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Alliance by Necessity {darkest_fate & Vanein}

Both Felicity and Tawny were still present, and heard the Wolves' comments. "It's, uh, it's her patron," offered Tawny, feeling they should at least offer some explanation. "The being holding the pact that grants her all her warlock powers."

"He's like, the world's most assholiest asshole of an ex-boyfriend," offered Felicity. "Big douchebag. But super powerful."

"Too powerful for us," said Tawny, looking more than a little irritated, her ear twitching, "as he proved once... demonstrably."

"But yeah, it's why she's all like 'no devilish people, even you Chastity, despite being all cute and awesome and very sexy, I'm not going to sleep with you, so stop trying to bribe me with smokes and cuddling up to me when I sleep.'"

Tawny rubbed at her face. "That... that's oversharing, but yeah, that's... pretty much it."

"Oh, well, I, ah, only, um, well, there's, ah," Nia sputtered, managing the longest run of non-words in a while. Had she done something wrong? Or maybe he just didn't care about what they'd done last night. But he'd been so nice! Obviously Nia had done something to upset him. Or maybe she wasn't doing enough?

She looked a little put out as she stood with the rest, noting the conversation.

"It's Felicity now," purred the tiefling, leaning back to display her trophies, "I don't have an abundance of chastity any more," she leaned forward, "but you can call me whatever you want."

"Ignore her. Apparently actually sleeping with someone has made her somehow more horny," offered Tawny. She looked to Nia, seeing a faltering smile. Great, that either meant Adrian had messed up or Nia was all up in her head. Sometimes Tawny was grateful for Felicity: her issues were simple. She just wanted to live out an imaginary fantasy life. Done. No body issues, no evil past ex, no raging biological problems. "We're just waiting for you guys. Feel free to eat, and--" she almost lunged forward, pointing at Nia, "don't rush."

Nia nodded, delicately taking a seat while Tawny set out what appeared to be a cake made out of oats in front of the cleric. She nibbled almost too delicately, as if afraid to hurt the cake.
Luc, whose own patron was, well...the benevolent God of Death, Varrik whose patron was the wily god of shadows and Aelius whose patron was the benevolent god of the sun...nodded slowly at that, exchanging looks of guilt and understanding among one another. "Dare I ask what happened there?" Varrik offered after a moment. " demonstrably we talking with this one..."

"I hardly approve of asshole ex-boyfriends," Luc said with a harder edge to his voice. "Especially ones such as this..." he frowned and shook his head. "Any way to help her...?" he tried, hoping he wasn't crossing any lines on that.. Aelius's good nature seemed to be winning out.

"I knew...some things, but..." he sighed a bit. "...What if there were a way to help her? I'm not even trying to get inside her out of that. Just...nobody should have that hanging over them." For a moment the Tiefling's good nature was gone and he looked genuinely upset at the prospect. It was gone and he smirked, shaking his head. "Not that I would object to changing her mind there, of course! But if we're going to be a team, team means...helping one another, doesn't it?"

"...Careful not to overstep," Varrik cautioned his friend and occasional lover. "Gotta make sure people appreciate the help."

"Helping people to new days is my holy duty," Aelius flicked his tail. "As we all know. I just won't be a bloody fool about it."

Adrian glanced at Nia's stammering. He liked her plenty, sure...but he didn't want to tie her down. He pat her cheek another kiss. "I had a wonderful time. And you're amazing," he told her happily. "The best." He refocused on the conversation, lifting his brow at 'Felicity.' "...I see. You two. REALLY?"

"....She offered!"

"You accepted."

"We needed the fun and it WAS fun!"

"I see. Great." Adrian nodded to Tawny...hoping he hadn't just hurt Nia. Dammit, he liked her a lot! Just...he wasn't exactly committing after a single night on that! He was beginning to feel he'd screwed up and had no idea HOW. "...Quick bite," he took a few helpings of porridge, oatcake and a bite of sausage.

"...Alright," he said after a moment, feeling oddly guilty. "Ready to...roll out..." He sighed and looked to Tawny.

"...did I fuck this up?" He whispered to the half-Tabaxi. "I just told her..."
"There was a lot of torture," offered Felicity. "It was all mostly in our heads and stuff, an' Nia still had most of her spells. Plus, he couldn't really do much to her," she shrugged. "He mostly just beat up on Tawny, like, a lot. Without killing her. It was---" when the half-tabaxi glared at her, Felicity at least got the hint, "bad."

"We've looked for ways to help," Tawny slid in. "The problem is that Zafah outright refuses to give up the power. And... she keeps going back to him. Not often, but just frequently enough."

"Apparently he makes her feel good, an' not jus' in the whole," Felicity ran her hands over her sides, "I like your body way."

"We're probably oversharing," admitted Tawny. "But you should know. At least the two of us are simple," she said, attempting to shrug in an "I'm sorry" sort of way.

Felicity's eyes narrowed. "Is that a joke about my smarts? I'm totally smart!"

They both did look grateful at the offer, but, well, there were tasks at hand. And "We're just not strong enough yet," said Tawny, shrugging, "probably some day. Guy needs his ass kicked and I need a rematch," she almost growled the last one, making it sound almost as important to her as the first part.

At least they could count on the perpetually horny trio to keep things more or less light. Felicity switched right back to that cock-eating grin, leveling it at the big half-orc. She just giggled her way through the duo's banter, clearly enjoying herself. She hopped up after a bit, darting off to a room to get herself properly changed, and her trophies stored away. Yeah, those two weren't getting their clothes back. When she came back, she'd added a short cape to the outfit, one that ended just about at her butt, but at least helped cover her a little bit more.

Tawny sighed as Adrian whispered to her. "I don't know; Nia's... complicated," she frowned, tail flicking. "Were you, ah," she rubbed at the back of her head, "this is going to sound bad, but were you... very nice to her? Complimented her on something besides some part of her body, maybe? Because she sometimes..." she rolled her hand, before just groaning. "Look, it's complicated girl stuff. Honestly, Felicity can better explain it. Or Zafah if she's calmed down."

Zafah was on her third cigarette and had not calmed down.
Torture. The sound of that made Aelius's eyes narrow to hard slits, all levity leaving the Tiefling then and there, his tail flicked, thumping to the floor as his hand tightened against his own mug. "I see." He said in a flat tone. "...Yes. Well. That's- "

"Ael..." Varrik's voice was gentle. Aelius waved a hand.

"I'm FINE, Varrik. Absolutely fine. It's not about me, it's about Zafah. I'll ensure I...keep my distance," he said after hearing that. Luc watched him.

"Ael, if you need to talk..."

"Last thing I need. In fact, I'd prefer to WALK. And I'd ESPECIALLY like if NONE of you asked me if I'm ALRIGHT." He realized he'd raised his voice, but the trio only looked at him in concern. Aelius smiled pleasantly suddenly.

