the head doctor giving a nod before he was speaking, "I will look into it but I cannot give you any details about it." Not without her permission anyways and soon enough he was handing over the discharge papers for Kailee. And he was also handing over a few medication prescriptions. One of them being to help with the pain, and the other was an oral medication to help again infection.
"thank you Ill talk to her about that but I think someone got sloppy" Mac took her discharge paper work and then went to go and get her so that they could get going and head out of the city
When Mac went looking for Kailee he would find himself being halted by another nurse who was commenting, "Your friend will be here momentarily. She wasn't feeling well and her nurse escorted her to the bathroom." With that she was pointing out the bathroom she was in and was inviting him to wait for her in the waiting room, which was across the hall from the bathroom.
"is it the same nurse who escorted her down here" Mac then held up her clothes and discharge papers as he wanted to get her changed and get the hell out of there as soon as possible
This had the other woman giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "Yes it was." After that she was actually taking the clothes from him along with the papers and was tapping on the door, and speaking quietly. The nurse was opening the door a bit and was taking the clothes, then briefly looking at the discharge papers.
Mac nodded and relaxed a little but not fully as that male still bothered him. Mac then alerted the other cops to the male pressence since he didn't know what Crobin looked like he needed them to keep and eye out
After a few more minutes the nurse was coming out with a fully dressed Kailee, although the blonde haired female seemed quite pale and seemingly drained of life at that point. The nurse was pushing her over to Mac and spoke, "She is all yours. I do insist though that she does very little walking on her own for a bit."
"I will make sure she doesnt where we are headed she will get plenty of rest" Mac then took over and pushed her out of the hospital and took his car. before he got her in her checked it over to make sure that no one had tampered with it in anyway
Kailee just sat in the wheelchair, and was holding the meds that her nurse had gone to pick up for them. Soon enough they were going outside and she was shielding her eyes from the sun.
once he was certain that his car was safe he helped her in to the front seat and made sure that she was buckled in "where would you like for me to stop for lunch"
Kailee was getting into the car with his help and was just leaning the seat back a bit, before she was looking at him when he was asking where she wanted him to stop for lunch. This had her giving a slow shake of her head before she was mumbling that she didn't care too much.
Mac nodded and headed to a hole in the wall Pho resturant that was amazing it served authentic Pho and made everythign to order except for the broth as that took close to five hours to make
The only reason that Kailee didn't really seem to care was because she didn't feel overly hungry. And actually if he did look over at her again, he found find that she was sleeping again.
Not that Kailee had really meant to fall asleep, yet she had taken pain killers before she had left and they just seemed to knock her out.
Mac carefully carried her out ot his car and the owner brought their food to him so that he could get it stored. with a wave to the old man Mac headed off and left the city stopping only once to be let out of the cordon
Kailee didn't seem to wake for a while, at least not until they were stopping again to be let out of the city. She was questioning him if they could stop somewhere to get some water, if it wasn't to much trouble.
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