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The Beauty and the Nerd. desperado1089 x Alisa_Perne

She draped her arms over him and looked into his eyes, "Mmmmh." she moaned, "Just a little to the left baby."
"Oh yes!" she threw her head back in ecstasy, and moaned, "Yeah, just keep up that slow pace like that baby and you will have me cumming all over the hood of this car in no time." she said gripping the front lip of the hood and moaning.
"Slow pace?" he repeated. "Heh, I ain't gonna question it." He kept it up, kissing her and moaning, exploring her taut, muscular body with his hands as he made love to her.
"Well compared to-" She let out a moan, "The jackhammering if your cock during previous-" another moan, "Encounters, this is slow."
"I guess I just-" He groaned in pleasure, "figured we'd have a-" another groan, "problem if you couldn't get off when we were being slow and sensual. That you-" groan, "were putting on a show for my benefit or something, I dunno."
"No my love." she pulled him and kissed him, "Every orgasm was real." she smiled.
"I meant just now. Somehow, being all excited about a slow pace is less believable than screaming as I pound you into next week. But now I know I don't have to worry." He smiled and cut off any reply with a passionate kiss as he concentrated on making love to her and making her cum all over the hood of the car, as promised; he couldn't breathe as well making out with her, however, so he settled for looking deep into her eyes as their breath mingled, his face hovering above hers.
She started to tremble and moan and her cunt tightened around his cock as ever muscle in her body tensed, "Almost there." she moaned, "Don't stop."
"I won't," he promised. "Not ever." His own muscles were beginning to tense up. "Yeah, I'm so close too, baby. You feel so good." Sean kept slowly making love to Ally as he panted and moaned with the effort of holding himself back until she was able to properly milk him. After all, nice guys finish last because they make sure the girl cums first.
"Go-" was the only words she got out of her mouth before her pussy clinched around his cock and she did indeed cum all over the hood of the car, and if the car had not been armored she would have dented the hood from slamming her fist down on it as she moaned.
"Yes, Ally...", Sean moaned as he emptied his balls into her yet again, his cock pulsing in perfect harmony with her pussy's rhythmic clenching motions. Taking a moment to come back down to Earth, he sighed in contentment. "Did you notice that, except for the times we used alternative means to please the other--like oral or our hands--we've had simultaneous orgasms every single time? That's like, some cosmic alignment shit or something. I love it." He kissed her briefly to punctuate his statement and disentangled himself from his lover. He padded over to a hose that was attached to a spigot on the wall. "Better get up before you get drenched again," he joked; Ally's orgasmic fluids would seriously be difficult to remove from the sleek black paint job if they waited, so he was already opening the water valve.
Ally hopped off the car, "Of course." she smiled, "Wouldn't want the paint job to get fucked up by our fucking." she giggled.
Sean laughed. "A fine way to put it, darling," he said, spraying the hood down just enough to get rid of the small mess they made. "There. All better now," he said as he turned off the water and put the hose away. He picked up the pistol from before and examined it critically. "How about this, for when you're on duty? It's a .45, so we don't have many bigger handgun bullets." He held out the weapon butt-first, in case she agreed to take it, as he waited for her to answer.
She took the weapon from him happily. "Perfect." she smiled, "In case you didn't figure out, I love holding power in my hands." she said and as if to emphasize her point she grabbed a handful of his cock and balls.
"Mmm! Careful now, that particular piece isn't made of steel, darling," he said, grimacing slightly but otherwise just waiting for her to answer. And hopefully let go.
She released his balls and smiled, "Of course it isn't but one would certainly assume the little factory in there was infinite." she giggled. "So now what, you got me standing here naked holding a powerful hand gun."
He shrugged. "How about...the living room? Ooh, ooh, the pool table! Like one of those cheap pornos except we skip the part where we pretend we know how to play pool! Or are you ready for bed already? I kinda wanted our first night here to be awesome and memorable but your health and comfort is more important," Sean said genuinely as he smiled at Ally, feeling like the luckiest man alive.
Ally chuckled, "You know, if you weren't so charming I just might be disgusted with your libido. How about we shower, get all this chlorine off our skin and then go to the bedroom, maybe pop some popcorn and watch a movie? Do the whole couple thing, ya know."
"Sure thing, darling. Wouldn't be the first time we took a shower together, right? I hope you don't expect it to be easy to keep my hands off that beautiful, muscular body of yours," Sean said completely serious as he looked at Ally straight in the eyes, in what he hoped was one of those piercing looks that emphasized just how much he wanted her.
She giggled, "I mean, it could be easy, I could just pin you to a shower wall and keep you there so you couldn't touch me, but where would be the fun in that?" she walked off towards the bathroom and just to emphasize her point she gave her own ass a loud hard smack.
"But how would you wash yourself then? Don't forget to put the gun down somewhere." He followed her, eagerly anticipating the fun they could have in the shower, his cock already at half-mast.
She sat the gun down on the kitchen counter as she passed it, flicking the safety on, "It would only require one hand to hold you dear." she giggled and turned the corner to go into the hallway that lead to the bathroom.
"Oooh, mommy!", he joked in a deep comical voice, referencing a popular Resident Evil 8 meme as he continued to follow her, already mentally going through the various features of the massive walk-in shower he had and which ones would impress her the most. He'd definitely turn on the mood lighting, and the sound system. Other than that, he'd have to see what happened.
Ally walked into the bathroom and was indeed in shock, "Oh my gosh, thats like one of those showers out of magazines, the ones that have like five shower heads, oh my gosh, its so big too." she said, "It must have been incredibly expensive to have installed."
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