"Oh, dear me, sweet Lathander, that was...nope, fine! Absolutely...and I'm sorry for what you went through." He told Tawny. "I mean that. Incidentally, my comrade will stalk through the nine hells to kick his infernal ass for hurting you. He's a good lad," he pointed from Tawny to Luc, Luc not raising an objection even as Aelius went well beyond insubordination, knowing it was a defense mechanism.

"...I see about...all this," Luc tried to play it off. "...Look. When the time comes...if we're doing this. We can get stronger together. We can help. All of us. It's what we do."

"What we do is fail spectacularly at major missions and you know it." Aelius tried his teasing, Adrian resisting thumping him a bit while they tried not to make it too awkward.They both did look grateful at the offer, but, well, there were tasks at hand. "If we're not strong enough, we get there. Tawny," Luc looked at her. "Maybe sparring will help more then. By Kelemvor's name, I will assist."

Adrian was almost grateful for Felicity's shift to horniness, before seeing her return in her modified outfit. He was debating just....drowning with the Tiefling later. Could prove fun...before he returned attemption to Tawny. "...I was nice, yeah. Told her she was beautiful and so was her atittude, how nice she was...?""

Varrik for his part had slipped out into the alley. "...Sorry about Ael. He gets it now," He had appeared from the shadows beside Zafah. "Here, fuck though. They're nothing. Try this one." He offered a smoke to her. " alright there?"
The yelling had Tawny's tail go straight, made Nia jerk upright hand going to her neck, and had Felicity nearly falling out of her chair. They looked at each other, before Felicity leaned over: "Maybe he's the one who needs to fuck Zaf..." which of course earned her an elbow from the brawny monk and a reproving look from the delicate elf.

Said brawny monk shrugged. "I'm used to getting the crap kicked out of me. Well, usually I win, but... well, we'll see how the rematch goes," she nodded. There was a bit more banter, and the half-tabaxi's brow furrowed as she realized something: "Are you... are you flirting with me?" she asked bluntly, looking directly at Luc. "Because now's not really the best time---"

From behind her, Felicity was waving her hands wildly, trying to get the conversation to shift yet again. Maybe back to her outfit or something. Fortunately Adrian could distract with the problems and everything was really just a hot mess right now. And Tawny was looking weird, which meant that she'd both figured out that someone told Luc to train with her because the dumb half-tabaxi flirted by punching people (her first time had literally been her sparring partner) and now Adrian had to be asking for relationship advice, probably about Nia.

"Lemme jus'," Felicity literally wiggled in between Tawny and Adrian, forcing the monk to take a step back. "There we go, an' you were talkin' about bein' nice?" she said, looking from both. She nodded, stroking her chin. "Ah, you see," she leaned toward Adrian, actually managing to whisper conspiratorially: "Nia falls really hard for actual nice guys. Not ,like, the asshole nice guys who are nice riiiight up until they see her naked, but, like, nice guys who stroke her hair and tell her how good and very pretty and cute she is. Don't worry," Felicity pulled back, "we'll talk to her," she rolled her eyes, "you're, like, the fifth guy she's done this to."

"Again," said Tawny, pointing between the two of them, "we're the simple ones."

"I like easy better."

"You are the only one who would."

Outside, the difficult, complex one was thinking of lighting another cigarette on her current one. Her lungs didn't quite burn enough yet. She almost jumped when someone melded out of the shadows. "Lathandar, fuckin', dawn father," she gasped, coughing up smoke. "The fuck you on about?" She looked at him. "I'm fuckin' fine. Piss off and go blow your boyfriend; I'll be in in a second," she took another drag. "Tell 'em it's the last fuckin' one."
Aelius was not used to yelling. Few were used to hearing him yell. Varrik had known pity would not be welcome from the Tiefling and so had slipped off while Luc and Adrian struggled to think of what to say. Adrian, meanwhile, was rather happy when Felicity got an elbow and look from Nia. Adrian leaned to whisper. "Look, just behave, alright? I'll work you good later as a reward. Just be a good girl. You'll get it hard as you want. Just take it easy?

Luc looked a bit taken aback at that, giving anervous laugh. "N-no, not flirting!" He said quickly. "I...quite concur, this is not the best of times for things! We can perhaps discuss during sparring?" He offered quickly, suddenly realizing he was behaving like a mawkish little school boy in front of the hottest half-tabaxi alive. And he was blowing this...after sleeping with Zafah...maybe he should just give in to Chastity after all, he thought with a low internal groan. No, don't give up, things aren't final until you've met your end, that was the teaching of Kelemvor! "Used to it or not...backup helps sometimes, eh?"

He looked at Felicity, while Aelius rubbed his head as Felicity wriggled between the others...Adrian glancing down at her. "I...see..." he said about nice guys, and that news. He glanced at Tawny...well, damn, she WAS hot. The orc side of him loved a good, muscled babe like her...she knew like she could throw and take a punch, that was self evident from the look of her...maybe in the future where he had the chance to sort everything else out with Nia, Felicity and everyone...maybe he'd just...ask Zafah for a way to clear head. "...Look, I like Nia," he told Felicity. "Just to spend forever with her yet! I like her plenty, she's got naked and she was...amazing. I don't wanna hurt her or nothing!"

"That's the spirit," Luc sighed. "We should spar later, too, Ade. Help clear out heads, buddy..."

And right now, Varrik lifted an eyebrow. "I'm all for Mask, actually," he said. He grinned "Sorry if I startled you...and Ael's...well, he feels bad now. Didn't mean to distress you none. He's not exactly my boyfriend either...we're friends. Look, you're alright? None of us wanna see ya hurt or nothing there..." The elf folded his arms. "If this's all gonna work, we gotta try for things as untangled as we possibly can....if that's even possible."
While Felicity might be a bit wrapped up in her own thing, she wasn't a complete idiot. Obviously they wanted her to calm down. Sure, it was hard, given what she'd gone through last night and the fact that she was literally surrounded by hot guys and girls, nearly all of which had promised to sleep with her in different permutations. Hey, actually, that was a fun little addition. Felicity hadn't gotten to play with her fellow Renegades. She was the one stuck babysitting Nia during the Heat, and only every once in a while did Zaf and Nia do their thing (Nia being a little too weak for Tawny's usual tastes, though that was interesting to try and imagine).

Fortunately, she had the whole Nia/Adrian thing to work out. "Yeah, I get it. She's making it all complicated. I guess I don't blame her?" Felicity shrugged. "Like I said, lemme talk to her," she turned, before turning right back poking Adrian, "and you could do way worse than her, y'know," there was another pause, and she narrowed her eyes, pointing at her, "that was not me tryin' to get you to boink me again," the finger went up, then back down, "though that is totally still on the table." Now she turned back, figuring someone should have girl talk with Nia and Tawny was...

Tawny was confused. Very confused. There had been some compliments and flirting last night, right? She'd been tired and partially in the Heat, but she seemed to remember that. Then the mention of sparring. Those two together meant more flirting, right? Or, wait, maybe the two weren't connected? She guessed that made sense. Oh, maybe he had a thing for Zafah? But then why let her go out alone? Because she was being all... Zafah. Plus Tawny wasn't entirely sure where her and Zafah stood on a lot of things.

