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Lost in Space OOC

On that note. Should we perhaps approach @xavierrol and see if he is open to resuming his role as Allen Stevensen. If not the question arise with whom to pair Judy at this stage of the story. Perhaps she has taken a liking to Tag, which could perhaps cause a bit of jealousy between the two sisters as it is not yet clear who is the father of the child Penny carries, it could be Maxwell but it could also be Tag.

Thoughts on this? @AndNich123
Well both my characters are available if anyone would like to work together. I'm sure Judy was pregnant by now. I still ha e the message that had the results of who did conceive this first time around, but if memory serves me correctly Judy was pregnant with twins. Ivy, on the other hand, is not, and by this point her supervisor of pills should be low. I imagine that she has secretly pushed and/or threatened Judy at this point to formulate something to help her not conceive a child. Lol.
@AndNich123 At the risk of perhaps screwing up the genetic diversity that originally spawned the breeding program I could always have Tag starting to pursue Ivy who by now would be as much free game as Maureen. The scene between him and Megan kinda ground to a halt since we're having no luck in finding someone to play Tiffany. And if memory serves there is a little bit of history between Ivy and Tag, and Theo for that matter.

There is also the option of Ivy talking to her stepmum about whether she's found any herbs or other plants that might help her not to conceive. Not saying anything sexual would have to happen of course but perhaps a bit of bonding between the two.

@apollo247 As for Theo's return to the story I have an idea involving Mei who by December would have been cleared for breeding possibly after the rest of the females of the colony put pressure on the elusive Dr Smith.
She might be. Kat was after all one of those who opposed the idea of mixing and matching partners for the breeding program the strongest at the initial meeting. The question is what would the consequences be should Ivy not conceive at all. Could perhaps banishment from the colony be a possibility?
@MsBloom I'd happily discuss details of the idea with Mei. Feel free to send me a message if you like. Excited to get back into the swing of things.
and he knew that their conception were a bit unorthodox, as their father was Maureen's brother, and Joan had born them (OOC: Correct me if I'm wrong about that.)

You are actually. Judy is (biologically) the daughter of Maureen and Joan's brother, born by Maureen.
Penny is (biologically) the daughter of Joan and Maureen's brother (through IVF), born by Joan.

Would you mind editing your latest post to get the facts straight?
@AndNich123 I'm not sure. I'm kind of unsure of whether Kat and Allen would still be together by December.. There was after all some tension between them but perhaps she did set up some kind of laboratory at the Stevensen Jupiter.

Also. Since it has now been decided that Mei will no longer be exempt from the breeding program perhaps Ivy might be a good big sister and have a talk with her?
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