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The Art Thief's Taunt. (LunarWolf & Guardian Angel)

Jacobson nodded he had some peices in his home that he figured she would like. he had bought htem from her parents years before they had been killed so he figured it would put her at ease
After that the woman was dismissing him so that he could get going. When he did arrive at the hospital he would find that the woman he was suppose to guard was awake and just sitting in the hospital bed, gazing around the window. Yet her attention did turn towards the door when a nurse was coming in and stating that she had a visitor.
Kailee was just looking at the man for a brief moment in time although she didn't really say much of anything, just studied him for a moment in time. Nope she had never seen him before, so she wasn't sure what she thought.
"I was asked to serve as your guard as your attacked some how broke out fo jail the cops are hunting for him but until he is caught they as that I keep you safe" Jacobson wasn't going to lie to her
Kailee was just looking towards him a bit warily before she was just speaking in a soft voice, "It doesn't surprise me.... That man.... Has always been tricky...." She was just shaking her head ever so slightly before she was stating that her name was Kailee.
“Mac but everyone calls me Jacobson” Mac smiled at her and then offered his hand to her to shake. “I should warn you though so you can warn your brother but last I heard Crystal was fuming so you may want to warn him not to press her buttons for a bit”
Kailee was just taking his offered hand and shaking it before she was commenting, "Aaron does his own thing; he always has. Just as your boss does her own thing. I have to wonder when she is going to tell Crystal that it was her that made the decision and Aaron had nothing to do with it." She was shifting so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed, just allowing her feet to dangle above the floor, but she didn't get up any farther from there.
Kailee was just mumbling that she hoped he was caught sooner rather than later. Just talking about him had her subconsciously touching her head a bit, not even seeming to realize that she had made that kind of movement at all. Yet her attention was turning towards him when he was asking if she would like to go for a walk which had her stating that she would enjoy that. This had her hitting the call button for a nurse to come in.
Mac smiled and waited for the nurse to help her so that they could go for a walk and then he would tell her about where they would be going.

when they arrived at the hotel the manager called Aaron to her office and once the door was closed she spoke “the captain of the police force called us so we had to move your rooms you now have our penthouse as a death threat was left on her apartment door and the officers who had gotten it had only a few minutes before the bomb that was in her home blew” the manager had been asked to let him know so that he could keep Crystal close
Aaron was just walking into the office and was just giving a slight groan when he heard the news before he was just shaking his head a bit. "Well he shouldn't know where we are right now. Nobody knew that I was leaving town other than her captain and my twin." he was mumbling and he already knew that Kailee wasn't going to talk easily, even if she was threatened.

The nurse was giving Kailee a hand up after handing her some slippers that could be used and she was giving Mac a few instructions, making sure to keep a close eye on her. "And you Miss be sure to tell him if you start feeling light headed at all. Or feel any weakness at all." the nurse was speaking and wrapping a robe around the female since she was only wearing a hospital gown and it didn't do much to cover up the backside at all. "I know, I know." Kailee was speaking before she was taking Mac's arm lightly.
The manager nodded “we moved your rooms to be safe but we are in agreement that you still should be safe” she then handed him the keys for the room.

Mac walked with her and made sure to support her so that way if she did get weak he could hold her up
Kailee walked along with him before she questioned, "So what has the police force deciding to place protective detail on me? Other than a madman being free, and honestly once I'm back at home I would be safe."
Mac looked at her “he has made several death threats and he blew Crystals apartment up this morning” Mac had gotten the call when he had arrived at the hospital
Kailee was just mumbling that the man was more stupid that what she had imagined, especially now that they knew his name and his face. Yet while she wanted to say that it would be easy for them to find him, she already knew that wasn't the truth. After all he had evaded the police for a number of years now.
“We will find him the FBI got involved when he targeted Crystal and they are brining in whole units to track him down as it is to leave the city you have to go through a blockad Mac knew they would have to as well but he had the paper work that would get them out of the city
Kailee was just looking for a moment before she was commenting, "Yet ultimately that isn't going to deter him at all." Nothing else had deterred him, so this had her wondering how this was going to do it. With that she was just giving a faint laugh before she was commenting, "Yet if he is anything like me.... There is one thing that he will not be able to resist." A beautiful piece of art.
Mac looked at her "we can talk about it once your out of the hospital and if the captain is willing we can set up a sting but until then you are not getting involved"
Kailee was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "If I am wanting to get involved then that is my own decision." She continued to walk with him although she did find herself walking a lot slower as they walked past a group of medical students that were there. One of them was just looking towards them with a smile, something that Mac wouldn't have noticed but it was definitely something that she had noticed. And it was definitely a person that she found familiar. In not paying attention to where she was going, Kailee found herself about tripping over her own feet.
Mac caught her and kept her from following "actually I can keep you from getting involved one I have your brothers permission to do so and two once the hospital releases you I am taking you out of the city." Mac and sent everythign that Aaron would need to know about hs sister location so that he knew where to find them
Kailee didn't seem to answer him at all, actually he would find that she was gripping his arm a bit tightly for the moment. "I want to return to my room...." she was speaking in a low voice after a moment in time. She felt sick to her stomach and see that man.... wasn't helping anything at all.
"whats wrong" Mac could tell that somethign wasn't right she had been fine moments before and now she seemed to be feeling bad had him more then a little concerened.
"I just..... Feel sick.... And my head hurts...." Kailee was mumbling after a moment in time; just taking in a slow breath. Yet this is when a nurse almost seemed to materialize next to them with a wheelchair and was insisting that the female sit down, that she was rather pale.
Mac nodded his head and helped her sit "ok take a couple deep breaths and then lean back in the wheelchair" Mac looked around and made a mental note to get her out of there as soon as possible
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