"Ugh, this is all so confusing," she said, flicking her tail. "Look, I don't want to get wrapped up in all this..." she gestured, "relationship... thing. Let's just table the sparring for later. We have a job to do anyway," she sighed, rubbing at her face. "Nia? Hun?" When the elf looked up, she continued: "Would you mind getting Zaf and Varrik?"

"Yeah, well, it's not just your flirty tiefling; it's ours too," admitted Zaf; she was barely pinching the last bit of the smoke. "Just leave me the fuck alone to finish the smoke already." She was beginning to suspect that the furry idiot and the literally horny teenager had blabbed. Well, wasn't like her shitshow of a life was all that secret.
Adrian was all but beseeching Felicity at this point, knowing the Tiefling could hopefully calm things down. If he had to fuck her for it, so much the price he was prepared to pay. The half-orc was a handsome guy and liked being nice...he just didn't want to make it too difficult there....granted, the 'Gades were all, you know. Beautiful, tough, everything he liked... this was sure going to e complicated, he thought with a low groan internally.

"Yeah, complicated, I get it..." he smiled. "Thanks, Fels..." he said. "...She's a great lady. I got ya on that...and y'know...she was open, but..." he looked at Chaastity. "Look, let's figure it out and I'll get between your legs. You like it rough, I hope?" He smiled gratefully at her, while she handled things with Nia....and keeping his head on right.

Luc could see he had maybe introduced a problematic element to this whole affair now...with Tawny's confusion. Okay, so...he was being dense. He wasn't usually dense. But... "...Okay, look, I'm not wrapping up in anything. Fine, I'm...kind of...yes, that was flirting!" He admitted, with all the clumsy grace of a paladin. "Yes, it was! We can...spar later, I can throw a punch then so we this out, Kelemvor's bony ass, I'm an idiot!" He slapped his head weakly. "Look, I'm not usually so bad at this, I promise!"

Varrik outside was leaning against the wall, his arms folded as he got his own smoke out. "I know it's tough," he said. "....Look, just...don't get mad at Ael. He's a good guy. Didn't mean offense. I promise I'll blow him on my own time, okay?" He gave her an almost playful grin. "...we're gonna be working together. Let's try to get along through this, makes it easier than if we're at one another's throats... Varrik was hiding his own feelings on most things, but he did like to play peacemaker...and he cared about his friends immensely. "Adrian managed to complicate things a bit...and y'know...well, things are pretty damn clear with the little pants thief..."
Felicity sidled up up to Nia, taking her hand. She leaned in to her friend, pecking her on the cheek before tilting to whisper: "You're doing the thing again. He likes you, but nobody's gonna skip all the steps, Nia. I mean, they will to get to the fuckin' but if you want a relationship, you gotta be cool about it, y'know?" she gave her friend's hand a squeeze.

"I know," muttered Nia. "But now I just---" but Felicity had already placed a finger on her lips.

"But nothing. Now c'mon, Tawny and Luc are both just now figuring out they're flirting. You know that'll be fun to watch," said Felicity, hooking her tail around her friend. She scooted a little closer, back to the able where a confused, but still quite pretty in that rough tomboy way, half-tabaxi was staring at Luc like he was three different kinds of crazy.

Felicity sighed; they needed to get Zaf's bony butt back in here. She wasn't good at the whole relationship guru thing. She was there to have fun! Though admittedly... this was kinda fun to watch. She propped her head on the table, tail swishing behind her.

Tawny blinked as Luc... flirted and took it back? She... did not know how to handle this. Usually guys either threw themselves at her, or just sort of tricked them into fighting her? That was the few times she'd been more interested in guys than girls when she wasn't in the Heat. If anything, she kind of felt... sorry for Luc? Sorry did not translate well into attraction, at least for the half-tabaxi.

"Um, we can fight?" she managed. "Just... later?" She looked around, but Zaf was out, and Felicity was enjoying herself too much. Maybe Nia?

Wow, and Nia thought she had it bad. She could practically see Tawny drowning. But, well, she was about peace, not about... mending relationships. She would've been better for fighting or--- "Yes, I will go get Zaf and Varrik," she said with relief, rising up quickly and scurrying outside. She barely got out the door when she heard the two talking. She saw both half-elves hanging out, Zaf apparently squeezing the last bit out of a dying stick. "Ah, pants thief? Oh, right, Felicity," she did vaguely remember that. "Um, Zafah? Varrik?" she looked from one to the next. "They asked me to come get you if---"

"It's fine," insisted Zafah, flicking the smoke into the street again. She blew the last trail of smoke, walking past Varrik without another word. How many times did she have to tell these guys that she was a bitch? Under that hard exterior with the scars and piercings and jagged hair was yet more hardness. "Nia says we're ready to roll?" She looked around at the group, swearing there was something weird going on between Tawny and Luc. honestly, it wasn't that fucking hard to flirt with the half-tabaxi. You just hit her a lot while also complimenting her on how much of a badass she was. Simple. Easy. Everyone knew the hard ones were Zafah and Nia...
Adrian felt slightly guilty now. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Nia or cause her any pain. She was...sweet. She was kind...she was gorgeous, too. A hell of a lady, in fact! He was just...caught she'd gotten so attached so quickly...but with a heart as soft and kind as hers? He needed time to think this over with how tangled and complex this had suddenly gotten. He looked over at Felicity, feeling a debt to the Tiefling he might have to...repay in the best ways. "...Okay...just....keep calm and keep going. By Torm..." He winced suddenly....his god was the God of LOYALTY and he might run afoul of breaking some holy writ if he broke Nia's heart...

"...Doing my best, O Torm, I promise!" He whispered, looking up above as he then looked down to the others, whereas Luc saw Tawny staring at him as if he'd turned into a skeleton with a hood. His elder at the church had always warned him to be up front...this was something else. He was blowing this. He was blowing it bad, in fact. He hoped Adrian was doing better than he was.

"Okay! We'll fight later!" He gave her shoulder a friendly punch, hoping it demonstrated intent an friendliness. "Yep, lots of fighting! Fighting is good!" he punched her other shoulder. He was trying to catch himself as he saw Adrian looking at him like he was an idiot. Adrian was standing behind Tawny, a hand over his face and shaking his head. The half orc mouthed 'MAN. UP.' and Luc tried to get more confident, giving one more playful jab.

"...Yes. We'll fight later. One strong and worthy opponent to another." he aid with strong confidence, standing to his full height and attention. He was inwardly hoping Kelemvor would give him a sign. Or kill him on the spot if he screwed this up. "Later," he said. "After we head out with the rest...and get this done for Nia and the rest."

Varirk glanced over at Nia's return. "Yo," he said. He gave Nia a smile. "You sleep well? Doing alright?" He hoped she wasn't sore or more ways than one now, while he let Zafah head past him before following them back.

