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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Estellise was just looking at her watch for a moment before she spoke, "I should probably get going, I have to get to volleyball practice."
Bri nodded her head "ok have fun and try not to get hurt" Bri knew that they all had their own hobbies and such but she often tripped and fell at times and it seemed like Estel had the same problems at times
Estellise was just chuckling before she spoke, "I make no promises to the no getting hurt business, but I can promise that I will try not to." With that she was just giving a faint smile before she was going over to where she had her gym bag at and was grabbing it up.
"ok have a good time" Bri smiled at her and then watched as Eric stood and joined her. it was easy to tell that he was going with her to her practice
Estellise was looking towards Eric for a moment, a bit surprised that he was following after her, but she wasn't going to argue it at all. "Wait until she remembers that if he is watching.... she wears short shorts for practice, and usually just wears a sports bra." Raelle was commenting with a faint chuckle, but that was pretty normal for all of the girls to dress that way.
Bri chuckled "I know it's going to be hilarious when she remembers which will be right around the time practice starts and she realizes that he is still there" Bri then looked at Nathan "offer to drive him home once he wakes that will give you some time"
Raelle was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head. Yeah that would definitely work. With that she was just running her fingers through her hair. Estellise was going to the gym and heading into the locker room so that she could change into her valleyball uniform. Well most of it anyways, the only thing that she wasn't wearing was the actually jersey itself, that she usually only wore for tournaments. Her hair was being tied up into a tight ponytail.
while she changed Eric moved and sat on the bleacher to wait and watch from so that he was out of the way"

Bri wished her luck and then headed to her office to see what all work she needed to get done
Estellise was heading off out into the gym with the other girls, not even seeming to be bothered by what she was wearing at all. She had a petite body, shapely yet atheletic at all. And compared to when she and Eric had first met, her breasts were definitely a good cup size bigger than what they had been. A well-rounded C-Cup.
Eric leaned back while he watched them all come out but his eyes never left Estel even with everyone else there dressed just as skimply
At first Estellise hadn't noticed at all that Eric was there, not until one of the other girls was pointing it out. Well that definitely had her looking over.... and not paying attention to what was going on. Almost got smoked with the volleyball had one of the other girls on her team not pulled out of the way. "Stel! Not the time to get distracted."
Estellise was just watching for a moment although she did find herself looking away with a faint flush. Man she couldn't believe that he had seen her.... more or less half dressed. Yet why was so so embarrassed about it now... it wasn't as though they had never slept together in the past.
The girls practiced for a good two hours, and by the end of practice they were sweating like now other; and breathing heavily. The coach was just clapping her hands and stating, "Good practice ladies. I think we are going to be ready for the upcoming tournament."
Estellise was heading off to the locker room so that she could at least rinse off and then she was changing. Once her stuff was tossed into her bag she was grabbing it up and was heading off out of the locker room.
"would you like to join me for dinner?" Eric wouldn't push her to spend time with him but he hoped that she would of her own free will
Eric smiled and then motioned for her to head out. he knew where they could go that she would probably love and he could afford for them both to eat and not worry about spending a shit tine of money at the same time
Even if money were an issue, that was something that Estellise could easily take care of. If it came to that anyways. She was following after him, just saying a good bye to some of the others that were around her.
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