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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"Hey babe, this is Chamar, shes my ex, the one I was telling you about." She smiled, "Don't worry about lunch hon, its on us." Ally winked at Sean signifying him she intended to pay him back later in a different manner.

"So nice to meet you." Chamar said wiping a tear from her cheek, "Thanks for lunch too, how did the two of you meet?"
"It's actually a pretty cool story, like one of those romance novels except it's like the heat was turned up to like 11. The way you came up out of that pool...oof, love at first sight." Sean poured some of his root beer into the mug and some water into a glass, and handed the latter to Chamar as he indicated to Ally that she could pick up the story if she wanted to.
"Don't let him fool you, he acts like a Casanova, but he was reading by the pool, and I was doing my laps, and the towel cart just so happened to be by his chair, so our meeting was inevitable, he couldn't stop staring, and I couldn't stop talking, and one thing lead to another vis a vis a romp in his hotel room, followed by a meal, followed by another romp and then well, everything else just sort of fell into place." Ally smiled.

"And your badge and gun?" Chamar asked.

"Oh, and I am the head of his security team, uhmmm, deputized officer and auxillary swat as well....did I miss anything babe?" Ally asked, turning to Sean.
"Nope, that about covers it," Sean said, smiling once again when their chowder came. He looked at Chamar questioningly, then back at the bowl, as if to say, You want one too?
Chamar simply nodded. "Order us another one babe, here, you can have mine." Ally said sliding her bowl over to Chamar, who gratefully took it.

"I-I-I'll wait for yours to come before I start eating." Chamar said.

"No no, its fine, I promise, eat away, I wont whither and die if I have to wait a few more moments for food." Ally said.
Sean held up three fingers to the waitress before dismissing her with another of his friendly smiles, the ones that made people feel like he really cared for them like they were his family. They probably worked so well because he actually did care. Realizing that Chamar would probably need some kind of non-negotiable reason to take Ally's soup, he drew himself up importantly, and said, "Miss Herden, as your employer I specifically order you to give Chamar your clam chowder," giving Ally a barely perceptible look that spoke to his intentions to simply get her to stop arguing and eat, should she look his way.
Ally giggled, "Yes sir."

Chamar nodded and started eating, Ally leaned on Sean's shoulder and looked into his eyes, "I love you." she said softly.
"Love you too," Sean said, already thinking of what they planned to do, should they run into the doe-eyed beauty before them. Almost casually--and he could have been talking about the weather but for the way he leaned in close to Chamar and whispered, as if what he was about to say wasn't for public consumption, "So, Chamar. That's a pretty name. Evokes memories of faraway lands, or even ones that only exist in our minds. Tell me, have you ever been fucked--" he let that word hang for a moment, to foreshadow just how good a time she would have if she consented, "--by a man, AND a woman, in a mansion?"
"Hes quite charming isnt he?" Chamar said sarcastically, and Ally laughed, "No, I have not Sean, why? Do you plan to make that a reality?" She asked.
"I do," Sean said simply. "But I also know what happened, and I want to try to help you feel better. In any way I can, if you don't feel comfortable with my first suggestion." He placed a reassuring hand on Chamar's, before leaning back, wondering if Ally could help him--help them out, as he started eating his soup, glancing at the two women as he wondered what might happen next.
"I'm comfortable with it, under one condition, you give us ten minutes where you just watch and don't touch. Chamar and I were always good together in the bedroom and I think at first she could use a womans touch." Ally said, she didn't touch Chamar, she knew how to get into her head and make her quiver with her words.

Chamar had stopped eating the moment Ally spoke, and stared at her. "Y-y-yes, I agree." was all she could muster.
Sean nodded in agreement, wondering, Now why didn't my words have that effect on her? I was talking to Chamar about fucking in a mansion, after all. Guess some things never change. This is why I didn't lose my V-card until Ally: all the good ones are either taken, date only women, or in Chamar's case, can only get her motor started by a woman. He realized he may be judging her too harshly, but it did seem a double standard to him. He shrugged it off internally and set about his meal, covering his insecurity and slight irritation by gushing about how awesome Ally's new car is.
"Oh really?" Chamar said, "Tell me more Sean." She said trying to keep him interested.