"Are we ready to go?" Aelius asked, looking from face to face. "Any other delightful awkwardness we can foist to one another before we head to deal with gnolls?"
Surprisingly, said cute little curvy tiefling wasn't doing this because of promises of sex. She genuinely loved Nia; not in, like, the romantic lets have babies sort of way, but in the "this is my sister" kinda way. Only she would fuck this sister. Like, Nia was technically at the bottom of the list, but, y'know, possibly a gateway threesome. She'd leave whatever was going on with Adrian to Adrian for the moment, and fortunately they had a little mission to distract the elf. Plus that left her to watch... this sadness unfolding.

This was... sad. Tawny just looked down at the punch, wondering what she was supposed to do about that. "It's necessary for improving ourselves and keeping our bodies sharp, yes," she said, feeling like she owed him a response. She looked to Felicity, but the tiefling was too busy enjoying herself... again. Tawny flicked her ears in confusion. Why, oh why couldn't Zafah be here to help with this? Even just a cutting word. By this point, she almost wished she could call Nia back. She had a feeling that Luc was going to need some spiritual healing soon.

Wow. Just... wow... He was... what was this?

Felicity couldn't help it: she burst out laughing. Not just her usual giggles, but an outright near belly laugh. She actually fell out of her chair, hitting the ground with a heavy thunk with just a hint of metal hitting as well. There was a short "ow" between laughs before she just started giggling.

Tawny pursed her lips together, desperately trying to swallow a laugh of her own. She held it right up until, through giggles, Felicity squeaked: "Fighting is good!" which made Tawny let out a laugh. She tried to cover it, but, well, it had already happened.

"Oh, I'm fine," offered Nia, putting on a brave face, watching as Zafah nearly stomped past. She followed the half-elf into... whatever was going on with the rest of the party.

Zafah looked over her shoulder. "I think someone cast Hideous Laughter on the bluecherry."

Needless to say: not helping the giggle fit.
....well. That was that. Luc realized how badly he'd screwed up. Immediately. Usually, he wasn't like this, honest. Adrian was staring at the disaster, wincing heavily. Aelius was rather silent, realizing his friend had completely made an idiot of himself for his crush and sighing with a soft and silent prayer to Lathander to give him strength. And to watch out for their leader. He was feeling bad enough, this was...

This wasn't how he expected the day to go, Aelius thought bleakly. Bad enough it was as it was already...Adrian heard the laughter and looked at Aelius, the two sharing identical looks...just as the laughter erupted from Felicity....and then Tawny was laughing too. Right in front of the Paladin. Luc heard it, a soft smile frozen on his lips at that, while Felicity had to laugh so hard she fell out of her chair. The paladin simply remained there, hearing it, just an array of laughter not with him, but at him...

And that was that. "Well." Lucian said very quietly, without losing his smile or his good natured demeanor. No eruption, no sadness, just taking it firmly upon the chin. "I say we get started. Magic artifacts won't find themselves, now will they?" With as much dignity as he could muster, the Paladin turned and walked from the room, past Varrik.

"Luc? Hey, Luc, what happened- "

"let's hit the road. We've got a job to do, Var."

"Luc, are you- "

Luc turned to him, put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him close. "I've been cleaning up after you and Ael all day. Let's. GO." He said firmly, his words carrying with them a sudden snarl. "Enough joking about's enough."

"....Luc, don't take it out on Var," Aelius began. Luc looked to him with the same smile.

"....You're right, Ael. Sorry, Var." He pat the half-elf's shoulder. "Thanks for everything, you guys. Always," he added. "Ade, we ready? I'll be outside."

Adrian was silent, looking down at his drink. The half-orc sighed heavily, hoping he could keep everything from going to shit.

"....That wasn't necessary." He said, to nobody in particular. "It really wasn't..." He set the glass down. "Let's get going. We've got a job to do."
See this? This is why Zafah needed to be more careful about when she left. Something here had happened, and it apparently involved Felicity laughing her blue ass off, Tawny looking almost embarrassed, and Luc looking pissy. But this was Felicity; she could be laughing at nearly anything. The girl couldn't hold a giggle to save her life. The fuck had happened here? Zafah frowned before deciding that she really didn't need to know, didn't want to know, and just wanted to get to the job at hand.

Nia, more close at hand to at least Luc's part, and understanding to some degree what happened inside, saw the paladin, saw his expression. She could sense something off, could sense that tension, and could guess what happened. Perhaps Luc thought he needed to be alone right now, but Nia knew better. While the rest of the Renegades and Wolves got themselves together, the peace cleric tucked outside.

She spent a few moments looking for Luc, expecting him to be close. She'd find him easily enough, and approach him with the same silent footfall that she always had as an elf. "Um," she said, her voice quiet, "I just... wanted to thank you for coming along," she said, keeping her tone light, as if she were afraid of another eruption. But if he listened closely, he may note that the voice didn't quite tremble like it so often did, that, perhaps, Nia wasn't quite as frightened of this moment. "And, ah, I was thinking I needed a hug, if that's okay? I had a sort of not great surprise this morning, and I could really use it," She smiled up at him. "You look like a good hugger."

"No," said Tawny, her voice flat, tail flicking, as she looked at a wheezing tiefling, "it wasn't."

"Omigods, it was---it was so awkward," said Felicity with another snort.

Tawny sighed, rubbing at her face. "C'mon, Felicity," she said, bending down and just tossing the still snorting tiefling over her shoulder for the time being. The half-tabaxi did it with nary a grunt, barely even seeming to notice the extra weight of who was likely the second heaviest member of their group (as both elves were decidedly petite). "I would say someone could spank her for punishment, but she'd probably enjoy it," said Tawny.

"Plus there's almost too much ass for spankin'," offered Zafah. She gave Aelius a look, a nod, and then turned to head out herself.

For a moment, there was mostly silence, before a nearly high pitched voice giggled out: "Fighting is good."

Tawny sighed. "Let's just get going..."
Adrian's frown deepened. Aelius saw it, not liking that portent, with the cloudy look on the half-orc's face. Varrik liked it even less, evidently something had happened when she was gone. Adrian looked at Felicity, fixing her with a rather pointed look. "Can you please stop that?" He asked, very calm and very polite but to the point. "It's...not appreciated," he finished, trying to be kind. He looked at Tawny as well, his own gaze morose.

"You didn't have to laugh at him right there," he said again. "He meant well. Didn't mean any harm by it. He already knew he screwed up." He was up and walking to the door, Aelius giving an 'oh dear,' look with a wince as he tried to think of something to say to alleviate the tension. Felicity was making that incredibly difficult.

Luc meanwhile, was almost kicking himself. He slammed a fist into the brick near him, cracks appearing in the wall. He looked at his hand, seeing it largely unmarred as he frowned to himself. Figures, he thought. Put his foot right in his mouth, made an idiot of himself. In front of everyone, in front of Adrian, in front of Tawny.... "Least the others ain't here. Spared that much," he said to nobody in particular, blinking quickly.

