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An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

The fighter simply nodded. "Sheldon! M! Get up!" he walked over and kicked the two of them.

"Huh? Whazzat?" the dwarf grunted and elbowed the barbarian, "Get up ya lazy!" he said and the barbarian grunted and sat up, toppling the dwarf, "Huh! Awake! Time for food?" he asked.

Sonia laughed, "I knew he would come around asking that, she pointed to the kettle warming the stew on the fire. "Eat up." she said with a smile.
Ethel smiled watching as the group gathered around to eat together.
"Well as thanks for the warm welcoming and the armor, perhaps I can give you a show with your meal" She offered, with a snap of her fingers. An illusionary instrument and small crowed behind her appeared and the instrument started to play itself. She cleared her throat before she started to sing.

"Good show lass!" The dwarf said, the giant simply grunted as he ate the stew.

"An entertainer and a good distraction!" The old orc said, "I certainly see why Sonia has taken a liking to you."

Sonia blushed, Margaret laughed, "You really should stop doing that, you are going to make her die of embarrassment." she said.
"Hehe, that is just one of my shows, I have plenty. And heh, I am sure if that was our goal we could do a lot better, hmm or would it be worse?" she rubbed her chin.
"So, I'll just address the old elephant in the room, Omen, what do we know?" She asked the group, her illusion fading as she clapped her hands together and sat down on a stump.
"It big." The barbarian said, and the dwarf grunted. "Evil Magick." he said and the dwarf grunted again.

"Pardon the heathens Ethel." Margaret chimed in, "For something a little more in depth, the omen came from another plane of existence, and as soon as it struck this world it started an eternal winter. Wizards were drawn to it for some reason, they claimed to study it, but whenever someone who possessed magick got near it it, it seemed to almost control them, it took them over and they worshipped it, they built a fortress around it over night. Only powerful magick can do this." she went on to say, "Anyone who gets near it is either killed or possessed. It is slowly seizing control over this land for reasons we do not know, but it must be stopped. We have sent armies, even dragons have came to our aide, our greatest ally Parthenax a bronze dragon was not able to even get near the fortress, the wizards combined might slew him."

The orc hung his head, as did the dwarf and giant, "He was our friend." he said, "He was M best friend." the giant said, "We rode to many battles together, when Parthenax die, M cry for three days."
Ethel nodded.
"Well at least we have a location, are all the wizards that have been possessed stay there, or do they travel? and if they Travel do we know where any of them might be?" She asked leaning back a little crossing her legs.
"Oh yes sorry for the loss of your dragon friend, I have also known and had some dragon friends that have been lost," she told them.
"They used to travel, but as of late they have stayed at their central location. They are building some sort of portal, they have been carving runes for months on end and I feel as if something big is about to come through, something possibly world ending." Margaret said.

"Or something is about to hatch." The orc said.

Margaret scoffed, "He has this theory that the omen is an egg of sorts, and inside it is an ice dragon, which is impossible because they have been extinct for centuries. Ice dragons, not white dragons, which are much different, the ice dragon is a deadly evil force that cannot be contained or killed."

"I'll smash it!" The barbarian said grinding his fist into his palm.

"Yew idiot! Ya can't smash everything!" The dwarf said.

"I'll smash yew!" he said.

"Come at me!" the dwarf said raising his fists.

"BOYS!" The orc shouted in a booming voice, scaring birds from trees and animals from their hiding spot, "If you two fight one more time...." he growled. They stopped immediatly.

"Still woulda smashed it." the barbarian said quietly.

"What was that?" The orc asked.

"Nothing." he replied.

"Go on Margaret." The orc said sitting back down.

"If there is an ice dragon inside the omen it will be the ruination of this entire world, while Modoks theory does lend credence to the eternal winter and the manipulation it would still not make sense that it is controlling wizards." Margaret replied.

"Unless it was created by an evil magick, the kind of magick a lich posesses." Modok replied.
Ethel smiled and leaned back.
"Well, your own information needs some work, first of all, if something is extinct that means it is most certainly killable. For example, your ice dragon can be killed by submitting to it in a dire circumstance." She started to explain getting a bowl of stew and starting to eat it.
"Oh, it's even better today, mmmm, anyway, after submitting you create a bond with the creature's heart, usually this would submit you to it, but there is a brief moment where if you kill yourself the bond is shattered and the dragon dies. Boom extinct," she explained rather casually as she continued to eat the food.
"But yeah, the controlling wizard's thing doesn't seem like the ol' ice dragon MO." she explained rubbing her chin.
"A lich, I am telling you, only a lich is powerful enough to bring sommin like that back." Modok said, "Which would explain the control of the wizards, he probably has a beholder allied with him which would explain many things." Modok said and then kicked back and lit his pipe as if he had won the debate.

"Yes but why would a beholder ally with a Lich?" Margaret said, then stopped, and Modok and Margaret both said, "Death Tyrant." at the same time.
"Don't forget about the possibility of mind flares and possible Aboleths, we really don't know what we are up against. We need more information, so how about we target one of these wizards and see what we can learn, if they are undead, death Tyrant sounds more plausible, if not, then perhaps something else" Ethel stated.
"Oh also, do you know that Beholders have been working with this omen?" she asked.
"Not for sure." Margaret said, "We only concluded this because any time someone got near and escaped they reported any use of magick to be nullified." She said.

"Mmmhm." Modok nodded, "They can chose which magick to deny and which to allow."

