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The Vampire Hunters Mistake (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Shayne was giving a nod before he was speaking, "Good thing Chrissanth keeps blood tablets on her at all times. I'm sure Rose lost control yet... Chriss has already stated that if Rose lose control she isn't ever allowed near Circe until she is undercontrol again.
Romeo nodded his head "that she did it was an epic fight you should have been there for it brother" Romeo had been there when it had happened as Rose had nearly lost control during a sparing session
Shayne was just looking over before he spoke, "I still believe that if she were to lose control, that Chrissanth would be the only one who would be able to keep up with her. And be able to handle her, and that is saying something."
It felt like hours had gone by and Circe seemed to be rousing a bit, which had Jayde letting out a relieved sigh. Soon after that a Royal guard was reporting to the Princes that people had been spotted heading their direction. Kyle along with Rose and Chrissanth.
Romeo urged Shayne to go with him to meet them at the door and muttered so that only Shayne could hear him "Damn advisors are watching our every moved so make sure to signal Rose she she is aware that they are watching" they did this so that the advisors would leave them alone about marrying as they had a 'significant other'
Shayne was just looking for a brief moment in time before he was speaking, "The advisors can go fuck themselves. And they haven't been pushing me to marry at all. They aren't stupid enough to continue to try anymore. Not after the last time I freaked out on them." With that he was just waving his hand a bit before he was stating that they had no authority over him at all.
"you are right but until we can find a way to get rid of them and bring in new ones who will help us rule rather then pester us" Romeo waved and signaled the girls so that they would know that they were being watched. Romeo did look at Rose when she walked right to Shayne and burried her face in to his neck and breathed deep which had him looking at Kyle when he mentioned to Shayne that he needed to get her somewhere alone where she could calm down as she was still dealing with the effects of a blood high rage as she had feed from several of the red eyes as they hadn't been sick yet
Shayne was just looking for a moment in time before he was stating that he could get rid of them whenever he was wanting. "I could always help. It wouldn't take much at all." Chrissanth was cooing as she seemed to stalk into the room, a cheshire like smile on her lips as she did so. She was pushing some of her hair out of her face though.
Chrissanth was looking for a moment before she was commenting, "Let her see Circe; and she'll calm down a bit faster."
Romeo looked at Rose and frowned "are you certain it is safe she normally doesnt cling to Shayne like that unless she feels like she is losing control"
Chrissanth was looking over for a moment in time before she spoke, "I'll be there as will Shayne. We will be able to stop her should she try anything."
Shayne was just looking over before he was stating that he would just take her to her room for the evening. A specially made room that kept newborns contained; magic on the door that seemed to detect if they were in a blood rage or not.
"if you can get her to let go she has a pretty good grip on you" Romeo motioned for Chriss to join him and pointed out where she had a grip and her knockles were white as she had a death grip on him
Chrissanth was just looking over before she spoke, "But clinging to the prince every time that you feel like you are losing control isn't going to help you at all. We discussed this."
Rose shook her head again she didn't want to and even though they had talked about it right then being close to him helped her feel the calmest
Chrissanth was looking over for a moment before she was stating that she was still asleep as far as she knew.
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