Get ahold of yourself, he scolded himself. Your god is watching. Kelemvor screwed things up, too, didn't he? Back when he was mortal. When you're a Paladin, your best friend is always your god, after all. Yeah, that- he stopped short, detecting another presence.

"Hi," he said in a completely toneless voice, not glancing in Nia's direction. His voice was soft and light, anger not even a distant consideration. "....Got filled in why the whole thing is-...I mean, happy to do it. Anything to help someone. Professional courtesy as well." The next statement though....he turned to see her, looking at Nia's own moroseness, in surprise. Hadn't she spent a night with Adrian? Didn't that usually put ladies in a good mood? "I..." he looked hesitant, but then realized he had been granted a chance to...

Misery loved company, but Luc hated spreading it. The chance to make someone feel better than he was, even a little had presented himself and gently he walked over and wrapped his arms around Nia in a hug. "...I've got you," he said gently as he squeezed her gently, without any hint of expectation, simply offering affection and comfort.

Inside, Varrik sighed to himself. "...Guess we know how Luc can be a fuckin' idiot when he's got a crush- " Adrian stopped him short with a look.

"We ALL done piling on?" The half-orc asked in a brittle voice. "Wanna tell him that? Think he ain't feeling bad enough about it?"

"Ade, I didn't think- "

"Start. THINKING then," Adrian said. "You're the smart one here, or you're supposed to be." He lowered his voice. "Do whatever you like with the Tiefling, I don't care. Just keep the group moving."

Aelius was realizing Adrian wasn't just frustrated. The half-orc was genuinely upset now. "We still...teaming up for this? I wouldn't expect- "

"Did Luc say we WEREN'T? He said to move out. That means we move out." Adrian said. "We gave our word. Good as gold, remember? And get your stuff back from the tiefling." He added with a growl.

"Well." Aelius stepped up beside Zafah. "...Not the best start to a morning I've ever had," he whispered as Adrian stalked out. Luc had released Nia from a hug now, trying VERY hard to keep his last shreds of dignity.

"Let's go kill some fucking gnolls," Adrian growled.
C'mon, it wasn't like Felicity hadn't been trying! Was it her fault that Luc had just acted out, like, this scene from a comedy or something? Even right down to the line delivery. she still nearly relapsed into full giggles at the thought of it. But Adrian was being all buzzkill, and she could tell Tawny wasn't doing much better. They didn't usually resort to throwing the tiefling over the shoulder unless they found it just necessary for her to work out whatever was going on.

"Hey! It's not my fault!" Tawny almost snapped, tail flicking. "Was I asking him to flirt with me? No!" she could feel some slight anger, not helped by the fact that Felicity let out another little giggle. "Don't blame me because your friend couldn't handle himself properly," she was pissed now, and judging by the look in Zafah's eye, the half-elf was feeling much the same way.

She mostly kept it to herself, until Adrian walked past her: "Dick," was all that came out, almost spat. She seemed to realize she was almost being hypocritical, and as much as she fucking hated it, she could at least fix it a little. She snagged Aelius before he walked fully past her. "Hey, dum---Aelius, look. Sorry. I was a bitch. It... happens. Your fine. It's not your fault. I'm just all fucked up. So, like, sorry. and shit." She met his gaze for a moment, then walked out, following the other two, hoping that she wasn't about to walk in on something horribly awkward.

While Nia sometime started awkward moments, she didn't let them linger. She wrapped her arms around Luc, and pulled him close, mumbling slightly to herself. A slight warmth would pass between them, just a hint of her god's, and maybe his, blessing. But Nia didn't try anything else, didn't get closer, didn't attempt a kiss or anything. "Your a good person, and you deserve love," she said simply, meaning it for Luc, but hearing it a little herself. She gave another squeeze before backing up, turning to see the others.

"He was just giving me another quick pick me up," she explained moving over to the rest. "I'm rather nervous about this, as I'm sure everyone knows. I really can't express how much I appreciate that you're all willing to do this in some small part because of me. I'm sure we all want to defeat this evil as well, but I think we all have some understanding of what it means to me, personally. So thank you," she gave a smile, then turned it specifically toward Luc, mouth silently moving. Unless he spoke elfish, he wouldn't quite realize it, but she was mostly repeating the words again, before moving to the rest.

"Aw, man, now I want a hug," said Felicity, tail drooping.

"Hugs are for good girls. You're aiming for a spanking," replied Zafah, smirking.

At least they'd be ready to head out, actually get some journeying done.
"Didn't say it was. He was being an idiot. Any of us could see it. You didn't have to be interested, that's your right. But you didn't have to laugh at him." Adrian said in a soft voice. "I want this done for Nia's sake, then I want to move on. Tired of being snapped at through this already." He looked to Felicity, with every sign he was being serious. "And you're gonna give my friends their clothes back later." he said before he stalked past the others. He paused at that at Zafah and looked to her with a look in impossibly mutual frustration, but he said nothing to the warlock for a few moments.

"We offered to help. LUC offered us to help," Adrian said to Zafah. "Remember that next time you decide to use one of us as a punching bag 'cuz you're in a bad mood." He seemed in no mood to be picking fights. He just seemed dour and frustrated, along with worried. Aelius and Varrik, by contrast, were realizing this was NOT good for group cohesion, the two trying to fix thigns to the best of their abilities. Aelius thought of something when Zafah yanked him in.

Whatever he was expecting? It wasn't that. For the first time, the Tiefling was struck positively dumb with shock. I...yes. Well. I...see." He said as his tail flexed, letting Zadah release him before Varrik tried to diffuse with Tawny.

"Look, Tawny...Luc and Adrian...they don't hold grudges. know...this morning's not starting off good, but no reason that needs to ruin the day, does it?" He tried with an earnest smile, the furthest from flirting one could manage now. "...Just....maybe we all talk later? Around a good campfire? Let's remember, we're here for Nia, right?"

Luc paused as Nia yanked him closer, just letting her hug him as if she was offering comfort as ell as giving it. "...Thank you," he said simply. "....Seems to be today's not the best day for that...but you do, too. Regardless of the day." He released her as he saw the others. "Guys," he said simply....not speaking elvish fluently, he missed most of what Nia said after she finished her speech...but what she said in common reminded him of the rest. Aelius and Varrik both heard it, while Adrian softened noticeably, the half-orc giving a nod.

"We're good to be along," he said.

"Well. I won't waste any time with...speeches or anything. We know what we're doing and I'll handle strategy when we get there. Just...everyone stay in there and we'll get everything for Nia by the end of it and...well, that's it. Guys, you split it three ways, I'll take a cut to make it worth your while."

"Luc, you don't hav to- " Aelius began, Luc raising a hand to cut him off.

"....My responsibility. My pay cut. Ade?" He asked, clearly knowing the half-orc's mood. Adrian glanced back griefly.

"...Sure, Lucian. Makes it worth the while," he said. Luc glanced at Zafah while trying very hard not to focus on Felicity overmuch.