"Hey." Sonia said, "Hang on here, lets not just go charging in right now." she said and then turned to Ethel, "How do you know so much about Ice Dragons?" she said.
Ethel continued to think on the magick nullification as the others spoke until she heard that she was addressed.
Sonia was the last one she had expected might question her like that but she simply shrugged.
"Well I did say I consider myself something of a scholar and a bard that tells great tales of deadly beasts, I would be embarrassed to not know such things." She placed a hand to her chest.
"But more importantly, there are other anti-magic fields that could be in place. and perhaps it's less what magic to allow, and who to allow to cast magic, perhaps certain charms are given to them to allow them to cast within the field. Last I checked beholders don't usually pick and choose what magic works in their eye. Though they can turn it on and off, so maybe?" She shrugged.
Modok shrugged, and so did Margaret.

"LETS SMASH THEM!" M said as he stood up.

"Sit down M." Modok said, "I am all for smashing but we don't know who or what we are even smashing, but when the time comes to smash, you will be the first one to know." This made the giant smile, and made everyone else smile as well, it became quickly apparent that Modok was the leader of the group.

"So we find a wizard who is alone and capture him." Sonia said, "Then our lovely Cleric here will have her way with him and pry the truth from him." Margaret Smiled. "First to town to resupply." Sonia added and the others nodded in agreement.
"Ahh yes your zone of truth, unfortunately, it's not a zone of speak, they can always refuse to answer, what is your plan for that?" Ethel asked.
"Does the big guy get some fun then? or do you have other methods? Also, these fanatic types may also try and kill themselves, we should make sure they have no.." She cleared her throat.
"Exit strategy" She stated.
"Oh yes." Margaret replied, "M gets to have lots of fun." she said, "He loves our interrogations, especially the ones that don't co-operate."

A deep chuckle was heard, "Heh heh, last one no talk, M break legs, still no talk, so M gouge eyes, then cleric heal and we do all over again till he talk."

"Exactly." Margaret said and held up an amulet, it glowed with a rune of anti magic, "We put this on them, they cannot get away."
In all her years Ethel had never seen such an amulet, though she knew of them.
"is that an anti-magic amulet? Do you know if its effect is any different than regular anti-magic fields?" she asked looking intently at it.
"Its basically portable and local to whomever is wearing it." she explained, "Its very rare and took great effort to make." she said pocketing it. "It is also very dangerous in unrighteous hands." she said grimly.

"Sonia." Modok said, "Tear down camp, M will help you and we can depart for town, if we travel quickly we can make ground quick enough to only camp once.

"Sonia nodded and stood, "Come on ya big oaf." M stood up and smiled.
"Great!, I can assist with interrogations as well if needed, I can also be very persuasive." She smiled and cracked her knuckles.
"So where is our next stop?" she asked.
"Town." M said with a chuckle, "You not listen?"

"M, that's no way to treat a lady." Modok said.

"M sorry, tired from long run, miss bed." he said and bowed his head.

"Sorry about M." Modok said, "He is not too bright, but I wouldn't have anyone else have my back in a fight."

"M slay red dragon!" he shouted and flexed his massive muscles.

"Yes M, we remember that, you killed that dragon all by yourself." Margaret said.

Modok sat and smoked his pipe and relaxed, "Hey old man, you gunna help?" Sonia asked.

"Old man?" He said standing up, "I earned the right to sit while others work."

"I'm older than you." Sonia said.

"In human years yes, but by elf standards, you are barely a child." Modok said.

Sonia huffed and kept working, a snap was heard as M attempted to wrench one of the wooden supports out of the ground and he broke it. "Sorry." M shouted, "I replace, promise."
"Haha, don't change M, and no I wasn't, I kind of space out a lot" She chuckled and moved to help packing up.
"Did I also happen to miss the name of this town?" She asked before hearing the snap, which she also laughed at.
"Haha, don't know your own strength big gu-" *SNAP*
as she said that she had also snapped the support she had reached to pull out.
"Shit... I replace, promise..." She said her shoulders slumped as she tossed the broken piece to the side.
"Stop breaking my things!" Sonia said, frustrated she stormed off to sit next to Modok who comforted her.

"There there little one, we will get your things fixed." Modok said rubbing her back, she looked more flustered than anything.

"Let me help." Margaret said walking over and continuing to help them pack up.
Ethel looked over at Sonia, part of her wanted to lecture her on putting too much value in objects but instead simply continued to pack. Moving with M and basically doing things similar to him as she assumed he did the most heavy lifting.
Sonia walked over, and swallowed her pride and finished helping them pack, it seems whatever Modok had said lightened her mood, "I'm sorry I acted the way I did, it is just a thing after all, I just, I'm still part elf, and we do take pride in our belongings." She hugged M and then turned to Ethel and hugged her, "I should learn to be more forgiving."
Ethel placed a hand on her head and smiled.
"This seems pretty forgiving to me, and if makes you feel any better all my possessions were destroyed in that fire yesterday, so I understand," She told her speaking flawless elvish, though looked around to see if any of the others seemed to understand.
Modok simply nodded his head and understood, then said in elvish, "She is brash, crass and bold, but she is ours." Sonia smiled and looked at Ethel and mouthed the words, "I could kiss you."

M stood up and lumbered off, to gather his things, "Packing done, we leave now?"

Modok stood up and put out his pipe, "We are heading out Sonia, I trust you will catch up?" he smiled as if he knew what they were leaving them alone to do.
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