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Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor, bist du sadistisch?{obscene + mei}

Jay winced slightly at the touch, Marcel's voice bringing him back from whatever daze he'd fallen in. He glared up at the pet, not angry at him, but angry in general. "I don't know how you take that..." He said, having a new appreciation for the pet as he managed to kneel before having to pause as his body ached. "Let's get cleaned up... I feel like shit..." He offered a weak smile as he pulled himself to his feet, gripping Marcel's shoulder a moment before getting his balance. "A hot bath sounds good... and we'll do something about this..." He said, resting a hand on Marcel's stomach, "I promised after all." He said, remembering the coaxing words he'd uttered to try and make it easier on the pet.
The pet gave a little shrug, and smiled. "You get used to it. . ." He stood up, and waited as he felt Jay's hand on his shoulder as he fought for balance. "That sounds good," he said, nodding. He shivered slightly when he felt the hand on his stomach, and the look on his face was one of relief. "Please," he said, and then followed Jay out of the room and to one of the large bathrooms in the complex. He bent over the tub when they entered, and one could see the plug in his ass. "Can you. . .take it out, please?" He asked in a quiet voice.
"I have no intention of getting used to it." Jay slid a hand over the soft rear that was so easily offered to him, and any other time he wouldn't have been able to resist, but for now he was just too worn out. He gently slid the plug out, lightly pressing Marcel's stomach before moving away, as cum slid down Marcel's leg, to drop the plug in the sink to be cleaned later. "Do you need help getting it out?" He offered, wrapping a towel around his waist as he pulled clean linens from the closet, one of the small baskets, and two fluffy robes. The rest of the evening would be focused on relaxing.
"Mmfp. . ." He shook his head as the cum slid down his leg, and he leaned over, stoppering the tub and then turning on the hot water as the cum continued to slide down his leg. He gave a small groan - it felt so much better now, now that it was gone and out of him. Shaking only slightly, he pulled the nurse outfit over his head, and dropped it onto the floor before undoing the straps of the shoes, stepping out of those and then rolling down the stockings and pulled those off as well. All the while, cum continued to slide down his leg, and the pet stepped into the tub, sinking down with a content sigh. His stomach, even after all that cum, was still taut and flat. He glanced at the vet. "Join me?"
Jay slid in after him, ignoring the sharp pain as he seated himself, leaning back against the wall of the tub. He reached forward and looped an arm around Marcel's waist, pulling him closer and holding him. "Did you enjoy yourself today?" He asked, his hands moving lightly over Marcel's skin as if he was polishing a trophy he was quite proud of, cleaning off the filth of the day.
Smiling slightly as Jay joined him, Marcel allowed himself to be pulled closer to the man, and gave a small sigh, resting his head against the others chest. "I. . .did," he said finally. He had to, didn't he? He was a pet - he was supposed to enjoy everything he was subjected to. Marcel shifted against Jay, then glanced up at him. "Did they hurt you too badly?" He asked, a small frown on his face. Hell, he could remember his own first time - not even David had been that cruel too him when they first had sex.
"You're worried about me? Two at once, and dry is bad enough, but add the fact that I'd never had anything done to me back there..." he shook his head, "I'll be alright, and it did feel good after a while... Really good..." He said wit a light blush. "And god, I made you take all three of us..." He placed a soft kiss on Marcel's lips, "Thank you for putting up with that."
He gave him a knowing smile. "It always does, after awhile," he said with a small nod, then he shrugged at Jay's apology. "Doesn't matter," he muttered. "I've had worse," he mumbled against Jay's lips, and pressed himself against the older man, brought wet fingers to tangle in Jay's hair as he deepened the kiss, before pulling away. "I liked that," he said with a small nod.
"Mmm, so did I... when your master comes back, I'm not going to want to let you go." He said before kissing the pet again to silence any claim of loyalty to the other man, he just didn't want to hear it. "Grab the sponge, I'll clean you up if you'll return the favor." He offered, his hands wanting to trail over that perfect figure.
Marcel would've protested to that, but couldn't as he had been silenced with a kiss. "Mm. . ." The small pet eyed him curiously, but gave a small nod. "Alright," he said, and reached a dripping arm out of the tub to grab the sponge, and eyed the man before dipping it into the water to wet it, and trailed it over Jay's chest, moving his fingers over the man's nipples.
He smiled reassuringly, "I'm probably not going to be up to anything tonight, so let's relax, hn?" He gave the light explanation, his eyes closing for a moment as Marcel's fingers brushed the sensitive nubs. His hands moved to rest lightly on Marcel's hips, more to have a place for them than anything.
There was a small nod, and then Marcel trailed the sponge down Jay's torso with a small sigh, and glanced up at him when he felt the hands on his hips. Hesitantly, the pet ran it down Jay's back, gently brushing across the welts and lashes from the whip. "That's fine," he murmured. When he pulled his hands away, he saw that there were brief smudges of blood. His face tightened; while the two pets knew what they were doing, they were unnecessarily harsh with Jay. "Do you still hurt?" He asked, worry still on his face. Taking two at once - for a virgin, that was unnecessary.