"Feeling better, Zaf? Ready?"
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Half-orc was nuts if he thought Felicity was gonna give anything back. Did he miss the part where she was a thief? If anything, his growling, posturing, threatening demeanor was something of a turn on. Even the whole growling words and stuff thing was kinda hot. She wasn't, like, a masochist or anything, but the thought of someone being all like "you're naughty, let me spank you and make you choke on my cock" was right up at the top of her list. Enough that she felt a little bit of arousal.

Whiiiich was enough for her to realize she probably shouldn't be on Tawny's shoulders anymore. She tapped her friend, wriggling her way down, pausing only to note that the half-tabaxi looked flush too. Greeeaaaat, that wasn't gonna be a thing. Adrian had all but fucking called Tawny out, and she was beyond angry at him for it, muscles tensing and shit. Like, whoever she ended up sparring with next was gonna end up, like, fight-fucked or something like that. Sooo much tension going all around, and hadn't, like, more than half of them gotten laid?

This was even more fucked than they all were last night. Zafah fucking wanted to just fireball the damn half-orc. Sure, she deserved the whole general shittiness, but he'd gone way harder on Felicity than was necessary by what Zafah could tell. And this whole fucking bullshit with Tawny was just that; fucking bullshit. Like it was her fault that she didn't return affections? What, because Luc was good he deserved her? Fuck that shit. And fuck---

godsdammit, Luc and Nia looked cute together. And the petite little elf seemed to be doing her thing. Already she was smiling at everyone like some weird embodiment of peace and tranquility, moving to lay a few soft hands and murmur a few words in elfish. It was mostly the standard bullshit that Nia always gave to everyone, but, well, the elf did her thing and did it well. Even Zaf kinda felt a bit more like a shitty asshole after all that.

"I can fuckin' move," she said to Luc, eye slitting a bit.

"Right, everything's been said for now, we know what we're doing," Tawny waved a hand, then followed her own direction, feet light, stride as long as ever. "Let's move out." She didn't want to address the rest. Definitely didn't want to let the Wolves know that it was entirely likely she'd carry a bit of a grudge, and that Zaf would hold that pain until it festered.

It wouldn't take too long to get out of the Gate. They'd be following the road for most of the first day, spiraling out and East to try and get closer. Nothing should bother or molest them then, making it almost more like a pleasant walk, which of course meant that after the first hour or so of walking, Felicity got bored and decided that she should be telling everyone one of the stories she read. At least she did voices.
Adrian had already suspected that Felicity was not heeding him. Varrik and Aelius had already given things up for lost now, while Adrian was just turning his head, deciding to simply ignore the Tiefling for a time. Headjusted his wolfskin raiment and walked on, seeing his arms down while he muttered something in the guttural tongue of orcs, keeping a concerned eye on the leader. He glanced briefly at Tawny while avoiding Felicity, returning the anger just as much.

Lucian, for his part, was quite cognizant of the tension and trying to keep it diffused For his sake, Adrian seemed to considerably relaxed. It didn't hurt Zafah was glaring murderous daggers at the green-skinned warrior...of all of them, Zafah's volatility was what worried him the most. In addition to what they'd heard. He'd at least enjoyed Zafah's company and she had somewhat apologized to Aelius...Luc directed himself closer to Zafah, his smile self-deprecating as he sighed. "...I know this is hard enough as is," he whispered. "...Look, not saying Ade might not've gone overboard...but we should try to work out the hostility. At least everyone got a laugh in earlier, right?" He directed himself quickly to Adrian as well.

"Ade, I want you to stop."


"ADE." he switched to code. "...Look. This is dysfunctional as hell so far, but I don't fancy us carved apart to be sacrificed to Yeenoghu. So do me a favor. Get a grip. Things are tense enough as is. Look, I'm upset, too- "

"Different kinds of upset."

"For. ME."

"...Fine," Adrian admitted, still simmering as he tried to lighten the mood. Luc wasn't looking to Tawny with any level of resentment at all. He didn't seem to hold any hint of grudge at her, at Felicity or at Zafah. ...but at least Nia was being a sweetheart. She was lightening up the group. More than a little even. Varrik gave her a grin and whispered in Elvish.

"Thanks," he said. "...This whole thing's been a touch...messed up." He gave Nia a kind smile. Luc was grateful to the Elven cleric, while Aelius...Aelius found his way beside Zafah.

"Can we make the earnest attempt to get on now?" He asked her. "...look, I know what you're thinking. Ade's not like that. Honest." they were walking, Luc realized he knew the story Felicity was referring to and chimed in, even doing a voice of his own to match hers, giving a soft chuckle, before he looked at Tawny, saying quietly.

"...Sorry. Back there. It was fucking stupid of me, alright. I'll make it up when the fighting starts. If you want to just kick my ass for it after, have at it...Adrian's, too, when he stops acting like a prick."

Adrian rolled his eyes, unseen by the others.
Fortunately for Luc, he wasn't the only one going around whispering words of peace. Nia had a knack for sensing conflict and tension, and the moment she saw the paladin move, she moved as well, particularly as he went toward Zafah first. That was definitely dealing with fire, notwithstanding whatever had happened to them earlier. Luc's words weren't unfounded either, from what Nia had heard and seen. Of course, they weren't going to be enough to stop Zafah.

"Did I mention how grateful I am that you're staying with us?" Nia cut in right after Luc's question. "I know dealing with other people, particularly male tieflings, is very stressful, and as Luc said, things got out of hand... but for you too, as well, and you know it."

"I already fuckin' apologized! He's a dick, plain and simple," she glared at Luc. "They all are."

"Well, I happen to know that most of the Renegades like dicks," Nia said matter-of-factly. "Just... try and be a little gentle with them?"

Zafah snorted, stomping a little further ahead, which mostly worked. Nia sighed, noting that Luc was off to talk to Adrian. that... might not be the best move for her right now. She'd well and thoroughly embarrassed herself earlier. She'd just been... happy. Well, just because Adrian wasn't it didn't mean someone else out there wasn't. Elvish thoughts cut in.

"It's why Henali blessed me like she did," replied the petite elf, adding a little shrug. Her eyes widened as she realized that someone else was going up to Zafah, but, well, she had asked rather nicely.

Which was why she didn't tell the tiefling to fuck off. She did unconsciously stiffen as he came close. But her jaw was locked. "Yeah, I know; you're the third person to say so. What, his dick taste like chocolate?" she'd started digging into her pouch. "Fuckin' five different hells," she muttered, pulling out another of her shitty smokes. "Don't go looking here for another apology. I fucking used mine for the year," she lit the smoke, puffing. "Ya know what's truly fucked?" she blew the smoke. "I'm the one who told Tawny tha' shit. Thought I was doin' Luc a favor 'cuz he cared about Nia. mother---" she looked, seeing a pair of violet eyes staring at her with this incredibly weird energy. It was like being threatened by a dove. Zafah just shut up, holding her pack toward Aelius.

"They taste like dogshit an' they'll kill you slowly."

Tawny was focused ahead, mostly blocking out the story behind, wondering if she shouldn't try to track or see if one of the Wolves was halfway decent at it. The Renegades didn't exactly match it. At least she'd know the bend in the road when they reached it.

