One More Night (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

The squirming was starting to get painful, and without thinking he shoved her away, getting up and moving to the sink.
"Well, you can't!" He snapped, "You're just some girl!" Shut up, Derek, shut the fuck up, he thought to himself.
"I'm not going anywhere." The pain was only getting worse, and he knew what was going to happen if he was still here with her in the room. His knees buckled from the pain and he gnashed his teeth, "I live here too."
"Not anymore. I've put up with too much of your bullshit for you to sit here and call me "just some girl". So why don't you collect your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment before I get the bat." She said, not even looking at him.
He felt his heart break; she may as well have ripped straight out of his ribcage. You really fucked up this time, he thought. He suddenly wailed and collapsed, barely gripping the edge of the sink as he succumbed to the pain. The back of his shirt soaked heavily in blood before it started to shred; forcing themselves from his skin were two massive wings, black as pitch with patchy feathers - like a bird with injured wings.
"D...Don't look at me...!" He gasped out, voice shaking in agony. Drool dropped down his chin, head spinning in his suffering, "P...Please, God, don't look at me...."
"You ever learn about angels getting cast out for bullshit reasons...? For wanting to learn what it was like to be human...?" He asked. Oh, he felt like he was going to keel over, his back hurt so much.
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"Of course you didn't...I didn't want you knowing...I wanted to be human with you...but I guess I needed to really stretch my wings..." He gave a weak laugh and his hand slipped from the sink.
"Sh-Shit...sorry..." He moved to lean against the sink cabinet, wincing at his wings but he didn't care, "When I have the energy...I'll get my things..."
He shook his head, "I was so scared of what you would think...I was content with you thinking I was just some drunk bum..."
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