Meanwhile Ally leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I sense your frustration love, I will teach you how to make them quiver." She pulled back and kissed him on the cheek. "Yeah love, tell her more."
Sean smiled and whispered a quick, "thank you" before straightening up and speaking. "Yep, she's painted matte black, got a custom engine that's half as noisy with, what was it darling, twice the horses? Red and blue lights, siren, and it's completely bulletproof from top to bottom. Of course, that didn't stop us from almost ruining that paint job with another sort of 'gun'." He wondered idly if that was dirty talk or just some corny joke, as he slurped the last of his soup and finished the root beer.
Chamar smirked at that comment, and took a sip of her water and locked eyes with Ally, who winked and shrugged. "Yup, shes a beast alright, dont like her quiet though, gunna put butterfly valves in the exhaust, that way she can bark when I need her and hush when I need her." She winked at chamar again, another double entendre.
"The car isn't the only beast." Sean considered elaborating, but they were in public, so he contented himself with a wink as he pulled out his wallet to pay the check. He would wait for the others to finish, of course, but he was just making sure that when they were ready to go, there wouldn't be anything stopping them.
"You're bad babe!" Ally said playfully slapping him on the shoulder and taking another bite of her food, "He talks a big game, but he's just a softie." she said to Chamar who smirked and took the last bite of her food. Ally finished hers as well. "Ready to go my love?" She asked turning to Sean.
"You're pretty sweet yourself, ho--" He stopped suddenly, eyes locked on the cashier stand where a guy in a ski mask had his hand in his jacket pocket, the distinct shape of a pistol visible through the windproof fabric. "I'll distract him, while you sneak around behind him. Use that pizza pan on the table nearby. Chamar, get down," he whispered to Ally before he stood up, hands held out placidly as he chuckled at the robber and said, "Hey-hey, what seems to be the problem here?"
"Pizza pan really?" she chuckled and ducked down, plans of her own, she had a gun and crept around the opposite side out of his view of vision, when she was close enough she would draw her weapon and make him drop his.

"Yo back off man." The robber said turning towards Sean.
"What's the matter? I got money. Plenty of it. Go on, my wallet's in my pocket," he said, patting the spot on his blazer where it was, making sure to move around enough that the designer label was briefly visible. Sean had plenty of moves of his own: a headlock, to start with; smashing his elbow down on the upper back as he leaned in to take the wallet (oldest trick in the book, that, but they always fell for it when they realized there was more money in that wallet than the cash register), wrenching the arm so far that he dislocated the punk's shoulder...he was tougher than he looked, thanks to the outgoing head of security.
This bought Ally just enough time to get close enough to him, she drew her pistol and pulled back the hammer, "Alright guy, hands up, nice and easy, you draw a pistol I will not hesitate to plug you in the back of the head, nice and slow now." she said, keeping herself within arms reach.

He did put his hands up, and brandished a pistol, Ally lunged and hit him square in the back of the head with the butt of her gun, knocking him out cold. "God dammit." she said, "I would have let you walk, Sean, call the sheriff, get a squad car over here and lets get him in jail."
"Honestly, hon, if you had let him walk, you'd be back to just being my fiancee. Nothing personal, really. It's just not how I operate. And what are those modifications to your car good for, if you aren't going to use them? Plus, even though the city has its own PD, you ARE the sheriff, babe. Cuff him, and throw him in the trunk if you have to." Sean smiled in amusement at Ally's apparent lack of understanding that she could handle this all on her own, even transporting the fucker to the station downtown.
"No I don't have any-" she padded her vest and felt the outline of the handcuffs, "Oh, damn, okay, I see you sneaky Sean." she pulled out the cuffs and put them on the man then put him over her shoulder like a sack of grain, "Alright tough guy, time to take a little ride." she walked to the car and tossed him in the trunk, then locked it, he wasn't getting up any time soon, so comfort wouldn't matter. She walked back to where Sean and Chamar were, "You guys up for a little detour before we get to the house? I got some trash to drop off." she giggled.
Sean was torn for a moment--on one hand, this would be a chance to head to the bank and grab his grandmother's ring, make dinner reservations, make sure the valet understands that the Aston Martin he was planning to drive was worth almost more than his life--but decided, fuck it. Chamar came first. She was hurting, and they were the cure. So he put his plans on hold and nodded his head in the affirmative, and Chamar followed suit. Hmm. Seems a rather meek sort, in a way. Maybe we could both help instill some confidence in the poor little thing. He pulled out a handkerchief and picked up the thug's discarded gun, walking up to Ally and pulling a pair of rubber gloves out of one of her vest pockets. He walked to the car, set the gun down on the hood, and snapped the gloves on before unloading the weapon.
Ally got in her car as Chamar and Sean followed. She flipped on the lights and sirens and revved the engine, near dead silence, "God I can't wait to change that." she said, "I'm gunna order the valves tonight babe if that is alright with you, oh and Chamar I would tell you to hang on, but you already know." Chamar giggled.

"She took me racing once, it was a blast." Chamar said.
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