One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

They scowled and changed back to their formally dressed, but androgynous form. "Hun, you could scratch me once before I erased you from existence." They said. "I'm here to try and help. Give you shit for it, but still, try and help."
They rolled their eyes and placed their hand on his head, and the pain began to lift away from him.
"Nothin, hun. Just fond memories.. after all, ain't the first time I've picked you up off the floor..~" they said with a smile.
They made a noise and shook their head. "You think you did, hun, I remember it a little differently.. but, neither here nor there.. you both'll be seeing more of me~" they said, before vanishing.
He made a dissatisfied noise before forcing his wings back into the tattoo. He sighed softly and stood, moving to the bedroom.
He rested his forehead gently against hers, his fingers coiling gently around her hair as he closed his eyes. He had to try and do better for her, but overcoming his nature would be hard.
Whether their relationship improved after that, is hard to say. It definitely changed, but for the better? That was to be seen.
He stayed home, as he usually did, ignoring the siren call of his booze, the withdrawals becoming terrible but he did his best to ignore them.
She was.. well, she was there. She went to work, went home, went to bed, but it was all still.. quite a bit.
He frowned softly, "Look, I...I get it if this is too much for don't have to tough it out for my sake. I won't beg, I won't cry, tell me to go and I'll go.."
"Derek, I.." she began. She shook her head, at a loss for words. "I'm.. I dont even know where to begin.."
"You lied to me about almost everything I thought I knew about you.. and to cover up those lies, you drank, and we fought and screamed constantly. I have been worried sick about your drinking habits for years, and after all that, all that. You sit me down and say you're thinking about leaving? Without even so much as an attempt to make it up to me?" She asked.
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