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Alliance by Necessity {darkest_fate & Vanein}

Luc decided to pause himself for a moment at the back and forth banter. His head turned one way. Then the next. Then the next depending on how they spoke. He opened his mouth, thought better of it. "and here I thought it was bad with my brother when I chose Kelemvor as my faith and he chose Bahamut," he muttered to himself with a shake of his head. "...Ran out of components, huh?" Maybe provoking Zafah was suicidally unsound, but there he went, a paladin of death ready to meet his maker.
"...So, Nia's official...collector because of dainty elven hands?" He really should be quiet, he knew.

Luc, like Tawny was considering pointing out Zafah had quick and clever elvish hands. But he currently valued not waking up castrated by one of those quick and clever hands that was stuffing something far more unpleasant than panties into his mouth. "...Verbal agreement will do. I honor my oaths." As a Paladin he rather had to or a pissed off God of Death would be something he had to deal with. "The guys honor 'em with me. We may not look it, but we're pretty bound for our gods, y'know?" He grinned at that. "We ain't much besides, but one thing you can know above all else? Wolves' word is good as gold."

The flush from Nia made Adrian grin with pure delight. "Expensive dresses...even better. We can be careful in them..." he hugged her. "But what's ya feel. How you're happy. With yourself, that's the beginning and the end of it there." He kissed her cheek. "Religious ceremony, huh? Formal robes...what're those like?" He was pinned back in surprise. "WELL, I wasn't exactly hinting, we should get up, but..." He stopped at the feel of her mouth. "...Or we can wait a few minutes...damned if that mouth ain't magic..." he leaned back, hand finding her head....hoping Nia would remember what he said about him not owning her...

Luc glanced up as Chastity ran in. Both at once? He shook his head, giving a cheerful 'good morning' to Chastity best he could. "...Nice night?" He tried to make playful small conversation. Which was, uh, probably a mistake, he decided to himself with a low and heavy sigh. Definitely a mistake, in fact...

"We'll talk, um...later, yes. On the road." He stopped as Chastity slid over to him, hearing her thick accent. With Tawny right there, he was making an earnest attempt not to get involved in shenanigans there. "...Well, we struck something of an agreement now, if you must now, Lady Chastity," he said with a Paladin's politesse. Tawny, want to tell her?"
By now, both groups were probably used to the various bits of banter that went on between them. It was always a sign of some of that dynamic and relationships and all that good stuff. It hardly surprised the girls that Luc didn't interrupt. Though his comment regarding Nia and her hands had Tawny snorting and Zafah letting out a chuckle. "You make that almost sound dirty," the half-elf said. "But nah, she just kinda volunteers. I think she gets off on helping people."

"Quite probably in more way than one," added Tawny.

By now the tiefling had joined, plopping herself down, catching the conversation and knowing she'd just sort of missed the teasing duo she'd left back in the room. She'd paid for that, right? She was pretty sure she had. The cute little thing leaned over and lightly pushed Luc. "We cin do more'n talk," she insisted, sticking her tongue out for a moment. She turned, looking from one of her companions to the next.

"We've decided to team up with the Wolves to tackle that magician's lair," said Tawny. "As---"

"Oh, wow, really? Tha's a righ' corker of an' idea, that is,' said Felicity, bobbing her head. She reached over to shake Luc's shoulder, and decided that while she was balanced like that, she'd adjust to get her tail into a comfortable position, sticking out and around the pair of borrowed pants (which were actually kinda snug at the hips). "I'd pay ta' see th' gnolls try'n' fuck these lads o'er, amirigh'?"

"Ten silver says they go for the tiefling first," offered Zafah, smirking.

"I know I would," Felicity almost purred, propping her elbows on the table and nestling her head between her hands, already entering into happy memories.

Nia felt a slight flare of heat rolling over her body, noting that already Adrian had started reacting. She wasn't a fool; she remembered what he'd said. But she could also pick up cues, and she wanted to make sure he knew that she'd tend to his every need. And, well, she may not be quite as.... aroused as her tiefling friend, but she could certainly appreciate a lovely member, and Adrian had quite the lovely one indeed.

Keeping the sheets over herself for now, Nia let the hand guide her head. Her delicate mouth, lips lightly painted a pale pink, opened to circle about his head. She gave it an open mouthed sort of kiss, drawing her lips together along his tip. There she pressed demurely, eyes lowered as if she were in reverent prayer. Her hands moved, running along the length of him, feeling the blood that was surely starting to pump. She drew delicate fingers up to her mouth, where she again lowered, pushing past, letting the hopefully engorged head of him slide into the wet warmth. Her tongue drew forth to gently caress him, while she bobbed, almost dutifully.

Those violet eyes looked up then, out from the cavern of sheets, over the hard body of the orc, and she could feel a twitch between her legs, letting her know that her clit felt that pulse of desire as well.
Luc just sat back, enjoying an early morning water. He drink freely, knowing his Paladin 'systems' would just catch and filter out any issues with toxins. "Anyways...there're other members of the Wolves...abroad, retired, whatever....we can always send a missive to them if the going gets too tough," he said. "Not tht they'll join us, but...well, things are bad in a pinch, we can send for backup in some ways. Far as Nia goes..." he left off she was probably getting off to Adrian...or had. "You guys are alright about her and Ade? He's a good guy, won't hurt her." He looked down at the Tiefling Formerly Known As Chastity, lifting his eyebrow slightly.

"I'm...sure we could," he said idly. Probably best not to make a pass in front of the others. Okay, so the Tiefling Now Known As Felicity was cute and sexy in an energetic sort of way, but damn, he'd already gone at it with Zaf and now with Tawny right there, he was more self conscious than he usually might be... "Before we mix business and pleasure, hear Tawny out, would ya?" ....Wait, are those Varrik's shorts?" He smirked. "Not too big for you? No wonder they're taking a bit..."

The notion of gnolls made him snort a bit, ignoring Felicity's shake of his shoulder. "Far as gnolls go...let's see 'em try. Nothing we can't handle, fangs or shamans or whatever." He knew they could be exceedingly dangerous even so...many a graveyard for an adventuring party was full of the bones of people who had underestimated even the lowest monsters... He gave a little sound between snort and wolfish growl.

"...Hm, Varrik may object to them targeting him," Luc said. Just as the Tiefling walked into the room, stretching.

"And a VERY felicitous good morning to one and all! Hello, Zafah, how do I find you?" He all but posed as statuesque ruby perfection as Varrik came in with a pair of loosely fitting trousers, giving Felicity a glare. Luc shook his head.

"Nobody to blame but yourselves, ya two."

Adrian was now watching Nia's joy with his shaft, her head movingup and down while he pushed his hips to meet her mouth. He panted, growling huskily at her while he felt her head. "Just don't stop..." he looked at the coral-colored ring of her mouth open to take him in, his cock rock harder. He panted softly, stroking her hair as he leaned back, grasping firmly at the golden curtain of as she worked her head up and down upon his waiting cock.

"Get on your back," he positively ordered, looking at her. "I wanna have my first orgasm of the day inside you. And I want to see you. ALL of you."
Varik's shorts? Felicity nodded, grinning and plucking at her shirt. "An' Aelius' shirt," she said, adding a little giggle, as she shook her arms, letting the sleeves fall out over her gloved hands, making her look even younger than she already was. There would be decidedly less giggling at the mention of gnolls. Although... now that Felicity had been popped, she did wonder if monster sex was any good? Nah, it sounded like they wouldn't be great about the whole rules thing, and they might get too into it. Plus she'd have to kill them afterwards.

