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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

She stood there and let him clean her, nobody had ever done that before, it was actually a secret fantasy of hers. She spread her arms and legs so he could wash everywhere, smiling the whole time. " I love you Sean."
"I love you too, Ally," Sean said as he washed between her legs, but didn't linger or try to be overtly sexual. He took the same level of care rinsing her off, saving that sensitive spot for last. Handing her the bottle of body wash, he asked, "My turn?"
"Absolutely." Ally said and reached around and smacked his ass, "Turn around, lets get your back first." she said and began to massage and bathe him at the same time, using her strong hands to work out some of the knots in his back, "Man, you would think after all that fucking your stress would have melted babe." she said rubbing out another knot. "Rest easy now, I will work all of that stress out of your tired bones."
Sean shrugged at Ally's comment about stress. "Maybe it's the responsibility of all this, my parents did have them of course. They didn't own any businesses, at least not controlling ownerships, but they always looked after the small startups and other good things they invested in. I haven't been doing that, and while everyone in their circle--now my circle--understands that, the media is starting to take notice, and they're probably smelling blood. But first things first before we go off and stop a feeding frenzy. We need to get you the proper security credentials and gun permits. Maybe we could also see someone about adding new land to the nature preserve. All that will be in the morning, but I just wanted to let you know, alright darling?"
"Mmmm sounds good, I need to meet my team too." she said pressing another knot and rubbing, "So let me ask you something, it's something I have been curious about since you mentioned it. Why do you have security, would someone really make an attempt on your life?" she asked, "Did someone try to kill your parents before too?"
"No to the first question. And...", he hesitated only briefly, "...yes to the second. You'll learn all about it after you're formally instated as my head of security. Plus the paparazzi tend to take you much more seriously when your security has guns." He attempted to make a joke of the matter, but it was obvious the incidents troubled him still, even after many years. "But in case you're wondering, my parents were ultimately felled by a tragic coincidence. It wasn't deliberate, I made sure of that. You'll find that the team has some serious brains to back up the brawn: PI's, tech wizards, analysts. Any and all support they could need in the field. I told you that one of your duties is to be a volunteer SWAT team for the county sheriff department, right? Well you gotta have all that support to do that as well."
"Right." Ally said, "I may not be full of brains, but I've got the brawn." she said and giggled as she gave him a gentle squeeze and picked him up, to emphasize the point, she sat him back down and smacked his ass again, "Turn around, lets wash your front."
"If I was looking for someone full of brains, I probably could have at least tried to date that one analyst who kept giving me eyes. But I had a check run on her and she's definitely a gold-digger. Vindictively jealous, too, which could be dangerous if she decides to fudge the intel she feeds you. Might be interesting when you meet the team. Could end up having to fire her on your first day." Sean's smirk suggested he would not mind that one bit as he turned around and let Ally wash his front.
"Yes, but, who would replace her?" Ally asked, "A tool that only works half of the time is a tool that still works, and it would be much better than not having a tool at all." she smiled, thinking her analogy was clever.
"Very true, but if the tool suddenly decides to not work at all to spite the hand holding it, it becomes completely useless." Sean smiled back; the analogy was, indeed, clever.
Ally nodded, "So as long as the tool keeps working, we will keep using it. Don't worry, I know when someone has bitch in their eyes, I will size her up real quick. My love." She finished cleaning his front then kissed him. "All done. Movie time?"
"Movie time," he agreed, turning off the shower and stepping out, grabbing a towel and drying Ally off. "Yeah, she was a sweet girl." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we didn't look hard enough into her breakup with her ex. Think he could be the real gold-digger, acting through her? Stranger things have happened, and it would fit the profile; he was abusive as all hell, but never needed to lay a hand on her. The worst kind, in my opinion." His eyes darkened, as if he already was convinced his theory was correct.
"Mental abuse is worse than physical." Ally said, nodding her head in agreement, "Wounds or bruises can heal, but a scar on the mind from trauma can never go away. I won't lie to you Sean, I have some scars of my own, some recent which you bore witness to personally and some that go deeper than the oceans. In time maybe one day I will be confident enough to reveal to you everything that has happened to me, just understand that inside I am a little broken and sometimes delicate, but that will not stop me from doing my job of keeping you safe and the moreso important job of being your wife, friend, and lover." she smiled.
"'Deeper than the oceans', you say? I think my parents were thinking of hitching their wagon to anyone who came up with a viable way to go on another expedition to the Marianas Trench. So perhaps even those scars could heal with the right care." His tone was light, but his expression was serious. "Just, try not to refer to it as a 'job', yeah? It implies obligation, which I know you don't feel like you owe me, or at least you don't feel like you owe me unwillingly. But I just want you to be safe and happy, and if putting yourself in harm's way for my sake makes you feel too unsafe to continue being my head of security, I won't hold it against you. Promise. But it's been years since anyone fucked with us, so you'll probably be slinging lead for the sheriff department sooner than you'll be doing it for me."
"I want to protect you though Sean. I want to." She said with a smile, "It's always been in my nature to protect those I love, and I love you the most." she pecked him on the lips lightly, "Now, come on, lets see what movie we can watch."
"Sure thing, Chief." He smiled and led the way into the master bedroom, and instead of flopping down on the bed, he crossed to the closet and threw it open to reveal all of his mom's stuff. "Couldn't bear to throw it out, sell it, anything. She was similarly-built to you, I think, but more soft where you're muscular. Obviously I didn't pay too much attention." He pulled out a set of silk pajamas, then went to the dresser and pulled out a matching bra and panty set that probably cost more than Ally had ever made in a year. "Give these a try-on. No sense in selling it when I already have the most beautiful woman in the world right here, yeah?"
"As long as you don't go on calling me mom after I do." she chuckled and put them on, to her surprise the fit perfectly, "Oh, she had good taste, its so soft and feels so good on my skin. I could get used to this." she said rubbing up and down her clothed body, "Its so warm too. Is this silk?" she asked.
"That would be weird, and yes, it's silk, darling." He opened his own dresser and pulled out a pair each of boxers and socks, and grabbed his own PJ's before flopping down on the bed and handing Ally the remote. "You pick," he said simply.
"Scary movie." she tossed him back, "Lets see what scares you though." she giggled and slithered up next to him and rested her head on his chest, "Don't worry though, I am here if you do get scared."
Despite what Ally said, Sean started the first-ever Scary Movie film and relaxed into her embrace. Pretty soon, he was laughing his ass off instead of screaming and clutching her for support. He hoped she didn't mind, as he certainly didn't.
"This is a comedy." She giggled, "It's not scary, but it is funny." She snugged into him.
"Duh," he said and carried on. But he had seen this movie many times before, so when he glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 2 in the morning and the movie was halfway done, he gave a genuine yet pointed yawn.
"Awww, sleepy baby." Ally said and kissed him on the cheek. "Did you wanna go to bed babe?"
"Showoff." Ally said as she rested her head on his chest. "You comfortable to sleep like this babe?"
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