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An apocalyptic romance Alisa X Kira

Sonia quivered under Ethels touch, "How did you?" she moaned, "I orgasmed without being touched, did you?" she quivered again. "H-h-how is that possible?"
"Oh, love, some people, or girls at least, are just like that. You get some much eu[phoria from seeing others in pleasure it's enough to cause you to climax as well" She explained moving her hand up to brush Sonia's hair with her hand.
"Now we should really rest," She told her.
"Mmmhmm." Sonia said as she curled around Ethel like a kitten and rested her head on Ethel's chest. She thought she would regret making love to Ethel without properly wooing her but she found it was exactly the release she needed.
Sonia fell asleep to the rhythm of Ethel's breathing.
Sonia would rise with the sun, start a fire, and put the kettle with the cold stew on the flames to begin warming it for their meal and for her companions who were set to arrive in a few hours. She sat outside by the fire, thinking about the events of the night and everything that lead up to this. The burning question in her mind at this time was why did every single inch of Ethel taste like honey? Did she exude some sort of pheromone? How was it Ethel got her way so easily with Sonia?
After about an hour from when Sonia had gotten up, Ethel did the same. Her warmth spell having ended, she used a simple prestidigitation spell to clean herself up. She then walked out still fully nude out into the camp site. She would see Sonia spaced out a little as she had prepped things for the morning. Ethel simply took a seat crossing her legs by the fire.
"So did you rest well?" she asked with a smirk.
"Quite." Sonia said, tending the fire, "Ethel? There has been a question burning in my mind since last night. You tasted exactly like honey, like every inch of your skin. Not just any honey, specifically honey that came from the tree that grew where my tribe made their home. That tree is only native to that area and we have kept it a secret for thousands of years. Why?" she asked.
She shrugged.
"Your guess is as good as mine, I honestly didn't know I tasted like that, people have always said that I tasted unusually sweet but I never thought much of it. I am not elvish so it's not like I am from that area or anything, at least I don't think so..." she rubbed her chin.
"What are you Ethel? Please tell me, I feel I should know. Your touch is electric and your taste is unique and sweet. Please, tell me!" She begged, she didn't know if it was Ethel's plan to have her wrapped around her finger, but one thing was for sure, she did.
She put her feet up on a nearby log and her hands behind her head, turning to look at her with a smile.
"heh, I told you, I am pretty sure I am human, but outside of that, I have no idea. I don't know what you are expecting me to say. What makes you think I am something special, my flavor? my touch? Oh!, maybe I am a succubus, hmmm? that makes sense right, perhaps that's how I got you to fuck me" she suggested wiggling her eyebrows.
"You will tell me your secret one of these days." she said as she stirred her stew. "I would highly recommend putting at least those skins over you before my companions arrive, lest they think you a harlot and me a whore." she said frankly. "What I do with another woman is none of their business."
"Hehe" She chuckled.
"Honestly that sounds more like your problem than my problem" She smirked looking over at her, still relaxing as she leaned back.
"Please?" Sonia asked spooning some stew into a bowl, "I am keeping your secret and I don't even know what it is. The very least you could do for me is to allow my comrades to not think I am a whore." she blushed, truly felt ashamed, she had never bed someone soon after meeting them.
"Hey all I wanted to do was sleep, you are the one that forced yourself on me, it isn't my fault that you are such a horny girl" She smirked, planning on letting her sweat a little.
"Though I suppose if you covered me, I would not remove it" She stated looking at her fingers.
"Temptress." Sonia said as she walked over and draped a bear skin over the woman, "No foul games, please." she begged, "They cannot know that I bed you last night, they would think less of me, and I have worked very hard to earn what little I have among my companions."
"oh, really?" She smirked.
"Oh hehe, that is good to know, very good indeed. I can use that. Don't worry I won't tell them, at least as long as you stay on my good side love" She winked at her.
Sonia huffed, "Please." she pleaded, "I beg of you not to tell my companions, and to not hold this over me." she was nervous, starting to sweat and near tears. "Please do not make me regret what I have done."
She wrapped the bearskin around her as she sat up to look at Sonia.
"Oh you mean you haven't already regretted eating the pussy of a woman you met mere hours before and letting her eat your pussy? Hehe, even some literal prostitutes take longer than that, and I didn't even have to pay. You are one horny girl, why not embrace it, perhaps we should ask your crew for an orgy, would you like that you little slut?" She asked a wicked grin on her face.
"N-n-no." Sonia said, "That would be the worst idea in the history of worst ideas." she said, turning away, "Why do you toy with me so?" she said, Sonia was filled with regret, to think she wanted to woo this woman and maybe be more than just a one night stand, maybe marry, at the very least be courting and dating.
"Hahaha, relax, I was obviously kidding, it's called a joke love. Don't get your knickers in a bunch, I am not going to ask them to have an orgy. If I will tell them about your hungry mouth, we will have to wait and see, won't we?" She paused for a moment.
"You know I had taken you for a tough warrior, but look at you, on the verge of tears because you don't want your friends to know what easy lay you are. Where is the fire in your belly, you don't want me to do something, don't ask, demand it, take-charge woman!" She demanded.
"You have a spine, so use it! or I'll tear it from your body, seeing as you clearly don't need it" she stated looking at her nails casually.
"You would be dead before your left your seat and I would be gone before your body was even cold." she said gritting her teeth, and holding back tears, or at least trying as one ran down her cheek, "I-I-I'm sorry, I did not mean that. I do not know what came over me."
She smiled wrapping the bearskin around her again before standing up and walking over to her.
"Why should you care? I just threatened your life you pathetic wench. Have you no pride? No will to live? Your mother would be disappointed in the worm you have become" She glared down at her, standing tall.
"You couldn't kill me if I was unconscious and you had an executioner's ax." She scoffed.
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