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To Hunt A Dragon - OOC

Thanks! I'm touching things up right now, so I hope to be done with it by tomorrow. Beard's going to be epic, as all Dwarven beards are ;-)
Yay! Someone with more between him and firebreath than just some leather and fur! It will be Gostîm's duty to tell the story of what happened when everyone else inevitably gets torched.
Haha, I do hope everyone makes it alive to the end, but don't worry! You have a perfectly good meatshield/barrier to hide behind in case things turn ugly. On second thought, they most definitely will.
The armor definitely doubles our party's life expectancy...from a half second to full second. We got this (y)
Alright, we are locked and loaded now. @LeaT has signed on to play as an elven character and we also have @TheCorsair on board as potentially a half-orc character. As soon as we get those bio's up I'll be looking to move forward and post up a starter for everyone to jump in on.
Sounds sweet, I am eager to see our crew in action!
Aside from the Half-Orc and a lack of Halflings or elderly Caster...that's accurate, I would say.
Who says the group won't encounter silly shenanigans during their quest? Tom Bombadil wasn't the most serious of folks.
Gall the Far-Seeing is up!

For fun, I based Orks on Neanderthals.
Love that picture you choose for him. Well now that we are all setup I'll be looking to try to wrestle up a starting post to bring everyone together. More than likely it'll be something to lay out the gathering at the Moot. A feast and community affair to those tribes who still choose to honor the tradition in the sacred traditional grounds.
Two spearman, an axe wielder, two archers, and a crazy cat. Looks like a solid line up. You're taking a main role as well right @Black_Out ??
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