And she much preferred watching her partners strolling in. She almost purred, tail flicking as Aelius and Varrik came in, raising a hand to wiggle a few fingers, but mostly looking incredibly self-satisfied.

"Lathandar, I think she's worse," muttered Zafah, before flashing Aelius a tight smile, "you find me wearing my own shirt," she offered, plucking the garment.

"To be fair," offered Tawny as Luc lightly admonished his companions, "Felicity here has some of the blame," she pointed at her friend, but Felicity just looked all the more pleased, before popping up, waving down someone to order some sweet buns for breakfast. As she did, Tawny pulled out a potion from her sash, rolling it over at Felicity, who caught it, blinking. "Contraceptive," the monk said, nodding. "You'll need it now."

No arguments there: Felicity would much rather knock back the potion than wind up knocked up, and considering how deep the boys had gotten in her, that was a distinct possibility. Thank the gods for modern magic. Hate to have something stop her from having her fun.

The cock pulsing in Nia's mouth sent another wave of pleasure through her, as did his gentle caress. It made her let out a soft little moan around her lips, head tilting down to purposefully direct the noise into the cock still within her mouth. She swallowed, taking a few more inches of him, just until she started to feel herself gag. Not quite as much as last night, but she was sure if she tried. She'd use a spell, but it probably wasn't a good idea to waste slots if they were going to start adventuring. Maybe she should just start massaging her throat and---

The order came, and Nia stopped. She pulled off, wanting to argue, but he had that command to him. She felt another shiver of lust, and slowly, but immediately, moved into position. She pulled herself back up to the pillows, laying her gentle hair back. Legs kicked off the covers, letting them slide forth from her delicate body. First her white shoulders, the perfectly brushed golden waves cascading down around them. Then the slight curves of her elfish frame. Two delicate breasts lay nearly flat in this position, the pink nipples swelling with need. The slight downward slope of her belly only accented her petite build all the more. Between her legs, the clitty throbbed, bobbing slightly, the hints of her arousal starting to just form around the slightly swollen head. Her pale legs spread out below, perfectly moving into something near to a birthing position.

And, nearly breathless, she turned those expressive eyes of hers up at Adrian. "Like this," her mouth stumbled for a moment, but she knew what she wanted to say: "Adrian?"
Aelius walked over , a cheerful grin on his face as he put his arms around Felicity. "Now, now, those are ours!" He said, patting her cheek, before kissing it. "Wicked to take without asking!" He added as his tail teased at her stomach before he pulled back to greet Lucian. "And a fair and able morning to ya, commander!" He said with mock graveness, seeing his friend roll his eyes at that.

"Oh, stop. It seems you had a fine night with Cha- Felicity here," he said as he pat Felicity's head while paying her little mind. "Albeit you probably made her worse than before."

"Maybe we spoiled her!" Aelius protested. "...Granted she may want to try to recapture the felings...oh, Tawny and Zaf! I hope this discussion isn't problematic for you two...? Or should she go and have a go with Adrian if he's not too busy inside your other comrade?" He gave Zafah a little smirk, followed by a wink. "Did you enjoy my smokes, Zafah...?" he asked as Varrik took a silent seat, helping himself to water as well.

"Just some?" Lucian asked, lifting a brow at Tawny, pleased to see at least they were getting along so reasonably well at this. He raised no comment when Tawny passed Felicity some contraceptives. "Probably a good thing," he said as he glanced at Zafah and Tawny again....he was beginning to guess that Felicity was quite the party girl. The thief seemed to have quite the way about her...he wondered how long he might resist...and caught himself eyeing her up appreciatively...

Adrian gently helped Nia lay back. "Good at obeying orders," he growled deep within his throat, his cock thick and hard before them as he guided her back. Taking her legs, he pulled them around himself, helping her there as he saw the entrance of her ass down below. He eased in, tip first to her gorgeous ass as she lay below him, one hand finding her clit to stroke it firmly. "Tell me what you want..." he said in a heated voice while his hips began to slowly rock. He teased the nipples, starting to push steadily, in and out for a good, heated morning fuck. His smirk grew as he began to push his hips against hers, teasing her clit with his hand, along with her nipples.

"You're SUCH a good girl, Nia...and such a good ass to be within..."
Felicity just flashed a smile and a little giggle, the latter of which only grew worse as the tail trailed along her stomach ,teasing her and making her squirm for a few moments. To say she had a good night was definitely an understatement, though she had to stick her tongue out at the other business.

"The fuck should we care?" asked Zafah, snorting. "Sucks a little that you went an' popped her right after we gave her that cute little nickname. She can fuck whoever she wants," she added another shrug.

"I mean, I'd rather not have to hear all about it," admitted Tawny. But she reached across the table, taking Felicity's hand and giving it a squeeze, "but I'm happy you're happy," she earnestly said. "Just keep taking your potion."

"Yeah, yeah," said Felicity, rolling her eyes. Her "breakfast" of sweet rolls drizzled in sugar soon appeared, and she began digging into them with nearly the same relish she'd had last night. It was when she had a mouthful of sweet treat that she just managed to catch Luc looking. Didn't hurt that her shifting had caused Aelius' shirt to raise up, showing off a little slash of that midnight blue belly. She giggled at him, extending one of the rolls. "Want something sweet?"

Zafah almost groaned: Yeah, she was going to be worse. Hopefully Nia wouldn't be as bad.

Nia felt her heart thumping at his compliment, and she knew her clit did a little bob, the arousal evident. She rolled her hips, letting him get slightly better access to her ass. The elf let out a little gasp as she felt his head punching into her, moving aside her flesh. Muscles rolled to clamp down, her body clearly tensing delightfully. She could feel her toes curling slightly into the sheet, and it only grew worse as his hand found her clit, giving it a little stroke. immediately hot fluid bubbled out, seeping along his fingers.

"I---I want to please you," she breathed, whimpering as his hips rolled against hers. She rolled back, squeezing her ass, clamping down a little more on the cock. She should hurry, right? Because the others were waiting? But gods, she wanted this half-orc. Wanted him to take her and thrust her into the bed. That need pulsed in her, and she could feel it surging through her clit again, more arousal seeping out.

She drew her hand around his neck, again more holding on then holding, and looked into him. "Um, do the rules from last night apply?" she asked, biting her lip. "Because, ah, I still, um, reach my bliss fast..." already she could feel her lower half churning, her clit almost leaping in that stroking hand.
Aelius was still riding his own high of the previous night. His sheer enjoyment with Varrik at having given Felicity the time of her life so far did Felicity's kisses. And Varrik's. The tiefling was grinning as his tail slid against Felicity's warm skin. "Mmm, well, it was fun..." he said as he felt her hair next.

Aelius threw Zaffah another wink "Good! Everyone is happy then! Especially Felicity here, formerly known as chastity! Still, she could keep it, couldn't she? It could even be...ironic, no?" He kissed her cheek, then her lips, while Tawny grasped her hand. Luc sighed and gave the lads a 'back off' sign. "...Long as everyone's happy, nobody can complain." He paused as her breakfast appeared. " you have some food with your sugar?" He asked, accepting one sweet bun and trying not to stare. Overmuch. at that bare blue skin under Aelius's fancy shirt. The red tiefling was handling his loss quite well, what with his vest and chance to show off just a bit.

"Glad to have something sweet," Luc did not miss the double ententre, but limited himself only to the roll, taking a bite. Well, was good. Not enough to quiet the slavering wolf's desire for a good, bloody steak, was a nice thing to eat if nothing else. Why not accept it and chow down a bit?

