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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"They'll only call you and the team when there's a major crisis, like a bank robbery or even a terrorist attack. It's only happened once since I've been alive, and it was the former of the two scenarios. Most of the time the badge is there in the rare event someone doesn't recognize you as a member of my security team, and to sort of empower you, legally, to carry a gun and do what needs to be done anywhere that isn't the house or the grounds. So don't lose it! Now c'mon, we have a wildlife sanctuary to plan!" Sean gestured excitedly for Ally to follow him towards the exit.
Ally followed him back to the exit and her car, "But first." Ally said as she went around and opened the trunk and then the case which concealed her gun. She holstered it and put a few clips into their slots. "Now, much better." she said, almost relieved that she could now carry her weapon as part of her duties.
"I was just about to say something about that," he said, indicating the gun. He opened the passenger door and climbed inside, and when Ally entered, a panel slid neatly aside on the center console to reveal a set of hidden controls. "Ooh, I forgot about this!" He flipped through the various switches, letting the red and blue lights and siren explain what functions they performed instead of explaining it himself. "Pretty dope, huh? Mostly just in case it's necessary for your daily duties, although I will admit a part of me thinks it's sexy how heroic you'd look racing to stop a bank robbery. Hmm, now I think about it, I can't recall if this car was meant as a retirement present for the old chief, or a work vehicle for the new one? Probably the latter." He chuckled at his own scatter-brain tendencies. "Lucky I guessed right, huh?"
"I would expect nothing less, Mr. Stark." she said with a giggle, "Okay, so, to the wildlife sanctuary then my love? Then perhaps lunch and a meeting with the team right?" she asked hoping she had gotten the agenda right.
"City Hall, actually. The sanctuary is part of the estate grounds, and my parents were gonna buy more land to expand the sanctuary. Make sure that badge is somewhere conspicuous. And I love the shirt, but if I was meeting with anyone except civil servants I'd insist you put on a T-shirt at least. Even though my parents usually ran with people who don't give a flying fuck, there will be the occasional instance where we'll meet with someone we haven't met yet, and they, sadly, might give too much of a flying fuck. And if they're the only one that can help us, well..." Sean trailed off, before adopting a reassuring tone. "But we don't have to worry about that today. So, back to the city we go!"
Ally nodded, "Then lets jam." she said as she pressed play on her phone and drove towards the City hall at a normal pace, she was just sort of lost in the moment, driving, her love in the car with her, good music playing and just singing along and jamming out.
Sean leaned back in the seat, savoring the moment despite the music not quite being his cup of tea. If Ally liked it, he would learn to like it. As they wound through the city, he noticed people eyeing the car, clearly impressed. He smiled as they pulled into the City Hall parking lot. "Gotta remember to tell that mechanic that his work impresses the hell out of people. Don't forget to clip that badge somewhere people can see it right away, Ally. This is a government building."
Ally pulled the badge out of her pocket and clipped it to the tactical harness she was wearing. "Good?" she asked stepping out, she wanted to make sure she was following the rules and wielding her power correctly, after all thats what separated the good guys from the bad guys.
Sean gave a thumbs-up and grinned in response. "I was gonna suggest you clip it to your belt, but Scarlett didn't need a sheriff badge, now did she?" Sean chuckled and shot Ally a pointed glance, as if reminding her she was wearing Black Widow's actual screen-used belt. A bit of a brag, but one he hoped would be taken as "this is only the beginning of how much I can do for you, my love", rather than something more negative.
Ally smiled, "Well yeah, she was a spy, last thing she needed was someone identifying her." She laughed, "Can you imagine, just a big ol badge on her that said S.H.I.E.L.D." she laughed even harder, "That would have made for some very failed spy missions I assume."
"Haha, yeah, the hourglass emblem on the belt buckle was hard enough to explain away!" Sean joined in the laughter, before clearing his throat after about a half-minute. "Now, shall we head inside, Deputy Herden? I believe I am about to be late for my appointment."
"Of course." She nodded, "You lead, I follow."
Sean smiled and led the way into the building, the guards recognizing him on sight and assuming correctly that Ally was one of his security people. If only they knew just how much she puts the 'close' in 'close protection', he thought with an almost conspiratorial smirk on his face as they were waved past the metal detectors. Up a small staircase and through a hallway they went, until Sean stopped at a rich wooden door and knocked. "Come in, Mr. Stewart," the gentleman inside replied. Opening the door for Ally, he let her cross the threshold first, then entered, closed the door behind him, and took a seat. The conversation that ensued, didn't really encroach outside the mundane, apart from the fact that Sean seemed well-liked by everyone in the building, and by the time Sean rose to shake the man's hand, the estate grounds were doubled in size and almost all of the new land would be part of the sanctuary. Sean thanked the man for his time and held the door open for Ally to exit. They descended back down to the lobby and outside to the late summer afternoon. "Hey, Ally. There's a decent place to eat lunch not too far from here. Let's just walk, yeah?"
