An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

Sonia stood and pushed the woman to the ground and bore down on her, elbow on the womans neck, face inches from her own. "Because I am in love with you." she pressed harder, "That is why."
"Better..." she spoke through the pressure on her throat.
"But you don't love me, I guess you are still young, but there is a difference between love and lust. What you feel for me is Lust, love, is not something you could possibly feel for me. You don't even know me." She claimed not fighting back at all.
"Then why does everything about you remind me of my home?" she said, "Why does everything, right down to the way you taste remind me of my home?" she asked again, "Tell me why, tell me the truth, you know something and are hiding it. I demand you tell me and give me the truth this time. Your secret is safe."
"hehe, first off, I have no idea why I remind you of your home, I mean maybe I visited it for some time? Maybe you are just a crazy horny desperate bitch and are putting one and orange together. You are connecting dots that aren't there because you want there to be something special between us. But there is nothing, you hear me, I don't love you, you don't love me. It's all in your messed up little head. Clearly, you are not ready to save the world if this is what haunts your mind. Tell me how many more women or men will you claim you love, and they are your destiny before you finally clue in that there is no such thing as destiny! There is no such thing as true love! You are a child clawing at a pathetic dream world that will never exist!" She lectured, still laying under her.

"And second, at least that spine is starting to get a little workout, Oh look who is that group of adventurers approaching?" She asked pointing off to the side. If she looked she would use the opportunity to flip their positions so Ethel would pin her down from ontop.
"They arent supposed to be here for at least another hour!" Sonia said looking up.
As she looked away from Ethel, Ethel quickly pushed the arm she was using to hold herself up off to the side, causing her to start falling down toward Ethel. She then moved and grabbed both her hands while her hips pushed and turned to turn her. In the flash of an eye, Ethel had swapped their positions. Ethel grabbing both of Sonia's wrists in one hand as the other managed to grab Sonia's dagger and now held it to her throat.
"And now I hold your life in my hands. Still, think you aren't weakened by these thoughts?! You trusted me, that is a mistake, trust no one, love no one. I could kill you right now, and just remember what brought you to the edge of death." She warned.
Sonia would feel an impossibly tight grip around her wrists, there was no way to wriggle out or even move her arms as of now.
Sonia laid there, helpless, "DO IT!" she screamed birds flew from a tree in the distance, startled. "I AM UNAFRAID AND I KNOW MY FATE! DO YOU KNOW YOURS?" she shouted, not angry, not afraid, defiant.
She suddenly lifted the knife up and stabbed it down toward her, the knife stabbing into the ground beside her.
"No, I have no fate. And if you want to live longer than another century you should probably try a little harder." She told her standing up and offering her a hand up.
Sonia took the womans hand and stood up, "Why do you deny what I feel?" she asked, "You honestly felt nothing last night?"
"Because of love and destiny, and fate. All of it is just a dream. And of course, I felt something last night. I felt your tongue in my pussy, and you were pretty good. Listen love you were a good lay, but that's all it was okay?" she told her placing her hand on her shoulder.
"I refuse to believe that, and one day I shall prove it to you that it was more than that." Sonia smiled, "As far as I see it, you are destined to travel with me and my companions for the time being, you have nothing, and we have things you need, and as long as you are in my company you shall never be wanting."
"Hehe, now that I can get behind. You make a very tempting offer, and you can call it whatever you want, I'll eat that cute pussy of yours anytime" she gave her a wink and held her hand out toward her.
"For now, let's call ourselves allies with benefits, shall we?" She offered.
"Fair enough." Sonia said and shook the woman's hand. "This has to remain a secret." Sonia said, "Please, I beg of you, utter not one word of this to my companions."
"What part? The allies part? or the benefits part? Plus don't you all like to share a campsite usually, and I am a loud fucker as you know, plus I'll make you scream. Might be hard to hide that with some fabric." She asked raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
Sonia blushed, a lot, so much that her normally fair skin turned a deep red. "We........we....only share a camp site when we travel together, I travel alone a lot, I am mostly an advance scout." she was still red, still blushing.
"Oh well, wouldn't they use the logic that I should stay with them? after all scouts work best alone. Why would I travel with you? stealth isn't exactly my strong suit" She asked.
"B-b-because you....." she blushed again, struggling for words, finally her frustration got the better of her and she shouted, "I don't know!"
"Well you best think of something, you have less than an hour till your teammates get here and it might want to be decided before then. But, the priority is the mission, not to get me as a fuck buddy right? perhaps it would be best to leave me with your crew where I can do the best for our mission. Or are you going to get greedy?" she asked leaning in and raising an eyebrow.
"I.....might." she said with hesitation. "Can you be good at stealth?" she asked, hopeful.
"I am more of a hide in plain sight kind of stealth. Sorry love, hiding in the shadows of the trees isn't exactly my style." She admitted.
She got frustrated, "Help me then." she said, "What would you say, were you in my shoes?"
"If I were in your shoes, I would say. That this bitch blew up a slaver camp on her own and got all the slaves out, she is coming with me and if any of you have an issue with that you can tell it to the hole in my ass" She crossed her arms with a smirk.
"Well, maybe not like that, but I could definitely say you are an asset to me specifically as you possess certain abilities that can aide me." Sonia winked.
"hehe, okay, and if they inquire about what these abilities are and how they benefit you? And how they outweigh the risk of a two-person scouting party where one can't even really sneak." She asked with an eyebrow raised.
"You are excellent with traps and explosives." Sonia states frankly.
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