"So...breakfast, then we set out? We're agreed?"

Adrian liked to compliment Nia. Truly. She was so...sweet, so submissive and pliant, so gorgeous. All of her was just divine and wonderful, he thought. and his cock was sliding into her equally divine and wonderful little rear end as he braced himself upon her. He could feel the tightness of her rear give way for him, sheathing there again as he gave a little orcish growl of pleasure to enter the elf.

Her motions allowed him an easier access to her ass as he slid in, his hand working her clit with strength, yet delicacy. He tugged and stroked her, beginning to work back and forth, in and out of her rear end. "You're pleasing me, good girl...lying back and getting fucked by me...right in that lovely ass..." He raised her hips, hips a drumbeat on hers as the pounding sounds of flesh to flesh hit their ears. "Last....night..." he kissed her neck. "Cum when you want, sweet one...just ask permission." he teased"
Damn, was Chasti---Felicity going to charm all of them? Zafah was actually a little impressed, but not entirely surprised. The young tiefling had managed to wiggle her way into their group, after all, and so often got by on her charm that you sometimes forgot that she had skills to match. Zafah felt a slight pang of jealousy on seeing Aelius gently stroke her, but less because she was interested in the red tiefling and more because she sometimes wished she could have that kind of affection.

Best not to think of it. It was all bullcrap anyway, and even if it wasn't, that sort of thing was reserved for girls like Felicity and Nia; hell, maybe even Tawny, if she could get her head out of her ass and realize what was going on around her. The thoughts and situation did make Zafah want to dig into her pocket for another smoke though.

Felicity, for her part, continued to love the attention, giggling as the boys kissed her. She was pretty sure the two she'd just had wouldn't mind that she left most of the flirting for their handsome leader. He was the one she hadn't slept with yet. Plus he was getting this very primal vibe from him, kinda like she sometimes felt around monsters. He felt... dangerous, and Felicity kinda liked it.

"You want more sweet, you know where to get it," she said, keeping her words light and teasing. But she also ran a finger along the top of her roll, gathering some drizzled sugar to pop into her mouth, eyes closing to let out a soft little coo.

"Yes," said Tawny, though less to her friend's comment and more toward Luc's statement, "breakfast, and then we set out," though hers was almost finished, and Zafah already had hers. "Which leaves you two, really," she said, pointing to Varrik and Aelius, "and, ah, our other friends."

"Who are probably working up an appetite," said Zafah, making Felicity giggle around another mouthful of roll.

Nia's body rolled as she spread herself out, once more going pliant before the half-orc. She watched his body flex, muscles working as he slid his cock into her body. She could feel every inch of him pressing into her tight hole, once more reshaping it to match his cock. Pliant flesh squeezed about, surrounding him willingly, eagerly. Her legs splayed even wider apart, as if she could somehow open herself up to him even further. More adjusting, doing what she could.

the words came not a moment too soon. "Mmm," she said, nearly whining. "I---can I cum please...sir," she breathed, head lolling back as he kissed her neck. "Please---please, I'm sir--I'm already--" her hips spasmed. She could feel the tension building. If she'd been in control, touching herself, or even having some level of it, she probably would've been able to stop herself in time; she thought she would have. But he kept stroking ,fucking, and she felt her body erupt. She let out a little squeal as her clit erupted, spraying her arousal all over his hand. She knew she should care about permission, but for a few blissful seconds, all she felt was that electric orgasm rippling through her body, jutting out into his still moving hand.
Luc couldn't help but he extremely charmed by Chastity...or felicity. Whatever. The Tiefling's coy demeanor was a delight, her playful manner did things to his desire. Aelius ran his tail over Chastitiy without shame...everyone already know he'd been inside her, probably from how she had bragged and he was hardly of a mind to discourage any of that...share and share alike, the way of the Wolves after all!

Luc granted at Zafah, even a bit...concerned. She seemed to have issues with feelings on if it was tough on her. Luc had a softer heart than he'd like to admit sometimes. This sort of thing could get to him and he tried to conceal direct sympathy for fear she wouldn't appreciate it...but nonetheless, he still couldn't help but watch a bit close and with some concern...

Felicity meanwhile...well...Luc would be lying to say he didn't want to bend her over in a tent later and work her until she couldn't walk. The wolf practically begged to be allowed to do it and he really, really wanted to. He met Felicity's eyes briefly, before glancing away, and taking the roll...she was transparently flirting, but he simply took the roll with a sigh, glancing over at Tawny. "Think you ought check on Nia and Adrian?" He asked at the mention of working up an appetite. "He's usually so professional..."

Adrian was growling softly as he simply fucked Nia was a growing ardor. In and out he pushed into that puckered, tight ass of hers. She squirmed under him, but otherwise remained an obedient, beautiful elf for him to pound. He grinned as he worked in and out, the tight squeeze making it impossible to hold off long.

"Cum," he ordeed he was rewarded with the sheer intensity of the climax. Buried deep inside her, he spent himself right into her body...panting heatedly as his body quivered to the finish.

"We....we should...get dressed...join the...others..."
The moment Felicity knew Luc matched her gaze, she let her tongue roll over her lips, ostensibly to take in a little bit of the sugar, but there was most definitely more than a little suggestion there. Maybe convincing the other two Wolves to join her wouldn't be so bad. Could she somehow maybe wrangle all four at once? Oh, or would any of them be willing to act out some of her fantasies? She had several about being tied up, and those were just starters. She let herself daydream while she kept on eating, clearly lost in her own little pleasure world.

Tawny sighed. "I probably should. I'd say Nia should know better, but she has this tendency to get a little wrapped up in things," she rose, stretching a moment, causing the loose outer garment to shift in a way that would show hints of the well muscled, sun-kissed body beneath. Her tail flicked for a moment, as she started heading toward the rooms, with Zafah calling out the correct room number as she started to go.

"You do know there's about a fifty-fifty shot that Tawny walks in on them fuckin' like crazy, right?" asked Zafah bluntly. "And you," she pointed at Felicity, "calm the fuck down. We're not inviting them along so you can have an all you can fuck party, got it? That shit better not get in the way of the actual job."

"Aren't you supposed to be the fun one?" asked Felicity, pouting a little.

Zafah responded with a rude gesture.

Warmth spread up into Nia's body again. She felt her bottom convulsing, milking, pulling at him as if she could work all his seed up into her body at once. She actually hadn't even realized he'd started to cum until the warmth had just grown noticeable. She flushed with that realization, knowing that she'd been caught up in her own pleasures. True, they'd come from pleasing him, but still, she felt that heat rise, and not just between her legs, where her clit still twitched, pooling seed into hand and onto belly.

she lay there, breathing hard, staring up at him. "You... you are so amazing..." she breathed, shivering once more, rubbing her arms. "My whole body just feels... liquid and warm and--"

And there was a knock on the door, gentle, with a slightly firmer voice calling: "Niallil? Adrian? It's Tawny. I'm just checking to make sure everything's alright. We're waiting for you in the common room..." there was a beat, as clearly Tawny didn't know what to do.

"Um, you could invite her to join us if you want?" offered Nia, knowing that was often what men wanted. "Or we could pretend she's not there, or, um, I guess we should probably just tell her we're coming and get dressed?" she looked over to where she'd neatly laid out not only her clothing, but his as well, their gear laying nearby.
With Felicity looking at him in such a suggestive manner, Luc could only give a soft grin at her, eye closing in a bit of a wink. She was being suggestive. Maybe he was being a touch too receptive to in, in fact. Might not be best practice with Zafah and tawny right there...but damn if he didn't want to give in right then and there to this little Tiefling thief's not inconsiderate charms. She clearly had fantasies to make up for lost time, he thought....and some of them were more than happy to fulfill a good few of them.