As Adrian approached, Tawny looked to him. "I thought you already apologized?" she said, tail flicking. "I didn't mean to laugh. It's just hard with," she waved her hand back toward Felicity, who had now elected to start singing, "that around. That being said, I'm going to kick your green friend's teeth in," she said the last almost cheerfully, clearly looking forward to it. Whether it was because she'd have the opportunity to fight, work out tension, or possibly do something after the fact was decidedly up in the air.

"Should be leaving the road soon!" she called to the group as a whole.
Luc appreciated Nia's presence. He was finding that out pretty quickly. He had a preference for powerful women as lovers, but Nia was...soothing? She was gentle, kind...and the hug earlier.. he looked at her with some concern there, hoping she was doing better, maybe he'd have a talk with Adrian since...just cutting off contact was clearly not kind to the poor elf. Talking to Zafah might have been a stupid move, but Luc was not feeling his brightest.

"Yep. Dicks. That's us," Luc said. "And honestly, all of us go for them, at least a bit, sooo..." He looked at Zafah stomping up. "...Lemme guess," he told Nia. "That's just kind of how she is, softer under him?" He glanced over at Nia after speaking with Adrian...the half-orc was even looking a bit guilty, glancing back at Nia....

Dammit, he LIKED her. He liked her a LOT, in fact. She was lovely, amazing, did you know someone was The One after just one good night? It didn't make sense to him even if he wanted it to....all while Aelius remained by Zafah's side. "I wouldn't know. Ade and I haven't," Aelius said matter of factly. "Wasn't expecting an apology, either. Which, ahem, 'shit' did you tell Tawny?" He glanced to Nia's eyes and...softened instantly. Aelius suddenly knew his fellow cleric was all that was keeping this together for the moment.

"...For her sake. That's why Luc's bent on this and why he's brooking nothing else. You mentioned 'that asshole," Aelius said. "...Some of us can relate." He took a smoke in gratitude. "Some of us can relate quite a lot."

Luc and Adrian were already looking at the trails, Varrik moving ahead to scout in time as they kept themselves to the road. Lucian shrugged a bit from that to Tawny. "I get it," he said. "Should've handled it better. Well, gotta laugh at yourself sometimes, too. Anyways, kick Ade's ass, he's got a weak spot by his left knee. Hell, maybe I'll help you, he's pissing ME off now..." Luc gave a soft laugh at that. "...Still up for that spar sometimes? Could go to see how good I am at hand to hand against someone who really knows how to swing a punch. Unless you'd like to beat Ade to a green pulp first."
Nia nearly sighed. "Zaf had to learn to kill all her softness long before she met us. I think it still comes back in these little... glorious bursts, but she doesn't want to get close to anyone, and, well," Nia shrugged. "You can only just keep being there for someone and keep telling them they need to try and be a better person." Which is what they did. Sure, they supported each other, but that also meant sometimes calling one another out. Though, well, Zaf and Tawny did that more often. It was almost... weird when Felicity did it. "I really am sorry about her, but she'll stick with us..."

Zafah watched Aelious take the smoke. "Yeah, if I say the asshole's name, he knows where I am. Part of the whole pact bullshit," she shrugged. "An' I told Tawny that Luc wanted to fight, which is kinda like setting up a date for her? She's..." Zaf rolled a hand, "a little fight-sexual? Like, she gets turned on when her blood gets going, and she wants to know someone can go with her. That doesn't mean she, like, wants to fuck everyone she fights, but if she fights, she usually wants to fuck," Zafah shrugged. "Usually we don't mind," she took a drag, "I don't mind," she puffed the smoke. "Relationships are weird, and for the record: she and me are the only two who fuck. An' not very regular. So jus' stop," she tapped his head, "whatever's goin' on up there."

"Please, they fuck each other too," said Felicity. She'd turned around, walking backward. "It's totally cool. What else you gonna do when you're out alone? You guys are the weird ones, wantin' to just hang around one person. Bor-ing~" she sang out this last bit, almost loud enough for everyone.

"What? Oh, um, I don't really think that's a good idea," offered Tawny, frowning. Her tail flicked. What was she supposed to say? That she didn't think Luc could take it? That she was growing increasingly unattracted to him? That she was worried because they were both sort of the leader(s) and this group had enough bullshit nonsense? He could fill in the blanks; Tawny was done dealing with this relationship drama and bullshit.

They split from the road. Most of this day's journey would be fairly uneventful. The creatures hadn't begun roaming too far out just yet, and there were still occasional patrols from Baldur's Gate or various merchants, even the semi-occasional band of adventurers. The Renegades even knew of a decent area to camp, a hill top clearing that they'd used previously, one that showed some ashes from several campfires and the stonework of many a camp.
Luc listened to everything Nia said. "Makes sense. Aelius was like that for...a while." Realizing what he had almost let slip, he closed his mouth. "...Took a while before he even opened up to met, let alone Varrik, and with the others?" He shook his head. "...Being better people, huh? Big on that as a crew? And why're you sorry? No need to be. It was my fault, wasn't it?" Luc said, shaking his head. "...Just a bad day making me act abnormal and...well. There we go. Things happen. You deal with the consequences after. That's how life goes."

Aelis lifted the smoke to his lips and inhaled. "I see. Well, I don't go much for physical fighting without the mace Seems it didn't quite go as expected then, hm? Well...fortunately Luc is a better person than that. He'll see this through for Nia. Even without her he'd see it through. He...doesn't give up on people easily. Just ask Varrik or me." As for people knowing where you are?" He shrugged. "yes, ringing all the wrong bells , of course. And...what would I have going on up here?" He asked. "Though I concur. Relationships are weird." He looked ahead, seeing Varrik had gone. "...Well. There we are now." Aelius's tail twitched behind him. "For the record, nobody is using any of this as leverage. You won't owe us a thing when it's done. We're getting paid for our efforts. Some of us, anyways. As for you and Tawny? None of my business."

Luc just heard that without flinching and shrugged to himself. Fucked up day, he reminded himself. Fucked up week. And the groups... "...Alright. We should at least talk strategy soon. And try to keep everyone focused," he added. "Things are tense enough...Nia aside. Varrik's not speaking much and Aelius...well, Aelius gets on with everyone."

Once they had made camp, Adrian had quickly assisted Aelius in setting a fire, which for Aelius was almost a religious experience thanks to the warmth it brought. The Wolves were sat there for a time, looking between one another, with the rest of the camp...

Luc was simply studying the terrain and map. "...Well, not far now," he said, having also invited the Renegades over for strategy.

"Varrik's offered to scout ahead."