"The sting a little, but it's nothing I can't tolerate." He said with a reassuring grin. Honestly, he didn't even feel the welts, not yet, it was his lower back and abused rear that hurt, but he wasn't one to whine. He pushed the sponge under the water to wash away the blood, as if to prove it wasn't a big deal. "Would you mind coming home with me tonight? I'd like to be in my own bed, but I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you." He said as he moved the sponge over Marcel's skin, the hot water easily taking away the grim and turning the pale skin pink.
There was a hesitant little nod, but there wasn't much else Marcel would really say. He looked up sharply, however, when Jay suggested that he go home with him. "That sounds. . .nice," he said finally, giving a shy smile. He could share a bed! With Jay! With an actual person! That was certainly exciting - he had only shared a bed with his own master maybe. . .once? The pet gave a little purr as he was washed by the vet.
Jay finished up and drained the tub before passing Marcel a towel. He looked over the marks that had been left on his skin, just to be sure everything would heal up well before pulling on a clean outfit. "Feel free to raid the closet... most of it's sexually themed outfits, but there are some more modest ones if you want to relax." He said, thinking of the various school uniforms and similar things.
The pet gratefully took the towel, and dried himself off, and nodded when he was given permission to look through the closet. "Alright," he said cheerfully. He took the towel and wrapped it around himself before leaving the room to take an outfit from the closet. He had managed to find a rather random schoolgirl outfit, and decided to wear that, regardless of how late it was. He'd wear that for tomorrow as well. Marcel gave a small sigh. Tomorrow would be the third day. . .Only a few more days before David would come to pick him up and take him home again. He bit his lip nervously; he wasn't sure what sort of punishment he'd receive from David. Still mulling over these thoughts, Marcel headed back towards the bathroom, to let Jay know that he was ready to leave.
Jay had gotten his things together and was waiting in his office. Once Marcel found him he smiled at the outfit and led the pet out of the clinic. "Do you want to stop somewhere for dinner along the way?" He offered as he walked to a midnight blue jaguar, a nice car with leather interior. He unlocked it and opened the door for Marcel before moving to the driver's side.
He could have passed for a girl, so at least there would be no backlash at either of them for both being men if they went out. "Mm. . ." Marcel tilted his head when he had slid into the passenger's seat and closed the door. "If you want to," he said, before shifting in his seat slightly. It was a very nice car, and he felt like a rather spoiled girlfriend (boyfriend?) of Jay's. "But I'm just mostly tired. . ." He said with a small smile, and leaned back against the leather. He was sure that Jay could understand why.
"We'll head home then." He said, a bit relieved. He wanted to do something nice for Marcel, but he wasn't up to going out. As they drove he couldn't resist reaching over to touch that soft skin. His fingers trailed over Marcel's thigh, pushing the skirt up slightly as he rested his hand there. "That outfit's perfect on you..."
"That's fine with me," he said, and nodded. Marcel was tempted to doze as Jay drove, but instead, he found himself gazing out of the window at the nightlife, only starting when he felt Jay's hands trail over his thigh. He knew he shouldn't be embarrassed that Jay was pushing his skirt up like that, but he was, and his cheeks were a light pink. "Thank you," he murmured, and let the vet rest his hand there as he drove.
Jay was tempted to go further, but he'd promised to let Marcel relax for the evening. He'd wait either until morning, or unti Marcel asked for it. "We're here." He said, pulling into the driveway of a very nice two story home. He led Marcel inside, the interior neat and clean, done in shades of blue and green. "Straight to bed?" he suggested, figuring they'd cuddle until they fell asleep.
Marcel eyed the house with appreciation, and nodded. That was a very nice house - almost as nice as David's but he wasn't complaining, really. The slight flush on his face darkened even more as Jay had grabbed his hand and led him inside the house. "Yes, please," he said, waiting for Jay to lead him to their (well, Jay's - Marcel was only a temporary guest) bedroom. Marcel was aching all over, and right now he just wanted to lay in bed and relax and. . .maybe cuddle. He pressed his lips together; he felt like a girl with her first crush and it was a strange and rather ridiculous feeling.
He led Marcel back to his room, "Do you want to borrow something to sleep in?" He asked as he stepped into the room. It was fairly large with a queen bed and a small tv on top of the dresser. A desk sat in one corner and an anatomical model stood in a corner, half hidden by a coat that had been tossed on it. Books were piled wherever they would fit, and a stereo sat on the bookshelf. Jay quickly changed into a pair of loose fitting pajama bottoms.
Shaking his head, Marcel had already wriggled out of his schoolgirl skirt, and was unbuttoning the top and soon everything was in a pile on the floor except for the white panties that he wore. "I'm fine," he said, and approached the bed. He only hesitated briefly before lifting away the covers and crawling underneath it, trying not to take up too much room. Snuggling against one of the many pillows, Marcel peered up at Jay. "Thanks for letting me stay here," he murmured, giving a small yawn. "You look really good shirtless," he said sleepily.
Jay slid in next to him, "So do you, and in just those panties... it's almost torture." He said as he slid an arm lightly around Marcel and pulled him close. "You're so.. touchable..." He said as his hand ran over Marcel's chest.
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