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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

"More than I've ever been in my life. Jarvis, lights." As the lights dimmed before fading away completely, the last thing either of them could see fully was Sean's arm wrapping around Ally, and barely a minute later his soft snores could be heard as he fell fast asleep.
Ally drifted off, with a smile on her face, and didn't awake till the morning with that same smile on her face.
When Sean awoke, he noticed two things. One, that he hadn't moved an inch, despite tossing and turning every other time he had tried to sleep in this bed since his parents' death. Two, he had a raging boner, and he was sick of taking care of his own morning wood. "Morning, Ally," he said sleepily, lightly tugging on her pajamas as he pointed down between his legs at her questioning look.
She stretched, "Oh, hello." she said and climbed on top of him, taking off her underwear and teasing his cock with her sex.
"Hmm, hello indeed. When did you get rid of the pajamas? Not that I'm complaining, of course. I prefer you naked." For his part, Sean reached around her thighs and slid off his boxers and pajama bottoms in one go, and unbuttoned the top before playing with Ally's folds, warming her up and getting her wet for their imminent sex session.
"Middle of the night, silk sticks to the skin and I felt sweaty." she said and leaned down and kissed him. "Oh my, you certainly got ready quick." She giggled at the quickness of Sean stripping. "That was amazing." She kissed him, "Do it again." She giggled.
"Later," he said, and began palming her sex in earnest, teasing her entrance with his finger until she was wet enough to insert it, at which point he did. But when he felt she could handle a second digit, he instead replaced his fingers with his iron-hard member. "Save a horse, right Ally?", he joked.
"Ride a cowboy." She said with a smile and started to immediately pound herself on his cock, moaning, and playing with her tits.
He started laughing, a little mad but mostly in pure, unadulterated joy as she rode him into the mattress. "Haaa!," was all he could articulate as his pleasure started to build.
She kept pounding herself on his cock, this time fully in control she achieved orgasm quite easily and quickly, the evidence only furthered by his now wet lap. "Mmmm." she giggled. "Morning quickies are the best."
Yes, they are, he wanted to say, but he was only able to let out a strangled cry of pleasure as his seed painted her insides as he came hard and fast inside her.
Ally looked down, "Oh gosh, now we need a morning shower." she giggled, "And a shower for real this time." she gently slapped his chest before she got off him, "We have stuff to do today remember Casanova?" she giggled
"Yep. First stop, the county sheriff. They handle all the firearm-related permits and stuff there. Plus, you'd get a chance to meet the folks you'll be backing up if shit hits the fan. They're good people, not like those usual hick sheriff departments that protect and serve only themselves and those 'like them.' But for the land acquisition to expand the sanctuary, we'd have to go back to the city." Sean got up and crossed to the TV. "Jarvis, show us the two closest full bathrooms to out current location." The screen flickered to life with a floor plan of the house, with two red dots showing the info he requested. "Ally, do you want to use the master bath, or the one down the hall? Unless you think we can avoid going farther than washing each other?"
"I am a firm believer in exercises in self control." She said plainly, "You need to learn some too." she giggled, "So, when will Jarvis respond to my voice? Would be lovely to have that sort of power." She thought for a second, "I do have some clothes for just he occasion, with your approval of course once we get out of the shower I will show you, I think they would fit the moment."
"You want to order JARVIS around, eh? Jarvis, stand by for new resident voice pattern recording. Ally, when he says so, speak normally, ideally in different inflections--that are still normal for you--so he will know it's you no matter what. JARVIS, name is Ally Herden." The smart-home system spoke up at that point. "Welcome, Miss Herden. Please follow Mister Stewart's instructions whenever you are ready. Say 'Done' when you are satisfied with your voice samples."
"Hey Jarvis! My name is Ally. Soon enough I will me Mrs. Stewart." She giggled, "I am happy to meet your acquaintance. Done." she smiled, "How was that?" she asked Sean.
"It was fine, darling. Now, what was this you said about exercises in self-control? I mean I love the new lovers thing we got going on, but we should get going so I will accept your challenge." Sean shrugged out of his pajama top and padded naked into the master bathroom, turning on the shower.
Ally followed suite and followed behind, she caught up to him and gave him a good smack on the ass. "Look at that butt." she giggled, "So cute." she gave it another smack and squeeze.
"Ooh, thank you, but I wasn't aware this challenge allowed for actively making things harder." He grabbed the flexible shower head and turned it onto a pulse setting. "But since you've established the rules..." He aimed the shower head right at her tits, spraying back and forth before focusing on her left nipple.
She quickly turned away and covered her tits, "H-h-hey!" she giggled, "I surrender, I never said we could use weapons." She playfully caught some water in her hand and splashed it back at him.
"You didn't say we couldn't." But he relented, and turned it off and replaced it in its wall mount; the existing shower heads were more than enough. He grabbed some body wash and started cleaning himself off. "So, how many hearts do you think your ex broke in her path to that meathead at the gym? I don't wanna bring up bad memories, but I'm just curious."
"Just mine." she said, "I broke up with her a week before I checked into the hotel, and I know she isn't a whore, just a horrible liar." she said washing herself, "So, why do you ask?" she said curiously, "Oh and for the record, I am driving today."
"I ask because you may not have been the only one, and others may not have had the same luck in rebounding as you have." Sean finished with his body and rinsed off, before reaching for the shampoo. "So I guess what I'm saying is, perhaps if there's someone you know of that could use a boost--the kind of boost that makes her walk funny the next day--and if we see her today, be sure to let me know, alright? Oh, and you can give me a ride anywhere, anytime, Chief Herden."
Ally giggled, "Chamar." She said plainly, "We ended on good terms, we just found that outside of sexually we are not compatible, and that's okay as I was looking for something more, and she just wanted a fling, I saw her Facebook post yesterday and she just broke up with her boyfriend, so if we see her around, perhaps we could make her feel better." she looked at him firmly and seriously, "If I do a threesome with you, you have to promise not to leave me for whoever we fuck, and you have to promise to never tell them that you love them. Those words should pass through your lips for me and me alone, and family of course, but anything involving sex with someone else is sex, its not making love, don't gaze into their eyes with anything other than a feeling of needing to get your nut. Understand?"
"Ally," Sean turned around to face her. "I may have been a virgin before you, but I am not so naive as that. And are you sure she's not an ex of that other chick? What was her name again? The one that was banging the gym owner?" He shrugged. "But either way, I'm not going to fall in love with every person I have sex with."
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