"I did?" Varrik began, Luc giving him a look. "I mean, sure thing, chief..."
Big on being better? Nia nodded. "I think that's at least some reason why we all started this. We wanted to be better than we were before. Whether that's to get stronger or fix something broken or prove yourself worthy," she gave a little shrug. "And never think that a conflict is wholly your fault. There's almost always someone else at hand, stirring things, creating problems. Though, ah, sometimes one party is much more guilty and," she was almost whispering now, "and you, ah, maybe should, um, give Tawny, some, space? I mean, if you need, ah, that, then I'm sure, that, um there's ah, others... I mean, uh, others like, um, Felicity and, ah, ah, um, yes. Others," why was she suddenly feeling a bit shy? Because she'd just slept with Adrian the night before and enjoyed herself? Because she didn't want to hurt Luc? And she literally just told herself not to fall for guys in a hurry ,but she could still feel her heart skip a little.

Well, at least it didn't do that around all the Wolves. Aelius just made her laugh, and Varrik... was a little unnerving.

"Y'know, I'd be pissed about the whole 'for Nia' thing if she was the one actually pushing it? Or, like, she wasn't some weird ass fresh elfish breeze. Fuck, man, I usually hate elves, but she makes me understand why they write all those bullshit stories, y'know?" Zafah shrugged. She didn't see a reason to go more into the bit about relationships. But she did really love this group, even the crazy horny blue tiefling who was causing troubles and grinning at them while walking backwards.

Which reminded Zaf of something she'd want to ask, but later, when they were camped.

The camp would be easy enough to put up. The whole group was used to traveling like this, unrolling backpacks and the like. Zafah barely got started before lighting up again, the flare of sparks lighting the overcast night.

Three of the four Renegades gathered about to look over the map again. Nobody bothered to invite Felicity. It would be like inviting a child to an opera: they might get something out of it, a flash or something ,but they'd mostly just distract the adults and make everything more difficult than it had to be.

"I can go with," offered Tawny, tail flicking. "I'm the best of our group at woodland scouting like this. For the actual lair, you'll probably want to send Felicity ahead."

"Let's face it, our best battle strategist is the peaceful cleric," Zafah pointed out. "And most of her plans basically involve fuckin' diplomatic solutions."

"Those often work."

"Yeah, tell that to the pants I fucking lost in that gnoll sink hole."

"I didn't say they worked all the time," Nia sighed as she looked over the map. "But yes, it seems that Lucian has the most experience in this, and therefore we should yield to him," she looked expectantly up at him, gesturing.
Lucian acknowledged everything Nia said. "I am," he said. "Space's...probably best. For far as it goes with Ade, maybe you two should talk? I...think he likes you. Quite a bit. Just with everything, he's not always good at expressing it." He was trying to parse through what she said about conflict as well. "...And that's all sweet, but..." he shrugged. "One screw up. Not the end of the world," he said. "'re really a kind person, Nia.'ve got a good head on your shoulders. It's a rare commodity," he added. "Not your fault things are so topsy turvy all here.

Varrik for his part, would probably have been slightly offended at being referred to as unnerving, even as he seemed to meld into and out of shadow, tracing the way up. Aelius barely seemed to notice. The tiefling was the more ostentatious. Hearing Zafah talk about Nia, though, made him lift a delicate eyebrow. "Now what's to hate about elves?" He asked playfully. " don't meet people who are so...good, though. It's a rare commodity. I suppose every group needs a heart. For us, Luc's probably the closest. Wouldn't be an us if not for some of the things he did, before Leon split from us. Ni, well...that sort of goodness if the type you like to look after. A strange sort of innocence. Meanwhile, Felicity wouldn't know innocence from the wing of a succubus," he added with a playful grin. "So, camp, then..." He said.

It took no effort to set up camp, with maps unrolled. Luc was largely giving the Renegades space while Varrik kept lookout (which made Aelius gripe he was getting out of manual labor, which earned a raised middle finger). Adrian was having a seat, looking more at ease now, Lucian hearing Tawny's reaction. "That might be a good idea. If Varrik doesn't mind the company."

"That's fine by me," Varrik gave Tawny a respectful nod. "We should set ground rules between us, engagements if we can help it. That's a recipe for disaster. Stealth first. If you want to hit as far as the lair with me, I can take that over with Felicity...BUT..."

"We should expect a fight," Adrian finished for him. They looked at Lucian.

"We should expect a fight," the paladin finished. "...there's a lot of incomplete information here, no mistake. Tawny, you're best at woodland scouting, but you've got more value in combat. We need to keep formation like so."

He began to lay it down in front, being calm, professional and firm. "Felicity and Varrik should hit the lair. Infiltrate, see what they can do with anything they can manage. Battle formations are as follows: Tawny in front with me and Adrian. We hit the hardest. What's more, we can take hits. Line two is Zafah and Aelius. I can help heal anyone who's hurt on the front...Nia should be bolstering us while by Aelius and Zafah taking offense..."

Lucian gestured down. "Gnoll fighters are easy enough. We can each handle several. The issue are their shamans, Fangs...the stronger ones. Zafah, that means you need to team up with Aelius. As much offensives to keep them distracted and Adrian and Chastity might be able to finish them while distracted while we handle the fighters. If the line falters, then it gives everyone else a chance to retreat while we hold it far as possible. We're unlikely to get far with diplomacy in this."

"Moon'll be high, Luc..." Adrian said cautiously.

"I can control it, Ade. Leave that to me and don't worry." There seemed to be no indications of earlier awkwardness. In analyzing battle and strategizing through, Lucian was calm, succinct and unbiased in his assessments.
"I can stealth when I need to," said Tawny, nodding. "The ears and tail aren't just for show," she flicked her tail, smiling a moment before she focused a little more. She'd be lying if she didn't admit to wanting a fight right about now, particularly after how things went with the gnolls last time. Yet she could understand Varrik's point, and they didn't need to draw attention down. Plus, as was said: they were walking into a fight.

"It'll be best if we can give Felicity something to look for, to possibly steal," offered Tawny. "She, ah, focuses better when she has that to work with. Maybe something of a totem or be on the lookout for a magical item."

"She's a knack for knowing that too," agreed Zafah, glancing over at the tiefling, who had her nose in a book, a glowing crystal used for light.

"I should be in the middle of the formation," said Nia, nodding and pointing. "The gnolls will recognize me and attack first. They, ah, don't appreciate Henali," she considered the map, trying to remember the lessons in elfish tactics. Those had been when she was much younger, and she had given most of them up when she'd taken the path of peace. "The shamanic magics are strong, and they'll be stronger against us then they will against you. Last time they hit Tawny the hardest," she considered, "so we'll, um, need to be aware of that."

"Wait," Tawny held up a hand, "why does the moon matter?"

"Oh was that not brought up?" asked Zafah. "Luc's a fuckin' werewolf."

It took all Tawny had not to hiss. "I feel like... that should've been mentioned sooner..." she said, her tail flicking, looking as if it were about to start puffing out. "Particularly as the magics..." she looked to Zafah.

"The fuck should I know? My powers are pretty much a fuckin' STD; it's amazing I know fuck-all about magic."

"Um, the magic might do something?" offered Nia. "it's usually tied to lunar cycles..." she bit her lip. "Do.. do you need me to cast remove curse? I think I have everything I need..."
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