As Sean had his conversation with the man she stood to the side next to the entrance inside the office, keeping her distance, and guarding the door, not like anything would happen, but she felt like her placement was crucial. As the meeting continued. She listened but did not pay too close attention as she figured Sean would fill her in later. As they walked outside, "Yeah sure hon! I could use the exercise, I gotta get back into my routine anyway, maintain this sexy physique for ya." She gently hip checked him, not too hard to bowl him over, just a little tap.
"'Physique'?," Sean asked. "Darling, you know that I'm in love with all of you, right? The sexiness is just a bonus." As if to emphasize his point, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her right then and there, and only gave physical confirmation of the last part of what he said by sliding his hand in her back pocket and cupping her ass a bit before removing it. "Now, shall we?", he said as he jerked his head towards a small yet charming cafe that served what he thought was the best clam chowder in the whole damn city.
"Of course." She said, "But this body is for your pleasure and mine as well, and, to top it off, we most definitely want to make sure I am looking in tip top shape as the head of your security." She smiled, and looked the direction he was looking, "And of course my dear."
"Pleasure, ultimately, is in the mind, my love. As long as you're you, I won't have any problem with how you look." He turned around and began walking towards the cafe, the crowd surprisingly thin for the time of day. Maybe he had been out of the loop for too long. But suddenly, the roar of jets overhead caused him to look up in wonder, and a second later the Blue Angels streaked past above them. Oh right, there's an air show today down at the harbor. Something about what would have been Nimitz's 125th birthday or something? That's right, he was born here. Least 'Sleepy Joe' cut all those insane weapons projects and instead focused on the basics, like rocket launcher sights that kept falling off, or understaffed motor pools that caused Marines to waste valuable time marching to the range. He bought himself out of his reverie soon enough to catch the hostess waving at him, and he smiled at her in a friendly manner as she grabbed two menus and led them to a table.
Ally followed and sat in front of her love, "What do they serve here my darling?" she asked, people watching and enjoying the scenery.
"Bunch of different things, but I always come here for the clam chowder. New England, to be precise." Sean leaned forward and adopted a conspiratorial smirk. "The place up the street, about a mile north, has the best Manhattan style. But don't tell the chef, he thinks he's got the best of both." He laughed at his own faux drama as the waitress came over to take their orders. "I'll have a root beer and a bowl of New England, what about you, Ally?"
"Same." she said and smiled, "If its good enough for you, then its good enough for me."
"All right, two root beers, two bowls of New England, please," Sean smiled at the waitress, who bustled off to put their order in. The Blue Angels could be heard in the distance, performing for what was doubtless a sizeable and appreciative crowd. I should have remembered that, he thought. Ah well, maybe next time. He was so lost in thought that he almost didn't notice a woman walk onto the patio, slump down in her chair in an almost deflated manner, and ask in a small voice if they had any vodka.
"Chamar?" Ally said turning around, then quickly she turned back around to look at Sean, "Don't look, its my ex Chamar." her face turned red, "I....we....ended on mutual terms, we decided that outside of anything sexual we were not compatible. I...never thought I would see her again. She looks so sad. Can we invite her over to have lunch with us babe?"
"Of course," Sean said, and straightened up in his seat, trying to look nearly as confident and happy as he felt (which was impossible because he was on cloud-fucking-nine) and waited for Ally to invite her friend over to the table.
Ally stood up and walked over to the table, "Hey." she said and sat down, "Come here often."

Chamar looked up, "Look if you are going to-" Tears formed in her eyes, "Ally?" she reached over and hugged Ally and started crying. "Shh, shhh, its okay." she said, "What happened?"

"He left me." she said sniffing, "Just, left me, said I was too skinny, too small, and other hurtful things."

"Shh, shh, its okay, its okay." Ally said rubbing the woman's back. "Water." she mouthed the word to Sean, "Hey, cheer up, come sit with us, have lunch, let's talk alright?"

"O-o-okay, I guess." Chamar said.
Sean flagged down a passing waiter and ordered a pitcher of water, tucking a twenty in his vest pocket to thank him for his trouble as the two women made their way back to the table and their regular waitress came by with their root beers, both still in the classic glass bottle and accompanied by a frosted mug. The pitcher of water followed soon afterwards, with three regular glasses.
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