The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"Oh honey please, a little leather under the armpit wont bother me." she giggled, "Where is it, I wanna pack all the gear so its ready to go when I am." she said excitedly, like a child ready to open their presents on Christmas morning.
"In the armory you chased me through last night," he said, heading up the stairs and through the house to the place in question. While he waited for her to arrive, he started pulling out the relevant gear: the vest (which was made of Kevlar, nylon and polyester, not leather), the case and finally her weapon, for which he loaded three mags full of ammo and locked them all away safely before the door slid open to admit Ally. He spun the case around so that the fingerprint reader faced them both. "JARVIS, please transmit Ally's biometrics to pistol case four." Instead of responding vocally, the smart-home AI simply beeped affirmatively. "Go on, open it," he said, indicating the case. "But be sure to close it before we leave. Legally, you're not allowed to have it out of the case until you have your permit."
Ally put her thumb in the slot on the case and it opened, "So fucking cool." she said and then shut it and put her vest on and wiggled her eyebrows, "How do I look?" she giggled.
"Like Scarlett Johansson needs to retire," Sean said sincerely, kissing Ally and grabbing the case. "C'mon, you wanted to test drive your new car, right? Sheriff department is already in the GPS."
Ally laughed, "Oh come on love, flattery gets you everywhere, also, yes please." She said and walked out to the car. "Uh, keys please?" she asked.
"Pocket under the shell holders, dear," Sean said, tapping the spot on his chest that corresponded to where the pocket in question was on Ally's vest, before opening the garage door and leaning against the passenger side of the black Mustang, waiting for Ally to unlock the car.
"Oh snap." she said and fished out the remote and unlocked the car, "Oooh, push to start." she said as she depressed the brake and hit the button, the car came to life, just as Sean had said, it was quiet. "This will take some getting used to." she said, "I get it for tactical purposes we had to soften her up, but maybe we could do butterfly valves instead?" she asked, "I love the roar of the 5.0 and if we did butterfly valves instead of hushing her altogether we could have quiet for stealth, and get a nice roar outta her when we want it to." She revved the engine a little, feeling it out. "How many horses by the way?"
Sean chuckled at Ally's enthusiasm. "You're the gearhead, you do what you think is right. Just make sure you can still drive her when all is said and done, and that it has the option to switch between the different driving modes, which after you're done with it, there will be three." He tried to recall the exact horsepower, but couldn't. "Don't remember the specific number of horses, but the mechanic said double the stock HP and a corresponding increase in all other relevant stats." He shrugged apologetically, wondering if this was the first thing for which they were NOT perfect for each other.
"Oh there is an easy way to find out." She said as she revved the engine to about 3500 rpms and dumped the clutch and let the car peel out of the garage, leaving smoke behind, she barreled down the road, "You might wanna open that gate hon."
"Woohoo! One open gate, coming up!" Sean pressed a button on a remote he had fished out of his inside jacket pocket. While he was waiting for Ally to join him, he had put on a tan blazer and brown dress shoes to complete his outfit. "Just slow down once we get to the main road, alright?"
"Maybe." Ally said as the gate came open and she flew through it, "Hang on." she said and kicked the clutch, dropped a gear and put the car sideways and drifted onto the side road, she held it, feathered the throttle and milked the drift out for a good fifty yards till she whipped it straight and went to a normal speed. "Heh, figured I would show you what I can do given the proper tools, used to race in a buddy club, drift night, was the best." she smiled.
"Real-life GTA, but without the crime. I love it." He could scarcely keep the exhilaration out of his voice as they made their way to the sheriff department.
"Exactly, hang on." she pulled over, and grabbed her cell phone and enabled the blue tooth, "Gotta kick the jams." she pressed play then kept driving, "Lets see if you can jam to this." she started bobbing her head and singing along.
Sean pressed pause and turned to face Ally. "This buddy club of yours. Do you still consider them friends? If so, my family owns a controlling share in the local NASCAR track. If they could use somewhere to meet and race safely, I think I could make some arrangements as long as it's an off-day and there's no race the next day."
She contorted her face a bit when he pressed pause "It was an official club, we had weekend events on the old F1 track in town, curves are more fun than circles anyway." she pressed play again.
"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure there were no distractions when I talked to you," he said when he saw her face, and sank back into the cushions, his worries and insecurities about pissing her off so bad she left him fighting to re-surge again. His face wasn't exactly schooled, either; he had always worn his heart on his sleeve, as it were, and right now his internal struggle to tamp down the rising tide of his worries and insecurities was plain in his expression, if one cared to look.
"It's fine." she said, "Not used to someone else having control. It's something I will have to get used to, sorry if I made you feel like I was angry." she reached over and patted him on the leg, "I promise I will get better at this."
He gave her a wan smile, which suddenly morphed into a lascivious grin when he was suddenly struck with an idea. "'Not used to someone else having control', eh? Well that could be a lot of fun with the right spin on it," he said, pulling out his phone and making no effort to try to hide the fact that he was searching for the best remote-control vibrator on the market today. To his credit, he remained unfazed by the whole idea, at least insofar as his cock remained dormant--for now, at least.
"Oh lord, you horny man." she said glancing over to his phone, "What are you up to now?" she giggled as they pulled into the police station, "Alright eyes up my love, we have business to handle."
"Roger that, chief." Sean put his phone away and climbed out of the car without waiting for Ally to open the door; not that he expected her to, but that sort of thing was just excessive and snobby as all hell, in his opinion. An opinion that was instilled in him from an early age by his parents: "If you're too lazy to do something as simple as open a door, then maybe you should stay home with all of them open, ya fat-ass." This was his father's reaction to a news broadcast of that Madoff guy--before he was busted--having his limo door opened for him for some big meeting or some such. He walked purposefully into the station and stated their business, and said to Ally, "The only thing I haven't told you, is that if you're gonna be doing that whole volunteer SWAT team thing, you're gonna be deputized. It's just for those rare occasions, don't worry." With that he stepped aside and let things happen as they had before, when his parents bought him along for this same process involving his current head of security.
Ally walked into the building with Sean, "So uh....what next?" she said looking around, she had never been in a police station before.
A young, perky female desk sergeant piped up at Ally's confusion. "You haven't been in a police station before? Well I suppose that's a good thing." She giggled; the small-town camaraderie was strong here, so everyone was friendly and polite almost to a fault, yet none of it rang false. "Just follow me and we can get started."
"Okay." Sounds good, "Sean? You coming?" She asked, not wanting to separate too far from her love.
"Sure!", he said, understanding how she felt and following along, taking her hand and squeezing it gently as they walked through the station. They sat down at a desk in the back, and all Ally needed to provide was her Social Security number and then the sergeant's fingers were flying over the keys; the department already knew what they were looking for in terms of the background check, so Sean didn't have to say anything. After barely ten minutes--he had to admire the swiftness of the process--the sheriff deputy declared proudly that Ally is cleared for duty. Next, they printed out a temporary firearms permit--the real deal would be mailed to the house--and to top it all off, they gave her a sheriff deputy badge. Sean turned to Ally after this all was over, and asked, "So? How does it feel? Being all official and shit?"
"G-g-great!" she said smiling, "So, do they just call me when they need me? Do I have a shift? How does this work?" she asked nervously, looking all around, "I-I-I just want to be sure I am doing it right."
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