"Wrapped up in things?" Varrik asked Tawny, with a wry look of amusement to his face. "When I last saw 'em...she was heading off with Adrian and..."

"they were fine when we...saw them," Lucian hid his observation of Tawny's rather thick and muscled body, along with her tail, before she went off. "...Hm, might as well let her take care of it." No need to get involved for that. Tawny could handle her own. And Adrian as well.

"I'm aware," Lucian said. "I didn't think anyone's shy about that...still, least it'll get them in gear, huh?" He hid a smile at her admonishing felicity...while Aelius took a seat near to Zafah.

"Oh, she's having fun! Don't worry, we're trained professionals, we're on this!" He said cheerfully. "How about breakfast?"

"You're desperate," Varrik said simply.

"I am not."

"You are so," Varrik grinned. "I recognize it."

"Recognize shutting up."

"BOTH of you, that's enough! I swear, one night with ex-Chastity and you're bickering like an old married couple," Lucian shook his head. "I apologize personally for them. Immensely."

Adrian was sighing, still resting within Nia as he remained upon her, smiling as he released her, growling in satisfaction. "Wonderf- " the door sounded with a hard knock. He paused at that. "Hey...Tawny!" He said, looking to Nia in surprise. "Join, that's alright. Luc's kinda soft on her, might hurt him," he whispered to her. "Anyways, we did kinda tarry for a while...we should get dressed and join the others. Maybe we'll share a tent though...?" He looked up and raised his voice.

"We'll, out soon!" He resisted the urge to say they were done. "Hope ya ain't waitin' long there, Lady Tawny!" He added as he managed to pull away from Nia. With...great reluctance and effort.
That little smile and wink was all Felicity needed for encouragement. Internally there was a mostly naked tiefling in her mind doing a happy little dance: scoring all four Wolves was gonna be fun; hard part might be getting them all in at once. She figured it wouldn't hurt to try and start teasing and playing a little now. Oh, don't think she missed Luc watching her boss stretch, but nearly every man watched a half-tabaxi female stretch. Hell, Felicity sometimes did: she kinda had a thing for muscle---

---wait, was that it? If she could coax Tawny into a threesome.... that might actually work! For now, Felicity slid her tail around, glad she'd opted to plop her cute ass right next to the paladin. Still keeping it under the table, she reached for Luc. Realizing she might not quite reach, she scooted her chair over, actually doing so with a surprising amount of subtlety. Then her tail was teasing along his upper thigh, while she watched the conversation unfolding in front of her.

"He's desperate," Zafah dryly slid in between the banter, glad she could keep up to a degree. She had to smirk, but also noticed something: Varrik and Aelius bantered like she and Tawny did... and she and Tawny were fucking. Mental note: ask Felicity how exactly that threesome went... and do not think about the time that the asshole invited this sexy half-elf bard to play for them, and how they'd taken turns teasing him, seeing how many times and in how many ways they could inflict pleasure, before the demon insisted that they slake those lusts upon Zafah's oh so willing body.

She slid another smoke out of her pack, immediately lighting it and sucking hard. The sooner these things killed her, the better, because fuck, she was close to having those godsdamn withdrawals again. Every cleric she'd ever met said she probably always would too. Fucking motherfucker.

"Nah, don't apologize. Sets a bad precedent," said Zafah, tilting her head to blow smoke away from most at the table. "Plus then we'd have to keep apologizing for Felicity almost every five minutes, an' that shit would get old real fucking fast."

Felicity giggled... and wriggled her tail a little closer to between Luc's legs.

Luc was soft? On Tawny? The thought had Nia wondering. Should she tell her friend? Because Tawny first automatically assumed every man wanted her then assumed they never did. She might want sex if she got worked up; Nia was actually a bit surprised she hadn't gone looking last night. Maybe there were issues with the Heat? Nia pushed the thoughts aside, moving to get dressed. "Um, Tawny!?" she called. "It won't be too soon: I haven't done my hair yet!" she flashed slightly pink and almost pulled said hair to cover her face. "It, um, takes me a bit to get it all braided and---ah, yeah, we can um, share a tent and you can, ah, go ahead. It's fine."

She moved to take her clothing ,gently stepping into and working the delicate elfish panties up. She clearly had some practice dressing while someone watched, though she wished her clit was a little less erect: the panties didn't always quite work. These were custom order though, since she'd figured that with Adrian around, she may be regularly aroused, and she wanted to be ready.

"Take your time, Nia!" Tawny called, flicking her tail, half smiling as she padded back to the common room. She knew full well that it could take the elf upwards of an hour to get her hair properly braided. Fortunately she ate like a bird, so they wouldn't have to wait long for breakfast.
Luc did worry he was encouraging Felicity maybe a tad much, but who could blame him? she was....get ahold of yourself! He snapped at the wolf, shaking his head quickly. She was scheming. She was absolutely scheming right now...and he could imagine what. Well...great, he thought. This could prove interesting. It could also totally wreck their group dynamics if they weren't careful, dealing with an almost impossibly horny Tiefling in the bargain. Least it might not be boring, he told himself...

BUt damn if he wasn't watching Tawny. And he knew Felicity knew he was watching Tawny...and her clever little mind was workign a mile a minute, Kelemvor knew what for. He barely noticed as Felicity scooted over to him before her tail touched him. He...tried to ignore it. He tried very, very hard to just ignore it, taking in a deep breath as he kept his eyes to Tawny. "Well..." He said as Aelius sat close to Zafah.

"My, my, isn't he just?" He whispered as Varrik took his own seat. "But aren't so many in a way? Your dear Felicity seems to think subtle is a poor word," he winked again, winding back to flaunt his body to a number of appreciative patrons. Varrik just...sort of shook his head with a low sigh. "Good on you to enjoy those still!" he said as Varrik just kept shaking his poor head, sighing heavily.

Luc for his part...didn't object. Though he didn't respond, simply relying on the iron discipline of a Paladin and damn it, his body was reacting now. He sighed a bit and gave Felicity a look with Tawny gone. "...Bold, aren't you?"

Adrian was pulling up, patting himself down, taking some fresh scent and herbs, pulling on his trousers and leathers, then his raiment of fur. "You able to walk?" He asked Nia while she set to getting her hair done. "...Well. She's sweet when she's shy," he said with a rumbling chuckle, all while he watched as Nia got herself good and ready.. "I'll wait with ya while you get ready." He rather enjoyed the ritual she had of getting herself in place and set...watching as she fixed herself. "You look gorgeous, y'know....this only helps," he added. "You and Tawny seem close. You and the rest of the 'Gades are all close friends, huh?" He pat her back, even massaging it gently.
"Felicity's good at a lot of thing, bein' subtle ain't one of them," agreed Zafah, smirking. Did Felicity really think they weren't noticing what she was doing? Oh, someone who wasn't thinking that way or who didn't know the tiefling might not immediately guess. Actually, Zafah was slightly impressed: this was a girl who'd just had a threesome with two guys who were at least confident (and if they were as good at their leader, they had reason to be). Felicity's body should be at least a little sore, and if Zafah were her, she'd probably be satisfied for quite some time. But there the curvy little teen was, teasing another guy. Really, Zafah almost pitied him: Luc would probably have to give way to something eventually.

