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The Immortal Pirates (Lunar & Guardian)

Raelle was chuckling and passing on the message to Nat who was just mumbling that it hadn't been her fault. She hadn't known that they had gotten ahold of her coffee until it was too late.
Bri packed her kids suit and then headed out so that they could get on the move. Bri waved at Raelle and then headed out so she could get to the office
Raelle was giving a wave as well before she was heading off. Well she had some time so she was going to go out and do a bit of shopping.
Bri drove to the school and then her secretary arrived she gave her the heads up they Nat was picking the kids up for a day of fun
As Bri was letting the secretary know what was going on, Estellise was in the nurse's office making sure that she was all good on supplies in the office. Even if she wasn't there was a full storage room full of supplies within the room. But if she didn't have to go in there to grab something if it were an emergency, the better. No she preferred making sure that everything was stocked up in the outer room daily.
Estellise was looking at the message from Bri and was just commenting back to keep her posted on if she was actually needed or not. Yet again if she wasn't all that busy, she would end up popping in anyways.
‘Will do but we will be calling the lawyers about this today’ Bri knew that the school was doing well financially as she managed everything for the school
Bri settled her kinds in the waiting room knowing that Nat would pick them up and head out with out bothering her as she knew that Nat was picking them up. once they were settled Bri started going over the papers sitting on her desk while she waited for Nathan to show up and cause her more problems. she also gathered all of her correspondence with his company so she could give it to the lawyers.

Nathan looked over the offer his bosses wanted him to present and while it was an amazing offer he didn't think that she would sell the school as from what he had learned it had been in her family for over 300 years.
Raelle was on the phone with Nat when she walked into the waiting room, shortly after Bri had left. She was waving to the kids before she was speaking to the kids, "Alright kiddos. Nat is on her way here, although it is going to take her a bit longer than usual. Traffic. But she wanted me to tell you guys, to discuss where you would like to go for lunch; and think of things you want to do today after swimming." Nat was stating that she would do whatever the kids were wanting, it wasn't as though money was an issue for her at all; and she knew that Bri trusted her with her children as well.
Both kids nodded their heads and then went back to playing with the toys they had sitting in front of them. Behind them was an oil paining all six of them had sat for before the guys had been killed and the place stated that they were the original founders of the school
Raelle was just giving a soft smile before she was heading off so that she could go and sit with Bri while they talked with this guy. Honestly she wish that these people would just get the damn hint that they didn't want to sell the school.
Bri handed her a copy of all the papers she had “after he had left I am calling the lawyer and having harassment charges filed” Bri was done with their games and she wanted them to leave her and her family alone.
Raelle was looking at the papers for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Last time we contacted our lawyers about it.... they had been afraid to go up against this big company." Yet again that would also mean going against the company's lawyer, who was an ace lawyer who had supposedly never lost a case. Although she figured that eventually one had to fall.
“True but I clearly warned them in the last email and certified letter which I have a copy of that if they continue to harass us I was going to file the charges” Bri was done playing games and their lawyer was in agreement in this
Raelle was just looking over before she spoke, "Well you have me to back you up, also Nat and her hubby stand at our side. He is getting rather annoyed with this company as well."
“I know he is. He told me to let him know if they didn’t leave us alone” Bri smiled glad that the rest of the bad had their backs as well
Raelle was giving a soft giggle before she spoke, "Okay so Nat just messaged me and says that she got the kids. She is also wondering if she could just take them for the weekend. She wants to take them to that indoor waterpark a few hours away for the weekend, if you are cool with it. She says that it is to make up for missing their last birthday."
Bri looked at her and then nodded “sure if something happens she just needs to call and let me know” Bri was ok with this as Nat had know them since she was a child so she knew they were immortal and wouldn’t die
Raelle was chuckling before she was messaging Nat to let her know that it was alright, and to call if there was anything that happened. The only thing that Raelle got back was a smiley face with a thumbs up, then wanting to know some of the basic medical information about the kids. Just to be safe. Allergies and what not. Sure she knew them, but since she hadn't been around the kids in a bit she wasn't sure if anything had changed.
“Caleb is allergic to all kinds of nuts and Emily has an allergy to soy based products” Bri wrote out a list for Raelle and then handed it to her so she could send it to Nat
Raelle was taking a picture and sending it to Nat. With good timing as well since the meeting was just about to start.
Bri looked up when there was a knock on the door. Nathan walked in and after having seen the portrait out in the lobby he was on edge. He had of course sent a picture of it to Jaxon as well
Raelle was looking up as well although she did find herself pausing for a moment when she saw Nathan. Yes she had seen him from where she had been at on stage, but she had thought it was only her imagination. But no it turned out that it hadn't been her imagination at all. Unlike Bri.... This was the first reincarnation of Nathan that she had ended up running into and meeting. Either this was when he had finally reincarnated or the previous times it had just been bad luck that they had never met one another.
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