Hopefully Felicity didn't tease the wolf too far out from the man. Though knowing her... she may like it if she did.

"Have ta be a little bold ta nick wot ya want," offered Felicity, eyes dancing as she giggled again. She sucked the last bits of sugar off her fingers, moving her tail a little more toward his lap. As she'd expected and hoped, she found a slight bulge there. She flicked the slightly pointed tip of her tail against it once, before doing a little grinding motion. She lay it sort of flat, rubbing along it, trying to take note and do a rough estimate of Luc's size. He was human, so it should be bigger than the biggest cock Felicity had ever had... which was Varrik. She bit her lip as she tried to gauge, already imagining what it would be like to slide inside her.

And they were bringing all of them to horny gnoll town? This was going to be her favorite adventure ever. Even better than that one time they'd busted into the party where the fine gnomish baker had made those utterly delicious candy's. Felicity had had real trouble fitting into her shorts after that one.

At least Nia's clothing fit her well enough. The delicate elfish fabrics would feel nice against her skin, though she wobbled slightly. It almost looked like Nia had forgotten that she'd just received another pounding atop last night's, and she flushed at his question. "Ah, walking shouldn't be the problem..." she said. "It's, ah, more... sitting?" she bit her lip, looking away. She could tell her bottom still felt rather sensitive, though at least he hadn't spanked her or anything. "I've, um, you're not my... my first or anything. You were quite lovely," she looked at him, again flushing.

Why was he still here? Nia felt almost more exposed now, as he watched what was for her the routine to make the pretty, delicate elf. Her hands almost shook as they worked at the intricate, delicate braids, entwining gold strands with practice, but careful ease. At least he hadn't been foolish enough as some, assuming Nia did this for him. This was one of the few things she did for herself: the cuter she dressed, the more delicate her hair, the more feminine her makeup, the better she felt about herself, the more confident in her skin. She liked looking pretty, so she'd take the time and effort it took to get there.

"Well, ah, all the Renegades are fairly close," she said, shrugging. "They watch out a lot for me. I guess I'm probably closest to Tawny, though she's closer to Zafah..." she seemed to realize something, eyes widening, "not, um, not like that. I think, ah, I think Zafah would probably actually like that, but Tawny seems a little more, um, forget I said anything. You really don't need to stay. The hair alone can take me almost an... an hour," she'd already been at it for several minutes and really just laid the foundation for the weavings. and she still had to smooth out her dress, readjust her makeup, check her nails....
"Subtlety?" Aelius's smirk widened on his mouth, like a living and creeping thing. "Subtle? My word, that lass sneaked into subtle's estate, robbed it of everything that gave it substance and left it naked in the street." His tail flicked as he stared over at the tiefling. "You know, I should even be a bit offended by how quickly she moved on, but...frankly, I find myself a touch proud of the whole affair?" He gave Zafah a smirk. "And how was your evening? Exciting and eventful, I hope with more than just my smokes?"

"He's desperate, Varrik drawled, lighting up one himself. "Seriously desperate."

"I am PERSISTENT, not desperate, I will have you know. There's a difference."

"Yeah, and you're swinging it to the d side."

"I'll have you know what can 'swing' at the 'd side' is something you should be so lucky for." Aelius said before he tapped his own smoke out. "I can make my own, if you must know," he added. "Just in case we run out....and your friend is apt to wake the wolf."

Luc was feeling his body react to Chastity's rather unsubtle and shameless maneuvers. But Chastity felt...nice. Very nice infact, and she knew how to use that tail- was she testing him? He gave her a light smirk, his eyes dancing while he studied her. "...You know it's early. Your body's been through a lot. You should take it easy now so you can talk it hard later. Plus, we've got to deal with gnolls later. Don't spend yourself too quickly, y'know?" The Paladin lifted an eyebrow...his instincts were a touch aroused as he looked her over, his fingers twitching a bit at his side. Okay, so he wanted to throw her over the table, but...control was important.

Adrian cutting a dashing figure himself now. He was wearing his cloak of fur, grinning with his leathers on as he got his weapons ready. "...You alright?" He asked as she trembled. "...Oh. That. Haha..." he said with a somewhat awkward look. "There a...potion or a spell that might help with that? Or we could ask Aelius to help, he's pretty good at healing that issue." He left out why for the moment. "Hey, didn't expect to be your first. You were fantastic," he said with an earnest grin.

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Happy to do it again if ya want sometimes..." Sharing a nice bed with a gorgeous elf was a great way to pass time on the adventure. "And yeah, you're a team..." He lifted his eyebrows again. "When we say close? Wh's closest to whom?" he asked as he watched her. "You know, it's no trouble, I don't mind keeping a pretty thing company...I could nip down to Aels and see if he can fix you up a healing spell?" His smile turned playful. "I mean, don't want ya damaged for the trip or anything...also, that little Tiefling pal of yours sure went for my comrades mighty quick..."
Tawny walked in just in time to hear a discussion about mugging sublty. "Ah, what did Felicity do now?" she asked, smiling slightly as she looked over the gathered crew at the table. It appeared as if Varrik and Aelius were lapsing into their usual banter, with Zafah tossing in cutting remarks, commenting almost like a side performer to their duo.

Though when asked, she did flatly say: "Oh yeah, I fucked your boss in an alley," in such a way that would leave everyone who wasn't involved wondering if Zafah was fucking with them or offering up her usual casual sexual confession. Her expression gave neither away, and it didn't help nor hurt that she almost immediately followed with: "and it's weird too call someone's dick 'the wolf,' especially if you guys are the 'Wolf Pack,' though I suppose that means you're full of dicks. So maybe we should let Felicity join?"

"Hey!" Felicity said, but giggled, clearly thinking that was a good one. She turned back to Luc, who was smirking and studying her. "Ya know, mebbe I got some'o'tha' succubus blood in me. Would explain why all me weight keeps landin' in my knockers, eh?" she tapped said knockers with a finger, realized she's just smeared some sugar, and bent down, extending her tongue to lap it up while also demonstrating that she could very nearly lick her own chest if she needed to.

Being a flexible thief had its advantages.

"It's about a two day ride to the gnoll territory," said Tawny ,wanting to get the group back on track. "And about another day, day and a half after that until we reach the magician's lair itself. We got about to the entrance before the magic and the gnolls became a problem. We don't really have great options for scouts, unless the rogues go in, so I'm thinking frontal assault."

"That's always your fuckin' plan," Zafah pointed out. "Either that or 'sneak around an' hunt them.'"

Tawny's slight flush did show that there was one area the Renegade leader was lacking in, it was tactics. She was trained to fight, not to think about fighting. She was there to improve her body and protect others. Though having to rely on Zafah and/or Nia for tactics might have been part of their trouble.

"What? I'm fine," said Nia, blinking. "And ,ah, you weren't---I've slept with---" she started, before flushing. Ladies didn't speak on who they slept with, and men generally didn't want to hear oh, I've let several men have me because it pleases me to please others like that, and sometimes it was the most peaceful option. The kiss on the cheek was nice, and she flushed, but tried to keep focused on her hair.

"We certainly should," she agreed. "Perhaps, ah, perhaps when I have more spell slots available," she continued steadily braiding. "And we're all close. We're like a family," that sometimes lays with one another. "I, ah, I would rather not,' said Nia, flushing. "I'd hate to waste the slot and," she looked down, mumbling the last: "Most spells heal by touch."

Just focus on finishing braiding your hair, Nia. And the rest of the routine. Definitely don't tell him that you'd already spent an hour or so just getting to this point.
Luc looked up at tawny with a very gentle smile as Felicity practically threw herself at him. "...I think Felicity is more concerned with who she hasn't done at this juncture," he said in a rather dry tone. Aelius and Varrik were to either side of Zafah, both finding her bladed dialogue intensely amusing. Especially Aelius. In fact, the Tiefling seemed to take just about everything in stride.

The mention of screwing Luc in an alley didn't even make Aelius flinch. "Oh, yes, done that a time or two," he said with perfect casualness, leaving it unclear if he was being serious or not. "Did you have fun at least?" His tail curled over his lap. "I was HARDLY referring to his member there, Wolf Pack or not...and when we say join, let her into the group, let us all into HER, or let her in a little arrangement between you and I, or you, I and Varrik? I assure you, I'm flexible." he teased, before taking a hit of the smoke.

"Can confirm," Varrik mentioned before sipping his own drink. Luc ignored them as Felicity took his attention.

"You clearly have a sweet tooth. Could be a succubus alright," he said...looking as she got her tongue out and...damn. "I see they've uncaged a beast from which there will be no stopping you," remarked Luc with a lifted eyebrow. "We'll talk about it later. On the road. Not really the time or the place. Okay, maybe it is the place." He didn't see the annoyed glare from the proprietors, "but not the time." He turned his attention to Tawny, suddenly business.

"...We're going to need more than that for a plan." The Paladin's formal training took over. Kelemvorites were worshipers of death, but were rarely in a hurry to join their patron so quickly. "Full frontal assault, knowing those numbers? No," he shook his head. "As far as it goes, Tawny and I are likely the heaviest hitters, Adrian as well. But there's a limit to how many gnolls we have there." He rubbed his chin as he began to think.

"We have a warlock and clerics. If Aelius has a spiritual weapon to use, he can maybe draw some attention to give Varrik and Chast-...FELICITY coover," he slapped away her tail lightly from himself. "The more we divide them, the less we keep them from flanking us, more we can handle them there. It's a bad idea to charge in without understanding their abilities, especially with shamans there. If there's something or someone they're depending on...Varrik?"

"Way ahead of you, boss," Varrik said as he hefted up his dark mask. "You'll get Aelius hot talking tactics like that."

"Aelius is always hot," Luc said dismissively. "...Tawny, I'm sorry if I'm talking too much without consulting you." He fixed her with a serious look. When it was life or death, Luc did not fuck around. "Anything you want to add? We should also map out the terrain, so as to know what we're into there..."

Adrian chuckled softly and kissed her neck again. "Don't be silly...don't be embarrassed...I don't need ladies virginal. You be with whoever you want. Sharing a sweet thing like you is nice," he added as he pat her back, looking at her in the mirror. "And you're a sweetheart."

He smiled at the notion they were a family. "Hey, just like me and the lads," he said. "Wouldn't be no issue for Aelius, though." He watched her with a soft fascintion. "You do look damn sweet, though..."
"Really?" asked Zafah, eye widening for a moment. "You fucked Luc in an alley too? Were you on the giving end or the receiving, for future reference," she wasn't going to touch the whole mention of just about everyone in "the pack" having Felicity, because she'd all but expected something like that and the reaction that follows.

"Wait, what? Did we agree to the whole all guys on Felicity thing?" the tiefling asked, momentarily forgetting that she'd been flirting with Luc. "'cuz there's this thing I read about called 'running train' that I really want to try out. It involves a bunch of guys who just---"

But Luc and Tawny were doing that whole responsible adult thing, and even most of the others were joining in. Felicity pouted, then pouted harder still as Luc moved her tail away from his body. She knew that Tawny wasn't the best at plans; actually Nia was often surprisingly good at that (the elf being one of the most well read, since Felicity's choices didn't exactly venture much toward tactics that didn't involve brave heroes charging in or buxom damsels [not far from a certain tiefling] throwing themselves onto whatever sexual organ happened to be present). Still, she knew to pay attention, if only so Zafah and/or Tawny didn't yell at her later.

"Keep in mind that Nia won't directly attack unless she has to defend herself," mentioned Tawny. "You can count on her for support and healing, but not for anything offensive. But otherwise,' she shrugged, "that all sounds good to me."

"She's a meathead,' offered Zafah, earning a frown. The half-elf rolled her eye. "She's a very enlightened, meditative, in control, meathead."

"I know how to fight, and that's what matters," Tawny said, flicking a hand. "We also know how to fight together fairly well. Assuming Varrik can keep Felicity in line, she's one of the best thieves I've ever seen, and..." she fought a smile. "Did you tell them about the pants?"

There was a beat with Zafah snorting a laugh.

Felicity just giggled, before leaning forward, arms propped, chest slightly bulging. "I killed a man wit' me pants."

Tawny pursed her lips and nodded confirmation, even Zafah just leaning back, hands wrapped behind her head.

"So, yes, marginally helpful in combat," offered Tawny, her tail twitching a bit behind her. She was wishing the other two would finish, but it wasn't like they were absolutely needed. Just so long as they didn't relapse, which would probably depend more on Adrian than Nia.

The kiss almost made Nia coo, and she felt a slight shifting that she mentally told to calm down. Just finish braiding the hair. Don't think about how sweet he was being, or how he was making her heart skip a beat, or how she was almost tempted to ask him to press her against the wall, hike her skirts up, and slake his lusts upon her until she really did have trouble walking. "Um, we really shouldn't, ah, try more. It'd mess up my hair," she held up the mostly finished braid, only partially teasing.

"You know, I joined the Renegades because Tawny punched out a dwarf who was harassing me," she offered, trying to change the subject. "He was getting rather touchy, and she just walked up, tapped his shoulder, and laid him low with one quick jab. I started following her around. She and Zafah had already done some jobs together. We picked up Chastity mid-job, and she's sort of stuck around," she kept going. "I really am sorry about the braid. You really don't have to wait?"
"Who says I'm telling the truth here?" Aelius smirked, pleased he had finally surprised her. "I could be speaing...hypothetically, you know? Strategically so. I could be pulling your leg..." his tail brushed it playfully. "Luc is a very giving fellow, though, very generous." The tiefling added with a wink of a dark eye. "Unless you might be interested in joining sometimes? He glanced at Felicity and reached out to playfully ruffle her hair. "At least with you, I can insure that the trains will always run on time," he said before his tail brushed across her neck and cheek.

Luc didn't even hear, his focus right upon Tawny in the professional responsible adult thing they had going on for the moment. Luc liked a good time as much as anyone, even moreso when his main crush was right before him, the powerful half-Tabaxi clearly contemplating everything he'd been saying. He glanced at Chastity to ensure she was following along. "I'm gonna assume since it's your leadership, your ladies are a good unit, Renegade." Another man might've been just trying to get under her tail and into her pants, but Luc was genuine in the compliment.

"...Nia has a thing about offense, huh? I'll work that into battle plans," the Paladin said. "Aelius, on the other hand...whether it's combat or just dialogue, he's never had a problem with offense."

"Giving and receiving offense are my specialty!" The Lathanderite sun cleric chirped, holding up his mace. "And I can give a few with this, too!" "As for poor Nia...I hope Zafah's not being too hard on her. Well, probably not as hard on her as Adrian was the past night..."

Luc cuffed him over the head, earning a whine from the tiefling cleric, before he looked back to Tawny. "...She made pants a deadly weapon? He leaned forward to Tawny. "....I need to hear this story. Were they enchanted? Did she strangle them?"

"Ask her when she has you in them, which is clearly what she wants," Varrik remarked with a grin. "....imagine when she learns about the rest of the Wolves- "

"Varrik, they're NOT with us now, NOT the time!" Luc shot back, giving Tawny a 'see what I have to deal with' look of pure reflexive sorrow. "Marginally helpful...I can work with. But soon as Adrian's here...half-orc's good when it comes to tactics. He knows how to kick ass and take name in equal measure. He's not really someone you want on the wrong side of you in scrapes."

Adrian could tell he might be exciting Nia too much again....he could tell that was a problem. "We'll save it for later," he said as he felt her back. "...Huh, I hope she decked the bastard hard. Zafah as already with her by then, right?" Adrian waved a hand. "It's fine...met Luc when we...well, we were young then. Him a an apprentice, me just starting out....met Ael and Varrik not long after..."
"Toldcha: no devilsh sorts, be they strawberry or blueberry flavored," offered Zafah, her voice almost curt, nearly cutting. There wasn't quite the playful edge that she so often had, and she was already digging into her pocket for a smoke, hoping that they didn't see the slight shake in her hands as she dug it out. They were steadied by the time she was dangling and lighting again. Fortunately Tawny was being responsible, and Felicity wasn't being that much of a pain; she even looked like she was at least trying to pay attention, which meant several steps in the right direction for her.

"I try to lead by example," offered Tawny. "It's more... loose. I'm just the best at talking to people," she let out a wry laugh, "unless Zafah actually turns on the charm. That is almost terrifying." The half-elf just inhaled and blew smoke at the half-tabaxi .Tawny wafted it away with her hand. "The point," she said, trying to cut through the wolf's chatter about Felicity's pants, "is more that she can deal some damage when she wants to."

"Threw 'em at a bloke's 'ead I did," said Felicity. She leaned back, folding her arms just under her chest (this might have been more effective if she hadn't forgotten about Aelius' shirt, which just contorted to the impressive mounds below). "Was sneakin' up on me an' a bloke in an alley, righ' when th' guy 'ad me all up on 'is shoulders, 'is tongue doin' all sorts o' fun thin'. Just one quick toss, a sneak attack, an' down 'e' went," she giggled at the memory, then nearly lost her balance .Arms flailed, but she righted herself, pulling back to more or less a good position.

"So if you do the math, Felicity's good for four shots. Maybe eight if she remembers she's got daggers," offered Tawny, smiling slightly. The blue tiefling just stuck her tongue out again, before leaning back on the table. "I think we've about hashed out what we can without the other two," she looked over at Varrik and Aelius. "Do you two need to eat? Or..." her eyes flicked down, "buy clothes, maybe?"

At least Nia was dressed, and was something of an expert in hiding her arousal when she didn't want it known. She did have to shift slightly, feeling her clit harden a little. It didn't help that he'd started touching her back. It wasn't fair: that wasn't an erotic spot at all. She shouldn't be shivering at his touch, feeling her breath hitch for just a moment. "What? I mean, yes, they, ah, joined together for some earlier job," she explained, not wanting to elaborate much further than that.

"I'm glad I met them. I'm honestly not sure I'd have survived without their help," she turned, reaching up to put a finger on his lips, "I'm serious. I follow a path of nonviolence, but this world doesn't always seem to want that. I refuse to let the world change me, so I rely on others, and hope that I can someday help change the world," she nodded, before running her fingers through her hair, checking the braids and beginning the last few steps.
Aelius's own smile flatered just a bit at the unusual harshness from Zafah, a shrug coming to his shoulders. "Not meaning to cause distress," he said as he noted the tremor in Zafah's hand...recalling what little he knew. He offered a smoke without strings again after. "My heart's more life an angel, though?" His voice was light, more playful than lustful. Varrik sat to Zafah's side.

"If he's bothering ya, want to get a smoke going as well?" Varrik asked, trying to distract her and Aelius both, the half elf then remmebering his near lack of pants as Zafah exhaled a thin cloud of wafting smoke. "Trust me. We know Felicity's capable of some damage by now. That is far from the issue." He gave Zafah a wicked little grin. "...In so many ways."

luc, ignoring them, ouldn't help but grin widely. "You are quite the charmer," he admitted. "I've seen some of Zafah's charm and it's considerate, but it's no shock you're the face of the group. As for Felicity...well, good to know she can throw down. You know all of us can and you've seen me with a sword. I've seen you with the fists, I know Zaf's got spells for days, Nia...umm...yes. So we send in Chastity with Varrik's pants and that'll be that, in and out quick and clean as you please." His tone was a clear sign he was joking now. "Felicity, remember the daggers."

"We could go for breakfast!" Aelius said.

"...And clothes." Varrik grumbled. "She took my damn pants."

"Look better without them. And don't I look great with just the vest?"

It was there that Adrian kissed her neck again, knowing the effect he had on her, but with sweet Nia being so...difficult to resist there. He caught himself and lifted up, his arms folding before he gathered his barbarian weaponry, putting himself together. "Earlier job...?" he asked curiously, not catching the reticent tone.

"Glad ya met them, too..." he said. He had never been a very....nonviolent sort of half-orc. But what Nia said did strike a cord.. He largely passed the time in silence until he could see her satisfied.

"Breakfast and then the road, fair lady? And just to be clear...if the Tiefling tries to jump me, want I keep a distance far as that goes?"
Zafah gave Aelius a long, withering stare. She drew the smoke to her lips, inhaled, and blew, still looking at him like he was a piece of shit she'd accidentally stepped in. "You ever been on the receiving end of an eldritch blast? Keep talkin', and the answer'll be yes."

"Yes, I'm often the, uh ,face," cut in Tawny, moving to sort of wave a hand at Zafah, trying to signal for the warlock to calm the fuck down, at least a little. The half-tabaxi was pretty sure she knew what that was about, but it wasn't the time. The magic must have reminded Zafah too, or the fact that she was face to face with not one, but two charming devilish sorts. Maybe Tawny should tell them later? she'd think about it.

"Yes, Felicity, daggers,' repeated Tawny, only with a little more urgency.

"But... I 'ave 'is pants now an'---"

"Daggers," reiterated Tawny, fighting a laugh herself. She looked back to the others, noting Varrik strutting, which had her raising a brow. She actually didn't see what he had to brag about: he wasn't exactly all that well built. She was tempted to flex a muscle and prove that she could probably lift him with one arm, but that felt a little like, well, flexing. Besides, it was Luc who had offered to spar, though Adrian was the one who looked a little burlier than the rest, a bit more in line with Tawny's tastes. If she was going to lay with a man at all, she wanted someone who could actually handle himself.

"Yes, I'm sure the gnolls will fuckin' love you," said Zafah, still a little harsher. She seemed to realize she'd shifted from snarky to outright bitch, as she rose up. "I'll wait outside." Because she was definitely getting too worked up. Again.

Nia trembled at his kiss, feeling her body stir, the arousal fluttering like a bird trapped inside her frail body. She twisted her head, mouth seeking hers, just barely catching herself from connecting, instead biting her lightly painted lips, that pink flush growing slowly across her pale flesh. "Ah, what? Oh, yes, um, I think they were actually working for competing employers, but Zafah decided that she'd rather work with Tawny than against her. According to Tawny, it's because she's so strong that Zafah couldn't help herself,' she smiled, as if knowing full well that there was more than that.

She went back to her hair, fingers moving with at least some practice. It felt calming to do this, really. "Maybe next time I should do this while you sleep when I--- I mean, just to save time," she offered, definitely not wanting him to know that she didn't wake up looking this lovely and delicate. She lowered her head, muttering a few prayers, partially to steady and calm herself, though at least one was essentially a "thank you, Hanali, for your gift," with her eyes flicking to Adrian.

At last she finished, rising, looking delicate and primly put together, adjusting her breezy clothing and makeup, using a pocket mirror to do last checks. "Do you mean Chastity?" she asked, looking back. "I mean... you can do as you wish? I would want her to be happy, after all, and you. I truly mean that, I'm not just---I mean, I---" Nia flushed. "It will not bother me," she said, and was almost tempted to cast Zone of Truth to prove it... though she wasn't sure she would be able to say it with quite as much confidence. She did actually think that Adrian would be a wonderful first time for Chastity; her tiefling friend certainly deserved something special for that occasion.
Aelius's grin turned a bit nervous at the fury of Zafah's withering stare. Varrik was smirking over his shoulder at the Tiefling, blowing a kiss as he enjoyed his good friend being...on the receiving edge of anger he couldn't just talk his way out of. Shouldn't we, um, save that for the gnolls? I don't mean to say...haha.."

Luc was grateful to Tawny for cutting in. "...I know Aelius can talk a lot, but he's harmless, honest," he said, keeping closer to Tawny, sighing again as he rubbed his head. It had been, he thought, a long, long fucking night. Now it looked to be an even longer fucking day, and the tension between the groups wasn't helping. He wished the others were here, but there was a fat chance of that...if only Zafah didn't have HANG UPS on this...she clearly had a damn sight. " far as faces go, Tawny...yours is a good one to present, huh?" He asked with a smile to her, his own charm coming to play slightly. Okay, he liked her, he thought, so sue him. With those muscles and that strength, how could he do otherwise?

"...look. well?" Luc leaned in and whispered in her ear "I'll put in a good word with Adrian. And with our...other members when we see 'em again. That you're the best in the Sword Coast. You perform well, I'll make sure you have a good time AND get a cake made in your honor. We have a bargain there, Fels?" He thought it was a cute nickname to go with her new appellation and heritage, with her blue, starry night looks. "Pants are all well and good. But you need daggers.

Varrik had a slender build like Aelius, while Luc was more solidly built...but all of the Wolves looked like they could hold their own, all of them damned strong at least. Raising an eyebrow at the gnoll comment, Varrik pushed a glass closer to her.

"C'mon, no reason to be harsh here," he said. "Felicity's just excited. If you need to relax, take a few minutes and a smoke. Or a Luc."

A fully dressed Adrian was surprised at the eagerness with which Nia kissed him, pulling back. "I see. Competing employers in the back then...huh, hope I hear the story soon." He nuzzled her neck. "You know, the guys would love you, too..." he pointed out. He liked sharing with friends and Nia was so damn sweet, submissive...and the way she prayed was just adorable. "I like your team, too...granted I'll keep clear'a Tawny with how much Luc seems to like her. Zafah looks like she'd like to flay me alive more'n anything, though, so mught keep clear there...Chastity...well." He grinned. "...She's lively," he said, putting an arm around her.

"C'mon, let's go greet the others!"
Was Luc flirting with Tawny? Her tail flicked, wondering if she still smelled. The potion should be kicking in; she felt more stable than usual. She almost wanted to raise an arm and tentatively sniff, but that wouldn't do in mixed company. But why else would he be flirting with her? There were several other members of the Renegades who'd probably be easier for him to deal with, and he really didn't look like he could keep up much anyway. She was almost tempted to ask, but they had a Felicity problem to deal with.

The tiefling giggled at the mention of a good word with Adrian. Then there was cake. "Jokes on you," she said, reaching down and drawing out a short blade... that was a little longer than a dagger, "I use short swords," Tawny laughed a little, knowing that those were actually Tawny's preferred weapons. It didn't help that she'd decorated the hilts with ribbons. "I still want that cake," Felicity said. "Also you. An' maybe Adrian..." she looked at the other two, "or everybody at once or--"

Tawny snapped fingers underneath Felicity's nose, getting her to jolt slightly. "Don't make me leave the men at home," she said. "Then you'll just be stuck with Zafah."

"And Nia."

Zafah just took a look at the drink, already on her way out. She stopped outside the entrance, flopping back against it, smoke to lips. She held her hand out, noting the shaking, hearing those words I've been inside you too many times not to have left my mark, Zafah. Pretend to leave all you want, but you need the power... and you need me. "Yeah, well, fuck you," she said, taking another long drag, hoping this would be the one to shave a few more months off her shitty ass life.

"Yeah, I think Zafah really wants things to be better, but she just can't figure out how to get there," offered Nia, bobbing her head. But some of her ease and confidence slid as he spoke of sharing. "Is, ah, that what you want?" she asked, stepping closer to him, looking up. "You want to watch them do things to me? Would that please you, Adrian?" She had this strange touch of innocence to it, like she was asking a question, eyes large, but she was soon just smiling as if it were nothing.

"We should; we've kept them waiting enough," she hurried out then, nearly tripping on her long robes. Soon enough she'd be out in the common area with the rest, seeing everyone but Zafah. That probably meant the half-elf was outside smoking, which just had Nia sighing. That was never a good sign: it meant she'd either removed herself from the conversation (which was the worst outcome) or someone had asked her to leave. "I'm sorry I took so long," she said. "I promise to be better when we're on the road... honest."
Luc was caught between professionalism and flirting with Tawny. It was absolutely accurate to state this at such a juncture. She was...strong. Beautiful, but powerful and self assured. And the scent of her was intoxicating, but Luc had long since learnt to control the wolf within. His brother had told him more than once how to resist it at its worst, he was more than just the instinctual drive of the Wolf within. Fuck, he liked her, so what? She was built strong as it got and he wasn't averse to her pinning him down and earning the right to-

Get. Ahold. Of yourself. he thought in irritation. He was keeping it calm and relaxed, as the Felicity problem was reaching its apex. "I swear," Luc said with a shake to his head. "Cake, fine...the rest..." He grinned at Tawny. "Thanks muchly, Tawny," he said. "I fear they've created a monster..." He looked over at the horny Tiefling. "There're other members of the Wolves, put in a good word with you. Just think with your head, okay?" He gave it a pat. "This'll be worth your while."

Varrik and Aelius saw a shadow pass over Zafah's face and neither much liked it. The way her features twitched,...Aelius looked slightly guilty, opening his mouth, but closing it again. "...Something's...up," he said, Varrik staring after her.

"I quite agree," he whispered. "....Though she's not talking, Ael. Just...curtail it, alright? If she's in a bad way, let her be in one till opportunities."

"Always insightful, Shadow,," Aelius whispered, using a fond nickname.

Adrian for his part was hearing out Nia with a nod to his own head. "Well...I mean, what I want is for you to enjoy yourself...if you want them to have ya...go ahead, y'know?" He grinned. "But only if you want to! I'm not one for watching like that and it's not like I'm your boyfriend or anything! Just have fun where you want it!" He pointed out, before helping her out with him...

"And THERE you are," said Luc, glancing to Adrian as the muscled half orc arrived. "About time."

"Hey, lady had some important stuff to do!" Adrian protested, light catching his green skin as he and Luc clasped wrists tightly. "Everything alright?"

"Reasonably..." Luc said, his mind turning to Zafah. "...I wish Erik was here for that, though..."

"Well, yo!" Adrian said to Tawny with a friend lift to his hand. And then to Felicity. "And you, Lady Chastity," he said. "Had a good night? We all ready to set out and kick some ass?"
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